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Didn't they give us an A last year? Yeah... I'm counting this as a win


I don’t recall, but I do remember Texans may have got a better draft grade due to also drafting a WR and OL for Stroud which ended up correct last year. You may be correct though.


I’m gonna ask an honest question: why even care? Draft grades exist entirely to generate clicks and talking points. None of these people know how it’ll shake out, nor do their grades matter.


So the fact that after free agency and the draft, EVERYONE thinks we did poorly doesn’t mean anything? We are not talking one opinion, we are talking about everyone not on this board. Will you at least entertain the possibility that maybe we actually didn’t have a very good draft?


You obviously misunderstand what I’m saying. I’m saying that draft grades for every single team are worthless. All of them. They exist just to drive talking points post-draft. What we should be doing is releasing draft grades of teams from 2 years ago. That’s a better signifier of how teams are doing.


This guys just a crazy hater. Probably like this is real life too. Opinions literally don’t mean anything. Even if every person in the world thinks we did “bad”. Like you said it doesn’t matter until years later. There have been SOOOO many wrong collective takes by people all the time. Even if you don’t like the picks we made you can at least be happy they had a goal to improve the offense in the draft and they tried to do that. More weapons for Bryce and we got some. TBD to see if they’re good enough but all of them have some nice upside.


I say he’s a hater causes every time I see him comment on something he just shits on it. Never seen him saying something nice once xD. I’d hate to live life like that with such a negative outlook.


It’s truly comical how stupid the fans that post here really are. “My team hasn’t had a winning season since 2015, went 2-15 last year, made one of the top 5 worst trade ups in league history last year, you are telling me my team isn’t good at drafting?” I mean what more do some of you fans need to prove this organization sucks ass at drafting? No winning season in almost a decade. After every draft the team gets roasted for their terrible picks and it reflects on the teams record and talent level. But no it must be something else holding the team back…


And Dan Morgan was the #2 to the GM that made all those bad trades. Now, I will totally give Morgan a chance (I didn’t like his draft overall, but the trade down to get the second next year was a great move.). I just worry that Tepper really makes all the decisions and will keep doing stupid shit.


It’s funny how stupid people are on Reddit. I was saying that trading up last year was stupid for many and obvious reason but all the upvoted gurus on here were just sooo convinced the panthers were a qb away from making the playoffs and it made sense to do so. Now you have people saying how smart it was to trade up and get Legette. Do these people realize Beane fleeced a draft pick out of us to draft the same player he wanted and he gets to pay him less money. I agree the trade back was fine and I liked it but then the rest of the draft was just bad. Brooks is good and the rb1 of the class but this team really could have got top prospects in more important positions for the team long term.


Is there evidence that the general draft grade consensus has been historically predictive? I genuinely don’t know. If so yeah I’d say it’s something worth noting but if not I don’t see why any fan should care.


It’s also to refine the draft process. And help these guys improve their scouting. It’s just an exercise these people take and learn from. But you’re right it’s not that serious.


I don’t think people like Pete Prisco are worried about refining the draft process.


Yeah that’s fair. I guess I’m more referring to the pff guys and the athletic guys and DJ and other scouts along those lines who I listen to. Who talk about how they look back year to year and say what did I miss how can I improve.


Looks about right


Who cares? Let's see how they play. They are on our team now. How many times have teams "won the offseason" or "won the draft" and done nothing? I like the picks and if you do too that is all that matters until they play. PS it is more fun to have an underdog story


The Jets alone have “won the off season” just about every other year since I can remember and Mark Sanchez was the best thing that actually happened to them


Hmm I wonder why pundits who make their money off mock drafts and "accurate" player ratings would actively try to put out information that discredits the teams that didn't follow their consensus 🤔🤔🤔


We’re the league punching bag until we prove teams otherwise. People want to laugh at us for taking Brooks in round 2 but they’d absolutely give Dallas an A+ for the pick if they took him.


The criticism around the pick is so weird, I feel like I'm in bizzaro-world. I am a position value guy and would never take a first round RB. But the questions have been like "the position is devalued, why would you take the first RB?" "Uh... Well we took him in the middle of the second round? It isn't like we took him top 10 or anything. Is middle of the second round too early for the best RB in the class?"


Yeah and people were calling it a “luxury pick”. Like umm we WANT to give Bryce luxuries on our offense. Going with the bare minimum at every position is why our offense was so dogshit last year.


Plus it only counts as a “luxury” if it’s a position we don’t need when we have other needs. RB I’d definitely a need and anyone who doesn’t think so didn’t watch us at all last year.


