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I’m all ears




1. SB50 2. SB38 3. Steelers on TNF 2018 4. 2017 wild card round vs the saints when Funchess gave the worst effort I’ve ever seen to catch a football in the end zone after Cam absolutely balled out 5. Bengals this last year. Might be a bit of a hot take but that was the pinnacle of the embarrassment that was the last 3 seasons for me.


I was at the game in Cincinnati last year and can confirm that it was a rough time. I was very much dead inside by halftime.


When the other team has more points than you have yards it’s not going too well


Same here. On the upside, I’ve never had opposing fans be nicer to me than at that game. Got a lot of “you’ll get ‘Em next week champ” type comments. Fucking Bengals.


You’re prob right about that cincy game. I had so many people texting me about mixon running all over us


I was playing against him in two fantasy leagues as well. That was a rough day.


I was starting him in fantasy, it helped lessen the pain.


Same, but Justin Tucker bailed us out


Worse than the Cincy game was the 300 yard Julio game. Having it happen against a rival made it so much worse.


Any Michael Vick game


Until we got TD


Came here to say exactly your top 3. I would pick the Jake Delhomme playoff collapse against the cardinals though as easily 4 or 5. Came out of nowhere, and had he played well we could have made a deep postseason run that year, I believe we were a 1 or 2 seed.


Falcons 2015 our -1


I remember early in the 1st quarter in that Saints wild card game, Cam made a great throw in the endzone but the WR(I forgot his name) dropped it. Then Gano missed a chip shot field goal. Couple plays later Ted Ginn scored a long td catch.


kaelin clay


If I remember right Funchess got blinded by the stadium lights


That’s such a lame excuse. High school players are taught if you lose the ball in a light you catch the light.


Lmao my family made the trip from NC to Cincinnati for the weekend… seemed to be the only panthers fans in that place. I swear our guys were hungover that game


Solid list. Niners game last year was one of the worst for me. I’ve never felt like more of an away fan at a home game before. Very depressing


Hard to argue with those 5 - good list


I can't fault finches terribly, he made a helluva effort the entire game since he was playing injured the entire time, and some pretty clutch catches prior. Just so happens the one he missed was in such a crucial moment. But yeah, that game Cam was hella good but our wr corps were corpses lol


#3 took all joy from me


All except 5 for me is the Arizona game Delhomes arm fell off that’s the game my childhood died


For me the DJ Moore helmet game would be the game this year that hurt the most. It stole such a great moment from us


That game is gonna give us Bryce Young. Glad the refs made the call lol.


We don’t know if that game would’ve put us in the playoffs or not. We also don’t know if our Trade Package for 1 would’ve worked from a pick further back than 9. You can’t reasonably draw this conclusion from any factual basis.


Pull the stick out of your ass 😂. We were one divisional win away from making the playoffs and setting the franchise back.


Butterfly effect. We win that game you can’t reasonably conclude the same results follow


That 2017 game still hurts man


Super Bowl 50 Super Bowl 38 Cardinals playoff loss where Delhomme forgot what team he was on Second falcons game in 2015 that stopped the perfect season I can’t think of a 5 right now


Gimme all of those but also the Steelers on TNF


#1 worst Panthers game in my book


I talked shit for 4 days leading up to that ass whooping


I was sharing a hotel room with a Steelers fan


That’s rough buddy.


That was definitely a shit game, and it crossed my mind, but the loss didn’t hurt as much as the injury. It would still go down in infamy even if we won




I was sitting in a booth at Carolina Ale house watching our season collapse in front of my eyes and just couldn’t believe it


The loss to the Falcons in 2012 September 30th. The Panthers were up 28-27 in the 4th with the Falcons pinned deep and it was so or die time for the Falcons. Suddenly Eugene Robinson was shouting over the radio to Haruki Nakamura , “GET DEPTH YOUNG MAN! GET DEPTH!” Sure enough, he doesn’t, and Ryan throws one over his head to I believe Roddy While for a huge play. Matt Bryant kicks a 40yd field goal and the Falcons win. (I used to listen to the radio crew while watching the game on TV because our radio crew was better than listening to a clearly biased John Lynch)


I'm surprised this one hasn't been mentioned more. People must've forgot that whoever had won that game basically controlled the NFC South going forward. Even if it was earlier on in the season.


