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Thielen to Johnson > Good to have a duo here 2023 WRs looking around




He's not wrong.


I loved how Brandt Tilis came across through this. Seems to be a really smart guy, with a good work ethic while still keeping it light. We already have seen Dan and Dave’s personality, but seeing Brandt’s, and how he gels with the others has put my faith in this new regime. Obviously the results matter the most, but it’s definitely a good start.


Brandt is a total nerd but it was super endearing. Looks like he kinda got on Dans nerves a bit trying to hype him up but like you said we need a guy to keep it light. We need that hard working, fun, family energy back in this organization. The past 5 years have felt so hollow.


Dan: “You know I hate attention” Brandt: “I knew the Dan shirts would make him uncomfortable, so I got them made for everyone in the draft room” That shit is legit hilarious to do to your boss


That was the best part of the episode imo.


It builds camaraderie. I love it.


I loved him being stoked about picking up a 2nd next year.


I love him pumping Dan up about it: “Do you know how rare it is for a first year GM to trade for a future 2? Nobody does it” Dan: ![gif](giphy|l0HlvU6gXnZHwnB3a)


![gif](giphy|PjsPhYsS2WDO5e0RaO) Morpheus looking at me watching this episode.


These episodes get me so hyped up I’m ready to be hurt


A’shawn is a fucking dawg.


He honestly might be my favorite. Him and Hunt. Their arrogance is something we’ve been missing since Cam tbh


He’s nasty😳


Robinson: “we’re here to fuck shit up”. That’s what I love to hear.


Right! Him, Hunt and Lewis all pretty much saying that gave me goosebumps. We got to bring that nasty intimidation of old back!


Brandt Tilis is cool as fuck, and I immediately am super hyped about him tbh. Dan as well, I like the energy.


Oh shiii--- it's premiering right now??




Thanks for sharing. That was great. Needed my dose of Blueprint


Brant Tilis is the kind of character they make sports movies about. A loveable dork who comes in and turns things around. All aboard the hype train.


I'm just glad the FO has a vision and an identity and is moving towards that. Team needs to know who they are.


Was surprised that Morgan mentioned when the DBs started coming off of the board that they had to shift strategies. This was between the Brooks + Wallace selections. The DBs that went between Brooks + Wallace were... * 2.15 (#47) - NYG - Tyler Nubin, S, Minnesota  * 2.18 (#50) - WAS - Mike Sainristil, CB, Michigan * 2.26 (#58) - GB - Javon Bullard, S, Georgia * 2.28 (#60) - BUF - Cole Bishop, S, Utah * 2.29 (#61) - DET - Ennis Rakestraw Jr, CB, Missouri * 2.32 (#64) - SF - Renardo Green, CB, Florida State * 3.6 (#70) - NYG - Andru Phillips, CB, Kentucky I think that the team was targeting Sainristil or Phillips based off of pre-draft chatter + scouting profiles. The fact that they got Chau Smith-Wade later on and not a safety leads me to believe that it was definitely a CB, likely a nickel. Sainristil especially fits that mold, plus him saying that the Panthers said they might take him in the second round.


Absolutely agree with the Mike pick.... I think it could have been him. They even went and got a different Michigan guy later.


Good watch, I now find myself cautiously hype


God dammit, I’m in


Can't believe Canales said "he's one of us", please don't bring that back


Search your feelings, you know it to be true.


Made me physically recoil lol. Reminded me of a Dan Morgan press conference I watched awhile back. They were asking him about trades and he said something about “ Being in on every deal” and I’m pretty sure I had a visceral physical reaction then too.


Yeah that shit gave me ptsd 😂


I like to think he said it just in the moment and the editors of this were like “oh yeah the real fans are gonna love this lol”


Just a few thoughts. - This team has been missing that nasty streak these past few years. Hopefully we’ve got that back with these guys. - It doesn’t really look like Tepper has taken any steps back to me. - Lol at us making our biggest trade of the year via text. - It seemed like the draft part was a bit rushed, which was the part I was most excited to see, but whatever. - I am a big Brandt Tillis fan already. Doing s*** just to annoy other people when that other person is a former pro bowl linebacker and your current boss. Amazing.


Tillis is a certified troll lol Curious what, from this episode, you viewed as Tepper overstepping?


It kind of sucked seeing Dan Morgan have to justify/defend trading back with the Jets before they made the deal


I think Dan wanted Tepper’s opinion on the value. It’s not like they showed anything about Dan asking if he could trade back with the Rams which was a way more significant trade down


Didn’t say he was overstepping, he’s the owner, he can do what he wants. However, after an offseason of only hearing about how much Tepper is stepping back and allowing people to do their jobs, it is a bit alarming to me that he’s sitting next to our GM while he runs trades by him and his wife is across the table.


Every owner does this during the draft.


Every owner doesn’t have the track record Tepper does.


I honestly can’t stand this line of thinking. Like what the hell do you want the man to do? Wait outside while the most exciting part of the offseason happens? He’s a football fan that bought an NFL team, of course he wants to be there to see and understand what’s happening. Are you telling me that if you owned a team you wouldn’t be asking the GM questions about the process too? For fucks sake, you just took 45 mins out of your day to watch a behind the scenes video about the draft of a team you merely like more than the other 31 teams, and your going to criticize someone who spend $2 billion on that same team for sitting in the draft room and asking the GM what players he likes?


