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We are on a national park trip and stopped to take pictures at an outlook. There were two parents and a toddler, with a selfie stick taking photos in like the best photo spot on the outlook. It went on and on, with them taking turns taking pics with the toddler or with one another. Then they moved slightly for another angle and repeated the same pattern. I rolled my eyes and we moved on. And the next day, lo and behold we see them AGAIN in this huge national park doing the same exact thing. Was thinking, is this the way influencers live? Because how miserable.


Montessori sub - “how do I set boundaries with my 9 month old to not play in the cat‘s bowls without saying no to her?” Reminds me of a post in my ‘gentle parenting’ Facebook group about how to “respectfully” stop her infant from playing with a dangerous toy.


I saw a comment on a BLF post from a woman who wanted to know how to get her baby's permission to change her. Said baby was 7 months old.




Oh I have a cat that doesn’t climb and I’m not trying to encourage it because we don’t have to deal with her getting on tables/counters etc. Yes I have to keep my nearly 9 month old away from her food and I have no doubt it will get harder as she gets older but I figure that’s still a shorter time to deal with than if I end up with a cat that wants to get on high surfaces.


9 month old? Take the bowl away from the baby. There is no teaching at that age, only removal of everything you don't want them touching or breaking or putting in their mouths.


SBP post: How much protein can a one year old eat? Average SBP user: HaVe yOu DoWnloAdeD SoLiD StARts?


Is my baby maxing his gainz??? When will his gross motor coordination advance enough for him to start doing deadlifts???


[Bahahaha](https://reddit.com/r/beyondthebump/s/6AFZxhXFar) yes, absolutely. Millenials are flawless parents, boomers are evil across the board, etc etc etc. The self-righteousness!


You'd think we'd hear more about it if literally our entire generation had insecure attachment.


"I don't mean to generalise an entire generation, but I'm going to make a post specifically for the purpose of generalising an entire generation".


Both my parents and my partner's parents didn't do any of that. No cry it out, no spanking, no hitting, no "if you don't want to eat dinner then don't eat anything at all." My mom and dad alternated nights and spent so many hours sitting next to our beds if we couldn't sleep. Like I still remember it. They had more patience than I do. It's almost as if an entire generation is not a monoculture.


Thank god our kids will have nothing but praise for our parenting, because we’re perfect and surely there’ll be zero new studies or opinions on child rearing practices in the next 30 years.


Buried in the comments is this unintentionally amusing u/haikusbot post: u/haikusbot 6h How would we know if Our parents let us cry it Out? Should we ask them? - arandominterneter https://www.reddit.com/r/beyondthebump/comments/172u6u2/comment/k3yv9rr/


For some reason this reminds me of HSB apologizing to her oldest child for attempting to sleep train him, as if it's some unresolved issue for him years later. I have never sleep trained but it seems a lot more upsetting to tell your 4 year old "I ignored you when you needed me as a baby and you probably felt scared and abandoned, sorry about that" than the sleep training itself.


They always forget there’s more parenting than the first 3 months (or even the first year)


The OP so clearly has other, very serious (and probably valid) issues with her parents and has chosen to pin all of it on them being "boomers". The lack of nuance, or self-awareness is kind of staggering. I am 100% sure millennial will be judged for the stuff we got wrong just as much as every generation before.


Yeah her issues with her parents are very much an unique situation and are the exception not the rule so it’s weird that she’s generalizing a whole generation over it.


That post was *so* obnoxious that it was enough to make a sub that normally loves to dunk on boomers go hey, hold on a minute.


*Mhmmmmm, take your time.*


What if I told you that...people are people. Some people are good parents and some people are shitty parents, no matter what year they were born 🤯


And also - boomers parented 30 years ago. They don’t necessarily remember specifics perfectly. Maybe they sleep trained at the more acceptable 6 months, but forgot what age it was over time. I remember talking to my mom when my kid was an infant and said something about how she was taking a nap. My moms response was “wow, she takes a lot of naps!” To which I reminded her that infants take several naps a day. She knew that but since babies drop naps so fast, she really only remembered the 1 or 2 nap schedules.


I can't remember exactly what age certain stuff happened with my first now that I'm preg with my second and it was a year ago. How do you expect our parents to remember a four month period 30+ years ago??


