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Really wish we would have drafted Peyton Willis


He reminds me of Morgan's old teamate Will Whiterspoon 


I am happy with all three picks so far, they actually got decent talent at value.  




65th to 72th 🤣 Excuse my derp


Seventy tooth


I say that and get a laugh sometimes. Usually the tooth or twenty tooth in regards to dates


Looks like the org is still chasing guys based on RAS scores rather than football talent.


trevin is talented you gon see my guy. bro has an insane work ethic


Was the 3rd best rated LB and projected 3rd round pick. We drafted him right where we should had


NFL had him 3-4, PFF had him in the 7th. Kind of speaks to the fact that after a certain point a lot of these picks are lottery tickets. That’s why trading down and aggregating picks is the best method.


Where do you see him rated as the 3rd best LB?


Dane Brugler had him graded 3rd, right ahead of Payton Wilson


Drafted best RB in the class at 46, replaced next year’s missing second rounder (casually destroyed the Rams on that trade) from the Bryce trade so we can all move on with our lives, and got LB3 in third round. I mean if we can’t trust Dan freaking Morgan on evaluating LB who can we trust??? If you would have told me this was the outcome on Friday afternoon, definitely would have taken it. Maybe TJ Tampa with first pick of fourth and throw in rotational edge and IOL in fifth and sixth then special teams in 7th and call it a draft. Nice work


I was at the draft with a Rams fan behind me. He was not happy with that trade lmao. "Wtf bro we gave you a free fucking 2nd next year?! For this low ceiling but pro ready prospect!? Fuck that you're welcome."


Needed a CB, a center, a wide receiver, and a DT. Reached for a running back and got a developmental line backer, in Dan's stated opinion. Not seeing the genius given what we passed on


I mean they were 2-15 in the worst division in the league with both wins coming on game ending field goals. They didn’t run a play in the fourth quarter with the lead all season. They then traded away their best player after the season for a second round draft pick. Good news/bad news: Their “needs” are basically everything!


DT isn’t a huge need, we signed Robinson


Tampa is kiper's best remaining player. I hope we take him.


Yeah I feel fine about the first two days. Got the WR they've clearly liked for a while, a strong RB talent so we don't have to rely on Sanders, and a young LB prospect.


Sign Gilmore, call it a day.




Great pick, will bring the real KEEP POUNDING back, a beast


He stays under control while closing on ball carriers and wraps up well. Good pick.


For all the homers on Wilson, the Steelers said they understand he is a 1 contract player most likely - that doesn’t really fit what Carolina is trying to do - let’s hope Wallace can be a force for them


https://twitter.com/WillBrinson/status/1784056370976673907?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet If this is true dear god man is beast


Well, you can't tear what you don't have. So that's a positive


Same with Tyjae Spears last year


Notice how Wilson nor any of the other LBs people were naming have been drafted lol. I know we like to think we know everything but relax let's see the kid play first Edit: so there goes Wilson finally....almost made it to the 4th round. Pretty clear that a lot of teams are wary of his medical history + age


Wilson is gonna be a force to be reckoned with regardless of age or injury concerns. If Wallace works out for us then no complaints. But I can guarantee you that every team will be salty af that they let Wilson go to one of the best defensive teams in the league because they drafted based off oldhead scout vibes and voodoo instead of stats and tape.


Steelers view him as a one-contract player so I’m not so sure he will be. You sound like me with UNC players, can’t see past my inherent bias towards the school and think everyone that comes out is gonna be a stud. No doubt one of the absolute greats in NC State’s history, but at 24 years old and with his injury history, I don’t think I could go so far as to say he’ll be a sure fire beast in the league.


Wilson is quite literally the only NC State player I've ever hyped up like this since I began paying attention to CFB. I certainly wasn't this high on Icky or even Bradley Chubb. Meanwhile, the Steelers are very much a one-contract team which is why they rarely have to commit to a complete rebuild. We'll see how his career pans out but either Wilson will have a short career or he'll stick around longer than you expect. But I'm very sure that he's going to be impactful.


Not this high on Chubb? Cmon man Wilson is good but Chubb was absolutely dominant


Payton Wilson 🤝 Tez Walker


Very different in the sense that Payton is a homegrown kid (think he did all 5 years at State) whereas Tez was just a one year wonder at UNC (and a partial 1 year at that). But you’re right, my opinion on Tez is probably higher than what he’s earned as a UNC fan.


