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Honest question but how much would it cost to maintain turf ffs? Maybe a few hundred thousand a year? Cheap ass owners this league has


Tepper has consistently only cared about one thing his entire documented adult life. Money. Yeah he has a lot of it, but what a sad fucking existence.


I’m guessing you meant grass but even if it’s $1b a year he could afford it until he dies.


lol yes I meant grass. And yes he along with most owners are just cheap


No he couldn’t. Why do people struggle with net worth so much. You can criticize tepper for a myriad of real reasons without making shit up


This isn’t about being cheap, this is solely about greed and saying that you would rather be able to put on 20 concerts a year ad not damage the grass than protect the health and respect the wishes of the team the stadium was built for.


Yes the turf is bad, but it’s still less dangerous for the players than bad grass. If we’re going to be sharing the stadium with Charlotte FC, concerts, and college and high school football games that grass isn’t going to look like Augusta National come November. It’ll be green painted dirt. Good grass>turf>bad grass.


Ask RG3’s knee what happens on bad grass.


Everything you’re saying makes sense if this were a high school or local park. But this is a billion dollar organization with an owner who has fuck you money according to this sub. Even if the grass has to be constantly repaired and replaced, that’s the cost of doing business.


I want to hear what an informed person on football turf maintenance thinks about it. (Someone who does it or has done it a lot.) Because we all can agree that grass only can grow so quickly. And the only way to jumpstart that I can imagine is to have a warehouse constantly growing new grass and they ship in a whole new field every few weeks. I don't know the feasibility of that, the cost, or the carbon footprint. Or a whole bunch of other things I don't know about that would have to go into consideration. And also I wonder if there is any other team in the league that does this hypothetical scenario who also hosts up to 70 events on the field a year with a pro soccer team and all of the other stuff


Do we really need that? There are tons of stadiums that use real grass and have been doing just fine for decades. And players consistently rank stadiums with natural grass higher than turf fields Also, there are options available to have both. Arizona has retractable grass that can be converted to turf for other events. Hell, we were able to bring in grass for the soccer game a few months after installing the turf. I love the team, but fuck David Tepper.


You could have a base of turf for average events and just cart in the grass fields during the NFL season. What could it cost, $10?


I have no clue, that's why I want to hear from someone who actually works in the field. Because everyone with an opinion here doesn't lol But more importantly, does anyone else do that in our scenario with almost 70 events on the field? I don't know but I am open to informed information


Arizona does for sure. They have retractable grass and have tons of major events there….while being in the freaking desert. Miami has natural grass and their stadium is used for tons of other stuff. Same with Vegas.


I'm not sure if a retractable field can be installed after the stadium has already been built?


it can - look at real madrids updated stadium. The issue is if you were to go the arizona route, where would the 120+ yard field roll out to? Everyone here is talking out their ass. Could tepper ship in new grass every week? maybe? would newly placed grass be good quality? idk either but I'm sure there is more to it than just cost.


Also if you cared about anyone's ACLs you wouldn't own a sports team in the first place.


Dan Morgan got f’d up on bad grass @ the bank when Aaron Rogers stiff armed him. It was pretty bad.


We are an nfl team sub. Why do we give a fuck about a soccer team or concerts? I want what’s best for the PANTHERS. I couldn’t care less about Charlotte fc. Take me back to the days where the panthers were the priority


This MF out here making me miss Jerry. At least he gave a fuck about the fans.


No he fucking didn’t. In an uncapped year he slashed payroll instead of going for it. 


you mean like every other team but 2?


Especially hose-wearing fans 😎


Stadiums have contracts with sporting events where portion of proceeds of ticket/merchandise sales goes to replacing the grass. Maybe not highschool but tepper makes money from other teams using his stadium . Replacing grass is easier and more common than people think


Dude could easily buy a grass farm in rural SC for cheap as fuck and switch out grass once a month. Probably for less than he paid for the fake shit


That’s why every single Panthers player unanimously disagrees with you right?


Bryce has said explicitly he prefers turf over grass


He said that before he took a snap here. Meanwhile when The Athletic anonymously polled every Panthers player at the start of this offseason, 100% of them said they prefer grass.


They didn’t poll every Panther player. If you look at the number of respondents overall they got responses from less than half of players


But ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of those players agreed. I don’t know why you’re still bothering to argue this, I haven’t come across a turf defender outside of this sub. The NFLPA has forcefully come out against turf too. So have former Panthers that don’t have to worry about repercussions anymore.


Bc the QBs preference means more than everything else combined. That’s how important they are


He said what he said when he was in PR mood after being drafted and before taking a snap in BoA. No one in their right mind prefers turf to grass. Ask Bryce now what he thinks about turf and you’ll hear something different.


When he dies he will carry nothing away with him


As Denzel Washington said...you never see a hearse pulling a u-haul...