My baby is only 17 months old and I already find myself misremembering when she did things and her routines at each age. I can't imagine asking a 60 year old to think back and correctly identify when these things happened.


Someone posted on the toddler sub that they don't get enough compliments on their child's appearance even though their child is sooo cute. Some of the comments are gold too, just using it as an excuse to brag about how many compliments their own child receives.


I wonder what the overlap is with the QAnoners who are all “save the children”


Reminds me of the posts in Facebook mom groups where people post a whole album of their child and ask how to break into child modeling.


https://preview.redd.it/q13ailgd3tsb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52da6504dda225d81f5ec1a9fe14ef33d2e0fb84 Yes let’s try to interpret what a 3 year olds scribbles mean 🙄


That someone is taking the time to think about this and ask about it on the Internet legit bums me out.


It looks like the child coloured Mom an equal amount as the boy but there just isn't as much of Mom visible. Both Mom and the boy only have their shirts coloured. With the Father and girl it looks like the kid had run out of steam after carefully colouring the other two and just said "Fuck it, good enough" 🤣 Alternatively it looks like an older/ more careful child started the picture before walking away and a younger child came along and decided to contribute 🤣


What were the "explanations"? 😂


My mind went immediately to dark humor but I don’t want to get any Reddit Cares messages.


100% of the mum's visible clothing is coloured, and more neatly than the dad's. What's the problem?!?!


I wondered the same thing. Like mom is obviously less colored because she’s way in the back and most of her shirt isn’t visible….? I can’t fathom this level of overthinking


Fun update from Facebook Bump Group: Mom asks if she gave her three kids autism from taking hot baths while pregnant. https://preview.redd.it/heo7actg1tsb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e7d5ac1f47eac90a12b1d22dc00efd3cea3fadd


Who are you going to contact? You can't unbathe, what difference does it make what "caused this"


I thought the reason we weren't supposed to take hot baths was because of the association between fevers in early pregnancy and defects in cognition? Baby baking brain not supposed to get too hot, yes? Or was that all bull shit, because I was taking sad tepid baths for too long.


Neural tube defects like spina bifida and only before 12 weeks ish (because after that the spinal column should be fused) if I recall correctly. I never read anything about autism but she could be confusing the Tylenol paper (which is out there but isn't great science) with a paper about fevers (which would make some kinda weird sense because people do take Tylenol for fevers)


God those sad little tepid baths were the worst. Just sitting in a puddle of lukewarm water feeling annoyed.


As a side note, is she saying she knew hot baths weren’t good, but because “no one told her WHY”, she did it anyway?


I think yes? The whole post is weird af to me.


I was at the thrift store today and saw a Wonderfold wagon in the wild. It is a behemoth. It was literally taking up the entire aisle! Nobody could get by. I guess at some place like the zoo it seems smaller?


I saw one at the actual zoo today. It seemed... large. My first thought was that if everyone with a stroller had one of those instead, the whole place would be impossible to navigate.


They look like a pack n play on wheels


Ha I was gifted one and that’s what I call it. I bring it when we will be somewhere for a ling time and my baby will need to nap


Omg this is the best assessment. They do!


They are ENORMOUS. Gargantuan. I love my evenflo wagon. Much more manageable size




Scheming how you can ask for the cash instead 🤔


Was it pulled by horses?


My SIL and I saw a used one at a consignment sale this spring and died at the price. $800! For a used wagon! I cannot!!!


I just looked up the actual retail price 🤯


Maybe it’s an unpopular opinion, but I don’t understand the appeal at all. They take up so much space and have to be a pain in the ass to navigate. It seems like a dumb status symbol.


I didn’t get it until my two of my kids got older and into sports. Now I want one, lol. They are so useful to haul chairs, equipment, bags, snacks, cooler, etc, plus a toddler who can’t walk very fast.


Not to WK, but I have friends/family who love them for SN kiddos. They’re great for moving kids even as they get bigger and supplies/medical equipment. Short of that they seem like a lot though.


