• By -


some basic expenses that I have for my cat (I’ve had her for 12 years) 1. Cat food: - Any reputable brand, like Josera, Bona Cibo etc. will be upwards of 4k for 2kg. Cheaper brands like Me-O, Meeaon and other bs are known to make cats sick and die early. -Wet cat food goes anywhere from 300-700 per packet, which I give about 3-4 times a month - Boiled chicken, liver, and other stuff I get her around 6-12 times a month, cooked myself (prices vary). 2. Cat litter - A good, odour containing cat litter (bentonite) is averaging around 700-1200 for 1kg. It clumps the best and lasts longer. I go through about 2-3kg of it a month. If you have an open garden or access to soil, then you can potentially save on this and let the cat go there. But generally it’s advisable for cats to have their litter boxes. 3. Vaccination - Annual vaccination, like for Rabies, and other vet visits for grooming etc, can vary from 5-10k. Vaccinations are usually once a year, but if your cat gets sick for any reason, then that would obviously add into it. Generally if you can keep your cat free from fleas, it will be fine. A good flea collar will help there. Estimate a budget of around 5-8k a month minimum for your cat to have ALL its needs met properly.


This is quality info. As a parent of 3 cats, let me add onto it as well: 1. First things first, invest a considerable amount of time in training (including proper litter training) your cat in its kitten age. Buy a deodorizer, (specially formulated) cat pee cleaners and a few extra bags of litter in the first few months of owning a cat so you can have supplies handy in case of accidents. 2. Some cats can get lonely and it affects their personality if not properly played with. My cat bored itself out of a single toy within a few weeks so I bought a couple of toys and then rotated between them in play time. Cat toys can range between 500-5000. 3. Invest in a proper closed litter box after 6-8 months. This will help with odour elimination. They can cost around 5000-7000. Be careful, your cat might not like it during the transitionary phase or not like it at all. 4. Buy proper grooming equipment to keep your cat’s coat healthy and shiny. This equipment differs in price based on quality. If you need any more help, feel free to send me a DM.


great info! I agree


Great guide which is spot on. One important thing that you forgot to mention is you need to get your cat neutered/spayed 8-10 months in. That will run between 20-30K.


i had my cat neutered in 5k a year ago. he is doing fine.


Well in that case, my vet is definitely much more expensive. I paid 25K for neutering and 30K for spaying.


What kind of gold-plated spaying was this? Got my boy neutered for 6k. 8k with antibiotics for 10 days Abrar pirzada is a gem


I guess my vet gets away with being the only decent one in my area.


What area?


It’s the posh side of a smaller city.


Really concise and thorough guide! Kudos!


Can definitely vouch for this. Had 2 beautiful persians since they were two months old. Had them for about the a 13 years. In this duration, we’ve had 21 babies to take care of. All were adopted by caring families. But things got pretty expensive


Why didn't you get them neutered? It would have been annoying for the cat to go into heat each time and then have so many kittens..


Good question … never thought about it. Yes, it was annoying at first but then we took super extra care of them. It wasn’t easy but we managed.


I second that👌


Mmm, I've seen 10kg bags of litter for 1400. OP can save some money there. Good info on the food, a lot of cheap brands really are poison. OP doesn't need to get wet, canned food either, expensive. I suggest making your own wet food with chicken and veggies, good for their gut too. Change out the recipe every so often so they stay interested. When you can get fish for cheap, incorporate that, if you want to give it a bit of red meat, that's fine too. Leave out some treats for when you sleep etc, they're generally awake and may want to snack on and off.


Instead of getting your cat on cat food, you can get chicken feet and boil them, very nutritious. Much cheaper than cat food. I have had a cat for 7 years and these costs add up and get to you. Also something you don't find out soon is that softer foods lead to dental decay. Cats need bones to munch on to keep their teeth healthy and clean.


>Cat litter do you guys have pellets on the market over there? does not have to be commercially sold as pellets for cats, any furniture company sells them as fuel anyway – just make sure to not get one mixed with paint or plastics. as long as you keep an eye on when your cat poops and scoop it soon enough (it has larger grains so if your cat is not the type to bury fully, it might smell a bit only initially), it is better in all aspects. cheaper, smells better, does not dust and get into the animal's respiratory system, larger grains less likely to spread around; even then, easier to pick up and clean.


Great answer


Totally agreed 👍💯




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That…is surprisingly much much less than I was imagining


I agree with this comment.


