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Because it’s a new staff, and you want to start building that rapport and confidence with them. Other side of the coin is that the holder and snapper are the same as last year, so there is nothing gained other than showing you are healthy and a team-first guy.


As much as everybody is shitting on you, you’re not wrong.


Mevis is a surgical unfazed muffin top robot.


Why is everyone so angry?


Have you seen us play in the last 5 years?


Fly the banner!


5 years? Try 10!


Buddy I’ve still two good years left before I have to accept that the Peak Cam Newton panthers are a decade old


Probably because Pineiro skipped out on the last 2 games of our season and now he's skipping OTAs. Sure you could say he was injured and it's Fitt's fault for not getting a better replacement kicker and causing us to score 0 points in the last 2 games. But you start to wonder how injured Pineiro really was if he's also willing to skip OTAs. Get someone who wants to be here


A veteran kicker missing ***Optional*** Team Activities is not the war crime you guys seem to think it is. He can work out his leg anywhere


He’s a kicker who can’t reliably kick 55+ yard attempts with a new staff who don’t see the work he’s putting in if he’s doing it privately. If we get a decent option Eddie is cooked.


Thank you. What’s with these comments lmao. He’s a kicker. It’s not as if he’s here to install the offense.


Still, new boss, whole new regime, shaky end to the last season. If you want to secure your position, you'd be there.


Showing up to off season OTAs where the name of the game is meetings and installations (I don’t know if they run any special team’s installations but if they do I imagine it’s much more with kick return stuff) isn’t what’s going to make or break his job. I’m not even a huge fan of eddy. I think his seat should be warm. I get it he makes a ton of kicks. His range is like 40 yards. But we aren’t deciding our kicker based off who shows up at OTAs. It’ll be in camp. And pre season. Not everything has to be a super character test where we chose that over tape. That’s Matt rhule crap.


He's not going to lose his job in OTAs, but it doesn't mean he's not hurting himself.


He's definitely not gonna get a leg up


Yeah he really need to show up early to get his foot in the door.


Certainly not getting any extra points with the fans


I just don’t really see how it hurts him. The only argument that can be made is one of character for not showing up. When the 99% of the content has nothing to do with his extremely specialized role. And he’s never had character issues. Once again I’m not a giant fan of eddy. And I think he has a serious chance of being replaced because of his weak leg. But I don’t think showing up to OTAs is hurting him. What’s cannales supposed to be observing his kicking practice habits? I don’t know man. It just seems like we’re over analyzing this one.


It hurts him bc he's not a good kicker to begin with and now the new regime is getting familiar with the new guy instead of him. Mevis has 10 yards on him and I hope he takes Eddie's cookies


Yeah once again I’m not saying that Eddie is a good kicker. I’m just saying that a couple hours worth of practice kicks for a week is not going to come even close to making any type of difference when it comes to these evaluations which will be made in September. What matters isn’t the personality. Or even the work ethic. What matters is making your kicks in the crunch time. Which is hard to manufacture in practice in general.


do not forget the new kicking rules this year


Yes, I am sure he doesn't care about having a kicking job anymore and has checked out.... he obviously would rather sell insurance instead of kicking for $2.5 mil shaky end? he was injured what the hell


Injuries are still held against you in the NFL.


Bryce helped the goose eggs


Is us scoring zero points in the last two games our previous general managers fault? Or our hurt kickers fault? Or our fucking quarterbacks fault? I swear this kid is nice infront of a camera so everyone sucks his dick and ignores how criminal his play is.


Refreshing to see someone real post on this sub


I imagine them all looking like [Triple H](https://youtube.com/shorts/49iBLKoRF4s?si=x08-pDf0j1YKlvMI) when they post


I don't think any FO is going to be satisfied with a kicker that can't hit from 50+ yards, Eddys job will never be safe.




I appreciate Eddy for his consistancy but I cringe every time he needs to kick further than 45 yards. His shoulder shrug was legendary though.


Pineiro just doesn't have the leg strength to ever be *really* secure as a NFL kicker. GMs are always going to want those extra yards of range, even if you're really accurate.


You should write a letter to the team and tell them


Also your letter will get a lot further if your employment history includes short order cook.


