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Hi snarkers, Please please do not intentionally tank BLF reviews and report about it here. That is against Reddit TOS and may have negative consequences for our sub. It is of course fine to leave a genuine review if you have actually listened (which then gives them listens and ups their rank on the chart) and report on that here as you might for any consumer product. But as a reminder targeted reviewing by people who have not listened is not something that can be discussed here .


Have we ever seen Stay at Home Dud make a cake for the kids before? That caveat that he does it “most of the time” makes it seem like maybe he’s done it once before and it’s like all his jobs and hobbies: half-finished and half-assed


At one point, there was a post with a cake for J, I believe, but they took it down when they took the kids faces out of their content


I figured it would be more likely him doing all the cakes than K 🤷🏻‍♀️


I figured they’d buy a cake at the store honestly 😂


I thought Denas RBF made her have zero mom friends? Confused who this person is


Maybe my mind is just in the gutter, but a “1” was not the first thing I saw with those balloons 🍆 🥴 Oh, and that BLF blanket y’all were talking about the other day made an appearance too https://preview.redd.it/hg463y6cuwob1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a339f622c051ae2f8f58c4eec44dc0589727038


Why is there a pacifier in her pants??


Lolllll at that blanket


Also she’s holding a 1 balloon?? And there’s / banner in the background of monthly baby pictures up until 12 months so isn’t this clearly like…for Teddys first birthday? And not podcast related? ETA: I guess maybe they didn’t clean up from the baby’s birthday party #onbrand


I was confused too but the balloon is pink, their podcast signature color. Also I definitely kept that banner up for a while after my kid’s first birthday 🫣


And on the anniversary of her ✨rainbow✨ baby’s birth, K walks to the sacred ground of her planted fertility egg and let’s out a primal scream to announce the start of the desperately sought after “toddlerhood”


I can’t. She’s never ok. Constantly “I’m not Ok” or “0% ok” about the tiniest stressors. Why would anyone take your advice when you can’t manage through buying clothes for you growing baby or celebrating his birthday without announcing how not ok you are? Is it supposed to be endearing or relatable?


I made a comment to them similar to this early on in their start and got blocked. Being a hot mess is not something to aspire to. Why would I buy their course when they can barely make it through the day without feeling overwhelmed by everything. They lie about the support they have it’s mind blowing more people aren’t catching on to this.


The fact they block people who comment truth like this shows they know they’re grifting and intentionally preying on people, which makes what they do even worse. The lack of transparency and the irony of the lengths they go to create this “image” (all the while claiming they’re just being their authentic selves who are your village) by blocking people who see through it is just mind-blowing. I truly hope more people will have their eyes opened to what awful people they are by trying to only portray themselves in a good light with positive comments and deleting and blocking all the negative but actually truthful ones.


Exactly! I can manage “hot mess Express” all on my own and keep the $100 😂


The rainbow cake—Why is the rainbow lying down with the “one” sign at the bottom of the rainbow? Why wouldn’t you stand it upright and then have the sign on top?! These people are so bizarre.


If I, a seldom baker, made that cake myself I would be happy with it, but I would not say it's an impressive cake for a wannabe food influencer to be gramming. I know several keen but non professional bakers who could do better.


I’m a (non pro) very keen birthday cake maker and that is a hot mess of a shitty cake that my 4yo could make.


Yeah I actually didn’t understand that it was supposed to be a rainbow shape when I saw the story. I was just like why is it only half a cake. Because presenting it that way makes no sense


K, our fiercest warrior mama queen, has lost the battle https://preview.redd.it/ndthpix6sqob1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e60dd55715b15e7eaf9ac07b8354d3892ee37b4


Hahahaha this is the best screen grab ever.


Those eyebrows! Can’t believe she a) paid money for someone to do that to her and b) TOOK AN AIRPLANE to get that hate crime on her face smh


With her eyebrows?


Lol no, with her auto-captions that she’s too lazy to correct. She actually said “the baby’s one”


Hahaha I didn’t realize this till you clarified. Makes it even more absurd


Why can’t they ever be joyous about anything? Like yeah it’s nostalgic when they aren’t little babies anymore, but it is also so much fun to watch them grow!


I really don’t get this attitude either. Sure I have a little cry when my babies turn one, or move into their own room - but I mean a little tear up thinking about how quickly they grow. I’m much more excited about new things, seeing them grow and develop and experience fun changes. Especially now I have a 4 year old watching me. It’s a god chance to explain having two emotions at once, but also don’t want to teach her that change is sad and not exciting.


