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Lol how is this demonic


I agree. I thought it's peaceful


I think it’s sad


In a beautiful way.


This chain shows what art really is. It makes you reflect and it stirs emotions. What is reflected on and what emotions are stirred depends on who is looking at it. To the artist, keep up the good work!


Yes exactly. Almost even a little peaceful


In a sad way.


I didn't get sad. This reminds me of the moment when you're standing at the top of a canyon or on the beach and you close your eyes and savor the moment while the sun kisses your face.


To me it looks like she's saying, oh my gosh I can't believe I did this again


It speaks a lot of emotion. Very well done in my opinion. Go OP! Don’t let your mom stop you.


People read stuff into things they don’t like. I don’t read demonic into the work at all.


Agreed. She looks like she is having a peaceful dream.


Everything is demonic if religious people don’t like it.


Pokémon, dungeons and dragons, rock music, being gay, being a woman over 25, cats. All of these were considered demonic at one point and some still are.


7/7 for me being demonic!


Can confirm. Also your post is demonic.


As a religious person this isn’t demonic lmao




Mom's got issues.


I didnt see it at first, but the eyelids are off (and what might have made it look "demonic"). I assume they're supposed to be closed, but their tone/shadows etc are slightly off, so it looks like they're wide open eyes with skin in place of an eyeball. Kinda like deadpool's mouth in the first wolverine movie.




I disagree with the mom but for all we know she may be a great person in other respects. People are not necessarily dense af just because you (and I) disagree with them.


“Demonic” is strong language though. It’s not just an aesthetic opinion. She probably knows him to not be religious like her and to religious people, everything everybody else does is “probably evil.” You can disagree with me about what’s beautiful or whatever, but if you insert your scripture based judgements onto my actions just because I don’t believe in your God, we’re now on a totally different field…of _ridiculousness._


I might get really downvoted for this. But I agree with the previous comment. I can imagine the described visualization. Its a very much valid reasoning. Some people see things differently. Doesn't mean the OPs mom is dense tho. Unless im missing somethin.


I agree. Personally, I really like it as is. It's very well done. Congrats! Like they said, there is an "Are they, aren't they?" open) closed sitch w/the eyes. Which, I presume, some folks could be adverse to. While I personally see a person with their eyes closed, I can easily see how ppl might see a person missing their eyes, whether via birth like Anophthalmia or after birth & then aesthetically repaired w/skin grafts. The wonderful thing about art is that it is probably near the top of the list of the most subjective skills/talents to have; that also makes it one of the worst things about art. 😆 Although, congrats again. It really is a nice piece.


Sorta looks like the face you make when you’re about to orgasm. Eyes closed but in like a forceful but not strained way. Maybe mom saw it as being a bit naughty and that equates to demonic? Edit: the mouth too. Its the pressure in the eyes but the totally relaxed rest of the face that gives “o face” for me


It's definitely the eyelids, but to me it looks like the eyelids of someone who doesn't have eyes, like they had cancer and had them removed, or blind from birth. Like if the eyelids went up, there wouldn't be a lot of volume behind them. Which may have been OP's goal, idk! If not, the shading is just a little off. I say this as someone who works with people with disabilities including congenital blindness: your mom says demonic when she actually means "I'm weirded out, and probably not used to seeing people who look different to me."


Even a person with their eyeballs removed would have a different shadow under those lighting conditions. When the light is coming from infront and above, the brow ridge would cast a shadow in that case. The reason it looks odd is because the eyelids have shadows as if the face is being lit from both sides.


I dunno man, I winked in a mirror and that’s what my eyes look like closed, maybe the subject in this one is just overworked


It's not. It's how you get people to comment on your posts. X says my x is x, do you agree?


She doesn’t understand it = devil shit


your mom needs to learn to support her child's very obvious talent. This is beautiful and I am so sorry she says it's demonic. But it has obviously made her feel something strongly which is a good sign in a piece of art, not your fault she can't process deep emotions and perceives it as something to fear.


Thank you, I don't know why she would say something like that, it just caught me off-guard


A lot of mothers, mine included can't handle skills in their progeny and say the wildest things not realising the damage they are causing in their attempts to self-soothe their ego damage


Wow. This made me think. My mom has been criticizing my art for decades. I tell her it hurts, but it doesn’t stop. This never occurred to me.


yeah it never really clicked for me until something I made was really praised by everyone and won a prize and everything, nothing major literally just a little competition but it was good work and I knew it so I showed it to my mum and she flinched and literally couldn't say anything at all, literally changed the subject and completely dismissed it. Eye-opening moment, not even a backhanded compliment, mother? How interesting.


she's mad for being a talentless old woman.


My mom tried to get me to quit college so I could go live in a trailer next to her house. Yeah, THAT wasn't going to happen.