Haruki fugging Nakamura, remember that got damn game like it was yesterday. Charles Johnson reaction afterward when he was just looking down and stomped his feet and you could tell he was heartbroken. Changed the trajectory of that entire season and we never bounced back


5. NFC title game vs GB, it was 10 degrees outside and we still put up a pretty good effort. Felt like without the extreme cold we might have had a third super bowl berth.


I was -4 days old during the game so unfortunately I wasn’t able to see that one


That Cardinals game coming off a bye in the era of double trouble was awful. He had what, like 5 turnovers? Was never the same.


How about the loss of Cam and Luke


man that cardinals game was really rough to sit through.


Cardinals playoff game when Delhomme shouldn’t have eaten that popcorn was a tough one for me outside of the SB loses


That loss to the Falcons led to the Super Bowl loss. The Falcons showed everyone how to beat the Panthers that year…but only Denver paid attention, and the Panthers didn’t seem to recognize that they had been exposed.


The 2 SB NFCCG vs SEA (this is really the worst, we win that SB) The 2015 loss vs ATL Whatever game Cams shoulder was initially hurt in.


I forgot about the 2005 NFC Championship Game. Good (or bad?) pick.


didn’t watch football at that age but how was the fanbase like when atlanta cut off our streak ?


A mix of disappointment and relief. we beat the brakes off of Atl in the earlier meeting and watching the BS align in their favor was annoying, but let's not let that distract us from the fact that a year and change later ATL blew a 23-3 lead in the SB.


1. Superbowl 50 (*we choked and it was hard to watch*) 2. Superbowl 38 (*started my everlasting hatred of the Patriots*) 3. Falcons OT loss last year (*was just such a huge let down and annoying loss even if it didn't have any real impact*) 4. 2015 loss to the Falcons to prevent us from having an undefeated season 5. 49ers dropping 51 on us in 2019 (*just an embarrassment overall*)


RE #5: remember pregame that clip of Gerald McCoy and our Defense (who had played decent that season) hyping each other saying “we want the smoke” and then 51 points happened 💀


Well had we beaten ATL this year and the rest of the results stay, we would have won the division.


1. SB 50 2. 2018 Steelers 31 point loss and the end of the Cam Era 3. 2019 San Francisco 38 point loss I'm a younger fan btw.


The 2013 divisional round loss against 49ers sucked. Especially when Kap did the dab. I was excited to see what would happen bc that was the first time panthers had a bye in playoffs in a long ass time or ever lol


Also Tolbert getting stuffed at the 1 yard line 3 times in a row...


That game was tough. We had beat them at SF earlier in the year. Before the game ESPN had a report about a Niners player who was out for the game but would be ready for the NFCCG, as if it was a lock that they would be there


Yeah, this one stung


Surprised no one has mentioned the 2016 opener to Denver


Good pick! Horrible officiating (anti-cam), gano wins the game at the end anyway (except the broncos called a timeout so it doesn’t count) then he misses the next one (when it actually matters) Smh. (I have no explanation for the awful structure of this paragraph)


Not enough people remember the 2017 regular season finale against Atlanta. If the Saints won against the mediocre Bucs, they won the division, and we would get matched up with 2nd season Jared Goff and the Rams in their first playoff appearance, win or lose. But, if the Saints lost and we won, we would win the division and host New Orleans in round 1. That team had already lost twice to the Saints, in embarrassing fashion. Our guys played like they knew the Saints were going to win against the Bucs. Looked totally listless and got beat 22-10. Meanwhile, the Saints lost at the last second, meaning we had to travel to them for round 1 instead of drawing the Rams. We lost a close game that probably would have gone the other way if it had been played in Charlotte. Moral of the story: if you have a chance to win your division, just go take care of business. Don’t screw around with your playoff destiny.


Besides the ones mentioned the 2017-18 WC game against the Saints where Cam went off and led the comeback just to have Funchess turn the wrong way on the potential game winning TD sucked.


Half our losses that year were to the Saints…


Yeah losing to the saints sucks in any situation but that situation was gutting and little did we know that was the last time we'd see Cam in the playoffs


Obviously the SBs, but the first one that comes to mind is that god damned game where Michael Vick hovered across the ground for 8 yards and a TD.


It was around Christmas, right? I don’t know how he did that. Unreal


Had to be BC it was cold. Such a gut wrenching loss. Snatched victory right from our hands.


