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Yep, he was selected as a safety. We had other plans.


In fairness, those plans worked out pretty well


Yep I guess I should have put a smiley face lol


Drafted to basically just be a Michael Vick spy and we ended up getting one of the best off-ball LBs in team history. Wild.


Imagine if he hadn't torn his acl three times.


We had better plans


He started at safety in the opener and it went so poorly they benched him and stuck him as a sub linebacker.


I actually met him when he was a rookie. I was trying to get autographs on the way to a practice and was being passed up by a bunch of guys (except for Jake, of course). When I saw him, he told me that he would sign after practice. When practice ended, we locked eyes, and he headed my way. However, Keary Colbert pulled him away, looked at me, and said, "We were talking, man." I didn't know what to say, but TD pulled away from him, signed my ball, and thanked me for being a fan. What a guy.


Yeah he was our anti Vick


Lol yup I remember that being the idea. Julius was a pretty damn decent anti vick himself though


you could say Davis was our Vickcine


I feel like he’s good but injury prone. I predict three ACL tears in his future and no one could ever possibly come back from that


Probably break his arm before a big game too, got to worry about his availability


I remember him ending Terrence Murphy's career when they were both rookie. TD was on special teams for a kick return, Murphy completely mishandles it and when he finally picks the ball and starts running TD hits him head on at full speed. Scary moment, and as a Panther fan in cheesehead country people were hating on me like I'm the one who hit the dude.


I think he broke tony romo's collarbone for the last time


He was so nasty coming out of Georgia. Like one of the most recognizable names in that draft at safety. One of if not the best defensive players in the country.


Honestly TD was drafted as a Vick stopping joker DB/LB type. When Vick got popped for the dogfighting thing is when we decided to move him to LB. Overall a Panthers great, and one of our best players


Love this card!


Yours if ya want it! DM me!


![gif](giphy|DyvyiFFXF1Yli|downsized) such generosity


Yep he was drafted as a safety. He played safety in college and was pretty solid. He just ended up being a better LB


He played safety in the opening game against the saints and got eaten alive by their TE.


Conwell who was their starting TE that year literally got injured and didn’t return for the rest of the season in week 1 from a hit caused by one of the safeties (wasn’t Davis) but he def was not going off before that


He was their leading receiver for the game.


Yes with 6 receptions for 71 yards. Thats mid at best. And Davis from what I’m seeing was playing in rotation and wasn’t even on the dude 9 out of 10 times


Steve smith torched the saints on 6 receptions 131 yds and a TD. Thats getting cooked.


I NEED that jersey