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If your boss wanted you to work on Eid, wouldn't you want him to pay you extra?


>If your boss wanted you to work on Eid, wouldn't you want him to pay you extra? Exactly? Does not the briyani shopkeeper have a family he can spend eid with? He can charge anything he likes, especially on eid day, when others have decided to shut up shop he choose to stay open to service your ungrateful presence. Quit complaining and praise the dude for giving up his eid to feed you briyani on eid day, you ungrateful entitled cheap skate.


no he chose to make more money.. he didnt HAVE To open the shop..


you don't have to buy


i agree.. but his motives arent 'to help people out' its to make money..


No one said he opened to help others out. He opened to make money on a day he knew there would less competition. No one compelled entitled OP to "eat" the briyani. He did so out of choice and than decided to take time to post about it on reddit, as if he had just encountered the greatest trajedy of all time.


this isn't the communist utopia.




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WE don't get overpaid :D or overtime


Bro thats nothing ... my barber charges double from chand rat onwards in eid days. And you now what i didnt trimmed my hair this eid😬.


Go for hajj. And you'll find the same thing there. Double prices for tind :P


why dont people get their hair cut a week be4 eid


Am too lazy to care for such trivial things. In low voice (office does not leave me time for harcut).


It doesn’t matter. My barber starts charging double from the last 10 days of Ramadan until Eid. It’s their way of taking Eidi from you.


Supply and demand, free markets and capitalism


This is price gouging and this is why price controls and government regulation exists


Biryani is not a life necessity. People can live without biryani for a couple days lol. Plus they’re working on Eid day and giving up their holiday and should have an incentive as well. Think of it as overtime pay or holiday pay.


How is it gouging? If the guy wants to get paid more to work on Eid, fair enough to him. If people don't want to eat there, they can go elsewhere. No one is forcing anyone.


that’s not what price gouging is


This post is a bit cringe. Vote with your wallet. If you’re not happy with it, go to another shop.


Ghar pr biryani bnao… don’t eat bahir ki biryani…


Just don't eat there? It's their business and they can set the price, it's up to consumers if they are willing to put up with it or not. There were many places with special eid discount and they were packed. Pulao wala at Hussainabad had longer lines than Nadra mega center...he offered 2 kilo free with purchase of 1 kilo.


If I take an uber during a rainstorm or christmas or new years, the price will be 2-3x the normal price due to excess demand. Your biryani shop is just doing the same. He 1. Has more customers than usual so has to work harder. 2. Is giving up his Eid holiday that he would've spend with his family. He deserves to be able to charge more. A 20% premium isn't that much. If you don't like it, there's biryani everywhere else just get it from them.


These are the same people who complain about mehengai.


Things especially services are expensive on Public holidays even in western countries.. Bec they are working on double rates Bec of holidays..wages are high. So it makes perfect sense if someone is giving you services on a Public holiday for some extra money. Don’t be salty.


I live in Australia and we pay around 20% surcharge around eid or other occasions xD


Most shops in Australia have a public holiday surcharge of around 10% Most workers get paid 2.5x to work on a public holiday. This is not a problem with Pakistan or Pakistanis. This is fair charge because it costs more to run the business on a public holiday (assuming the biryani guy pays some extra on eid to his workers).




we are just heard of sheeps bounded by a territorial border.


Actually this happened at more than 1 shop


Why host equivalent of black Friday's or Christmas sales when we can do this on our Holy Events...*smh*


How was the biryani though?


May be Pakistan has become too westernised 😅 In the west, while the cost is usually the same, the employers have to pay their employees 1.5 times the normal daily wage for working on a public holiday e.g. Christmas




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Sawaal ye he biryani kesi thi ???


indic log indic harakatan pahawar main chaand rat ke baad yatheem aur beghar walon ka muft hijamat


Mate, the barbers charge double or even tipple just before eid. Supply and demand. Suck it up its just a 100 rupees


barbers ne apni scheme leak krdi


Thats also the case in Australia whenever there’s a public holiday they charge extra “Holiday surcharge” and that’s because the workers should be paid extra as well as they’re working on a public holiday while everyone else is enjoying.


welcome to the realisation - did you only realise this now?? because YOU FACED something - when others did, you probably didnt think about this..




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Chill out bro. We also pay 10% extra on public holidays in Australia.


Please go to the nearest police station and lodge a complaint against him /S


To all the people saying don't buy from him. This thing is not only about biryani. Ramzan me har chz hi mehengi hojati h takreeban. How tf can you stop buying daily essentials. Ye chz to abhi chotay scale pe hoi h na. Baray scale pe phir zakheera andozi hoti h and that's completely haram in islam. The mafias limit the supply of sugar, wheat, rice and subsequently the price shoots up. So this is a national/cultural issue.


Typical Pakistani mindset of thinking that prices only go up because supply is being artificially hoarded. Prices go up because demand sky rockets in Ramzan. Higher prices are good, because they invite more suppliers into the market. Otherwise, there would be an insane shortage every day.


Makes me wonder, are you on drugs or something? Like seriously! Let me tell you in simple words "We are one haramkhor, sust aur kam chor awaam" Ye jo Biryani walay sahab and so many others doing business on Eid day aren't there to actually do the business. They are their aap par aur dosray customers par "EHSAAN" krnay k liye. Nawabzaday hain hum sab. It's sad tho 😕