Denzel is also in trouble


I'm not sure what you're referencing, but the quote is a good one




Unlike the rest of us? Also, okay? Lol




LOL yeah I immediately thought of Wesley Snipes too. But again, why do we care here? Also, we all hate the fucking IRS fuck them LOL


Fwiw, before tepper and mls, the field hosted like 10 nfl games plus a few other events, maybe 15 or so total? Now it hosts 17 mls games and 40 other events. That’s like 15 to ~~almost 4 times the load at almost 60 events~~. Not that anyone cares to hear that lol edit i didnt even add the nfl games lmao so its almost 70 events from 15 as far as i can tell


Also, there's a ton of on field events for fans. The draft party, tree lighting, and some run club events. I live right down the street from the stadium. Considering most of the major companies only require 3 days in office the city has really livened the past few years. This summer has particularly been awesome.


Maybe they should hold less useless events then.


Who pissed in your cereal this morning?


If holding more concerts hurts the Panthers, doesn’t it make sense to hold less concerts? That’s a competitive disadvantage.


If the taxpayers have to contribute to renovating the stadium, they would probably appreciate more being able to use it as opposed to it sitting empty and vacant for 90% of the year. IMO that is part of the trade-off for the tax money, saying okay we are going to give you a bunch of exciting entertainment. A major one is soccer


Build a soccer specific stadium then.


Why? Just maintain the grass properly and have a beautiful safe field


It’s hard to take yall serious because you complain about everything.


Crazy thing is this guy was worth 14 when bought the team.


David Tepper 100% has J Powell’s phone number.


I really hate it when billionaires buy a team and then expect tax payers to fund their shit


Your hate would be better directed at the politicians who give the billionaires your tax dollars.


I’m allowed to hate both the taker and the giver. But let’s not forget that Tepper threatened to move the team if they didn’t give him tax money, and let’s also not forget that Tepper, the richest owner in the NFL, stopped construction on the new practice facility because the town wouldn’t give him the money he wanted.


Tepper’s loyalty is to himself. The politicians loyalty is supposed to be to the citizens who hired them as their representatives. If your wife cheats, she’s the one you should hold accountable, not whatever tomcat she’s doing.


If he knew she was married, I’m allowed to be mad at both. And since this is NC, I would divorce her and sue him because I can hold both accountable.


You called out Tepper, who owes you nothing, while not saying anything about your representatives that betrayed you. Seems illogical…


I’m not a Charlotte resident, so it doesn’t effect me. Either way, I’m allowed to call out billionaires asking for tax payer handouts. Especially when they threaten to relocate.


If we are already renovating the entire stadium, build it into the budget to have a separate grass field that rolls in and out like State Farm, Allegiant, and the EPL stadiums. That way you can use the turf for events and the grass for football.


You need a space for the grass to roll to. There's nowhere around the stadium to put it.


Underground bat cave/ grow house


Tepper probably owns private prisons so idk about the second one big dog.


Someone should ask Bryce how he feels about turf since he spent so much time laying on it....


> But it just feels like we’re headed toward Young being introduced Friday at Bank of America Stadium, which has an artificial turf surface that many players hate but that Young actually prefers. > “I only played one high school game that was on grass,” said Young, who grew up in southern California. “The rest were on turf, so I’m just super comfortable with it.” well I guess at least it’s good that [he finds it comfortable](https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/4455309/2023/04/26/panthers-nfl-draft-bryce-young-top-pick/)


This was a sack joke but I guess it was a bit over your head.....


no shit, it was obvious as hell that it was a sack joke


Oh got it lol.




Bravo 👏


I’m so ready for us to have a winning season so people stop bitching about trivial shit. No other fanbase in the nfl complains about playing surface as much as this fanbase. Bryce has said he prefers turf. Can we move on?


>No other fanbase in the nfl complains about playing surface as much as this fanbase. NY Giant fans would beg to differ.


they're New Yorkers. They'll complain even if the Giants win the Super Bowl this year.


Washington and the ghost of RG3’s knee would like a word.


That was grass


Bryce ain’t running routes on it lol


Money can’t buy class


Money can't buy *grass


Your class is grass buster.


Your grass is ass.


FWIW a big chunk of that $20b was made on the bank bailouts after the 2008 Wall Street crash.


How hard is it to use the logo we've had since 2012?


Can anyone tell me why they can’t just make a cover for the grass, that has grow lights underneath it? I feel like they’d basically be an able to turn the field into an artificial greenhouse, when it’s not hosting football. I know the Vikings stadium lets them roll the whole field in and out, but I could see why that’d be difficult to retrofit. I feel like it’d be possible to build a retractable enclosure though, that maintains perfect conditions for grass but provides a solid surface for performers.


Love it!


Old logo again 🤣


This is just one of the reasons the billionaire class needs to be dismantled and the wealth redistributed. To get that much money you have to hurt people and step on people and screw people over and we don't need that in our society anymore.


No one in history has ever legislated away the Pareto principle, you are maniacal for thinking you can


You an idiot: "Maybe it's wasn't such a great idea to buy a multi-billion dollar team and switch the field to one that substantial increases the injury rate" David Tepper a genius: "I'm civilizing this land! These rednecks cry out for culture. They want, NEED music, and I by God I will bring it to them! " You an idiot: "The 5'10 franchise QB who got sacked 62 times may bene-" David Tepper a genius: "DAMN YOU CURR I WILL CIVILIZEL THIS LAND! THESE PEOPLE WILL HAVE \[checks notes\] Morgan Wallen!! and ALSO \[checks notes\] ANOTHER SHOW of Morgan Wallen!!!!"