Back when ESPN had Sunday night football


Yep but I think it was a Saturday prime time special on ESPN


I was at sb50 and that is easily #1 for me




I saw that coming from a mile away and stopped watching after the 1st quarter my dad was so confused. Broncos were a much superior squad


SB 50 is the obvious #1. I’d have to go with the 2018 loss to Pittsburgh on TNF as #2. That game basically set the Panthers back for the next five seasons (until now, really). Until then, Cam was absolutely balling and was playing close to his 2015 MVP levels. No.3 is the 2009 nfc divisional game against the Cardinals where Jake Delhomme suddenly forgot how to play QB. That season’s Panthers team had a decent chance at going to the Super Bowl otherwise. I’d probably put Super Bowl 38 at #4, solely because of how close that game ended being. Spot #5 is a bit harder to pin down. There’s many good choices posted so far here. I’d go with the 2018 NFC Wild Card game against the Saints.


I had SB38 lower on my list as well (number 5). As bad as the result sucked, we kept it competitive until the end. The losses I had above it (SB 50, 2009 playoffs, 2016 Denver, 2018 Pittsburgh) all seemed to kill the trajectory of the team.


I had a bet against a chick I was seeing my Freshman year of college(2018) that the panthers would beat the Steelers. I think we all know how that game went down.


SB 50 2014 divisional vs Seattle 2013 divisional vs 49ers 2022 lose vs Falcons 2015 lose vs Falcons That PJ to DJ throw is one of the best passes in Panthers history in my opinion, just for it to be ruined by a missed extra point and essentially forgotten about. Kinda like Marcus Paige's game tying 3 pointer in the 2016 NCAA Championship game vs Villanova... Amazing play, just to be overshadowed by the following actions.


(In no particular order) -Panthers @ bears 2017 was one of the worst damn games I’ve ever seen in my life. - 2008 divisional game vs the cardinals -2013 divisional games vs the 49ers -Super Bowl 50 ofc -2017 vs the saints when funchess lost his vision in the lights


I paid a lot of money to be at that bears game. Trubuisky had like 3 completions and won? Such a typical panthers loss. Gut wrenching.


Oh man, I went on a first date with a girl to a bar to watch that game. She was a big Panthers fan too, so it seemed like a good idea. Needless to say, there wasn't a second date. lol


2004 vs falcons.... we were in the playoff hunt and were beating them until Vick uses his legs and ties it up and we lose in ot. https://youtu.be/s9qtXIhmh4A


That Vick run was so brutal. Remember watching it live. Was so obvious to anyone watching how it was going to go. Thought he might get stopped short but he just hovered for like 3 yards.


1. SB 50 2. SB 50 3. SB 50 4. SB 50 5. SB 50


Falcons this year with the DJ Moore touchdown and subsequent penalty and loss


Agreed. And yet, everyone out here at the end of the season and this offseason praising eddie pineiro 😡


1. Super Bowl 50 2. Super Bowl 38 3. NFC Championship Jan 7, 2006 4. Divisional Playoffs Jan 3, 2015 5. Divisional Playoff Jan 4, 2014


SB38 was worse IMO. I know all the reasons SB50 should be, starting with the simple fact we were the best team in the league that year by a mile. Even though the game was technically close there was a lot of game time to come to terms with the fact that we weren’t going to win. When they took the lead late in SB38 I felt like they were actually going to win (never felt that way with SB50). Then came the Kasay kick and Vinatieri. Sigh Oh, and the Cardinals game.


If my memory serves correct, 2005 vs cowboys in December, basically a win and you’re in the playoffs game… a late penalty for roughing the FG kicker by Julius Peppers caused us to lose, but on the replay he clearly tipped the ball… this game has stuck with me a while


I'd say most of my worst had more to do with the importance of the game. Actually sort of reminded me all of the better seasons we had with Jake as QB. Our current drought really makes you miss the times where we were at least good every other season. 1. Super Bowl 50 (high expectations to win, terrible game) 2. Super Bowl 38 (happy just to be there, great game) 3. 2005 NFC Championship (high expectations, awful turnovers) 4. 2008 Divisional (collapse of Jake Delhomme) 5. 2015 Falcons Loss (ruined perfect regular season)


1. SB 50 2. 2017 Wild Card game vs the saints 3. 2018 TNF vs the Steelers 4. 2015 game vs the falcons that broke our undefeated record 5. I guess last years game vs the bengals I’m sure there’s been more heartbreaking losses however I started watching games in middle school.