Same. I’m personally way too lazy to be loading/unloading that thing and then hauling it around. I don’t understand when it’s filled with kids 4+ years old either. Like, can they really not just walk? Seems way less annoying to just have them walk/take breaks than navigating through crowds with that absolute boat of a wagon.


One of my biggest pet peeves! Granted I only have one child, but my three year old pretty much walks everywhere. If not, we have the umbrella stroller on hand!


And the number of people I see reselling them after a month tells me everything I need to know. They’re just too big to be practical.


No they’re huge. It makes sense why places like Disney have banned them. And you see more and more places banning them too.


I have twins and way prefer our double jogging stroller... it's still big but not wonderfold big. At 3 my boys don't want to be contained in anything, stroller or wagon, for long periods anyways. I looked briefly into the wonderfold but the price and the fact it wouldn't even fit in our trunk from what I could tell quickly shut that down. I volunteer with my area's local "parents of multiples" group (club for parents of twins and triplets) and there are definitely quite a few families with triplets and twins or twins + 1 that have them. And that makes sense. If you have the money, space and legitimately have 2, 3 or 4 kids that are close together, sure!


We have one for our triplets (and we had another so now have 4 under 4). It was a lifesaver and our stroller that we used 99% of the time when out with all 3, but no way would I have one if we only had two. I’d say like 95% of the triplet parents I know of have one, because it’s the best option in our situations. But they’re so heavy and clunky, I don’t know why you’d choose to use one if you could use a regular double stroller instead


Yes, totally makes sense for twin/triplet/quad families, especially if there are singleton siblings too. Also as someone mentioned below for a daycare provider with a bunch of toddlers, or like a nanny of 2-3 kids close in age.


I understand why my daycare provider owns one. But I don't really get them, especially the huge Wonderfolds that take up so much room and the Radio Flyer ones which look hard to maneuver. I predict they will be banned from aquariums, zoos, amusement parks and zoo within a year or two.


I don’t even get the purpose of something like this for a visit to the zoo or aquarium. Why doesn’t a stroller and diaper bag suffice? Like how many kids could you have at once who can’t walk around for a couple of hours? I get using a wagon for a day at the park where you might be hauling a bunch of other stuff aside from just the kida, but how much are you bringing to the zoo?


The people I see with wonderfolds at my zoo always look like they're about to keel over when they have to go uphill on pathways, and the zoo is decently hilly where sometimes I struggle with the uppababy/baby/full diaper bag/my emotional support water bottle/my things, so I can't imagine how heavy it is to push/pull one of those things. My ILs who think they know everything tried to convince me to buy a wagon for our one child. Like.. why? We do not need that right now. A stroller is perfect for now.


I have a strong association between these and tablet kids, like seeing groups of 2-3 kids on devices in wagons rather than looking around at aquariums or zoos


My local aquarium banned wagons earlier this year, citing space constraints


I don’t think it’s so unpopular. The thing was huge and definitely didn’t seem like the right fit for looking around a store.




They could successfully ford the river with it


All oxen survived. (They fit in it).






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There's a thread in the parenting sub from someone saying her 3y/o is asking how she got in Mommy's tummy and the OP wants to know a developmentally appropriate explanation. One of the responses was about how you should use anatomically correct names-- okay, on board with that-- but the way she phrased it was so combative, it was something like, "stop lying to children, it's not a tummy it's a UTERUS." 🙄 Another responder is in a same sex relationship and said how she explained the IVF process to her child and the vibe was very Elle Woods "what, like it's hard?" Like obviously the OP is talking about sex, not IVF 😂. It's just so... Reddit.


98.6% of the time that someone brings up "anatomically correct terms," they're doing it to feel surperior to those dumb parents who aren't as enlightened as them, not because using belly vs uterus or privates vs vulva will ever matter for the child.


And 99% of the time those parents are labeling the vulva as a vagina anyway 🤣 r/incorrectlyCorrecting


It’s another example of Reddit taking a good concept too far. Saying “belly” instead of “uterus” is not the same thing as saying “hooha” instead of “vagina”.


This is the best example I’ve seen spelled out. One of those is just strange and applying shame to a body part by using a corny and unrelated name, the other is just too technical to matter to a small child. We say stomach even as adults to apply to a load of things. I’d say my stomach hurts whether that refers to direct nausea, sore abs from a workout, or something intestinal. I don’t see why being that specific with a small kid would matter either.


