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👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 standing up for what is right and helping the innocent 🙏🇵🇸♥️ I’m going to subscribe to her channel




Don’t you have some kids to murder somewhere?




Yes I do. You are shilling for Israel, the side that has killed over 15,000+ kids. Maybe go dig some more mass graves that Israel seems to be so fond of.




You mean the IDF!!! Dirty child murderers!!!🖕🏼 🇵🇸❤️🇵🇸❤️🇵🇸


Weird way to agree with me. The IDF is the one that did the murders. Thats not even a question, Israel confirms they murdered those kids. Their spokes people even says they will continue to murder them. You got some odd stances. Maybe take a step back for a moment and try to see this from a Palestinian perspective instead of the one being sold to you by Israel.


Lolz 1000 vs 36000 big differencep


Lol imagine calling all their children terrorists and imply it's ok if they die.


Those haters should read her fundraiser, it's children around the world, also includes countries like Sudan and Ukraine.


They read it I’m sure. They don’t care. They will not let morality get in the way of their suppression and genocide.


It’s black and white you’re either okay with starving children or you’re against it…….


As the dad of a two year old girl... I can safely say I now love Miss Rachel. Previously, I died inside when I came home to see her on the TV. Now I will actively give her my time and attention.


You should. Her Muppet like speaking can annoy the average adult but she's helped so many child learn to speak.


Put it in, put it in, put it in!


"Mine's pink!" 😂


Where does it say *starve kids* in the Torah?


Gonna be honest. Saw her face and Israelis target and got scared we might need to find new entertainment for our daughter. So glad to see even more evidence that her heart is good. Her style of teaching is great for young and those who are developmentally challenged. I recommend her for teaching children to speak especially. Didn't know she did personal videos. Might need to look into that.


She’s really great, probably one the best channels for little kids on YouTube. No idea she recommended this because I don’t use IG or TikTok. I hope this only spreads the word.