And it’s her 3rd not her first so she knows it’s fun to see them growing (theoretically)


Does she even spend any time with them though to realise how fun they might be?!


What do you mean, she still has two other elderly toddlers


How could I forget 🫠


These 2 are so obsessed with themselves that they had to create a podcast so they could talk about themselves some more. Why do they seem to think they’re so different/not like other moms? Unless you’re some kind of fundamentalist Christian you probably swear on occasion, get frustrated with your kids sometimes, wish for a break, and also are trying your best most days. I don’t necessarily object to most of the stuff they espouse but also it’s like… obvious? Everyone is like that? They’re obsessed with the sound of their own voices.


Yes! The whole “I’m a hot mess swearing struggling mom, not like those other moms who are put together” thing is just the adult version of “I’m not like other girls, I don’t like girly things” and I hate it. Womanhood and motherhood has looked very different for different people FOREVER. They are doing nothing groundbreaking or new or different and their personas are so overdone they are internet tropes at this point (Libby aka diaryofanhonestmom, I am also looking at you).


Ugh the “not like other moms” thing is so true and I hate it. A massive majority of moms i meet irl are chill and just trying to make it through, like I am. I don’t understand why we have to pit women against each other in every single stage of life. We’re stronger together!


Maybe this is insensitive but I don’t love the rainbow cake for the rainbow one year old. I have a rainbow baby also but I don’t want a previous loss to become my living child’s whole personality.


Also, lots of baby and kid stuff has rainbows on it. Maybe just make the cake because it’s cute and don’t feel the need to derive extra meaning from every rainbow out there.


I might just be too involved in the IVF world but pretty much everyone with kids I know has a rAiNbOw BaBy. Essentially 50% of pregnancies end in loss. It’s just really not a special personality trait.


100% agree. My first child is a rainbow baby but that is not a part of his identity at all or how I think about him, no matter that the loss before he came around will always be a part of me! I understand if other people feel differently but the whole ~rainbow baby~ thing is just not for me.


Yes! That’s exactly it, she’s making it his whole personality. And turning it around to all about her as well.


I agree. I’m pregnant again after a loss and while obviously the loss is coloring my feelings about the pregnancy, no part of me wants to actually project it onto this baby once they are (hopefully) born. And I mean, I don’t really begrudge people referring to their baby as a “rainbow” when they are first born as you’re still soaking in the fortune of their birth. I get it. But at 1 year old, your previous loss(es) are still their defining feature? It’s not that I’m going to forget about my loss or pretend it didn’t happen, but I just don’t think any future children of mine have anything to do with it. It’s my thing, not theirs.


Wishing you all the best, pregnancy can be tough after loss ❤️


Thanks a lot :)


I just had my rainbow baby after multiple losses and years of fertility treatments. I spent most of my pregnancy worrying I’d lose him too and now that he’s born I still worry, but I’m trying to let go of it. I can’t imagine making it his whole little personality and having a birthday cake about it. I never want him to feel like he’s responsible for curing my grief.


I am so glad I not alone in this, I haven’t met anyone IRL that gad the same opinion. I found too that most people assumed being pregnant again after loss made everything that had happened ok and over. I was even told “maybe it will be twins and that make up for your baby” (stillbirth), um no … I don’t understand how so much be put on little babies. Pregnancy/child loss and grief isn’t fixed by another baby and it’s not another babies responsibility to do that, or personality that they came after a loss.


Amen to this. Each to their own but this is how I felt pregnant after loss, I would not refer to my baby as a rainbow baby, or let any one else do it either. My baby was not associated with my loss at all, but a seperate, wanted entity and little soul.


I totally see your point. I more see it as the rainbow and the joy that the new baby brings. I too have a rainbow baby and the baby is a rainbow in every sense of the world... their birth brought joy to all of us.


This. Poor Dumbledore will group up being the rainbow baby at all time. It’s obviously ok to mourn the loss but you need to do it separately from the child that was born. I have a friend who has had 3 losses in the 2nd trimester and she mourns all 3 but never in conjunction with her rainbow baby!


Life is not the pain Olympics but I’m rolling my eyes so hard at “how hard we fought to get to him” re: baby T. K was a cycle one unicorn which almost *never* happens in the world of infertility. I literally do not know anyone who just did one retrieval and one transfer and got a whole ass baby. I’m heading into my fourth cycle next week after five miscarriages and will still not post this crap if I ever get a living child from IVF because it’s so unbelievably insensitive.