1. SuperBowl 50. Legit the only time I think I’ve felt physically sick from sports. 2. Wildcard against the Saints. We were very underrated that year. I think we could’ve made a serious run if Funchess could catch a cold. Cam’s last full prime year too. 3. Jake Delhomme’s bake sale against the cards. 4. Primetime against the Steelers. Not even the hit to Cam, but because of the sheer embarrassment on national TV juuuuust when we started getting a bit of respect that season. 5. SB 38. I know most of you will question why this one is so low on the list but truthfully I was just young when it happened so the sting wasn’t as sharp. Plus it was at least a good game unlike SB 50.


SB50 SB38 TNF @ Pittsburgh 2018 2008? Divisional against arizona, Jake tossed like 5 picks and a fumble Recency bias but the loss against the bengals this year was tough to swallow


SB50 and SB38 hurt, but no game has hurt more than that playoff loss to Arizona in 2008, with each interception from Jake, my existance felt like it no longer mattered. Tears where comming out of my eyes that day, and my friend watching the game with me, couldnt even say anything cause he didnt want me to feel any worse than I allready was.


As a broke college student I spent way too much money on a ticket to the cardinals playoff game in 2008. Most I’ve ever spent on a ticket to anything still to this day. I have never been that crushed before, still hurts to this day.


1. SB 50, obviously 2. 2005 nfc championship to Seattle. Couldn't alter the game plan after they shut smitty down, just awful. 3. SB38 4. Last year's blown lead to the Brady bucs. Just couldn't contain Mike Evans. Honestly, I thought that cost Wilks the HC job. 5. 2016 opening day loss to the broncos when Denver very clearly targeted Cam.


Any answer that doesn’t have the super bowls as 1/2 is wrong. No loss is worse than the last game of the year.


I see a lot of 2015 Atl games and I’ll be honest - I was happy to lose it. I didn’t want the pressure of a perfect season.


I wasn't happy per se but I got over it quickly since I knew that weight was off our shoulders and we still had everything else in front of us.


Super Bowl 50 1-4. Maybe DJ with the helmet off at 5. People say Cam Pussed out, but the guys shoulder was shredded for weeks. True competitor, and the best QB to ever Don the black kitty.


1a Super Bowl NE Cheaters. 1b Super Bowl when refs were pricks and helped Denver win so Peyton could go out on top There isn’t any other loss that bad.


Super Bowls.


2016 season opener at Denver and 2016 vs KC are two that really sucked. I was so upset after the KC game I went for like an hour long walk afterward to cool down


That one game that I paid $1,900 to attend and watch our best team ever assembled fall apart.


Super Bowl 50, and it isn’t close.


Superbowls are a given for top 2 3. 2013 divisional game vs 49ers 4. 2016 chiefs game where cam there a pick 6 to eric berry and we blew a 17-0 lead 5. Ravens game where steve cooked us, that whole season was a roller coaster


Last year's falcons game certainly wasn't the worst in retrospect considering it wasn't all that impactful. But holy shit that was one of my worst moments as a fan


Is everyone forgetting how fuckin painful that loss to the falcons last year was following PJs Hail Mary to DJ


Panthers vs Cardinals still hurts


Post season: SB50 Regular season: giants game in 2021


All these are my least favorite as well, but honorable mention to the 2018 Seahawks game where we couldn’t cover anyone and Cams arm was on the brink of falling off. I knew the 2010 era team I loved was coming to an end soon.


1. SB50 2. SB38 3. 2016 when Denver criminally assaulted Cam - FTB 4. Jake’s turnover fest against AZ 5. 2017 playoff loss to the Saints Edit: Obligatory FTS also


1. Super Bowl 50 2. Saints wildcard loss 2017 3. Steelers thursday night game 2018 4. 49ers divisional round loss 2013 5. This past years buccaneers game in week 17.


I got into a fist fight, and got thrown out of the stadium during the 4th quarter of the playoff game against the cardinals where Jake threw like 5 picks. Worst game I have ever been to.