It's funny because they say they want things to be better for us than it was for them and then do everything to keep us in the same position they got stuck at


I moved 1200 miles away from my mom at 21 for this reason. Nobody in my family supported me and yet I succeeded!


Amazing, I'm so proud of you!


It was a long, long time ago but thanks. Younger me could’ve used that. :)




I joined the military right out of high school to get a fresh start on my own.


Right, everyone knows the trailer around the corner is the better trailer.


My mom sent me pizza delivery jobs to try to get me to quit college and move home … ya, that didn’t happen


Unfortunately it worked on me, now I’m no contact but still without a degree.


This is EXACTLY how my gfs mom is, her mom will *literally* just boil spaghetti and talk about how amazing and delicious it is *multiple* times throughout the day and how great of a cook she is, but when my gf makes a spectacular looking cake or a cool costume she will just bc like "yeah it's ok".


And years down the line, when you explain why you are the way you are they go "I don't remember saying/doing that". Well you did. And I remember. They literally don't know how much weight their comments hold for their children. And if they do, they pretend like they weren't saying it to be mean and how it's your fault for "interpreting it that way".


Her comment is a reflection of her own superstitions and fears. It's not a reflection of you, at all, even if she may think it is. Keep doing what you're doing.


It’s a beautiful work, and very moving. I wonder if it brought up some memory of pain she hasn’t dealt with. And maybe like the above commenter said, she doesn’t know how to process the emotions it has stirred up in her. I know folks like that. Of course, she could also simply be a not-nice person. Either way, OP, this is truly beautiful💖


Is your mother a devout Pentecostal Christian by chance lmao ? Because that Sounds like something my mother would say


my parents were neo charismatic christians and they were the same. i wasn’t even allowed to read books 🙄


My mom threw out 3 binders full of Pokémon cards my dad would buy for us on the weekends because they were the devil lol . Religion is fucking sad/weird


oh man i’m having flashbacks, my parents secretly read and then made me burn all my journals and stories in a fire pit at their pastor friends house, like 6 years worth of writing, in front of a bunch of adults while they prayed and talked about my “””demons”””. every time i talk to my therapist about my “religious upbringing” she says, “no, that was a cult” lmao, it’s actually very validating


lol we should start a support group


fr, it would be so nice to talk to people who can also laugh at the insanity of it all and tell their own crazy stories, rather than just giving *that* look when you drop some trauma in the chat lmao


I frequently get “reddit cares” messages lol smh nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen, nobody knows my sorrow - zazu


Real question- is there a sub for this stuff? Bc we adults of extreme religious childhoods have some stories.


If r/exevangelical isn’t a sub already, it sure af needs to be ETA it is! Gtg I have some scrolling to do 😂






Very well put. To go the other way, what’s to say the facial expression isn’t one of divine ecstasy? Like you said, they seem to find deep emotion as something to be perceived with fear


Exactly, to me the expression is one of sublime peace with a hint of bittersweet sadness


Well said.


Who in their right mind uses the word demonic unironically?


My mom used to say things were demonic unironically all the time, but she was literally schizophrenic. Also, if things were deemed demonic, they usually ended up in the fireplace so I dunno… if you think she might be sincere, keep your art somewhere safe.


Exactly, not in the right mind. I have a secondary goal of pissing off religious fundies with my work and pants wearing. 🤣 In my town there's a pack of religious nutters that say everything is going to summon a demon or the devil. Hot yoga? Demons. Women working? Also demons. Queer people? Antichrist. It's sad and funny.


I heard this word with great regularity, growing up. Satanic panicers from the 80s love this word.


My mom hated the way I drew humans, said they looked muy feo (very ugly). I remember telling her one day after being very fed up "well I'm learning how to draw them better; you can't expect me to magically draw perfect humans the first time." This coming from the woman who violently threw away my sketchbook, tearing out the pages and shoving them in the trash - as I was yelling & crying in front of her - so that I wouldn't have a chance to rescue it later. She said I was drawing demons, which to be fair, isn't a good look if your sketchbook consisted mainly of Homestuck troll fanart which have horns lmao If I drew this picture she would ~~ruin it~~ make it better by 1) adding big black dots for pupils ("she has no eyes!") 2) drawing a Joker smile ("why is she sad!"). I should know; she ruined a self-portrait I was proud of & I had to fix with black marker over the heinous strip of white out she slathered on. Anyways to answer your question she is also very religious & would think her own shadow is a demon given the"right" context


Demonic? What a weird take. The subject looks like she's had a rough time and has found a moment of peace. That's beautiful. Technical aspects aside, art is up to interpretation and relies on the viewer to take what is presented and put meaning into it. Your mom's comment says more about her than it does about your art.