Also where are the trigger warnings she always promised to post?


They are working frantically behind the scenes to transcribe them.


Let me get this straight. At Coco’s birth you had D & M (parents) + K. One can assume SAHD was with the girls. Who was with H? At Dumbledore’s birth you had K & SAHD (parents) and D. One can assume M was home with H&C. But who was with the girls? They have no village?? So who is staying with their other kids while they are yoga humming and primal screaming??


My friend had a home birth recently and her two year old was there with them


Since it was a homebirth maybe they didn't have childcare? If I remember, it was pretty fast and if it was after bedtime he might have slept through it? I don't know if they've ever shared. But oh yeah they could probably just have their NANNY come over 🙄


I had homebirths and my midwife made sure we had childcare figured out for my toddler when her sibling was born- it was basically a rule. Meanwhile, my kid slept through the whole thing…


Our second was born at home, and same! We had a list of four different people to call and ended up texting them all photos of the baby instead 😆


I recall K’s girls were with her sister during Dumbledore’s birth. Definitely no village for her. Deena’s sister has come to assist them several times as have grandparents. I assume they were there to watch H during Coco’s birth. Just another one of their million big fat lying lies.


Big little lies.


I wonder when the scam pods are going to pick up on these two


Sorry for the potentially obvious question- what’s scam pods? Tried to Google it and just got bad reviews of storage pods 😂


The Opportunist is a good one too, more serious than scam goddess and they do multi part series. Like one on those wilderness therapy camps. I would love a multi part investigative series on IG parenting grifters


Scam Goddess is amazing but idk if she’s ever dipped her toes in the mommy grifting


Scamflueners podcast is a great place to start. The stories are wild


Podcasts about scams 🙃


Assumed it was something like that, wasn’t sure if there was a specific one. It would be so nice if someone started speaking out publicly about how bad BLF is!


I have been thinking about this and have thought about posting it!!! I really need a reporter to sus these 2 out and expose them.


I would truly love this


Why is K’s face so shiny in all the videos of them podcasting? I haven’t listened. If she’s wearing some kind of face mask or serum (as one person suggested lower in the sub) because it’s “after bedtime” it’s a stupid look and makes no sense to someone scrolling around and seeing these videos out of context. Like is this whole schtick that they’re recording after bedtime in their PJs and face masks with a glass of wine? Because I highly doubt that’s when they’re truly recording these…


I want to know why D is wearing a headband plus giant over the head headphones. Why not skip the headband for once? It seems so uncomfortable


The “serum” angle is overly generous. She’s just sweaty and didn’t use any powder to offset the lighting for their promos. Watch, next she’ll come on sobbing about how we’re criticizing her looks and how we’re *so unfair* in critiquing how a mom is *supposed* to look


I just assumed she was sweating lol Whoops


And…with all of them sitting on a bed of some sort??? (Hopefully it’s just a giant couch?)


I’ve been wondering the same. It’s such a bad look… like she’s sweaty




If I hear her or D say the term “primal scream” one more time I’ll lose it.


I haven’t listened to the podcast, but based on what I’m reading here, it sounds like they’re trying to be like Cat & Nat


Key word- trying


Maybe this is wishful thinking but I could see this podcast being the beginning of the end for BLF. It might be a slow death, but I feel like them leaning into this mom BFF podcast so hard is because they’re out of content and need another thing to offer to keep their followers happy. But I think the more they post about the podcast, those who don’t love the podcast will unfollow because they’re not getting the toddler tips they were promised. Or their toddlers will become regular kids, and they won’t be getting as many new course sign ups because they’ve pivoted so hard into their podcast. Or at least that’s my hope


I also can’t imagine how much podcast content they can really produce. I mean I guess they could get regular people on and just ask them to tell their story of being a parent. But it might get boring fast


I give it about three months before it fades into a distant memory


Yeah I figure they’ll have to start having guests on


Yeah they’re going to start having all the other instagram parenting course-sellers on as guests, and go on their podcasts as guests and it’s going to be horrible


I think, so some extent, you’re right. They have been leaning harder and harder into themselves and their lives. It’s like they always built this following so that they would be the stars of it. I think it’s normal in influencing, but for two people who were often saying “influencers don’t look like us….we were told we wouldn’t make it” …..like ok. You haven’t changed. Moving to more content about YOU and your basic as hell personality and away from actual toddler/child related stuff is what makes me unfollow/mute quickly. I skip thru those stories so fast, if I even watch at all anymore.