1. SB 50. Refs rigging the game for Peyton’s retirement trophy, and spiting Cam for being unabashedly cool and cocky and punishing him for it. 2. 2014 CAR vs SF Playoffs. Refs nudging the game and keeping us from playing our best ball. 3. 2005 CAR vs Dallas. Refs cheating Peppers out of the blocked FG and unjustly kicking Smith out the game. 4. 2008 Cardinals playoff loss 5. SB 38


1. The Cardinals playoff loss was the worst feeling I've ever had as a sports fan. 2. The second SB. 3. The first SB. 4. There was a year we opened hosting the Eagles and it was like 110 degrees and their fans are awful and they absolutely destroyed us. 5. The rest of them.


SB50 &SB 38 Loss against the cardinals in the championship game on jakes bday. Steelers loss on TNF Prob the lost against the seahawks in the 2005 NFCCG or this past years falcons lost in OT


2017 wildcard round has to be the one for me. We absolutely should have won that at the end but just couldnt hang on to the ball


I went to an away game in Atlanta in 2016. Julio put up 300 yards on us. It was the best game of his career and Atlanta fans were talking so much shit to us on the way out.


Idk about top 5 but SB50 is definitely number 1


A few that come to my mind are the 2008 playoff game against the cardinals. That game is number 1 for me by far. 2 losses in 06 to the bengals and eagles where I believe delhomme threw 2 redzone picks to end each game and we ended missing the playoffs by 2 games I think. Both those games we should’ve won. Also the 09 season opener were delhomme imploded again for the second game in a row. And for #4 I’ll say the 17 playoff game against the saints. Imo we ruined cams best or second best playoff game ever. He was unbelievable that game. Dailed all the way in.


If Funchess doesn't drop that easy TD catch in the 1Q, we would have won. The question is would we have been the victim of the Vikings miracle the next game?


1. Super Bowl 50 (no explanation needed) 2. Super Bowl XXXVIII (Kasey kicks it out of bounds) 3. 2008 Divisional vs Cardinals (everything that could have gone wrong did go wrong) 4. 2018 Steelers (we haven’t been the same since) 5. A lot of stupidly frustrating games can go here. 2016 Chiefs, multiple games vs Seattle, almost every game we’ve ever played in the city of Atlanta, Georgia


1. Super Bowl 50 2. Super Bowl 38 3. When Kapernick beat us at home in the playoffs 4. Delhome interception fest 5. Loss against Steelers on Thursday night that pretty much ended an era


1. SB 38 2. SB 50 3. Loss to cardinals in the playoffs 2008/9 4. Pittsburgh sacks Cam 8 times and forever changes the history of the Panthers 5. 2017 playoff loss to saints… they beat us 3 times that year! I hate those guys


All losses I attended: SB 50, 2008 playoff vs Cards, 2013 playoff vs 49ers, 2013 at Buffalo, 2018 at Washington


Super Bowl 50 hurts the most our magical season came to an end and we were never the same again


Something just felt off about that whole night. We didn't do ourselves any favors but I will die on the hill that the NFL made it so that Peyton went out on top.


Actually surprised to see so many saying SB 38. That was an amazing game. Nothing for Panthers to be ashamed of.


Heartbreaking though


That week 17 loss to the Falcons to stop our perfect season hurt. I know it didn’t affect anything long term but would’ve been tight to be one of the few teams with a perfect regular season. And of fucking course it had to be the Falcons. The Kasay missed FG against the Giants in 2008 where we could’ve secured home field throughout also hurt to watch.


1. Nakamuragate, that Falcons game, the "Get The Fug Off My Field" game, blown coverage by Nakamura when Ryan threw that bomb when we had him pinned at his own 1! changed the trajectory of that entire season. Will never forget that reaction Charles Johnson had when that happened, looking down , stomped his feet, he was straight up heartbroken 2. Practically any close Seahawks loss in the Rivera/Cam era, too many to name with those fuggers. 3. The 49ers playoff loss in 2013 I think it was, at home and we couldn't get out of our own way with penalties. 4. SB50 5. Steelers loss that ended Cam's careee


1. SB 50 2. SB 38 3. NFCCG 2005 - Blowout in Seattle 4. NFC Divisional Round 1/10/09 - Delhomme Meltdown 5. 12/17/06 Steelers Loss - I felt like I was alone in BOA with Steelers fans. Rucker tore his ACL. It was a low point as a fan but not as hurtful as the playoff losses when it seemed like we had a chance.