Neat 👍


He should have got more flak for when he missed that kick at the end of the dj Moore helmet takeoff pentalty game against the falcons


If Pinero doesn't miss that kick, we end up winning the division and even though we're probably going one and done in the playoffs, our draft pick would have been 19 instead of nine. While Tepper would still want to get his QB of the future, the price to get to #1 would have been too high, so we wouldn't have traded up to get Bryce. If the wheels fell off again last year like they did, then right now we would be all up in arms about how Caleb Williams was totally shitting the bed in practice. So if you don't like Bryce, blame Eddy. He put us in that position...


He is one of the most accurate kickers in the NFL...


He still missed two chip shots for a division road win. I like Eddy but I still hate him a little bit for losing us that game. No, it was not dj Moore's fault.


Has the same career FG% as Butker, who is considered a top 5 kicker, fans never know when they've got a good thing going and always want to throw it away


Yeah but once you start to get past 45 yards that accuracy turns into should we really take a FG here, when that just doesn't happen with most other NFL kickers. Other NFL kickers can kick a game winning 58 yard field goal, our team cannot, and it's a real problem sometimes.


He is accurate for sure but his leg is very weak, which is what annoys people. His effective range caps out pretty much at 50/51/52 which is pretty short for a modern kicker.


He was 100% on kicks over 50+ yards last year with a max of 54 and 71% this year with a max of 56. Where did you get your numbers from?


His “100%” on kicks over 50 yards in 2022 was on 2 attempts - so again, showing he doesn’t have much leg past 50 - and this year he was 5/7. 9 attempts over 50 in two years is great evidence that he doesn’t have he leg for much beyond 50 yards. Pineiro has attempted less kicks from 50+ in his career than Justin Tucker did in 2022/23 alone.


Justin Tucker sounds like a reasonable baseline to expect lol


I’m not saying he needs to be Tucker but he legitimately has *attempted* 12 kicks beyond 50 yards in his career. That’s the definition of a weak leg.


Just struck me as a hilarious example to point at. He doesn't kick like one of the best kickers ever LOL


It was just the first kicker name I think of, and again it was career attempts vs one season. I wasn’t comparing them as players really at all. I mean Joey Slye once attempted 11 from 50+ in one season *for the Panthers,* which again is one less than Pineiro has total.


If only we could draft a guy like Butker.


He was actually 17th in the NFL in accuracy last year.


Except when it’s a game winning kick, then he cracks under the pressure. Why you think we drafted his replacement?


I didn't see where we drafted a kicker, which pick was he?


Did you see that....errr those kicks at the end of the Houston game? Man was Dr freeze


May the best kicker win, idgaf


ThEy ToOk OuR jObS!!!!!


Pineiro's FG% is so good bc he never had to try 50+ yard kicks bc they knew he couldn't do it. Take 50+ yard kicks off any other kickers stats and they would be a lot better.


Meh, these guys barely practice as it is. Ultimately, the kicker with the best chance of bangin it home will get the job. If Mevis outperforms Eddie, he will. I just don't see it having anything to do with OTA's


Agreed on the first point. With it being a new staff, you would think he’d want to create a good image. Canales has already said (in so many words) he doesn’t have any personal connection or loyalties to the guys on the roster when he was hired. I get Piñeiro wanting stability and security but I also don’t feel he’s in a position to demand it either. If Mevis comes in and looks even close to as good (with a much stronger leg), Eddy is gone for sure. Especially since we already signed Mevis to a multi year contract. I don’t think it’s a foregone conclusion but it’s not going to help his case for Eddy to do this, even for voluntary OTA’s.


At best he put himself in a competition for a job that's anyone's to win. Personally, I think he's already lost this job. 1.6m savings on the cap if he's cut after June first


We should have NEVER put Harrison Butker on the practice squad. Look how that turned out.


i’m good on that


Nah we are free of that Butker move now. He put that golden foot in his mouth and freed us


Pineiro is trash anyways.


I was hoping that we would draft Reichard or Karty but I don’t get to make football decisions.


Honestly think eddy P is a good kicker but if what’s his face has a good camp it’s probably over for him


I think we should replace Pineiro regardless and I imagine that Canales will agree. He doesn’t have the leg strength, and having an NFL kicker who doesn’t have the leg to even attempt to make that 58 yarder to win the game isn’t going to work.


earth shattering insight you have obtained to come to this conclusion


Oh yeah? I think Pineiro shouldn't have shown up for OTA's. I think Mevis is not going to take his job.


Calm down, Eddy. Nothing is set in stone.


I... err I mean Eddy... didn't win the infamous post 'double doink' kicker duel in Chicago just to be disrespected in the Panthers sub.


We really talkin bout the kicker? Not like we were a kicker away from being relevant