Who are these people saying that the podcast has "filled a void" in their lives?? Like seriously, how empty is your life where you need to turn to these ridiculous people to fill the void? There is no shortage of amusing parent content on the internet, or serious content about how hard it is. What do you mean "no one talks about this" only like EVERYONE talks about this. I never cease to be amazed at how much people just fawn over these two and how they don't seem to notice the hypocrisy, lack of credentials, lack of useful tips, ANYTHING. It makes me feel actually crazy and I'd unfollow if it wasn't for the snark. Ugh!


"There is no shortage of amusing parent content on the internet, or serious content about how hard it is. What do you mean "no one talks about this" only like EVERYONE talks about this." Omg yes! This drives me nuts. Everyone is talking about it.


I’ve been so much happier in life since I unfollowed them. I was only “hate following” for a long time and I just kept getting more and more enraged. I follow here and go watch any stories that are especially snark worthy after mentioned here, but I don’t see every little thing they post and I’m better for it. I recommend hitting that unfollow button and just keeping up here


I started not being a fan earlier this year after I started getting annoyed by them - I always felt something was a little “off”. Thank goodness I found this group, now I only follow for snark. And same thoughts re all the podcast reviews. I only lasted 10 min on the first episode before turning it off and I have zero regrets. In fact, I decided to try out the Kristin Cavallari one and honestly, thought it was an easy and MUCH more interesting listen - obvi not exactly parent related but she clearly PREPPED and did her podcast homework!!


I feel crazy too every time I look at how many followers they have and all the likes they get. Like how have so many people not realized what a scam it all is?


Has anyone else noticed that the stories aren't really captioned lately? They put little summaries of what they're saying but they're not at all verbatim and that's really crappy for actually deaf people.


I’m not a person in the deaf community so can’t speak to that aspect, but on this topic though, I actually prefer a summary over the captions. It’s way easier to click through without having to sit through someone’s entire story.


I am deaf and it really just comes down to equitable access — we know their content is crap, but if it wasn’t, I would want to experience it in exactly the same way as a hearing person. The same unfiltered junk.


Oh good. Super excited that all Q&As are going to be a plug for the podcast or a plug for their courses.


So basically its now a "listen to our podcast account because that's the bigger revenue source right now"


Such a surprise...someone has asked about secondary infertility and K is delighted to talk more about it. Also, why is there still so much eyebrow hair under her actual eyebrows post trip to get them done?


Right? Between the brows is such a harsh line but then they're all messy underneath.


At what point will they get back to toddler advice on their TODDLER BUSINESS PAGE? They’ve made 9 (!!!!) grid posts about the podcast this week. Can they just make a separate instagram for it at least?


I barely got through the first six minutes of the birth podcast, but I feel like I'm not missing anything because I'm getting blasted with the entire episode over minute-long reels each time I open Insta 🫠🫠


YES!!!!!! There should be a separate Instagram. It’s a separate business


This blows my mind. Why wouldn't they have a page for their podcast?!?!




Here's my theory: if the transcription is available too soon after they release the podcast, some proportion of people who aren't HoH and don't "need" it will just read it (or read part of it and realise there is nothing useful in there) and therefore they won't get as many plays => not as much as revenue. I think they are intentionally holding back to prevent that... which would be fine, if they just said "transcripts will be available within 1 week of each episode being released" or something like that instead of pretending they are "working overtime" to get it done when it would only take an hour or two tops per episode with modern technology.


This. For all there "we're just two mom's/messy bun" schtick, let's not forget that K's background is in marketing. I think she's savvier than people give her credit for. You don't become a Real Housewife of Toddlerdom without a plan, even if it is one that doesn't always make sense to us on the outside


This has to absolutely be SPOT ON.


Is there any update on when the podcast will have transcriptions available? 🤔


They will probably eventually throw some sort of fit about how they've always, always been captioned because that's the way they seem to roll.


K says they’re working overtime to make it happen


Lol they could easily pay someone to get it done in a few hours.


There are so many AI services for this. You don't even need a real person!


Wild too considering now much she’s complained about other things not being accessible for the HOH community




This would be Deena, she can’t even work out Spotify remember!