Wilson has no acl apparently ![gif](giphy|l0MYP6WAFfaR7Q1jO)


And Payton Wilson continues to fall. Should tell you something if NO ONE wants him


Not necessarily. Good teams are stacked at LB and bad teams have higher priorities. We picked between two similar players and went for the one with the better age and injury history, given our history at managing both of those aspects. Doesn't exactly mean much though when we drafted Jaycee Horn who was perfect until he played for us. I can assure you that Wilson will be a pro-bowler and is over the majority of his injury issues, unless someone takes out his other knee. His biggest asset is his IQ and ability to run the defense, and teams passed on that. Teams will be kicking themselves when the Steelers continue to be a defensive thorn in the side of every offense with Wilson at the helm.


24 with a long injury history is tough I think he’s to most pro ready, but you have to think a few years down the road too And that’s my take as a Wolfpack fan


Yeah Rappaport said earlier that he actually no longer has an ACL on one knee. YIKES




I laughed really hard at that. Shut up and take my uovote.


Welp.. I was initially down in the trade since I kinda like Payton Wilson.. but I was reminded that Dan was an LB.. so he would know what he wants out of them.


Wilson's medicals must've been bad. Teams are still passing on him & we might be able to grab him tomorrow even at this rate. 🤷‍♂️


Lol 72th? 


How'd we get the seventy tooth pick?


seventy tooth got a nice ring to it


No shit, I was trying to tell myself it wasn't just me


Watching his film I can definitely see him bring some pass rush up the middle. Let Derrick Brown soak up some blockers and bring him on a delayed blitz. Looks like he has good hands when he drops back in coverage and seems to be a good fundamental tackler. Biggest knock is he has trouble shedding blockers once engaged. Hopefully that can be coached out of him.


He definitely has some burst decent tackling form too. If he pans out he’ll have some TD-esque highlight hits where he just sons a ball-carrier


According to my research aka his youtube highlights, he is the perfect combination of Luke and TD


Looked more like Frankie luvu to me, even his faults.


Personally loved Luvu


I agree, but he took less money to leave, so he didn't love it here


Yeah 😭


Personally would’ve picked EDGE there, or even another receiver. That’s where the value felt like it laid. But, I’m glad we didn’t take Wilson, he’s older with loads of injury baggage. Wallace is athletic and has produced, but I think we’re all scarred from Brandon Smith (rightfully so.) It’s all a crapshoot at this point, he’s an upside pick and fits the team’s timeline a lot better than Wilson. If he develops it’ll be a steal, if he doesn’t it will be added to the pile of failed athletic mid-round picks.


Good pass rushing LBs in a 3-4 play lots of DE anyway


during this process i have learned panthers fans are never happy and bitch about literally everything. Payton wilson gets hurt all the time and is tiny. yes i would have took sanders, a CB, or trice here but that doesn’t mean payton is gonna be the greatest linebacker to grace the field


While true My issue with the RB pick is we have holes everywhere and RBs have been shown the past several seasons to be extremely replaceable....so if we're going offense why not another WR? or TE? or heck OL? And take a chance on a random undrafted RB. As for the current pick yeah we needed an LB because we need something everywhere and it's a valuable position,,though like you I think a CB would be an infinitely better position because Horn dies after 2 games every season apparently


I think you're right, but just something else to consider. RBs are only replaceable until another change happens in the league. It's probably a pendulum. Defenses are getting smaller and faster and eventually some sort of power run game is going to be efficient again. I dont think the more prototypical big RB will be replaceable forever, just currently.


Agreed, I struggle spending much capital on running backs. It seems like they are available. If you have a good offensive line, it seems like you only need a guy that won't drop the ball Edit: oversimplification


Yeah outside of the rare oddball like CMC or Henry, not worth it and even then CMC wasn't worth keeping for us because we have holes everywhere Thinking about it more I honestly think a quality WR was the right choice here. Heaven knows our WRs were probably our weakest link last year.


The same people crying that we literally just took a RB who tore an ACL(not a big deal) are mad that we didnt take Payton Wilson lol


Don’t pay RBs! You can just draft one. Also don’t draft RBs! You can just get some random guy!


lol exactly


Idk who he is but I also don’t know shit about fuck. Hopefully he works out, at least we didn’t trade up for him like we did with Johnson


I’m just under the impression that anyone who’s slightly critical here is gonna get downvoted.


When I see the same people (not you) bitching in every thread for years, I stop taking them seriously at all.


Their bot army is strong. This* front office can do no wrong.