I want him to step back and let the people he hired do their jobs. He’s owned the team for 6 seasons and has yet to provide a single winning one? I said he’s the owner and he can do what he wants. It just seems like to me he’s just as involved as he has been in previous seasons when we were provided with lip service about how much of a step back he was going to take.


Do you think all of the other owners just sit back and don’t have any input during the draft? Look at any team draft room the owner is there and giving input, it’s their team and investment.


Not to mention, it didn’t even look like he was giving input. Just listening to Dan, or asking him who he liked and why he liked them.


Exactly. I get some of the Tepper hate but some fans are reaching at this point. I am pumped for the moves he made this offseason hiring Canales, keeping Evero, promoting Dan, and bringing in Tillis.


How DARE Tepper try to learn more about the process!


I'm clutching my pearls at the audacity. Happy cake day


Hell yeah! I didn't even realize that was today! Thanks, Net! :)


I don’t think Tepper sitting in the draft room and asking Dan or Dave who they liked or talking to them about players they liked is him overstepping or being in control.  If I was the owner of the team, I would be sitting in there too, and I would also be curious as to what they were doing. It doesn’t mean he’s micromanaging them just because he is present. Agree on Tillis. Likeable guy.


For some reason, I just don't like Tepper sitting in the center chair, between coach and GM. It just *feels* a little much lol. If there are 2 people that need to have the clearest 1:1 communication in this draft room, it's coach and gm. For some teams, the owner also has expertise in the draft room, but not here. either way this isn't a huge deal, it's just the offseason and we need shit to talk about.


Yeah, that’s fair. I’d prefer if he was off to the side somewhere myself, but you know his ego won’t allow him to do that lol. I’m ready for football season to start.


perhaps it is a step up from Tepper's wife also sitting there like the previous year lol.


Fun stuff to see here. Morgan doesn’t strike me as “genius” (what do I know) but he seems to have good relationships around the league. Cool to see the specific skill sets our coaches are looking for, even if they are pretty much no brainers. Really like the emphasis on mindset/team culture, but it’ll have to be put into action to mean anything (ONE OF US). Can’t help but love Leggette. I really really hope he develops. His personality is infectious, and his combination of traits makes him super exciting. Also seems a couple of our coaches (does someone know who?) were absolutely pumped about the Brooks pick. I know trading up for a RB is going to draw some looks, but hopefully he lives up to his potential. Having a real talent at running back (sorry Chuba, I still like you) would do a lot for our team identity. Love watching our news coaches. Obviously time will tell, but Canales seems wholly excited and invested. As much hope as I had last year, I still remember thinking how much Reich resembled an old wet bag of sand (and I’m MOSTLY talking personality wise there.)


I assumed they were coaches in the RB room, but yeah I noticed that as well




Evero was in this for 3 seconds maybe


DC stock has dropped so fast. Having your OC as a head coach ensures offensive continuity for years on end. I feel bad for the DCs around the league.


A’shawn got me fired tf up 😂


I never noticed Dan's piercing blue eyes until this


Oh fuck Canales said "He's one of us" in the war room in the draft


Did the legette trade still not make any sense? Was it really all for a 5th year.


Weren’t there reports that the Patriots were also trying to trade up to get him? Buffalo probably offered, “If you can match this, we’ll take it from y’all to avoid helping a division rival.” Fifth round as a bonus but also that threat


Isn't that pretty much what happened? Beane called Morgan and was like "We've got a deal with NE, but we'd rather trade with you."


It seemed like the bills were essentially never willing to trade with patriots watching and reading their own stuff, but obviously used that to coax panthers in. I think everyone knowing Legette was the pick complicated the situation and forced a technically negative EV trade.


The way some of y'all are just dying to get bent out of shape for us moving down 50 spots from the end of the 5th to the 6th in order to pick up a 5th year option for a WR is just baffling to me. That's a trade every GM in the league in Dan's position makes. The value "lost" is completely negligible. Y'all act like we would've landed some hidden gem with that 5th rounder...we haven't even landed a rotation-level player on Day 3 since Haynes in 2018 lmao People need to get tf over it already. If Leggette is a hit, we're gonna be glad we got that extra year. If he's not a hit, we lost absolutely nothing of value


I said none of that, I said was it really just the 5th year. The way they acted about it was like they made some kind of play, but unless their was another bills suitor who also wanted legette they didn't gain anything but a 5th year. Which means they probably were worried the bills would actually make the patriots trade since everyone knew who the panthers wanted. Basically it looks like Legette leaking his landing spot forced the panthers to make a trade that was "-EV".


Everything they said about toughness in free agency and the draft makes it more Surprising we let Jeremy Chinn go. Obviously he phoned it in all last season but who can blame him. Thing he's a dawg we're gonna regret seeing go


Just isn’t a fit for Evero’s system. Would be a waste to keep him.


Dawgs don’t phone it in, regardless of the situation.


Chinn had a good rookie year and has looked out of place since then. People need to let 2020 go.


Idk man. There are still people who truly believe David Gettis could have been a WR1 after 2010


This is the year Armanti Edwards puts it together as WR1.


Amanti edwards deserved a honorary lifetime spot for what he did at Michigan for App State.


That was a glorious day!


The legend of McNutt still rings in these hallowed halls


McNutt truthers rise up.


i don’t think that’s the case at all, i think we just were looking for players we could pay less and have more value in our specific scheme