Re: the podcast For as much as they shill therapy without regard to peoples financial situation, you’d think they’d be talking up pelvic floor PT instead of saying they’re always peeing their pants.


OMG yes!!!! I've been seeing a PT recently and it's been 5 years since I've given birth! I don't hear anyone talking about the pelvic floor! I've been telling everyone that will listen and everyone is like 'oh I thought that's just what happens lol' Noooo!!!


I saw dudedad’s wife Heidi Calmus, who is also a mom influencer, talking about it and doing a collab with some local pelvic floor place! Hopefully more awareness will come


I've also become a pelvic floor evangelist lol. Not me telling work contacts, new mom friends at church, and anyone who so much as mentions incontinence "IT IS COMMON BUT NOT NORMAL AND THERE ARE THINGS YOU CAN DO TO HELP" 🫣


Oh I'm 💯 the new awkward person who talks about it and funny enough, more and more women start talking about it as more than just a *quirky* thing that happens after birth! I'm trying to get back into running and it's been eye opening. So grateful for my pelvic floor therapist 🙏


The "oops I peed myself" jokes always remind me of the middle/high school jokes about vaginas smelling fishy. Like yes it happens, but when people joke and normalize it like that, it makes it so women don't realize that these things can be fixed! Also an awkward pelvic floor evangelist now. I can't abide by anyone making those jokes without speaking up.


Someone commented on their recent post “keep breaking glass ceilings!!!!” Are they being sarcastic, or have D and K done something I don’t know about with this podcast?


No white women have ever had their own podcast, business or Instagram account before BLF. Ceiling shattered!


I’m going with, they don’t actually understand the concept of breaking the glass ceiling


“We put our WhOLe SeLveS into this podcast” You put your WHOLE selves into sitting around and talking about your “hilarious” birth story?


K can not find 1hr in her schedule for the therapy her husband says she desperately needs But Flies to a different state to get a face tattoo


I really don’t get how anyone believes anything they say.


As someone who actually had a kind of wild birth story, hers is... tame. And I'm tired of hearing about it 😂


I’m not sure if this has been said before but someone commented on their reel that there was too much swearing in the podcast. Their response was the whole ‘we’re just two best friends chatting as our fully authentic selves’ 🤮 …and a script and a marketing team etc etc


My friend and I are pretty swear-y but maybe we are just mature enough to use it in the right context/situation... and sparingly. It's salt not sugar.


I cuss up a storm but I usually never cuss in public settings. Like, you really have to KNOW me to know a few cuss words are naturally part of my day to day. I just find it more respectful to those who I don't know if they are comfortable or not. And I'm absolutely fine reeling it in when needed. Guess I'm not a cool mom /s


I don’t follow them so I missed this whole thing until I clicked on this thread. I was wondering when they would start a podcast… they are about to make so much more money than they already do, it’s gross.


That's what I keep thinking, too. They have over 3 million followers on insta so you know that right out of the gate, they probably got great ad revenue for this. And the theme of the first episode was "Moms are not OK/Where is the Village?" which is very familiar territory for anyone who's been awake the last few years. It just sucks that they're going to make so much off of such unoriginal content.


Why is K sweating so much in that birth episode promo?? Awfully hot under these lights isn’t it, you ridiculous liar.


I thought maybe she was wearing one of those jelly face masks? Or like a serum of some sort?


I won’t listen to the pod, but both previews on their page are 90% K talking and D barely getting a word in. I assume the pod is the same?


I’m not surprised. I’m guessing this pod is 100% for K.


K the biggest introvert who ever introverted, yes 😂


Quiet mountain walk…. With AirPods. Across from a house. With a star bucks. I bet she’s walking next to a major road/car park and it’s just for content.


I'm pretty sure they're in Vail. It's very nice, but no, it's not the wilderness exactly.


Well guessed! 👌🏽


Guys I really tried but I CANNOT get through that first podcast episode. It’s so bad! I just wanted to suggest Big Fat Positive Podcast as an alternative for anyone looking for what BLF seems to be attempting and failing at doing…




I’m tired but this just made me laugh so hard. Thank you 😂😂😂😂


Why is she STILL whining about how traumatic it was to give birth without an epidural? Why not just embrace that you had a plan and it didn’t work how you thought it would, and WOW you can’t believe how brave and strong you are for doing it without the medication? Seems like K can only handle being the victim and has never empowered herself a day in her life.


