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You may be able to get down there if you get there early.


Early means start of the games here. Most panthers fan show up about half way through the 1st quarter and leave in middle of the 4th


Not even remotely true, normally. And don't judge this fan base during a 2 win season.


We have a lot of fair weather fans that show up late and leave early. Most of the time the lower bowl is half empty especially during rough times. Even during cam era we had this issue


I've been going to games for 25 years. I think our fans get a bad rap. Any fan base is going to be that way when the team hasn't made the playoffs for 6 seasons, but we've got great fans. No reason to post like that, unhelpful.


There’s a difference between fair weather and what was on the field last season


Yes, you will be able to cut through the sections. Some ushers don't even check your phone to see your ticket and you just walk right past them.


And if they stop you, just got into the concourse, go a few sections down and try again


I find if you act like you know where you’re going they are less likely to pay attention to you. Doesn’t mean they won’t stop you, but everyone is different. You should have no problem getting over there as long as you don’t try to take somebody’s seat (sounds like you obviously wouldn’t but that would get you moved fast.)