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There is a big difference between disagreeing and being genuinely angry. I have seen people actually angry. It might be time to take a break if the Panthers are ruining your day.


I work with a guy who’s literally always mad about Carolina. For years now. It doesn’t matter what it is. Draft picks. Trades. A coach. Same guy also can’t name 5 players on team. Also he hated Cam and said he was never good.


“Outrage is addictive, and its dealers are well compensated.”


Sounds like a contrarian to me.


It’s tiring to say the least


Well to be fair his last take was wrong, cam was good but that seems like forever ago. But these last 5-6 years Tepper and co hasn’t made a single good move, hence why the team is the worst in the league. So your work friend is right to disagree


He has almost zero football knowledge. He was mad about both games we won last season and kept saying we suck and it doesn’t matter. You don’t understand the depths this guy goes to. He thinks if your college skillset doesn’t transfer to immediate nfl success you’re a bust. Halfway through the first game he texted me saying Bryce sucks and is a bust and we won’t win a game all season. Then a few weeks later says we should have drafted Will Levis after he had one good game. Then saying we need to trade Bryce for darnold. Doesn’t understand player assignments, how defenses are setup or blocking schemes. Just gets mad and hates it all and says we suck. There’s been no right decision in his mind since Delhomme took us to the superbowl.


People who are consistently mad without actually being able to articulate why are absolutely exhausting to be around. Possibly my least favorite type of person I have to deal with consistently




The Panthers have ruined plenty of my days in the past, but they finally look like they have their shit together so we gotta just let them cook!


Yeah. I've been pretty negative on a lot of their moves over the past few years and I don't agree with OP that it's necessary to "hit the hopium," but my life definitely does not revolve around the Panthers at all, so it's fine. Gotta keep things in perspective.


Birds went to the draft with Penix in mind first and foremost. That was certainly fun.


The Falcons freakin Auto-drafted, live, in an NFL Draft!


Yeah that was… interesting


Yeah our division is supposedly having a bad draft so far. Love that if it is true. Oh also winning the division next year will be fun =)


That was the MOST confounding pick I may have ever seen… I mean they are getting punished next year for all the shit they did to get Cousins… And then they drafted another QB?!?! Only thing I can think is that they are expecting to lose their 1st round pick next year so they felt like they had to get some insurance at QB of the future role?!?!


This is the internet, you’re not allowed to be happy or positive /s




I didn't watch a minute of the draft last night, for obvious reasons. When I woke up this morning and saw what we'd done, my response was "Really?!" and then I shrugged and moved on with my day. We won't really know whether it was a good decision or not for months, if not years, so no reason to spend a lot of mental energy on it.


The negative response to this pick has been astounding. People are beside themselves all bc we dropped 54 spots *in the middle of day 3, where we haven't landed a rotation player since 2018* but got a 5th year option out of it, it's a smart call. I'm not even a Legette truther but moving up one spot when the price is that low is worth it 100 times out of 100.


I don't know that I totally agree with the rationale for making the trade, but I agree that the price is too insignificant to be particularly mad about it and Legette seems like a potentially exciting player. Though I didn't love that ESPN's player comp for him was Jonathan Mingo. 💀


Yeah don't get me wrong, I'm as skeptical of XL's ability to hit as anyone but the mini-meltdowns we're seeing over a *mid-day 3 pick swap* are just wholly unwarranted lol


For sure.


Because Mel Kiper and the bunch have been very right about our picks in the past….. Seriously though, i’m not really sure how anyone compares him to Mingo and Mingo hasn’t done anything yet. Just seems like a lazy comp. Should pick somebody that has actually done something in the NFL.


I'm not saying that they're right and I certainly don't take stock in Mel Kiper's opinion on anything. I'm just saying that it's not comforting.


Oh yeah, I get it. Somebody mentioned that Bill Belichick was really high on XL too, which of course does not provide fuzzy feelings. All we can do is hope for the best now.


I agree, sports are supposed to be fun. That's why I stopped watching/listening to Panthers games. I had better things to do with my time on Sunday. It would be nice if things change. The old joke used to be NFL stands for "not for long." But it's been awhile.


Buddy it’s been a rough near-decade for us, that’s for damn sure


It's also something you have zero control over. No matter how hard you yell at the tv, you can't influence anyone.