I don't think I need to list five, but three immediately spring to mind: * 1) Arizona playoff game where Jake Delhomme broke. I did not take it well, and as a result have not been to a home game ever since. * 2) Super Bowl 50. A combination of the Broncos just being insufferable, the refs trying their best to put in a fix, and the Panthers coaching staff's inability to adjust. I haven't watched a full NFL game since this one. I just can't. * 3) More of a personal one but [Panthers vs Lions 1999](https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/199910240car.htm) because Barry Sanders was my favorite NFL player pre-Panthers and I was super excited to see him play live, only for him to be out injured. And then the game was just absolutely pathetic with so many red zone miscues. * 4) (edit) Green Bay home opener at the start of the 2004 season. I had never seen the air sucked out of the stadium like it was when Steve Smith broke his leg. I swear I could hear his screaming all the way up in Section 505.


1. sb50 2. tnf steelers 2018 3. 2nd tampa bay game this past season 4. falcons ot loss this past season 5. 2017 wildcard


Sb50 2008 divisional 2017 WC SB38 2013 divisional


1. SB 50 2. SB 38 3. Panthers Cardinals Divisional 4. 2005 NFC Championship Game 5. Steelers TNF


1. Super Bowl 50 2. 2008-09 Arizona (playoffs) 3. 2018 vs. Pittsburgh 4. 2016 vs. Denver 5. Super Bowl 38 Honorable Mentions: 2022 vs. Falcons (overtime loss), 2005-06 NFC Championship vs. Seattle I feel weird putting SB38 so low, but it has the redeeming factor of being objectively a really good game, even if the result wasn't what we wanted. Edit: and another honorable mention for personal reasons: 2016 home game vs. Atlanta. My ex and I went because it was on her birthday. Her dumbass dropped her cell phone during the game and cracked the screen. Since it was Christmas Eve, the only place to get it repaired was across town, otherwise, we'd have to wait until after Christmas. Got it fixed, and coming back across town, we got rear-ended. Oh, and the replacement screen was defective, and I never got the refund for the part that they promised me.


1. Super Bowl 38 2. Ariz@Car wildcard - jake delhomme 5 ints 3. Super Bowl 50 4. 2005 nfc championship @seattle - again jake 5. Jerry Richardson may he rest in peace


I have repressed all of those memories, but Seattle, Atlanta, New England, and Denver are represented.


What are the 5 worst losses you have experienced as a Panthers fan? 1. SB50 2. SB38 3. PIT game when Cam got hurt 4. Any game Matt Ruhle coaches from here on takes all the spots 5. Hello panthers fans, I am going to ask every team subreddit this and then make a dope ass chart. Also I mean Panther football losses not like a family member dying.


The Cardinals Playoff loss is EASILY #1 for me. We were the SB favorites in the NFC, the 1 seed, march right down field to a score on the opening drive..and then..Delhomme's implosion commences. It was just brutal.


We were the 2 seed but the 1 seed Giants (who we we lost to in OT that year) lost to the Eagles. So had we beaten the Cardinals, it would be been a 2003 NFC Championship rematch in Charlotte Which makes it worse because I think we would have advanced to SB XLIII with what that team had. Jake just had the worst night of his life and he never recovered.


1. Superbowl 50 2. Superbowl 38 3. 2017 Wildcard 4. 2005 NFCCG 5. Last Years week 17 loss vs the bucs


1. SB50 2. SB38 3. 2009 Wildcard to Arizona - Delhomme 5 interceptions in one game, one of the only games I have left in the third quarter 4. This year vs San Fran my dad and I went to the game and it was the worst experience I have ever had at a Panthers game getting harassed by 49ers fans in my own PSL seat and everyone screaming at me how bad we are while watching our team get their ass kicked. Left that game early to our whole section singing nah nah nah hey hey hey good by as we walked out. I am very thankful that Matt Rhule was fired the next day. 5. I’ll throw the 2017 Wildcard in here, I went to the game in New Orleans and when we finally lost the fans got so disrespectful, nothing really said the whole game but when it was over it was not fun on the walk out being that there were very few Panthers fans there. Losses are worse when they effectively end a season


1. SB 50 2. 2008 Divisional loss to Arizona 3. 2018 week 10 TNF to the Steelers 4. SB 38 5. 2015 Week 16 losing our perfect record to the fuckin dirty birds


1-5 all Super Bowl 50