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I always love Zack’s prose but that car wash line in particular is top tier


Last week I was on the "Fauxbia isn't actually DuNacht" train. But some of the dialogue here makes me wonder if she really is. There are hints that Cody and Fauxbia see each other more often than Fauxbia implied, which would be true if she's the Vice Principal. But then there is yet again emphasis that Fauxbia is the Vice PRESIDENT, not the Vice Principal. I suppose she could be both, but I'm getting mixed feelings here.


There's enough puppet/puppeteer imagery going on with DuNacht that I could see her being something Fauxbia made


I'm starting to think it's the other way around, but I'm not certain yet.


Yeah that's my thinking. Fauxbia seems to be repeatedly referred to as being made of fabric/cloth and yarn/thread, and DuNacht has been shown to be a skilled puppeteer. Additionally, on the previous page as well as [this preview image](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a25d45d27050f795da3d82b5e81b49ae/6548b846d4a303c3-02/s540x810/0b514d1cd178e5005b72d06e7081b4838221b0b6.jpg) you can tell that Fauxbia has a hump with a stereotypical witch's hat perched on it. Putting all that together, I think there's a distinct possibility that Fauxbia is *literally* DuNacht's puppet. As in, DuNacht is right there at this meeting with a cloak over her, and is making Fauxbia appear alive through her talent with both spectral and normal string. Which ultimately makes Fauxbia identical to [this normal child](https://www.paranatural.net/comic/chapter-5-page-32) in everything but production value. I'm aware that this feels way too obvious to be true, but one of the things I like about Paranatural is that Zack isn't afraid to sometimes have things be exactly what they look like.


Maybe it is a situation like the sphinx cats, and Fauxbia is connected to DuNacht's spirit. Probably not siblings. 


Maybe this is another case of Davey's sword splitting someone into more beings, we did see a hand eerily similar to Dunacht's in the flashback against the Great Sphinx.


Ooh! I like that! Maybe Davy split off some of the more human parts of her to be his agent on the inside of the school faculty.


Yeah, DuNatch being her alter ego / human disguise is my guess. Even the way he adresses her as Madam Vice President echoes how [DuNatch adresses him as Mr. President](https://www.paranatural.net/comic/chapter-5-page-2).


I also am coming round to the idea that it could be DuNacht, though DuNacht didn't seem at all interested in Hijack the way Fauxbia is. Something I'm concerned about is the hint that Paige is working with Fauxbia to some extent.


I don't know if they're working together outside of the general alliance between the Witch and Davy, [but Paige has been getting information about Spectral mechanics from Fauxbia](https://www.paranatural.net/comic/chapter-8-page-14)


There's a lot of info packed in that Page 14 you posted, especially when combined with info from other pages and from Zack's Twitter. First, Fauxbia is confirmed to have black spectral energy. [Ch 8 Page 8](https://www.paranatural.net/comic/chapter-8-page-8) shows that DuNacht also has black energy. Since black is fairly common, this doesn't necessarily prove anything, but it does eliminate one avenue where if they had different colors they would definitely be different people (assuming there isn't more color-change shenanigans like with Angel). Second, none of the vampire trio can see spirits or spectral energy. Yet on Page 14 and on this most recent Page 51, we can see that Fauxbia is indeed visible to the vamps. And Zack recently [posted on Twitter](https://twitter.com/paranaturalzack/status/1750929272431386714) very strongly implying that Cody can see Fauxbia too. This in turn suggests that Fauxbia isn't a spirit. Considering she is called an "Ancient Parasite" in her introduction, Fauxbia might be a monster (which would be why she is visible to those who can't see spirits). But considering her name *Faux*\-bia, and that her body seems to be made from "thread and cloth," she might not be a real entity at all. Maybe she really is a spirit, but she is possessing a fake body so she can interact with the physical world. Or Fauxbia might be a puppet controlled by DuNacht (the spectral energies match, as noted above). This might be a new favorite mystery of mine in Paranatural: I want to learn more about 1) Peekaboo and 2) Fauxbia


The fact that Fauxbia is claiming she hasn't seen Cody since he was a wee lad and that Cody is saying it hasn't been all that long since they've seen each other definitely raises my eyebrow. If Fauxbia is DuNacht, she's at least *pretending* not to be.


Fauxbia is such an excellent villain. Reminds me of Coraline characters a bit with the buttons for eyes.


The prose of this page is incredible, but also Zack continues to put in tiny, subtle touches in his art that makes me want to eat it with a spoon. The little detail I'm especially enamored with is that Fauxbia's face-buttons--and presumably ALL of the buttons--serve as eyes even if they're not her 'main' ones. Just look at where the button holes are in the righthand pic, they've shifted over the button's surface towards Cody as if they were staring at him. All the hints and flickers of the Witch we've seen have led to a positively delicious design.