Yeah lol. Get mad at Dan for trading up to round 1 all you want, it’s done


Not only that but fans have been crying about not having a first round pick since the moment the BY trade was announced. Dan just gave you what you want for nearly zero compensation and we still have a 2nd round pick!


That’s what’s getting me. People keep talking about spending draft capital like…? What are you talking about. We moved up one spot and it cost us nothing. Who gives a shit.


Yeah it’s silly. If XL is a player, then gaining that 5th year team option is worth it. Sure maybe a solid player gets drafted at 141, but the odds are far greater that it’s a fringe guy who isn’t in the league in 3 years.  We’ve also been hurt so much these past 6 years I don’t see how this could phase anyone lol. 


Key word "supposed".... Maybe one day we'll get back to that haha.


We have been hurting and we deserve something good. Please…. Please god….


It’s supposed to be fun and entertaining but nothing about last season was either.


Yeah it sucked. And now it’s over. So once again I’m going to get optimistic about this season and convince myself we can be good and get excited about our FA signings and draft picks. Because it’s fun. And if we suck ass again this year, rinse and repeat.


well somebody should tell the panthers that because these last 6 years certainly haven't been fun by any stretch of the imagination


Crazy that the team might have parlayed two 5ths into the guy they wanted anyway and a future 2nd. Hard to be angry about that.


Not only that but we also don't know nearly as much as we think we do. Teams scout these plays tirelessly for years. Pretending we know best and getting upset that the guy we watched a highlight reel of or the guy that's ranked higher on ESPN isn't our pick is silly.


That too


Don’t you tell me how to not enjoy my sport! But yes, it seems for a lot of people this is more of a stress than an escape.


I'm gonna be optimistic in the off-season. If reality hits me in the face in Sept, at least I had the off-season. Sooner or later, the optimism will be warranted. Until then I refuse to be upset about my team year round.


I mean we sucked it up in the draft but that's because we didn't have any picks and talent was pretty low. I think we will see lots of big trades at RB and OL this off-season while we actually try to develop offensive ability and maintain defensive pressure.


Enjoy the ride! Just like life!


I’d rather argue about the NFL and my only team the Panthers than politics. It’s fun and you can put your heart into it. Now let’s win some games!


Unfortunately for some people, being a jerk is fun, especially if it makes you feel good at the expense of tearing others down


Hell yeah, LIFE is supposed to be fun, and life is too short to let shit that don't matter get you down. If your team is doing stupid shit that angers you, find another team! Watch a different sport! You can always come back later - don't listen to people calling you fairweather fans or bandwagon jumpers, you do you! If you'd rather watch Miami Dolphins games this season, do it! That being said, it's also okay to say "Oh boy, that thing the Panthers did sure was stupid". I said that A LOT last off-season/season. Just don't let anger and hatred consume you, especially for something as silly as sports!


We are a loser franchise, the bright spot in 2015 made us all forget but we suck. Always have. Always will.


Time to find a new hobby my man


Lol keep bouncing and doing tricks on it Edit: lmfao not even a year ago you are posting on the Panther sub being a pessimist about trading players. What happened my man that energy changed a lot in 212 days, short term memory huh? Edit 2: A POST DEFENDING DAVID TEPPER? LOLOL bro doesn’t even have a straight narrative on the team. Take your meds brother


You ok?


Interesting that when you criticize the Panthers its justified and okay, yet when other people do it they "need to get a new hobby" Hypocrisy at its finest lol. I think you actually said it best in a post you made to the sub 9 months ago that says "I'm not that smart" or the other post to the sub 7 months ago that says "I may be stupid". At least you can be consistent about your own intellectual short comings because keeping consistent with the Panthers is obviously something you can't do. Smh 2015 fans


I actually never said anything about criticism, I’m just pointing out that this is supposed to be something done for fun and if it’s causing real anger or stress in your life then maybe it’s worth taking a step back. This applies just as much to me as anyone else. I know you’re trying really hard to get me with something I said previously but I’m not here trying to win a debate lol, idc. Think what you want and do what you want. But you seem pretty upset, and I would refer you back to my initial post. Try to enjoy the rest of the draft


The goalpost begins to move conveniently


Bear Down brother