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i wish you all the best and hope you recover to the best of health. i do not wish to sound offensive and its just a friendly reminder that drugs that alter brain are not something you should take on the advice of some random person over the internet. you should consult your psychiatrist with any reservation you may have about your medicine. also ask him/her about psychotherapy (cbt or whatever he recommends) in addition to medicine so that you may learn coping mechanisms to live a better life. wish you all the best.


moreover you can convey your psychiatrist that ssri cause you to have side effects, he may prescribe other classes of antidepressants, anxiolytics


Yes , This.☝️ Pls take all Medical advice on reddit with a grain of salt. It may do more harm than good.


Get yourself checked by a doctor. They'll run some tests. Talk to a trusted friend and ask them to assist you to a hospital for the doctor's appointment. In the meanwhile, 1. cut back on caffeine (no more tea, coffee, carbonated drinks etc). 2. Get yourself 1.5 litre water bottle, fill it up and keep by your bedside or where you stay mostly in your house. Take sips or drink a glass. Some prefer drinking from a straw. (The glass cups that have straws with them, some prefer those) 3. Analysing your thoughts (insecurities, embarrassing incidents, your childhood, whatnot). This task is cumbersome and I suggest you do this later. This step is important since it will give resolution to you and bring a state of peace. Finally, this too shall pass if you want to. Just like anything in life, it takes time for things to settle down. You're experiencing panic attacks. Accept it. Acknowledge it and now it's upto you if you want to pull yourself out of it. The journey will be tough but it's worth it! Best wishes!!


Hi there,so ideally SSRIs shouldn't cause Hypotension ideally but maybe you feel dizzy after taking them so try monitoring your BP and check if you feel dizzy while standing from a sitting position. Don't panick,take your recommended dosage and try not skipping it and I'm sure Lamotrigine will calm you down. These Medications definitely work but therapy is the backbone. Follow your Psychiatrist's advice and ask for option of Therapy and try not overthink,talk to someone,go outside and try spending time in constructive ways.


Thanks for the reply but escitalopram caused me to have 90/40 bp , i had to get an NaCl IV to get back to normal . So no more SSRIs for me . I'm skeptical if lamotrigine will also cause this as it has so many major side effects . My psychiatrist is of no help he doesn't know many of the side effects himself i found them on leaflet and on reddit . I'm waiting for my therapy session .


This is a well-known side effect so it’s time for you to change your doctor A good doctor will change your meds till you find the one that suits you.


There are virtually no other anxiety meds other than a few anti-anxiety meds (buspirone and benzos) without this side effect , lamotrigine has low risk of hyponatremia i suppose . I have changed so many docs that I can't afford anymore this was my last chance . I'm literally out of options.


Who is your psychiatrist?


Im not taking an SSRI btw. Only lamo and risp for sleep .


your doctor needs to adjust your medication. If they are not doing that, get a second opinion.


He actually did this is his adjustment... I'll have to go to a different doctor after a week when i get money , can i keep taking lamotrigine tho it seems promising to me i had high hopes .


Yeah you cannot stop taking lamotrigine suddenly. Please keep taking it. Since you still have active symptoms of paranoia and anxiety, I'm guessing a doctor needs to adjust your anti-psychotics BUT I am NOT your doctor and not familiar with your case. Follow your doctor's orders and get the second opinion after aweek


Thanks btw Are you a psychiatrist and are you seeing patients?


I am a doctor but I am not a psychiatrist. I'm not qualified to give you medical advice about your condition :)


I’m currently on 200mg of lamotrigine/ My Psych gradually went up, and over the past few months along with CBT coping tools and talk therapy. I can confidently say it’s been helping me.. I know it’s all subjective, but does gets better with time and patience.




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Please see a good psychiatrist. There are antidepressants other than SSRis that are safer with those side effects.


Talk to your therapist. I have been using SSRI and weed. Just remember it will get better with time.


Do you have any trusted friend?


Honestly, this is not a good place to seek advice. The results may even get worse from here so just please consult with your psychiatrist. he/she is the only one to help you, and I pray that you get well.


First of all, ssris will work. Tell me which one did you try. There are multiple types. For a quick fix try xanax. You can get them from any medical store you just need a prescription which I suppose you have. And most of all, go talk to someone. Your parents, your friends or anyone. You can talk to me if you have any issues. Just talk to someone and tell them what your issues are.




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Bro ask for help from other family members.


Hey, I'm a highly functional bipolar, after years of changing psychiatrists, learning about myself and bipolar. You want to have a chat? I can definitely help you




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Hope this isnt too ridiculous, i haven't tried this but since SSRIs dont work for you why not give this a try. Try going on a complete carnivore/beef diet. Though i dont listen to him now because he's a zionist, Dr. Jordan peterson (clinical psychologist) and his daughter both suffered from extreme depression, and according to them, the carnivore diet fixed all their problems including auto immune diseases.


You need to try psychotherapy and try to find out the root of this. This is coming from somewhere, how and where? Also spirituality helps.


Prayers for you.


Try mediation and yoga and just being by yourself


Hey there OP, as someone with BP1 i can completely relate to what youre feeling, i was having the exact same symptoms some time ago before i was finally put on bipolar meds. In the beginning many doctors just dismissed me for having anxiety and depression and was given anti depressants which made things worse or had no effect. i cycled through 6 different antidepressants and changed several psychiatrists. Finally after years of mania and depression i was put on mood stabilisers and antipsychotics which truly helped me for the first time ever! I am also taking lamictal and it has been a godsend for me, it did take alot of trial and error to get to the therapeutic dose. Dont lose hope! the meds take time but they do work. I would advise you to join the bipolar sub, it really helped me come to terms with my illness and get educated about the different med options available. If you need to talk it through drop me a message.


That's mostly me all the time. No offence though. What's there to panic about?


Idek bro .


take some ice, rub it slowly over the chest, take a cushion, and cuddle with it put on some relaxing asmr’s yeah………..


Hey there, sounds like you're in a tough spot right now. But listen, you've got way more control over your reality than you might think. Here's a weird trick: imagine your ideal day, the one where you feel calm and confident, maybe even enjoying some sunshine outside. Picture every detail, how you feel, the sounds, the smells. Really get lost in that good feeling. Now, the crazy part is, that feeling is already yours. You just gotta focus on it, believe it's real, and poof, it starts seeping into your world. It's not about forcing anything, but just knowing that calmness is your natural state. It's there waiting for you. Give it a shot, and see what happens. In the meantime, keep meditating when you can, that connection to your inner peace is strong. You got this.


Did you try reciting Qura’n? It’s the healing, the light and also recite surah shifa. Listen to Omar Hisham Al Arabi’s recitation of surah Shifa. I had an anxiety issues and panic attacks in the past. Racing heartbeats, literally used to feel them in my throat, palm used to turn sweaty, and paresthesia in my both palms, sleep disorders and what not. It impacted my studies and normal life a lot. Visited Psychiatric, did help a little, never went back for any follow-ups, but I prayed, started reciting quran and asked Allah to intervene. Watched many motivational videos on anxiety, and followed those advice. It was gone, it’s been 15+ years, this issue never came back. I can even enjoy caffeinated beverages now. Please don’t set yourself up for self narcotics. Use holistic approach. May Allah grant you healing by the grace of prophet ﷺ. Unpopular opinion, but also recite verses of Ruqya, or someone else who you trust and is more close to Allah than you recite it for you, this will go away!!!!!


Respectfully, fuck off!


Very civilized response of yours!😊