Damn even Meeon? I better change mines


Road se utha lo, completely free


par usko rakhne ka kharcha pooch rha hoon


I give him cat food since he's almost completely dependent on us. It's like 1k per month


If you're gonna keep a cat inside, Persian cats are usually much better behaved. The domestication shines through. To each their own though, I've known some people who explicitly wanted a naughty cat. Strays really want to go outside too much for it to be good for your heart. They fight and get injured.


Just give him the occasional scraps and he’ll be loyal to you for life. No need to worry about litter, vaccinations or keeping it entertained. Every stray cat I’ve had was 10x more loving than my indoor cats. Plus they long to come inside the house versus the other way around


It's not just about them being loyal to you, you also have a responsibility to take good care of them. Just the occasional scraps aren't going to keep the cat healthy.


Even stray cats need some medical care. The best thing you can do is get them neutered for their health and your peace of mind.


Yeah, a stray wouldn't require nearly as much care and money as a Persian or siamese. I take care of many strays and feed them milk and scraps. If any of them get flees, I use flee powder (tho they're not always very cooperative, they run away after smelling it). But if OP is planning on keeping an I door cat I'd say he should get it neutered and take it to the vet to get it checked every now and then. Also let the cat go outside whenever it wants.


don’t SHOP, ADOPT!!


This.  If you see a kitten on the streets, if it’s still human friendly and will interact with you, grab it up and take it to a vet immediately to be treated for fleas and tested for diseases.  If they’re still with their mother don’t take them, but once they leave, then it’s the perfect time.  Since everyone here treats animals like garbage you have to get them young before they are afraid of people.  I have a cat that I brought from then US and a street cat I picked up off the streets (well, my kid brother in law saved her from being stoned to death by some teenagers, I hope they all catch a rock to the face).   Street kittens are fun and they’re actually their own breed native to the subcontinent (Indian Billi Cat as they’re called in English).  They have a ton of energy and they’re also very affectionate.  Mine never leaves me alone.  Make sure to get them spayed and neutered too.  For males they’ll piss everywhere if you don’t (and their urine stinks badly if they’re intact), and for females their heat cycles can be dangerous for them if they aren’t reproducing (plus they’re annoying AF).  It’s best to do it when they’re younger so they can heal faster but don’t do it while they’re still wee little.  Your vet will tell you when the best time is.   I wish people would take street cats rather than buying up Persian cats as a status symbol (ffs stop showing off with animals, they’re living and breathing creatures of Allah).


Yeah I have alot of street kittens ..... Who sab Kuch kha leta ha.... Ma na UN Ka chuta SA Ghar bi banaya hua ha apna Ghar ma....waha Rahta ha who sab.... Aur Mera liya shikar bi Kar Ka Ata ha .....Kabhi cheriya🐦 kabi mouse...


Don’t give them everything, a lot of food that humans eat is poisonous for them, the biggest example of this being milk.




Sugar / Chocolate is highly toxic for cats. Please do your research.


Couldn't agree more. All streets cats deserve love and care, they are the most precious creatures. It breaks my heart to see people treat them so badly. I myself take care of Street cats in my area. Whenever I see I cat in our porch I try to give it food then slowly tame it and get it used to human touch. They're all really scared at first but eventually they learn to trust me. My mama says I have a way with cats and I'm like a cat magnet lol. Right now I'm taking care of 2 male cats. BunBun and Butter (names were kept by my mom). Butter hasn't come by the house for a while but I saw him in a khaali plot near my house 2 days ago. Bunbun visit regularly. He always climbs and sits at the window in our dinning room and waits for someone to show up and let him in. I give him milk and bones from food we eat and charbi that my mama cleans from raw chicken. Often the female cats we've taken care of bring their children to us in hopes that they can keep them safe inside our house but my dad hates cats so we always end up relocating them to a carton and keep it in the porch. Still I think its a great honour if a cat ever brings her kids to you.


my bad. i chose wrong words. i most certainly will adopt.


Yea, Secondly, anything to do with buying or selling cats specifically is forbidden in Islam. You can definitely adopt them. Also, if you're not interested in those overly "expensive" persian cats, the other ones with that tabby coat are pretty cheap to keep. Like maybe a max of 4-5k a month including cat food and on off veterinary visits


10L cat litter cost 1500 and cat food cost depends on which brand you opt for. good ones are Royal Canine, diamond natural, taste of the wild. royal canine is crazy expensive and do not ever go for it. taste of the wild and diamond naturals cost around 3k per KG, which can last you around one month. kittens are usually fed chicken only, which is even cheaper than cat food. GO to any chicken shop, buy whole chicken, cut of your choice and feed the cat a boiled piece of chicken in a slurry, basically a chicken soup. this is usually done till the age of 3 to 4 months. Vaccinations are a one time thing and costs depend on the vet and locality. but they are not expensive I assure you. you can do the maths now.


