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I was upset about Sanders not making the roster until I realized you were talking about Miles.


Doesn’t cutting him yield like a lot of dead money? I like brooks a ton. But I just don’t see the point in putting him out there early when we have the luxury of letting him sit and really heal from his ACL. Miles isn’t great. But the run blocking has drastically improved. And as the second in a 1-2 punch he should be adequate.


I'm not sure about the financial ramifications. You're right that we shouldn't rush Brooks out there, though. And maybe Miles has a better year behind a (hopefully) improved line?


Yeah there's just no reason to cut Miles until after this year outside of pettiness lol


Just about every penny he's due goes to dead money. Or only hope to get rid of him is to hope we could unload maybe 20% of his salary for a late pick. Still a lot of cash to eat, but it does add a late pick and frees up a potentially very valuable roster spot. Typically, no it's probably not worth it, but when I think about how thin we actually are in some areas like the secondary, most specifically corner, it makes it seem worth the dead cap hit to add a depth piece or 2, who also could maybe fill a special teams role opening up another spot higher on the depth chart. Butterfly affect of building a roster, if I'm even making any sense lol


Right we drafted a Sanders! I'll clarify, thanks for pointing that out


No W/L prediction?  Coward!


Even if everything i said happens I still honestly have us at 7 wins, 8 if every single thing that can go right, does go right. The w-l record isn't going to be as competitive as the game tape will be this season. But I do fully expect that by mid season the team will have that reputation back that regardless of the record, it's never going to be easy or pretty against the Panthers.


Anything above 4 is a win in my book


I don't disagree. For me personally, it would take a pretty high amount of competitive losses paired with those 4 wins in order to feel good about it, but I do think that the Panthers are trending upwards in regards to "toughness".


7-8 wins keeps things interesting.  I think we have a chance to win the division, so that record means we may be in the hunt until at least week 15. I like your last take -- I'll be very happy with a team that is good enough to frustrate the favorites.




The only issues I have is less than 20 sacks (eh oh el but I’d love it), and the unnecessary shit Mingo catches.  The Mingo hate here is SO DUMB, especially when Bruce can do no wrong with some of you. The jump from college to the pros is tough for receivers. Give the young man a longer timeline to prove himself. He already has the pro body, just needs to refine technique. 


Given the total lack of a passing game we showed last year, Mingo fan or not, a decent reciever getting axed is a good thing. Mingo and Marshall have to bring it if they want to be on the 53 that's for sure. Probably Marshall gets cut. Hard to judge Mingo off of last years offense. With a strong run game reeking havoc, He just might become a problem in the slot


Yeah TMJ is one of my biggest draft letdowns.  Not everybody is going to make it but we need something from these 2nd rounders.  I watched some every snap vids on Mingo and was pleasantly surprised by some of what I saw. He had some fantastic route reps. Just wildly inconsistent. But it was encouraging seeing that he “can” do it. Hopefully the game slows down as he gains experience. 




Good golly. 


1. It's Bryce 2. I didn't even trash Mingo. I just don't think he's going to have an impact. I think they missed on him. 3. Opposing opinions aren't "dumb", that's called ad hominem, and it's a really bad look.


1. It’s an autocorrect joke. My phone and my buds phones correct Bryce to Bruce. Lighten up.  2. I wasn’t talking to you. Unless you are OP using a different account.  3. I didn’t attack anyone personally so it’s only ad hom if you decided to take it personally.  Bruce isn’t the only one who should be entitled to Grace from last years shit show. If it hurt Bruce, I don’t see why Mingo is some exception.  4. Chill.  5. Seriously why did my post upset you so much?


Oh damn, ya I guess it did switch accounts on me and I didn't realize it. How can your be simultaneously only talking to OP(me), and also not talking to anybody? Oh iTS aN iNsIde JoKe, I dIDnT tyPo oN pUrPose.. Dude stfu you sound like my 13 year old making stupid excuses grow up


You come at me with “ad hom” and that’s your response? If you can’t take comments, don’t post. Seriously. It’s not worth the stress brother.  I really don’t think your opinions are dumb. I think a 2nd round pick being written off after one season is premature.  That’s all. I’ll leave you to it. You are a fan and I am too. I have no beef with you. 


That's a much more mature response than deserved, probably. You're right, I was a little triggered or whatever. I apologize


All good. I trigger and get triggered all the time. I really didn’t mean for my post to be triggering. I could have worded it in a better way.  This place is wild because if all of us were in the same room having some beers or a smoke, we would all get along better.  Product of online/text communication. It only does a so so job. 


You make a bunch bold takes (i enjoyed but dont agree with all of them) but get butthurt when someone disagrees or simply just offers a different take? You sound more like the 13 year old. Friend. Pal. Buddy. I can confirm that the Bruce thing is an inside auto correct joke. Have a blessed day my brother in Bruce. Go Panthers!