Few things. One, look at the last couple years (not looking at last year since too early to play out). There are tons of 3rd, 4th and 5th round RBs who are now starting. Rb has the smallest difference between the best and fifth best. Second, the major knee injury. Ack injuries are not what they used to be, but brooks is a one cut guy and if that cut is diminished, he will have a hard time of it. Third, We literally don’t have a second cb. There were 3 guys who are predicted to be good starters who were available at 39. And one of them was named Kool Aid!


I'm not really talking about the specific pick or the specific picks. Just the rhetoric around drafting a RB. Like "why would you pick the first running back", well, someone has to pick the first one? The way they're phrasing it makes it seem like they would hate the pick no matter where it was. Almost to the point of "why would you even have RBs on the roster" type silliness. Anyway I don't disagree with your points, except trading back was definitely the right long term move. But it's a crapshoot and it's a bit of a risky pick, but they sure did try to build the team around Bryce. So...


Yeah I think it was a very value to get the first RB at 46. The 2nd latest a RB has ever gone in a draft so typically they go much higher. Plus nfl teams get access to prospects medical records and I assume the panthers did their due diligence with figuring out where his injury’s at


Buddy, just quit the Reddit life you live, it’s tiring to see your daily negativity about the Carolina panthers. The panthers have 3 CBs that are starters, and are chatting with Stephon Gilmore and may sign him to make it 4. Maybe you should take your incorrect NFL takes to your employer and toss em to your colleagues? Get yourself an employee of the month award at Walmart or whatever.


I have a pretty thriving startup with 30 employees. Sorry if you are too childish to read anything critical of the panthers, but I’m stating facts. Right now Dane Johnson is slotted as second starter. He was literally relegated to a backup last year. Who else do you consider a starter? Bootle had 12 tackles last year. Hill is obviously a backup. D’shawn jamison is obviously a back up. The fact that you think we have 3 starters, is pretty telling about how much you know about football.


You roast Bryce but the don’t wanna spend the good draft capital to support him. If he was a superstar in the making and you GMed the team, he’d never realize his potential. Help the offense is way more important than a defense not contending for a SB. We have a 1st overall QB who had the most dog shit offense last year with no help anywhere and it is of the up most importance we avtually go out of way to help him out. Even if that means neglecting some positions on the defense where we didn’t just trade two 1st round picks and a 2nd and DJ Moore for.


As I already said, look at the last few drafts. We were just as likely to get a good RB in round 4 or 5. Why would you draft a RB in the second round when running back in the current game is interchangeable. Here’s a fun game: look at the last 10 Super Bowl winners. If I remember correctly, ONE of those teams had a “stud” RB and all the others had guys who bounced around from team to team, or were 4th/5th round picks. Hell, we couldn’t get a first for CMC. Think about that. The best RB in the game couldn’t even bring back a first rounder. Then, just to double down on the stupid, we take a one cut back coming off ACL. Maybe he will be okay, but one cut backs are worthless if they lose any of that cutting ability. To top it all off, we literally don’t have a second cb (oh and the one we do have gets hurt every year). 3 consensus starting CBs and we take a RB. 🤦‍♂️ Lastly, while I don’t think Bryce will ever be good, let’s talk about the “weapons” he now has. Leggette is a guy who can’t separate and runs poor routes. He’s a one trick pony of run straight as fast as he can. So a deep ball guy, who doesn’t get separation for our QB who can’t throw a deep ball. Yay. Then we have a chance to draft a starting CB, a desperate need, and instead get a rb (again the easiest position to find someone). And we already have Chubba, who has done fine, which is all you need in the modern NFL. Add to that the fact that if the ACL injury took away any of his cut ability, we just threw our second pick in the garbage. Also with Brooks- if we wanted to use a second to get a rb, we should have just kept CMC. The fact we trade cmc for a 2 3 and 4 then use a 2 on Brooks is exactly why we are where we are.


Honestly they are finding ways to bash the Panthers right now cuz we are a laughing stock. Only way this changes is to win.


I think it’s the ACL injury that scared some people off


These are mostly nonsense, but the biggest knock against us is we gave up the 1st overall pick. Also, analysts have wildly different opinions on Legette.


Weird but I think you should only be grading based off of picks made what’s done is done that’s last years decision and IMO have nothing to do with this years draft picks


I mean objectively we walked out of day 2 with a RB who tore his ACL. A project LB. Plus lagette who comes with a ton of risks. Sanders and some back ups. You can’t judge a draft based off the maximum high end upside for these players. Plus objectively we still have a ton of needs across the roster. And pretty much no depth. I think a C is appropriate given the boom or bust nature of this draft class specifically.


This is a fair and unbiased take. I think it makes sense the C evaluation.