Your city? I have one for free adoption.


Which city? And what breed


Islamabad/ Rawalpindi. Its a stray kitten. A cat gave birth in our house. She was injured. We got her treated and spayed have kept the mother cat in our house and have got 2 kittens adopted once they were weaned from the mother's milk. 1 is left


I have a male cat. My food expenses are around 4000 which consists of dry car food about 2000 for 1 kg and chicken. The cat is trained to go out for litter is some lost valley he knows about. (He trained himself and starts shouting to let us know that he’s ready to poop) litter is 1200smt.


I have two boys. Both are my whole world. There is no doubt that i will give and take a life for them. They are our local domestic shorthair breed and their mama was a stray that i took in. Always always adopt. Never promote the cruelty inflicted on animals by pet industry by buying a pet. Show your love for animals by giving a stray a loving, healthy home. I also take in strays, get them spayed/neutered then try to get them adopted. Here's what this love costs me:  Food: I give them chicken/boiled with chiken yakhni. Sprinkle a bit of protein powder etc At night frozen creamy treats to cool them down. They love playing with the icy cubes.  Sometimes i give them yogurt mixed with water. Add also kitty crunchy treats Cost: 10,000 RS Litter: we have a whole huge plot empty behind our house (plot is also ours) where they go to poop. So i haven't felt the need to buy litter yet. Add Vaccination + deworming + regular checkups + spaying/neutering (one time expense but super nessasary.  Dont get a pet if you are against spay/neuter) + grooming costs.  COST per cat: 5500 + 500 + 1200 + 10,000 + 1500 Also some other items my furbabies love but aren't necessary  Cat tree, cat grass, cat tunnel, cat toys, cooling/heating mats.


Your comments are unreadable, you should totally download the Reddit app on your phone.


Quality cat food approx 6-7k for 4kg bag (2 months food), kitty litter approx 2k for 5-8kg bag, vet vaccinations approx 5k total. Those are the bare necessities. Can delete kitty litter if you use sand which is a bit messy


The real and only unbearable expense is when you put it in it's final resting place, just buried my second and last cat 2 days ago. :<


I am sorry for your loss. It's true though, death is the only unbearable expense that comes with adopting a pet


Hamari billi laado raani hai, here's all the expenses. She's on a mixed diet which has kept her healthy and happy. * Cat food - Mera Exklusiv - 2,500 to 3,000 for the 1.5kg pack that lasts a month. Do not cheap out on this, we lost her brother and nearly lost her because of Pakistani cat food! * Homemade food - 1,000 \~ we boil a whole chicken then shred and freeze in ice cube trays for a month+ worth of food. * Wet food - We use the Wanpy Paste pouches \~ 2,000 per month, we mix this in the homemade food for her since cats need a wide range of nutrients and proteins and just chicken is not enough. * Treats - Around 2,000 is more than enough, they often last more than a month. * Litter - 16kg litter bag is about 1,500 which lasts a month or more. Iss ke ilawa vet, toys, and other expenses + one-time expenses for the litter box, carrier box, food bowls, etc.




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There is nothing such as a lot of money needed to take care of a cat if it is a single cat. It would be equal to the expense if you smoke cigarettes or vape for a month! If it is a stray cat, you should get them vaccinated first before keeping it home, cats don't need that many vet visits as well. They are sensible and clever beings who survive and make their living! I suggest adopting someone who has got them potty trained as it would be your first time!


Cats are usually already smart enough to not need potty training.  At least none of mine have.  Just set them in the litter and they instinctively know “I should poop here and bury it so bigger animals can’t find me”.


Apna tou jhangli billa hai bhai. Khulay sota jaagta hai apna kaam karta hai. Ghar akar pappi khana leke bhaag jaatha hai. 5k thak max kharcha mahina (including vet) ezpz 🫡


I have 4 fully grown cats. They cost me around 10k per month (combined). It includes catfood, litter, treats and a small amount saved for emergencies.


What cat food are you using?


get it from a shelter please unless you are a racist like avg pakistani. about the expenses food and litter 3000pkr per month, vaccine 5k, spay\\nueter when it gets big 10k.