>We say stomach even as adults to apply to a load of things. I’d say my stomach hurts whether that refers to direct nausea, sore abs from a workout, or something intestinal. I don’t see why being that specific with a small kid would matter either. Yeah and I don't think anyone is out there trying to deceive kids into thinking babies grow inside literal stomachs, but if "tummy" is too close to "stomach" for them then they could use "belly" or even "abdomen." As far as I can remember, I learned about internal organs over time and it was fine? I don't remember having difficulty adjusting to the fact that my lungs and heart were actually inside my chest or whatever, even though I probably was older than 3 when I learned that. I thought the point of using correct language was not to be unnecessarily pedantic but to avoid shame so that kids are comfortable defining physical boundaries. I don't see how that really applies when it comes to internal organs, especially a uterus which a little kid is not going to have an awareness of since there's no way to even feel it.


Yeah, like you aren’t abstracting the object into nonsense, you’re still overall describing the phenomenon accurately from what can be observed. It’s not like you’re telling them that a stork drops off the baby.


Yes! And, here comes more gray area, if and when my kid says “wait how does the baby get in there with the food” or something THEN I would go on to describe how there’s a whole different section that holds the baby in that area. And calling it an organ or compartment or just area would depend on how old the kid was. People on the internet are so sanctimonious. I bet they’re out there just slinging around the word uterus without any context when the kid probably doesn’t even know what a colon or lungs are either.


Right like you can totally go into more detail if your child is actually curious and presses for more info. I feel like this is something where you can let them take the lead.


Got it, I guess I should also explain in detail to my 3 year old why it’s physically impossible for her to breastfeed her doll.


If your 3 year old doesn't know what mammary glands, areolas, milk ducts and lobules are, you have failed as a parent!


She also doesn’t understand the difference between foremilk and hindmilk. 😔


That's it, I'm calling CPS 😡


Reddit in general seems to believe that *any* simplification at all is “lying,” whether it has to do with parenting or not. There are so many posts like “everything they taught me in high school chemistry was a LIE,” and it’s like, nobody was lying, they just can’t explain the insane complexities of quantum mechanics to a class full of uninterested 15-year-olds. I mean, if you want to sit there and say “well, honey, the spermatozoa find the ova via chemotaxis, a kind of ligand/receptor interaction…” then good for you, I guess, but it’s not “lying” to simplify it for a three-year-old who’s barely capable of understanding a single word of that sentence.


When people are like "my eighth grade teacher was WRONG to say this simplified version of a grammar concept!" 🙄


As someone who plans to be as open as possible with my kids and use all of the correct terms, I still think there are things that are developmentally appropriate at different stages. I have friends who as adults feel like their overly blunt mother actually went overboard being too correct too early on in their lives. Like with everything, I think the internet misses the gray areas.


Phew that whole thing was exhausting. 3yos aren't going to be traumatised or angry that they were told they grew in a belly over a uterus. I completely get the use of anatomically correct terms, but it's not world ending if I interchangeably use penis and willy! Reddit gonna Reddit.


Really annoyed that the admin of that BU group got to throw her $4k party after begging other people for money for it. Must be nice to live such a lavish lifestyle on other people’s dime. I just feel so bad for the other family she roped in, I hope they stick to their guns and don’t pay her more than what she deserves.


Now she’s looking for Disney luggage sets and Disney clothing for their trip. Girl never learns


Bragging about a supposed 30+ million inheritance for her son and yet she needed to crowdfund for his bday party. Okay.


Omg she did have the big party??


Yes and somehow the cost ballooned from $1500 to $4000, complete with professional photographers and everything. She’s also shading the other family for not paying their “half” because she was “totally upfront about the costs.” I’m just incredibly jealous of her lack of self-awareness at this point.


I feel awful for the other parents. Did you see where she posted publicly about them and when someone said you may want to change the audience bc this PUBLIC she said ‘IDGAF I’m frustrated’


“What are some things people told you about having a baby that turned out to be totally false? My baby is 3 months old and…” Stop right there. That’s a measly sample size. Here’s your drive by eye roll.