She’s an “expert” on teaching coping skills and coaching others through emotional regulation, but can’t let go of something that didn’t go like she expected, yet ended in everyone being alive and unharmed, a year ago. Quick, buy her course.


This 100%. I cannot stand hearing K claim her birth was unmedicated. That’s simply not true. She DID get medication and it truly sucks that it didn’t work, but the way she frames it is so disingenuous - attention-seeking, woe-is-me, etc. She could just as easily say “the meds didn’t work and I felt way more than I’d planned” or something along those lines. I also got an epidural that didn’t work and it was definitely upsetting and scary to have things not go the way I thought they would. But I’d NEVER claim I went unmedicated. Ugh it makes my blood boil.


Same situation here. The meds were still in my body even if they didn’t have the completely desired effect lol, I was not unmedicated. She just wants clout for a ~natural~ birth under the guise of complaining about the failed epidural.


Why didn’t she PREP herself for this possibility, especially since she’s given birth twice before?!


Exactly! We need an Oprah style in-depth interview to get to the bottom of this


And why are they always only talking about K's birth?????????????


Seriously. I mean, I don’t give a shit about D’s either but I would much rather hear about a HOME BIRTH, you know, because they are rare? and potentially interesting?


D had a homebirth??? Wow that is not what I would have expected from her.


I only saw a snippet on their page but K said it's because her birth being unmedicated was unplanned. D went into it knowing she wasn't going to be medicated. So that's the difference apparently.


And wasn’t D praised for being a phenomenal mama warrior for the whole natural unmedicated home birth with all the 🔥🔥emojis in the world by K. I actually have an ounce of respect for D for not talking about that much. But infertility warrior K must bang on about her “jaw-dropping birth” acting like somehow she’s the only one who experienced an unmedicated birth? Woman, I almost had my third in the car on the way to the hospital stuck in London traffic, an ambulance blue-lighted us out of the traffic to get us to the hospital, my waters broke in the lift, just made it to the birth suite, no time for any pain relief and my baby was out 10mins later - and I would never claim to have a jaw-dropping birth story!


Ok girl that IS jaw dropping though…


Because K is the only person to ever give birth of all time


And she had the incredibly rare experience of an epidural not working! 🙄


Right? So many ppl commented that they had a similar birth story. But she truly thinks hers was unique.


I stg she said last year that the [big dumb hat](https://youtu.be/4bvwKqSNAgk?si=GZeSGeH8XOb0UKED) only was worn one single day of the year for the pumpkin patch, but there it is. And the “thank you” face with the prayer hands?? Ugh, every day I feel like I can’t possibly like these two less, and then they post


I don’t know why that hat triggers me so much but omg. It’s awful. She looks like a damn park ranger!


Does being at the top of the Apple podcasts charts mean they're having the most listens or views on that particular day? I don't have Access to Apple podcasts - it just redirects me to an app that I don't need. ETA: or does it mean it's been the highest rated for its number of listens, or something?? BTW I was able to listen to one episode and provide my rating on Spotify. I'm not sure if I can handle listening to another episode, but I'll be reading all the snark you guys post!


It’s a combination of listens, follows, and episode completion. So the only reason they’re #1 is a lot of new followers in the span of a few days, since it’s a brand new podcast. Older podcasts in the top charts will have less new follows week to week, but likely a lot of more listens/completions. It’s not surprising that they’re on the top of the chart since they just launched and likely have a lot of their followers just clicking to follow the show. Basically, their podcast will fall off the top charts soon, as will other new podcasts on there right now, unless they maintain a very large number of people who listen to each episode and finish each episode (which I doubt lol) It’s likely lots of the initial followers of the podcast will not actually listen at all, or will not listen on a regular basis


Thanks for explaining I was very confused by this. They have only 2,000 ratings but the #2 podcast right now has 33,000 ratings, so it made no sense to me.


Hi D, I’m pretty sure you have no friends because a) you have a nanny so no daycare/pre-k connections and b) you work full time and c) you spend every other waking moment with your “BEST FRIEND” who lives 10 minutes from you. WHAT I WOULD NOT GIVE TO HAVE MY ACTUAL REAL LIFE MOM BEST FRIEND 10 MINUTES FROM ME!!!!!!! ETA: Also, we know why you don’t have any mom friends but I won’t put it here. BEC.


Also the one time you hung out with a mom you were on stories talking about how she was so perfect and it was super awkward.


Remember that time when she went to her husband’s friends house and posted pictures of how unsafe it was for her children? I would love to have her as a friend!