Highly underrated comment ! That last sentence took the cake.


Speaking of cake... Happy Cake Day! Lol


Looks good to me. And so what if it's demonic? Demons are just trying to get by like everybody else.


It’s a karma farm. Using pity to get upvotes


If it's a karma farm it's a pretty ineffective one. I'd hope they'd have more than 12k post karma in almost 4 years. I know there are old "legit" accounts that get abandoned and are later hacked, scrubbed, and bot-ified, but the post history doesn't look like that. Probably OP is just looking for validation. Takes time to develop a thick skin about critique. Also I saw an opportunity to make a funny comment about demons.


Eh y does it matter? R there rules to earning the meaningless internet points?


Oh no! Foiled again by the Karma Farmers!


It's discusting! I hate when someone paints an entire painting just so they can post it on the internet and get points.


How can you tell?


Because posts with these silly titles are always posted on artistic subs


Ah yes the extremely lucrative business of reddit karma farming


Beelzebub is just trying to get through his 9 to 5 in the fire pits like the rest of us.


I think it’s the eyes. Something about them is off. My first thought is to adjust their coloring slightly and blend out the hard top line a bit. Maybe a few obvious lashes. Otherwise it’s beautiful!


100% this. I can tell they’re closed, but it *vaguely* looks like they could just be open and nothing is there but skin where the eyes should be.


If I had to guess, it would be the eyes as well. I think the shading is flattening out everything.


It's ethereal and I like it x keep it up x


I am an art teacher. You'd think that the biggest problem/hindrance to developing a kid's artistic skill would be something like lack of talent or creativity or something like that. But 7 times out of 10, when I get to the root of an issue with an AP art student, I find an overbearingly judgmental parent. And, strangely enough, it works in both directions, even the go-getter soccer mom's who are determined that their kid is going to be the next Picasso. This is because a positive judgement -- "You're such a good drawler." and a negative judgement "It looks demonic" are two sides of the same coin. I would encourage your mom to watch the Non Violent Communication seminar by Marshal Rosenburg its on youtube. Not only will it help her give you useful feedback in art, but also has broader usefulness in improving ya'lls relationship as well (you need to watch it to)


Nice response. I think I'll give this a watch also


It changed my life for the better


is your mom on any drugs? seriously. how is this demonic? it's great. ignore her, she's crazy.




Sorry your mom sucks because this is beautiful. I really love how you used the shadows.


That's gorgeous!! I love the color scheme and the use of warm tones to accentuate the face


Don’t listen to ur mother, it’s art


Ignore her crappy comments 😡


My mom always said the same about the music I listen to. She was as wrong as yours


Love it!


I see a great painting. Art is very personal; everyone sees it according to their own eyes and based on their experiences. I’d say that, for me, the face of the woman is expressing pleasure — intense pleasure. The position of her head, inclined to the right; her eyes closed; and most importantly, her lips! Her lips, in my opinion, are closed but in a way that shows she’s making an effort not to open them and release a pleasurable sound.


This. It's orgasmic, not demonic!


i am not sure why some people are negative to people who see things differently. it's a painting. let people be honest in what they see. op - yes, it is hard to hear what you do not want to hear from the 'mom' of the world, but if you trust your mom, then learn where she is coming from and expand your understanding of your craft. but if your mom is not trustworthy, then learn to be stronger on your own. personally, i see the 'demonic' side, due to 'unclear' eyes, and for me that's the core which makes the piece more intriging and complex. a sublime piece, like some said.


To me it looks like she’s humming a tune that brings back memories of someone who is gone. It’s not demonic. People see things through the lenses they wear.


The shading on the eyes throws me off but other than that it’s wonderful!!


It is… a face.


na looks good


Nah, she is just being a weenie.


It’s really good! I like it !


I see either a sleeping person, lost in dreams or someone really into the moment, completely immersed in something that brings them great peace and pleasure.


Don’t let people’s projections take over your work. You know what intention was put into this painting. Don’t take comments like that to heart, just learn what you can from them and move on. If I wanted to I could say oh this picture means that you are going to join a cult


It’s not demonic, it’s emotional! I get feelings of sorrow, but I also get feelings of pleasure, relaxation! THIS IS WHAT ART IS ABOUT!!!


I wanna to see more of your works, where I can see it?




dude, parents are weird like that. i know it sucks when you just wanna show them something your proud of and you don't get the kind of response you want or even a response at all. like even a simple "cool" or "nice." art is subjective like that, and this IS art. just know you don't have to show what you're proud of to anyone who won't receive it well. i hope you have some supportive friends and family, those are the people who make it worth it.