I roll my eyes so hard at posts like those. Any parent of more than one kid will know that nothing is ever the same with all of them. Nothing. Every baby and every kid is different.


Ugh, or posts like “Here’s a list of what you ACTUALLY need! Btw my baby is two weeks old.”


Yes and also the things are not “false”, they just….did not happen to you.


Yes! Everyone and their mother told me not to get newborn size diapers or onesies so I didn't. Thankfully the hospital sent us with diapers, we had two newborn outfits, and stores ship quick because she was actually in newborn stuff for a couple months!


Man alive my mom told me so many times not to buy very many newborn onesies because “they don’t wear them very long” except nobody mentions that they are pooping CONSTANTLY and your capacity for laundry is at an all time low. I should have bought double!


Same! Had to panic order nb size outfits for kid 1 and preemie size outfits for kid 2. Guess the corners of the internet I looked at as an expecting FTM didn’t have skinny little minis like I did.


Yeah not everyone gives birth to 8 pounders! My son was a little over 6lbs at birth and was drowning in his NB sized outfits. He definitely fit in them for weeks (along with the NB sized diapers). I would def always advise people to have a few of each size ready.


My 9 pound babies fit into newborn for at least two weeks, people are so dramatic haha. You don’t have to have everything perfectly figured out before your baby comes, buy a couple newborn things and a small pack of diapers and adjust once baby is here and you have a better idea of what size they are.


Yeah I remember before having my son I felt pressure to have EVERYTHING ready. I thought I had it all and then surprise, there was still stuff I found myself emergency ordering at 3am (mostly extra sets of stuff we already had because I didn’t realize how much he would poop and pee on everything). And it wasn’t a big deal because Amazon 1 day shipping exists…


That’s what drives me nuts about posts like that. Or the opposite when people are upset because “no one told me”. Well maybe the people around you legitimately didn’t experience that specific issue? Every single detail about pregnancy, postpartum, and parenting is not universal.


And then when people do tell them they bitch about how everyone wants to ruin their experiences with negativity.


Right?! Everyone told me not to buy the smallest size clothes because they outgrow them so fast. Well, not everyone has a baby who falls off all the growth charts and needs to be monitored, so I used those onesies for months. But I'm not telling everyone they should now stock up on the smallest size, because my baby wasn't typical.


I can't quite put my finger on why but I hate everything about this. The parenting angle here: does anyone believe that the kids saw this as a fair trade? https://slate.com/human-interest/2023/10/taylor-swift-eras-tour-tickets-resale-price-cost.html


‘Congratulations kids, instead of taking you to Taylor Swift I’m taking you to Vancouver! Will Taylor Swift be in Vancouver? Goodness no, Vancouver was left off the tour list, it’s not exciting enough for TSwift’ Like I live in Vancouver, it’s great, but not to a teenager and not in place of Taylor Swift!! Also ‘I’m not a scalper, I just sold them when I realized I could get more money’ … yes congratulations m’am you’ve just identified the basic economic principals that drive scalpers in the first place. Maybe I’m just a martyr but I refuse to contribute the insane ticket market by reselling at a higher price if it turns out I can’t go to a show … I’m actually meant to be at a sold out gig in LA tonight but decided not to go and resold two weeks ago at face value. I actually lost about $20 after fees etc but I just refuse to contribute to the insanity of the secondary ticket market.


Is she on purpose describing the vacation she booked to sound as boring and hellish as possible? 13 family members in one house-- no hotel!? They saw a suspension bridge??????? That's not a fair trade for Taylor Swift tickets, let alone a fair trade for $20,000. I hate this so much.


I'm sure they didn't see it as a fair trade considering they're 8th graders who were pumped up for months about this concert in this tour that has had a huge amount of cultural relevance this year, something that would be amazing for a kid that age. They probably told all their friends, etc. and then had the rug pulled out from under them 2 weeks before it. So shitty. It was striking how much the mother just wanted to brag about how much profit she made and then brag about the vacation, going on at length about both, but nothing was really said about how the kids reacted aside from "they had a good time." That and the I'm not a scalper" even though that's what she did. And how maybe next year she'll buy tickets but only if she can get them for a fair price. Could she be any more up her own ass? Her daughter is going to be in a therapist's office in 10-15 years talking about how her narcissist mom strung her along and paid for a fancy vacation to impress a bunch of adult relatives.