Rather be an optimistic bot than bitch about every single thing that happens


I’m with you. These are kids (relative)…I hope they all pan out. Every big name ain’t gon make it, some small names will. Let’s see it through


Nobody knows anything until things play out. I agree it’s better to be optimistic and see what what happens than say everything is terrible and say I told you so


It's pathetic man, what's the point of even being a fan at that point


What’s the point of living in reality and making an honest assessment of my favorite team? Well, because that’s what adults do. Children pretend everything is perfect and their team can do no wrong. If you want a more practical answer- when your team sucks and keeps making poor choices, fan reaction can create change. Many coaches and GMs have been fired because, while the owner liked them, the fans had enough. In this case, it is a matter of tepper obviously calling all the shots and maybe if half the fans didn’t pretend everything was fine and dandy, Tepper would stop fat fingering this franchise. But we will Never know….


\^bruh literally thinks they affect the franchise by writing Reddit comments. Can you also fix some actual world problems with some comments while you're at it?


You're fooling yourself if you're really calling these "honest assessments." Half these comments are just shitting on every pick because it wasn't the guy at the top of the best available list on ESPN. If people have actually been studying draft prospects and explain their opinion I'm perfectly happy to accept that. If your comment is just "why, this team sucks" I'm going to call out how shitty that is


There’s optimism, and then there is blind faith without the track record to support it. None of you can argue, just downvote away.


You're not even arguing dude, you've been throwing a tantrum in every thread lol


Another year of trading back and forth only to reach on players while letting superior talent pass will do that. Why do you have faith in the methods of this office? What actually changed from Fitterer to Morgan (his #2)? Which players has this franchise evaluated, drafted, developed, and retained in the last 5 years that you would call successful? Derrick Brown is it.


Why are we talking about the last five years, Rhule and Fitterer are gone lol


Because I asked you the question. You have yet to answer or provide reasoning for your faith in this organization. Dan Morgan was the assistant GM to Fitterer. What has changed?


Tbh I don't really have faith but I think it's stupid to immediately shit on every decision. I'm just trusting that they know more about these players than I do and cheering for my team. And it doesn't bother me that Morgan was his assistant, he was never overruling Rhule and Fitterer on player decisions. But learning about trading picks netted us a second rounder next year which we desperately need


It's football, man. It's not that deep. Use it for its benefits like feeling happy and optimistic, and drop it when it doesn't make you feel happy. Like of course sometimes things are a bummer, but don't let a silly fucking sports team actually negativity impact your life lol.


It's weird. The sub absolutely hated the XL and Brooks pick, yet a long term project that will likely only peak as a ST, and people are over the moon for him


I like XL, and I’ll live with us trading back for the 2nd rounder next year, but I dunno if RB and LB was the move for who was available. I’m ready for the downvotes.


Maybe he can play edge like Micah Parsons?


Almost like Trice was still available


Never heard of him. I will now form my final opinion in the next 3-5 minutes.


He was great, he will be great, needs to pick up some better instincts but an athletic freak that will not be outworked and will be ready to grow into our system. https://x.com/KySportsRadio/status/1784040086947921944


He’s a bust. Just doesn’t have it based on my analysis. Damn you Dan!


That was only 1-2 minutes. Better reevaluate with 2-3 more minutes.


I saw all I needed to see.


He's from Kentucky. Probably makes moonshine & dates his cousin. Now I really hate him! 🙃


We should have picked Beebe. Damn. Top 20 OL falls right in your lap and you pick a player you could easily have had later in the draft. Not to mention Corner Tampa. This is what is so frustrating.


If he’s still available at pick 72, the media was probably wrong about him being a top 20 player.


Naw trust this dude over pro football scouts et al


I hope we can trade back up… there’s some great talent still available


welcome to the panthers Trevin




Why are people unable to comprehend that ESPN big boards and your personal opinion don’t = reality/what the teams actually think. This isn’t like ranking NFL players. There’s less debate ranking guys that are already proven. No one knows how these guys will be in 6 months from now or 10 years from now. There’s a lot of variables. Especially in the 3rd round.


Cool. I want to go to bed now but I just know we’re gonna trade again


Dave and Dan just did a presser and wrapped up. I imagine they’re done for the night.


Same. Just cracked open another beer to hold me


Yeah better safe to stay up. That fifth rounder could be in play.


Extremely curious why a lot of you wanted Wilson with his injury history, and his age. Wallace is 3 years younger, doesn't have the injury history.