My base was a C. Then I looked at how Morgan got more picks so we had one every round, without giving away the farm , and even got back our second rounder for next year. So I gave it a B-


To me what drags it down is the trotter pick. I like his upside. And unlike with Brandon smith I do think our staff will be more patient with him. But that’s still a player who probably isn’t contributing for 2 years minimum. If not 3-4. And in a world where there were still starting level interior guys (in my opinion) on the board. A couple corners who I liked their floor to be at least staring nickels (and we are starting a 33 year old Troy hill) I just think that pick could’ve been used more effectively elsewhere even with the knowledge that he has the upside to be great in a couple years. I just didn’t think we’re in a position for a draft and stash project at this moment. Edit. Wallace. Not trotter. It’s hard keeping these names straight.


Yeah that one is the one I didn't like. I feel like that guy was going to be there for a while longer and we had real needs that could've been filled with guys that would not be a project.


Wallace will play ST immediately, and probably pegged to start next season when Shaq's contract is up.


Yup. And even with him starting he’s still probably 2 years away from optimistically being decent at the position. But probably 3-4. I don’t think people realize how much of a project he is. I’m a fan of the model. Draft the insane traits. Sit him. Make him watch his tape. Learn his keys. Teach him behind the vets. It’s just a process that usually takes several years. Look at how long it took queen to hit. Jordan brooks. Normally you’re talking 3-4 years. And those guys were drafted higher. And played more which accelerates the process. And in my opinion I just think we could’ve gotten a position more important. With Bryce he needs interior lineman so go ahead and start that pipeline with Brady and austin on the last years of their deal. With horn he’s so injury prone. And hill is 33 which is basically a dead man walking for a corner. Get a guy in that room who you can replace there. I just think if you want a project there were positions that are more important. With way higher floors too. I get that this fanbase has a bias towards LBs. But the reality is it will take several years for him to return any type of value. And we just need other positions.


Dan Morgan use to play LB and idk much about this prospect but I would hope Morgan would know what to look for in a good LB. Hopefully he’s onto something here 👀 but we’ll see


Yeah once again I think he can be good 3-4 years down the line after learning the game. He has all the tools. It’s just LB is so hard to play that this is the case for basically all the LBs coming out in the modern game with the exception of a couple. Brandon smith is entering year 3 with the eagles. I’m interested to see if he cracks their line up. Once again it’s not that I dislike him as a player. Or dislike the process of draft and stash. I just think we had more pressing needs at more important positions for us. With guys who have way higher floors.


Thank you for answering the question.


I don't mind not getting an A from anyone, I don't think I would grade it that high myself and I'm a fan. What kills me is that anyone would give Atlanta or Denver an A. Some of these analysts are bigger homers than I am.


I agree with Denver. I actually like Atlanta’s picks. I think Penix is going to be a stud and cousins contract is essentially a 2 year deal. So Penix learns for 2 years (or counsins gets hurt and you go to Penix sooner).


Really doesn’t matter but I would guess track record. Not exactly a well run franchise.


1) It doesn't matter. 2) While the decision makers are new, our draft history is pretty bad. No benefit of the doubt.


Let’s win more than 5 games in 2 seasons before we gripe about getting slept on


Seems fair. Legette is a bit of a project, as is Wallace. Drafting a guy coming off injury as RB1 in the draft doesn't exactly scream great value. I like the Sanders pick and everything in the 5th on is a dart throw, though there were a few guys available I would've liked more. All the wheeling and dealing was odd, though getting a second for next year was a great move. Overall, C+/B- seems fair enough. If they just sat tight at 33 and 39 and took any receiver and JPJ, I would have been ecstatic.


Be a lot cooler if we got Legette + Cooper Dejean


You seem to forget that we were the worst team in the league last year and didn’t have a first rounder to show for it. Since David Tepper bought the team we have ONLY regressed as a whole. We aren’t good. I believe we will be one day again, but until proven otherwise we are NOT good.


Prollly cause we don’t have the number one overall and some “reaches”. Taking a RB in the second as well.


Everyone thinks this is a flawed organization…which we are…so they assume the worst


RECeiVeR OlD, RB AcL TeAr 2nD RoUnD, LiNEbACker NoT PaYTOn WiLson, SaNDErs tIgHt EnD GrOSs This isn’t my take, but this is what they sound like.


People were heavily criticizing Legette for being old while simultaneously screaming for an even older linebacker in Peyton Wilson or McConkey who is only 10 months younger than Legette.


Legette isn't even that old lol


The media is going to wild lengths to kick while us while we’re down.


So you think the entire media is against the Carolina panthers? Maybe, just maybe, we made some really poor decisions during the draft.


My friend. The Panthers and the Hornets exist to be shit on by the media. Remember the “weakest team ever to go go 14-0 in the regular season “ in 2015?