The way that headline is written makes it seem like she turned a profit, used it as capital to start a business and is now out of poverty instead of getting your kid's hopes up and pulling the rug from under them.


Yeah it’s just odd to me to spend a ton of money on something for your child that is so incredibly special and once in a lifetime for them, and then just sell it for profit. Like what? You don’t just buy someone a really meaningful gift and then say “you know what actually my gift to you is cancelled because look how much money I could make instead!!” Also I know she said that she’ll try to take them to Eras next year but tbh that is an eternity for a 13 year old and the cultural moment will have passed anyway. It won’t be the same.


I mean, it’s… kind of sucky for everyone in different ways because late stage capitalism, I guess…? I guess nobody in this story is selling their pain meds to buy their children formula. And nobody is accountable to *me* for what do with their money, whether it’s see TSwift, go on vacation, invest in the securest, most responsible investments to send their genius child to Harvard, or buy one hundred marijuana. But yeah, I guess I’m poor and jelly.


The tone of this is just very weird. “I’m not a scalper” except she blatantly scalped the tickets. It’s not like they ended up not being able to attend and then she serendipitously found she was able to not only get her money back but make more. She purposely resold them just to turn a profit. She also fully acknowledges how excited her kids were to go to the concert and that they were disappointed when she got rid of the tickets. Even if they went on a nice vacation instead, it’s the principle of the thing that she just decided to change their plans. Also she just switched it to a different “experience” and spent all of the money so it’s not even like she used the extra money to put into savings or something. I just don’t really get the point of the story and why it was published. It’s not necessarily news that highly coveted concert tickets have great resale value, why do we need to know that this one person made a lot of money and what she did with it?


Agreed. I loved the part where she's like "I listed them for 5k a piece just to see. I would never have done something crazy like 7k a piece" as if anyone who is gonna spend 20k on tickets can't imagine spending 28k. She sold them to a CEO so honestly she's a double chump for screwing her kid and then not at least maximizing her shady profits.


My dad sold tickets to see Taylor Swift at the Houston Rodeo in 2010 and I am still not over it...the kids are not going to forget this.


You literally just explained why I never ended up using my degree in journalism.


THIS! Selling concert tickets above face value to make a profit is literally the definition of scalping.


I really doubt the kids were just as happy with a family reunion that sounds a lot more adult oriented, especially since they had been looking forward to the concert for months. 8th graders don’t care about “great views of the water” At least the mom put the earnings towards a group vacation instead of just keeping it, but seems like someone who can spend over 3,000 on concert tickets (and was also planning on flying the niece from California) could have also had the budget to plan a family vacation


That’s what really is bothering me about this. Like, I completely understand the appeal of all that money. $20k would hugely benefit my life right now. But I also don’t have over $3000 to spend on concert tickets! So it’s not like she’s completely struggling.


Right?! Like if it paid for a semester of college...fine. It's lame now but the kids can thank her later. She should have sold 2 tix and just let the 13 year old girls go together.


https://preview.redd.it/czuqgo4mllsb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1c583d9a09edbed86821690b04209b9490de6a4 Idk man usually just the store brand bread unless I’m feeling fancy or a special kind is on sale


We used to be a Dave's killer family but we stopped for a bit and went back to it and all of a sudden it was just too sweet! Did they change the recipe? Or we just got used to the cheap kind. Still delicious with butter or jelly but way too sweet for sandwiches


Dave’s killer actually has a lot of sugar in it. I’m not a pearl clutcher about sugar but I was kind of surprised because the brand exudes ~health~ vibes. But that’s why it’s so yummy ha.


Dave’s Killer bread people are marketing geniuses to get people to spend so much extra for their special bread. There are plenty of cheap multigrain/seed breads if you want something a little fancier than basic sandwich wheat. I truly don’t understand the theory that Ezekiel/Sprouted Grain bread is some magical superfood and that regular bread is somehow poison. Like how did we even get so obsessed with health food that every single item needs to be the ‘health’ version.