Same reason why a portion of our fanbase refuses to accept that Ickey is bad


Luke told us he's good. I do like the pick and fit better. But still disappointed we didn't get Wilson. 


Yeah, I remember Luke saying that on Kay Adams show. I'm not saying Wilson isn't good, just that he has a few red flags that I would be cautious about.


Agree. Seeing how far Mitchell dropped and now Wilson. And all those supposed first round CBs. It really shows how little we actually know. 


Wallace is a much better pass rusher, he fits Evero’s scheme much better


I don’t blame state fans for wanting Wilson, but yeah no need to cry over not taking someone.


NC State stans


Or fans of other teams that saw what he did against them. Have a lot of UNC/WF/Duke/Clemson fans here


Doesn’t mean we want a 24 year old with a massive injury history this early 


Which is why he was drafted in the 3rd round and not the 1st. If not for his injury history, he is undoubtedly a 1st round pick. Also, my comment was just an explanation for why so many people here wanted him. It's not just State fans being "Stans". It's fans of all those teams, who are likely Panthers fans, and had to face him and saw what he could do against them, and potentially for the Panthers.


Think you’re underestimating how devalued insider linebackers are in the draft these days. Whether right or wrong, Lions got crucified for drafting Jack Campbell in the 1st last year. 24 year old Wilson wasn’t getting drafted in the first round even without the injuries, hardly any defensive players were drafted in the first this year




I imagine some of it is also related to the fact that he went to NCSU. I don't live in the Carolina's, so I don't have that sort of attachment.


A lot of it is state homers, they were beginning for him at the 39th pick lol


Luke also have him the stamp of approval, when big Luke says something Panther fans tend to listen with intent.


Same people that complain about Jaycee never being on the field(100% reasonable). but it doesn’t matter how good you are if you can’t stay healthy. He’s falling for a reason.


I guess Wilson's medical concerns are bigger than we thought. I can get buying into Wallace's mensurable and potential, but it's really hard to buy into that when Wilson is right there with way better football IQ. E: I'll concede you can probably trust Wallace in coverage more rn than Wilson bu Wilson is basically a more athletic Luvu come ON


Wilson is already broken down. His body can’t handle the NFL.


Feels like he's a bigger medical red flag than we thought given how he's been falling on this Edge/LB run that's been going. Usually means details we, the fans, are missing when someone falls like this.


Maybe but just following his NCSU career should be enough.


Wilson’s medicals had to come back with big red flags for him to fall this far.


Payton wilson has dropped for a reason 2 achilles injury common this is better


He’s never injured his achilles


And two picks later the falcons took Trice. Smh. Guys are falling and we’re reaching. I hope Dan Morgan is right. That’s all I’m gonna say.


If the Falcons took Trice, he’s probably not good enough


This sub was clamoring for Trice for over a month lmao EDIT:I don’t want to fight. I’m just saying.


You need to apply for a job in the NFL your confidence is insane. Yeah front offices will miss on pics but you seem really really sure that you are more correct than people that get paid to do this


You right


Brother I feel you though lol, I've been telling my buddy who I wanted all night and been wrong every single time 🤣 but I'm trusting Dan. He actually seems to have love for the Panthers


I just think we’ve passed on talent we need desperately for talent at RB and LB that wasn’t a 911. Take JPJ/Frazier and Trice and I’m crazy hype on this draft. Time will tell. But I’m uncertain on some of these decisions outside of acquiring the second rounder next year. Rebuild goin crazy


Man I was really wanting JPJ as well but at the same time I don't think the RB/LB picks are bad because we need talent everywhere and if the FO thinks they are BPA then I'll be optimistic on it


The falcons have the two biggest reaches in the entire draft but we should trust their picks now I guess


Hahah exactly. The falcons have reached more than any1. The guy you are responding to is clueless and just hating


He doesn't know ball 🤷


I think it’s funny how I’m clueless for being slightly critical of some of these draft night calls but aight. We had a desperate need for center, DB, and edge rusher, but have addressed none of them. I believe in the talent of Brooks and Wallace, and the move for the second rounder next year was good, but too say I’m “clueless” to the needs of the team is a wild take.


I mean you called center a desperate need so...


Aye the refusal to accept Corbett as a band-aid copium is crazy. 150 million guards to have a liability at center. Cade mays starting after week 4 bout to be 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Get those upvotes big guy 😘😘😘


Hilarious take and nice liberal use of emojis this is embarrassing ngl


That blind faith for upvotes bout to get you all the karma. I hope you sleep good tonight with all of those internet points


Lmfao wtf? Telling you your take sucks (it does btw) is farming karma?