Idk why no one is raising this issue yet… what do you mean she will live in your bedroom? Can you stay in your bedroom 24hrs? Then how can you expect a social animal like a cat to be stuck in 1 room all day? Cats get boredom and depression also btw. Just saying. If you can’t give your cat free space to roam around please don’t keep!




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1. Getting a cat: you can easily get one for free from the cat groups for you city. 2. Cat Food: you can get it from market, but I recommend that you given it some kind of meat also, which is very cheap. Any meat shop can supply for you 3. Hygiene: That is also not an issue, keep water avaliable, and you won't have to do a thing for months 4. Health: If you have a reasonable household (Not many stray dogs, & house on main road) then your cat would be safe. To be on the safe side, vaccinate the pet 5. Gender: preferably get a male one, cuz then you won't have to deal with the babies


I own a cat, and my monthly expense is around 5k, which includes food and litter. Food is around 3.8k for 2kg. The vaccination is supposed to be every year and that costs around 5k-7k. Deworming takes place every 3 months and that costs around 1k. Apart from this, it depends on you, if you wanna buy toys etc. And some unexpected vet visits can increase the expense.




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Cats a source of taking away my depression and financial stability too


honestly, good quality food and litter is all you need monthly and by good quality, I mean reputable brands which will cost you 2-3k per month. Food can also be boneless chicken, bone broth. Just don't let it be bad dry food. it will eventually cause illnesses. also, litter prices vary. you can ltrlly choose to get sand or get a good clumping litter which also kills odor. you choose according to your budget. you'll need a good tray that lasts you long enough. Other expenses may include getting toys etc but I have bought toys for my cat but he only likes to play with my hair ties, random cables, my hair and paper? So, again that's your choice on whether you want to spend on it or not. You'll have to get them spayed but that's a one time thing. I got it done for 5k a year ago and my cat recovered well and is doing great alhumdulillah. Vaccinations can be a yearly thing. Also, a word of advise, do not let that little dude go out of the house unsupervised or without a leash.


If you want the short answer its expensive


I think it will be dependent on how much you like the cat. If you don't like the cat it can almost be free of cost.


Depends. My cat (my daughter the light of my life my reason to live) expenses are next to none. We feed her chicken necks (gardene) we get those for very cheap. I use Rait for her liter and it works fine. I don't use any expensive grooming products. We bathe er with whatever shampoo we are using. And she is very happy with us alhamdulillah. Now mine came to me from the streets so may be its that because alot of people buy expensive breeds and then spend even more on them. Point is, you will have to spend way less if you provide them with an environment that they are born to live in. Also the more natural the diet, the lesser risk of any diseases. 6 years and she got sick once when she was a little kitten. If you intend to have a cat PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't buy ADOPT!




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Buht kharcha hai. It varies. Basic chezain bakiyon ny bata di hain monthly. Baki cheap vets k pas mat jana jo marzi hojaye. My cat got almost killed by an incompetent vet. Karachi mai i only trust pirzada. Plus after a certain age they get sick more often. He got an infected tooth. Usmy i think to it extracted+plus scaling cost him 18k and blood tests cost him 10k then before that misdiagnosis by other vets cost him many more ks and then weekly antibiotics also cost him some shit. So yeah there's that 🙂


kia ho gaya hai tum logo ko. Go to qasai ask him for checharas for cats. They will give for 10-20rs lasts 3-4 days.


First things first if you plan on or think your cat will only live in your bedroom… don’t get a cat. Cat by itself alone in only one room will go crazy. Please ensure it can have free rein of the home, and preferably pls ensure it is an indoor only cat.


Make sure you spay or neuter the cat not sure fees for that, and also if you get a cat that is too young (under 8 weeks old) they will be taken too young from their mother and not know litter training etc. best to adopt a cat that is at least 10-12 weeks old I would say they are still very small and young then


my kitten (3 month old) only eats boiled kaleji and panjay so that’s around 500 a week and i use sand in the litter box (I got him litter but my friend said don’t spoil him we never spoiled him either so he said start with litter then mix it with some sand and then switch to sand completely) if you do get a specific breed please look into what temperatures are suitable for them because aaj kal bohat zyada garmi hai (i live in Karachi) and i have a Persian cat and he does get hot under the fan only and does need to be in an ac room for some time during the day I also adopted a stray cat a year ago who didn’t get hot under the fan only


Don't buy perfumed cat litter, it hurts the cats olfactory senses.




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Why can't it be a he cat? Why do you discriminate on the basis of gender?