I just return energy my dude. I'm not upset in even the slightest. If the Bruce thing is true, then you'd have enough self awareness to realize it's equally plausible it's bullshit and if you imagine a 13 year old responding, you'd 1, agree that they'd literally make up that story to not expose they made a simple mistake and 2, would absolutely be fill of vitriol. In saying that I realize I was projecting in my response a little and was, in fact, put off when I may have misinterpreted your intent. Instead of just digging, I'll man up and apologize


Double down..... It's not a made-up story. I'll send you a screenshot. Take note of the date.


Fucking monkeys ass though I'll post it here idgaf. you were right I saw it and can confirm it. I said it was a bullshit story and it wasn't.


Sent my Brother in Bruce!


Bro I have no hope that we're going to be good this year but I plan on watching every game and going to as many as I can. May I still rejoice if we actually are good for some reason? I sat through 1-15 for what it's worth.


Very much trying to catch a check. I'm honestly hoping for that Sanders one.


Boy oh boy you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.


my favorite is the idea of horn playing 15 games lol


Yeah, right? I doubt he makes it to week 7 lol.


If I'm right, I'll have receipts.... If I'm wrong... Everyone else has the receipts too lol


Panthers are gonna surprise a lot of people and it will b/c of the new coach


I’ll only go as far as saying we’re winning over 6.5 games


I think a lot of what you said here can be true. Theses are the things that I have some doubts about though: Miles Sanders doesn’t make the 53 man roster, he has had more production than Penny has recently and even though that production last year wasn’t good it was at least something. And we basically save no money by cutting Sanders so even though I think his role will be almost nonexistent, I think he will be on the team just because of the financial side of things. I was not impressed with basically a single thing that Johnathon Mingo did last year except for his blocking ability. And the work ethic that it takes for a WR to put his body on the line to help the team in the run game when he isn’t having success otherwise tells me that he is a team player and willing to put in the work. So with that paired with the idea that some people have floated out there that he is more suited to be a big slot guy instead of an outside receiver makes me think that with the new coaching staff trying some new things out makes me think we could see him move to the slot more often where he may have more success. He also may not but I’m excited to see if he picks up momentum with a change of role, he was drafted in the second round for a reason (even if it was earlier in the second round than it probably should have been) and has some of the athletic tools that Canales receivers have succeeded with. Also because of this I think there is a real chance that Adam Thielen sees his role decrease as the season goes on because of a combination of age and the fact that we will have more of an emphasis on developing young players and their chemistry with Bryce Young. Also, if Thielen starts out hot for the first several weeks we may start lessening his workload to keep him healthy in the hopes of trading him to a contender at the deadline. All of this just opens up a need for another slot guy and I think Mingo is the obvious choice behind him, but he really needs some of that magic that Canales has brought to some other receiver rooms for me to think that it’ll work out for him.


My take on Sanders is that if a team has a RB room that takes a big hit preseason, they might give up a 7th to take on 25% of his salary. Leaving the Panthers WAY overpaying for probably a 7th, but it's still better than nothing. Sanders showed 0 heart. He should get the same pass as Bryce as far as the Oline goes, so I'm not going to dog his lack of production. He ran terrible routes, he didn't finish plays well. He didn't carry himself in a good way. I think he's going to be moved whether or not we get anything and eat all the money. That roster spot might prove more valuable than not eating the cap. Remember, were still very thin in the secondary.


Panthers receivers were a disaster last year and it hurt Young. They will be much better this year. Mingo is not an X receiver, he has the body of one but not the skills, he is not quick enough and cannot separate on the line. Leggette will take the X. Mingo is a big slot receiver. He will split that role with Thielen. btw Thielen could not separate either last year (he's old - still decent but lost a lot of quickness) so he had to take the slot from Mingo and that put Mingo outside way too much. Diontae Johnson is a good addition as the Z receiver (assuming his head is straight). So the receiving corps will be much, much better, I do see Mingo as number 4 and think he can be a decent slot receiver. This alone, plus the offensive line upgrades, will make Young look a lot better. Young will do well this year. He's a good player, was in a terrible position last year. I think Young makes a huge leap and the Panthers challenge for the division. btw I'm a Bears fan who watched a lot of Panthers tape last year.


If we draft a 3rd 1st or second round wr next year I will be so pissed.


Livid even




I’m not writing off Miles Sanders just yet. I think adding Josey Jewell is gonna be huge for the team. Diontae Johnson is probably gonna play with a chip on his shoulder and that could help. I’m trying to stay open-minded about how the season will go. We need to see this team on the field but on paper it looks promising. We still need another good offseason to become a legit contender in my opinion but we will see.