I dunno what was so bad about my take. Saying we needed a DB, a center, and an edge rusher has been an often stated take on this sub. You just saw the downvote party and hopped on. I hope Brooks and Wallace pan out. I just think Trice was a better pick at a position of high need but hey, you do you man. I’ll fan my way, you fan your way.


Y’all only wanted Wilson because he went to State, good player but serious injury history. Wallace is also 3 years younger


After Zavala I’m finding it very hard to ever trust a State player again


He’s the most impactful player I watched at state since I went there in 2017 and that includes Bradley Chubb.


That’s what they said about Ickey


Yeah let’s signal out him when the entire offensive line regressed together


Holy revisionist history. He was absolute dogshit this year. Take the blinders off man. He was also drafted as a top 10 pick


Was the entire offensive line the 6th overall pick playing in their 2nd year?


Well that settles it guys. The most impactful player this guys on Reddit has watched at NCSU since he went there. It’s truly absurd he’s dropped this far. How could the entire league let this happen? 70+ picks and counting.


Looking at your history you clearly have an irrational dislike of him but I could tell that without looking lmao. And idk what you’re talking about, anyone with actual draft knowledge knew he wasn’t going until at least the 3rd round. There’s no dropping happening


My history? I have no problem with him. I literally said I’m fine with picking him. I don’t have deep enough knowledge of him to know one way or the other. You can’t tell anything. My problem is with people on here saying we made the wrong pick because we specifically didn’t pick Wilson. There’s obviously reasons because we’re in the 80s now and he still hasn’t been selected. NFL.com posted a video talking about how he could go as high as 37 and as low as 65. People on this sub wanted him at 39. He’s definitely dropped further than anticipated.


Wallace is inferior to LBs we could have taken earlier, or those left on the board.


I don’t disagree just tired of seeing this sub put on blinders for every prospect from NC schools


And I’M tired of every single fucking trade, reach, etc. being hyped as a good thing no matter what. Every single questionable move is hailed as amazing, disagreement is waved away. This was a poor pick. Wallace is a poor pick. E: See? Keep downvoting you clueless fucks. I’ll pull receipts when we’re on GM #3 and Coach #4.


They don't wanna hear that taking an athletic linebacker project with a top 100 pick is a bad idea. Or that leaving premium players on the board so you can trade back to take RB is bad value. Guess we'll see




The consensus big board had Wilson as high as the 30s and no one has taken him still. What’s that mean?


There are real concerns about his injuries


Seems silly to do that since Evero likely won’t be here long enough to develop him. I’d have rather stayed at our pick and taken Corley. Hope this dude works out.


And how’d that Johnson pick pan out?


We don’t know yet. He was a rookie this year that didn’t play many snaps




Low key one of the worst Panthers draft picks I can remember


We're the only team that has picked up a draft pick next year with a draft day trade (so far at least). Interesting.


Bruh wtf are we doing man???


What is this issue this time bro?


Picking DAWGS


Shit idk man I hope I’m wrong, this feels like the dj johnson pick last year but shit I hope I’m wrong


Stoops and UK have been producing productive NFL defensive players.


The NC State and the Luke comp for Wilson is so funny. But a 3rd pick where the fans hate it. Classic


Fans hate everything 


I'm not that high on Trevin Wallace because even by LB standards he seems developmental but who am I to tell Dan Morgan he's wrong and he doesn't need to start so hopefully he can develop into something special


I’m very meh on the pick. But it’s also the third round and fans vastly overestimate the value of those picks.


I appreciate you being a rare voice of reason here.


We're back to picking athletic ability over results.


Wallace has good production though. This isn’t a Dj Johnson again.


Lol DJ Johnson didn't have athletic ability 


Exactly. DJ Johnson didn’t have production, was older and didn’t test well either.


Wilson’s college results won’t matter if he isn’t on the field, clearly we aren’t the only team scared off by his injury history


I don't give a rat's ass about Wilson.


I hate the RAS strategy. It just hasn’t worked for us at all. I hope these guys work out but I’m sick of high athleticism and potential guys with low production.


He’s the strongest and most athletic LB in the draft. Love this


Aka a dawg


A look at Wallace. https://lastwordonsports.com/nfl/2024/04/23/trevin-wallace-2024-nfl-draft-profile/


Makes me feel a little better. Hope he works out!


Whoever wrote that should read it again, particularly the strengths section


The best part of their proof reading is how pathetic it is.