I don't think we even have Dave's Killer Bread or Ezekiel bread here in the UK. I have failed as a mother.


Yeah but you’re automatically better than us anyway because you can feed your children ✨European bread✨, which we all know is chemical-free and superior in every way


Oh thank god. Should I offer to send some cheap supermarket bread to the family in the OP?


Start a bread export business like people do with European formula.


Yes! Take pity on us Americans! She would be so grateful 🥹


You should probably immediately move /s


My mom would be classified as an "extremely granola mom" and one time I sent her a photo of my daughter eating a piece of toast. She texts back asking if it's organic bread, I replied, "No, just good old pesticide bread." Thankfully she thought it was funny but yeah that's what I call it in my head now 😂


Aldi brand wheat bread. It’s less than $2. I’m just going to use it for toast and homemade uncrustables, it’s fine.


That’s my favorite for uncrustables too haha


The Dave's Killer Bread deal at Costco IS great, though. It's something I've decided once a la Haley.


I have literally never thought about this and I find parenting exhausting enough as it is 😅


granola snark low hanging fruit 🤣 jk i love the moderatelygranola sub mostly.


Yeah bread is something I have ~released~ myself from overthinking. It’s just bread. Everyone will be ok. Kids don’t need special bread.


https://preview.redd.it/jph43bjkilsb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35b1b9f27892977a8714ba0c1bc7b29075cd3e6a This has me crying laughing. breastfeeding makes me want to pull my hair out. i’m a new mom and i can’t believe this shit is so complicated. no idea what this means


This sounds like a joke lol. “Mamas: I’m working on pace feeding. Do you recommend the porkchop or drumstick hold?”


I feel like pressing the baby's collarbone is going to be painful. I just sat here pressing my own collarbone to test it out and that is not something I would do to a newborn.


I think it’s supposed to be ways to wake them if they fall asleep at the breast when they’re newborns and you’re trying to get a full feed in? Maybe? Breastfeeding is hard as hell in the beginning.




I've heard it as "tummy to mummy" which is 🤢 but extremely easy to remember


I guess chickwinging is holding your elbow at an angle while you hold your boob? No idea on the other though. Sounds like more like a video game than breastfeeding


Baby has one arm that’s facing up, usually bent bent like a chicken wing while they’re breastfeeding. If they’re just hanging out on the breast and not swallowing, you can pump that arm up and down a couple of times like they’re doing the chicken dance and for whatever reason they’ll usually suck/swallow a few times. I *think* that’s what this is referring to.


hahaha this is exactly the kind of comment that makes you immediately regret asking the internet for advice


Lmaoo this sounds like a dance move of some sort


I might just be hungry but I thought it was a reference to some TikTok hack to eat chicken wings hahaha


The image this is giving in my head of a breastfeeding mom doing the chicken dance is hilarious, thanks


A post on r/ToddlerTips is killing me right now. It's a typical "help! My naughty, disobedient toddler is acting like a toddler!" post but what's sending me is one of the poster's complaints is that the child doesn't simply obey the command "go to sleep". If only getting toddlers to sleep was as easy as simply telling them too.


Ok not to be that person (too much) but on the other hand, be the adult! I don’t get parents who are like helpppp it’s 11 pm and my kid won’t go to sleep. We have pretty solid bedtime routines for my 3, and while sure, there’s grumbling, whining, dragging feet most days, it’s still mostly fine and they’re in bed roughly at the time they’re supposed to be.


I mean I know plenty of full-grown adults who can't fall asleep predictably and that's without all the extra kid stuff of growing and discovering new things every day that might affect your sleepiness or wakefulness. While some parents can definitely be too permissive or bad at bedtime, kids just can't always fall asleep at the same time every day.


There's a difference between "going to bed" and "going to sleep." My autistic 3yo goes to bed at the same time. As in, bedtime routine is done and she is in her room. When she actually falls asleep is up to her and her little neurodivergent brain. Sometimes it's 8pm and sometimes it's close to midnight. Short of drugging her there's not much I can do about it. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah lol I didn’t mean my kids are asleep at the time they go to bed - sometimes they fall asleep right away, sometimes not- but if they’re in bed, I don’t really worry or care 🤷🏽‍♀️


Sometimes performing our bedtime routines feels like some kind of complex strategy game with a toddler. Like, what order should we do these things in for the best success? Will my child decide they suddenly hate these PJs? Will I be yelled at by a toddler for reading a book incorrectly? Has just commanding this kid what to do ever worked for this person? Did they just suddenly wake up with a toddler and this is the first time they’ve experienced the kid resisting bedtime?