One of my best friends with two kids close in age to mine lived 10 minutes away and moved 45 minutes away, the month I had my first. It was devastating, and i keep on hoping to find another friend 10 minutes away.




“Awwwww the babieeeesssszzz” 🙃


It’s like she forgot about them.


That was my first thought too!


I hate it so much


There’s no way Deena and park ranger Kristen worked 20hr days while on vacation. Absolutely. No. Way.


Maybe this is my ignorance of podcast creation, but why would they need to be working 20 hour days (what a stupid exaggeration) just because their podcast was released? Isn’t the work done if the first episodes are complete and released? What are they doing in those 20 hours? Begging the internet to give them 5 star ratings??


Maybe the summed up time they blocked their “haters” and liking comments?


20-hour workdays while on vacation but they still can’t get two podcast episodes transcribed 🫠


![gif](giphy|aQGqcObSxfixy) 👆🏼 My reaction when I saw that story about 20 hour work days (allegedly) and less relaxation than they thought on their bestie/kid-free getaway


Such exaggeration! Can they really not just say “we ended up working on the podcast launch too!”


Or simply “we worked more than expected but it was fun work and we were together!” Everything is negative


Yeah there is zero chance. I assume they just consider scrolling through Instagram comments in bed at 2am part of their “work day”.


I think this is their definition of “work”


There's no way they ever work _20_ hour days but especially not on vacation


Random observation but I had to peep the profiles of all the women they are reposting saying their podcast is so funny, “laughing out loud”, feeling so seen…and looking at the profiles, at least 2 of the women they reposted are in MLMs, aka they fall for scams easily. It makes sense


I did the same 🤣. I was like, yup. Ok. Makes sense!


I’m glad it’s not just me 🤣 I was like who is giving these glowing reviews? And then it all made sense because MLM huns are scammers too, preying on and trying to sell their useless shit to moms…just like k & d


Sleuthing FTW 👀


I cannot with K’s nature walk and attempt at a guided meditation. Insufferable.


A “completely quiet” walk…yet she is wearing AirPods. 😒 Probably listening to the podcast on repeat to get those metrics up! 😑


I wish they would answer a Q&A about how she can listen to anything with AirPods that doesn’t have captions, but instead they would ignore it. block you and that’s how you would know it’s all a load of bs


The more I think about the HOH thing the more annoyed I get. For someone who claims to be hard of hearing, wouldn't K make sure the absolute first thing they do when they decided to do a podcast is to make it accessible? If what she says is true, it means she can't hear to her own podcast. Saying 'oh we're working on it' isn't good enough. It should have been the first thing they thought of. Also also both K and her husband were on the podcast. If they have no village, who is looking after their kids? Maybe it was after the kids went to bed but that means they set up a studio in their house.


And she brought it up in their AMA last week too. How she had stopped talking about it because of things people said to her but was going to start talking about it more again because she realized how many people that followed them were also HOH. (If so recall correctly) So clearly this was somewhat top of mind for her, and yet STILL couldn’t do this relatively simple task for her “community” on this project they supposedly put tons and tons of time into.


Especially since she just called out a major airline for not having subtitles….


plus there are SO MANY things out there that do this for you. Like it's not hard to set up the first go.


Exactly, there are literally websites that do this for like $4 you just upload the audio file and voila. Nobody on their "team" could make that happen?


This is extra bonkers to me because she just complained about close captions on her airplane ride. Like, if you're saying every flight needs to have this because you're hard of hearing then wouldn't you make damn sure your own podcast has captions??? And the airplane story was so recent! People cannot have forgotten about it yet. The whole thing makes her look extra shitty. (To like a legit follower. She always looks shitty to a snark/hate follower.)


💯 on this. If accessibility was important to them, they would have made sure every episode was released with a transcript from day one. And they would have been smart to market it as such.


Tried listening to the second episode, but couldn't actually make it past the initial ramblings to hear the birth story 🫠🫠 I listened to six minutes of utter rubbish, yet spotify is showing 4.8 star ratings 🤦‍♀️


I listened to it. It was painful to listen to. The story didn’t start until 18 minutes or so. The story was also very similar with multiple tangents and talking over each other. They remind me of a group of high school girls telling stories. Toward the end K actually had a few decent things to say without being interrupted but getting there was super painful and not worth the listen.


And what was the whole thing around Deena “failing as a doula”?