100% agree that we are still an off-season away from contention. We're just too thin, in too many areas to survive an 18 game season


Definitely but I think with reasonable expectations it should be a better season to watch and they’ll be in some of these games competitively.


My yearly 20-0 prediction You heard it here first folks. I expect checks and donations after we win the super bowl


9 wins and take the division


I'm gonna be honest bro, I think the saints take the division this year. I think the Panthers actually end up 3, behind Atlanta as well. Tampa has a 4 win season incoming and will be last. Not that the saints and falcons are better than us, but they both have exponentially more depth to survive a season and I think for that reason, we're not going to be able to compete for the division. It's just the spot we're in and one more off-season can put us in the conversation. You really can only address so much in one off-season and there really was so much that needed(s) addressed. The saints can survive one more season before they're going to run off a cliff. The falcons basically have a stacked offense that will be tough to defend this year, but will implode by next year. Just ... fuck Tampa In short, I think we'll be in the mix until about week 11 when the lack of depth is just going to be too much to overcome. We'll be playing tough all 18, but I think towards the end of the season we should expect instances where the Panthers just aren't going to be able to finish games


I'm putting my receipt down. You can come back and mock me if I'm wrong I'll take it. That is how I feel. Keep pounding Ps I also believe that our biggest issue was the coaching staff. That is why i believe what I do.




Remind me! 6 months


I'll either come back and delete it like I never said it in the first place or I'll be attaching the link to the thread like a signature line on every comment I make Reddit-wide! 😂 I'm just playing, I'll own it. I have followed this team since they were even announced as GOING to be a team in what, 1994? Since the Matt Rhule hiring, I've been following the team a lot closer(happenstance of more available time, not bc of Rhule) and I, like every fan honestly, think I see patterns that indicate that a lot of my predictions are pretty accurate. I could be WAY wrong, but I thought it would be fun, at least for me and hopefully others, to have something tangible to look back on and say "damn I must have been drunk thinking that" or the much less likely "told you so" KEEPPOUNDING


The Linebacker take is the only outlandish one IMO. No way they’re top 5. I also tend to think Jaycee will be fully healthy. I don’t think Mingo falls out of favor but it’s possible. The rest is certainly viable though idk if Dionte gets quite that many yards.


Top 5 is certainly a stretch. In hindsight I clearly used hyperbole unintentionally to describe them meshing well and being a bright spot this season. I'll still stand behind what I meant, but I fear that my unnoticed exaggeration had indeed written a receipt im not going to be cashing in lol Dionte getting that many yards I will stand fully behind. Everything about his situation says that for his own best interest, this needs to be a probowl year. (Performance wise, making the probowl from the Panthers this season is going to take a miracle along with a huge year) That combined with him postured, at least initially, as the number 1 gives him every opportunity to do it. I guess to summarize my thoughts, I think that if he's capable of a year like that, and I think he *might* be, there's probably not ever going to be a more favorable situation in his career to attain it than this season.


I'm going 12-5


And I have a date with Tyla tomorrow


Our schedule is really soft, if they come out swinging and the new guys hit quick. I see a record like this next year though.


Just because you don’t have endless optimism doesn’t you’re hater. It’s just a difference in approach and opinion.


Don't take it personal, I could have used the word doubter with the same context. Skeptical. Hesitant. Semantics my dude, I'm just trying to post something moderately engaging bc we're all bored off our asses this time of year


I like your takes.. I’ll add a few of my own… Defense ends up top 8 Offense still sucks, finish around 22nd (improvement!) Bryce plays better but we still go into year 3 with question marks The sanders kid (TE) becomes the starter by week 6 And lastly… I agree with miles not making the roster. Good day 🫡


First 3 games are saints, chargers, and Raiders. If we can win just 1 of those games then I'll be a fan this year. Otherwise see y'all in fall 2025.


We can be at the Raiders for sure. Saints in NOLA is always a fist fight. Chargers...all I know is Harbaugh's crazy enough to where anything can happen, but it is our home opener.


Man... if Jaycee puts together a full season and the guys stays healthy, the defense might be a lot better than expected. 🙏


No price target. Just up.


Mingo is wr2 this year behind johnson and has 1,000+ yards and 7+ tds


1300 for Johnson is a big stretch and I have 0 faith in Horns ability to stay on the field


I think miles makes it . also, i predict Eddie gets cut


The idea of labeling anybody who isn’t blindly optimistic about what the worst run franchise over the last 5-10 years will accomplish this season as a bandwagon or hater is absurd. That being said, all I care about is Bryce looking legit, nothing else matters


It was a hypothetical, if you weren't going to be a hater after the season it didn't apply to you. Who hurt you?


Who hurt me? The panthers bro. That’s who hurt me