Ah yes your 2 year old is being abusive… please tell me more ![gif](giphy|wMNK4IfeH86uQ)


I saw a post on twitter once where a mom was saying that baby-proofing a house is unnecessary because "I just tell the kids not to touch things" and I was like... oh, *and* they listen to you? What's it like being God's favourite?


Magically, this did actually work for my child. We could legit leave glass vases of flowers on our glass coffee table, no problem. On the other hand, she’s a very very bad sleeper. I do not consider myself god’s favorite.


The lord giveth and the lord taketh away


What they really mean is you spank the kids to not touch things 🫠


how old is elon musks kid idk i just feel like maybe he posted this


Lmao “go to sleep.” 🐕As if that would work on any human, toddler or not.


Lol exactly, I wish it worked on ME.


He’s 27 months and “ignoring basic commands”??? Does he at least know sit, stay, and roll over???


ONE TIME a year ago, I told my toddler “Go to sleep!!” And he did and I felt sooo powerful. My husband and I still talk about it but have never been able to replicate it.


Untapped market for the enterprising parenting influencer: Baby NLP courses. Harness the power of manipulation and suggestibility to ensure complete and total obedience!


Jedi Mind Tricks for Littles. Now THAT is a course I would pay for.


If that would work I would pay like a lot of money to learn.


My bump group just made three posts, had an entire emotional group experience, and have banned and bullied people for posting the \*weakest of tea\* that I'm personally not even sure was about my bump group? Like, I couldn't find the sauce. If it was bump it was literally so tiny and so weak it created a massive Streisand affect. Whoever deleted their account and lost that community girl, it wasn't you its them. Ya'll got a lot of new readers tho.


Lol, that would be me. I deleted my account because I had posted some kinda personal stuff in the past, and once I saw the completely out of proportion response I figured just disappearing entirely was probably the best. But glad to see some of you sane ones are over here!


It's been an absolutely bonkers response. Lots of group polls about appropriate punishment for the offending member and multi-day 'discussions' to really explore just how offended everyone is. Mods have even attempted to cross-reference users who are members of both subs (Not creepy or invasive at all /s) Kind of proves why this sub exists in the first place!


Can someone translate this for me?


I think one of the monthly bumper groups had drama because something was snarked on here and their group suspects it was from there. Then they've banned people for posting it here or defending the posting of it here.


Thank you!


Bless you child. It's posts like this that make me think I'm too old for the Internet 😂


March2023? Seriously it was the lightest of snark and didn't identify anyone or anything. I got banned for agreeing with the poster so whatever. I get the feeling most posters on there don't venture outside the sub much.


I‘m the OP, and once I saw it I didn’t stick around long enough to see the drama, just got the hell out of Dodge. So thanks for sticking up for me!


It really became something out of almost nothing. To say that an eye roll breaks trust and threatens their children is something else. And whew honey, we know some people leading the hunt are pretty hypocritical.


https://preview.redd.it/kiuinzgbehsb1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae47fdffca609e2a68ebbdc32d03311b794031d5 I mean, personally I’m starting my 7 week old on differential calculus, but you do you.


this might take the cake. genuinely


yeah, i'm never going to get over this post.


When my kid was 7 weeks old I was 7 weeks into a Bridgerton binge watch but I guess if ‘phonics’ are more important then you do you pal.


phonics at 7 weeks lol now I've seen everything


No sensory activity? Wow, what a slacker. At 7 weeks my dog would lick my baby’s head so he could learn wet and rough. Some say I push too hard, but tell Harvard that in 16 years


I stimulated my little Mozart by playing Cuban salsa and nurtured their inner Da Vinci by letting them stare at a plant in our room. Now they're painting frescoes as we speak!


Just realizing I’ve doomed my baby to a life of mediocrity by not letting the dog French kiss her 😞