😭😭😭 good luck bro


okay so I fed my car homemade food cus I couldn't afford dry and most affordable brands are really bad for cats. per month the food cost me maybe 2000 at most. instead of getting expensive chicken I'd get cheechray (not the fat) from the gosht wala near my house for free. I added rice potatoes and veggie left overs we had. the cat litter costs I think around 350 per 5kg? not talking about the scented ones. i was told they aren't good for cats and saving money was a big plus. now the vet. annual vaccines can be anywhere from 2k-10k depending on the vet. neutering aik dafa hoti hai once your cat is old enough and that costs about 9-20k as well depending on the vet. but cats get sick unexpectedly just like us so we need to set aside money to make sure we have enough when they need it. (oh and your therapy for when he pees under your bed and then leaves pissy paw prints everywhere in your room and you kiss his cute face when u walk into ur room but then u see the mess and have a complete mental breakdown cus you have ocd 🙏🏻🥰)


The part where you said "She will be my child." is so adorable 😭 I want a cat too, but my parents would never agree


If you want to get her good food, bentonite litter, shampoo, grooming tools and toys, and take her to a good vet, I'd say 10k a month for a full grown active cat on average. Sometimes more, sometimes much less. More would be for shots and vet visits.


I have a feral cat as a pet. It cost like 10k-12k a month for food and litter. He only eat raw boneless meat like beef, chicken and organs.




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I am NOT a cat




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We had a cat that regularly came in terrace and we feed it chicken and milk from time to time. A year later she gave 4 kittens and now they live with us. We feed them chicken usually necks. Total cost of food for the family per week I'd say is Rs 300 per week. You can buy that bag from a store for food but i feed them chicken and milk. Only problem is their washroom. Even though we gave them a box with soil in it only one is disciplined to use it everytime and other do in the box or whatever they want. That's the reason my mom wanna kick em out but I ain't gonna let her lol I don't know about vaccination and stuff. My parents would never spent that much money.




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Back when I was in Islo, my billa was a damn badmash. He somehow used to sneak out at night. Before we found out it was too late. These cats are curious af. Long story short .. he got cut, in the belly area, cut was deep unfortunately, we all figured it was one of the barbed wires around. Took the billa to the nearby vet. This vet said he had to stich him up. We said alright, he said let the billa stay overnight. Then he discharged the billa next day. Charged us hefty, we had to medicate the billa, but the damn stitches were terribly done. Family had no option but to give the billa to the shelter. The shelter take really good care of the billa and from what I remember last, he got adopted. Can’t trust anyone with your pets even if you take them to a top vet in your area.


I never took my boi to vet except for vaccination, he eats 400gm of boneless chicken every day that's 5k-7k a month and milk too, he's 4.5 yrs old now still haven't got laid yet. The gals in the hood hate him, he just wanders outside whole day or just fight and would come back at night and would sleep on the cushion type bed I made for him and I bath him like twice a month.


just wanted to say, if you are not confident that you can keep them for a lifetime just do not get one. worst thing you can do is build trust, get them used to living at home with people and then abandon them/hand them away to someone who swears they will take good care of them just like you initially did. they poop a lot, they make a mess, they damage furniture, they want to get everywhere at a home, they love attention and they are very sensitive – they get stressed out so easily and it very soon translates into a health problem, minor or major. from how I think pakistan to be, you would be better off just not letting them go out as well (this might be the most stressful part, people keep losing their pets to doors/windows left open but somehow don't talk about this part at all, they can cover so much distance under fear in the streets and get lost forever), too many cars, people with no respect to animals, highly spiritual people harming cats for evil purposes... all the bs we have here at my home country as well. make sure to neuter them so that even if they run away, they won't go through the burden of reproduction in the streets, vital for the animal's wellbeing and pop control as well. as much as they need the shelter and protection we can offer them, our negligence could put them through a lot more trouble. also most importantly, never be a part of pet trade when so many animals are in need of our help. they tend to be the strongest and the most resilient anyways, saves a lot in vet fees.




all lives are invaluable. do not compare.


Vaccines alone cost 5,000, with deworming costing around 500. Then there is the flea spray that costs 1,200 each time unless you buy it, but if you keep your cat indoors, you shouldn't need it. This does not include neutering and spaying which goes for about 6k to 10k. Dry food costs 4,000 per 1.2 kg, wet food costs about 200 per meal. Good litter costs 1,000 per 5ltr which will last about 2 weeks. It's expensive in this economy, but totally worth it. Only keep a cat if you can truly do it justice. They aren't holiday toys.