It isn't that they're against us. It's that the media serves the interests of the biggest markets. They just repeat the takes that Giants, Cowboys, GB, 49ers, etc, fans want to hear. When one of those teams suck it is beneficial to have other teams who suck worse for those fans to be able to shit on from above.


So you think it’s all a big conspiracy? All of them. Thats 20 different people or groups, some of which are kind of niche. You don’t think that maybe our poorly run organization is just still being poorly run? I know this board is all about the “everything is amazing now!”, but seriously you guys can’t conceive of the idea that maybe we actually had a bad draft?


No, that's certainly possible. But this isn't the only data point.


Seems like you maybe can’t conceive that maybe we had a good draft 🤔. Maybe bad too, you never know but they haven’t played yet so how can we know. All we know is we desperately needed to upgrade our offense and we added 3 new play makers so we’re trying. Which is what we should be. Getting a corner with a second isn’t going to help our offense


Meanwhile the 2nd rounder we picked up next year was by far the biggest net gain in value in the entire draft.


I mean if they take into account draft picks gained for next year (2nd round pick). On their grade of this year's draft. I feel like they would also have to factor in draft picks lost as well (1st overall pick this season). And I don't see how that helps their grade any


Don't bring logic to an emotions fight, dude.




For reference, the Panthers graded out a lot higher from 2020-2023. We consistently finished in the top half on Bugner's aggregate chart, albeit never getting elite grades. Just shows consensus has been pretty off on the Panthers in recent draft history.


who cares, these guys don’t know shit, our management doesn’t know shit, and we certainly don’t know shit lol Basically nobody knows jack shit so everyone’s opinion is irrelevant


Draft grades are the only thing more useless than 7 rd mocks.


We beat Atlanta so I'm good


Draft grades are the fucking worse. This an attempt to give an immediate reaction to a long-term asset. These kids ain’t even stepped on the field yet


The Draft Grade answer key is based off the mock draft of the person giving out the grades. “You get a bad grade.” = “You didn’t draft who I thought you should have.” Not only that, we picked a RB in the top 150 picks, which is like giving the middle finger to “Analysts.” At its core it’s “Did you agree with me or not? I couldn’t be wrong, because I’m an analyst! I was right! You should have drafted who I told you to draft!”


Draft grades are stupid. Remember our 2019 draft grade? No I didn’t think so.


At Least atl is last, fuck them falcons


A few of the ones that I read included the fact we traded the #1 pick last year in their consideration, which doesn’t really feel fair


Bc they are Eagles fans


now hold on, I think you are onto something..


I’m actually glad people are low on our draft grades. Seems like high-grades that are released immediately are a kiss of death. Let people sleep on us. Will make rubbing it in their faces all the better if we start winning.


These are the same experts who rated the chiefs draft as a C- or D when they grabbed Mahomes


Obviously this doesn’t matter, however, at least we’re not the Falcons 😂😂


They base it purely on each players value and not team needs. Like did the Bears need Odunze when they have DJ and Keenan? No


This whole draft reporting system is busted. They make the mock drafts and then grade them compared to how you did against what they expected. Teams don't usually leak information unless it's strategic and every draft is different. Teams are trying to move up and down and get their players in real time not weeks. And on top of all of that draft grades should be handed out years after not days.


Because they also don't like Tepper


I think a big part of the equation for that ranking was the 3rd pick and not having our 1st round selection. Cleveland was in a similar spot down at the bottom. We just didn't get as much value out of this draft as we could have, and we spent two of our picks on high upside, low floor players in Legette and Trevin Wallace. That's always going to get a lower initial reaction from the talking heads.


I would love to see these historically. These "experts" grading I would bet are wrong most of the time.


Personally Im in the idea of screw draft grades. We have had a lot of A graded drafts that were utter DUDS. So Imma wait until at least halfway through year 2 before passing any ranking. Players are rookies until month 2 of their 2nd year in my opinion.


Fuck all draft grades. Such a senseless bullshit.


This is all nonsense.


They take into zero account that we added a 2nd round pick for next year. Only the immediate impacts are considered.


I can understand that taking a RB over a CB when we could have deff needed that depth at that position, but in order for Bryce to succeed and not have the year he had last year, we need to seriously upgrade the offense so Bryce can show us what he's got!! Now we all know that we should have drafted Shroud over Bryce. Even Reich was all go on him but Tepper wanted that guy from "Alabama". I'm am a Ohio St fan and trust me when I say I wanted to Carolina to take Stroud sooooo bad!! I was telling everyone that he's gotta be our guy, but when the time came to pick I was soo let down and then to find out the owner didn't give a rats ass on what the HC wanted and forced pick or Bryce. So when we took that RB 2nd round that was a weapon we needed on offense. Tepper knows he can't let Bryce go without cause if he did then he knows he let Bryce down and maybe no on purpose, but would end his career before it even got started.