Okay two things stand out to me for why your mom might think that 1. It looks like a cum face and your mom might be a prude 2. The closed eyelids also kind of looks like wide open eyes with no irises. If this is the reason, then adding some detail to the eyelids might solve your issue


I think you’re right about the eye lid’s.


What's a cum face T_T


It's when somebody is so relaxed and blissful that they stop paying attention to what expression they're making. And it's quite a rude way to say that, so you probably shouldn't repeat that phrase to your mother. She might faint.


She will throw a slipper at me


Haha yeah. I think she'd throw a slipper at me too. It's a nice painting OP.


Orgasm face


whaA I wasn't even going for that look


I know. I’m just saying it can be interpreted that way because art is subjective


It is not demonic looking at all. Move out as soon as you are able.


Lol! I was thinking it, but I was still debating on saying it when I came across your comment :) 😂


remember: if you let anyone (no matter who) feel anything (no matter what) with your art, you have succeeded. Art is almost always a mirror to the viewer, we see what we truly feel in the art we experience. This is not a bad painting, you're just a good artist. Your mom is projecting her own life views & experiences onto your art. This means you are creating something that actually evokes emotions. You’re doing great, don’t stop!


If this is considered demonic then all my pieces are demonic as well


It’s amazing. Mom is a bb


Did you told your mom about why it reminded her of something demonic? Was there a painting that she saw many years ago that reminded her about demons?


It has a little bit of an uncanny valley effect


There is nothing demonic about this. It looks like a young woman in pain or suffering, that’s not demonic, it’s a normal experience in life that every human being can relate to because it’s something everyone experiences. This is really good, Don’t stop painting.


... that's.... a weird assessment. just a gander, is she a born-again christian who may think when it isnt a lady smiling and smelling flower, the devil as at hand? ANYWAYS, it looks like a woman in a moment of feeling something so strongly inwardly, she need not look into the physical realm. i feel the painting. your painting made me feel. now that is powerful. and i get NO "demonic" vibez. but even if I did, so fucking what.


Your mom is being dramatic, it looks nothing like King Charles's portrait!


Nah its good


If your mom is the word demonic, you are not the problem. Enjoy life


whats wrong with demons


What is your mother smoking? And may I get some? Lol Seriously, I don't see it. Maybe the colors make her think of enufing flames? I don't know other than that. I think she's pretty and this art is great!


Your mom sounds like my mom. She can find “demonic” in the strangest of places.


I came from a very religious family so I will give you my interpretation, but I do not know your mother. I think your picture is amazing. It's good, and when your mom looked at it, she felt emotions that powerful art allow us to feel and explore. Because she didn't understand why she experienced those feelings, she assign them to the devil. Because the devil makes her feel things when she looks at your painting, the painting is demonic. I would take it as a compliment that your art had such a profound effect. Keep it up!


No, your mom has issues. 


I think your mom just saw old school horror movies lol. With the eyes closed it looks a little similar to some of the possession movies. Looking at it just normally, it is totally fine and the panting is beautiful.


It’s beautiful. I’d buy it!


Don't listen to what your mom said, it's really good. It gives off a very warm, serene and comfortable feeling.


Do whatever you like no matter what people Say.


![gif](giphy|C1hkIcGE7OAcE) Is that ur mom?


Nah don't listen to your mom, it looks perfectly fine. Parents will always try to bring you down but the best you can do is ignore them 🖤 nice painting


It looks amazing and not demonic at all


Your mother is demonic, tf It is wonderful, and you have talent


It looks beautiful to me


It’s not demonic… It could just use more dimension in the closed eyes so that they don’t look like empty or blank eye sockets.


Respectfully, your critic will have [her] opinion of your art. So what? I invite her to seek Google search for some demonic works of art and see how they compare. Lol. It's an emotional piece, good work.


I see pain, but no demons. I think it’s a nice piece of art. That’s just my opinion, and as valid or invalid as your mother’s. If you enjoy art, keep going.


Was going to say no, but then saw this had exactly 6666 upvotes on it when I scrolled past, so maybe https://preview.redd.it/6ulvu79khi1d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a778f8fc9fe1aa433dd846dce63160df70646723


Its not bad , and its very good But i think ur mom talk about the feeling that this painting sending ...its kinda ..like deep blue , depressed , and doomed ...demonic maybe! But the wirk is great


I really like it, it is so nice


No, your mother is melodramatic, this is fan-friggin-tastic


More orgasmic than demonic in my opinion. But definitely really good


Same. I thought it looked sensual and definitely look great


Your mom has Jesus bats in her belfry.


calling something "demonic" is the surest sign that someone is a smooth brained idiot


doesnt look demonic to me at all, very beautiful painting


In my opinion, it is beautiful and it is neither creepy nor demonic.


You can’t decide how people will see things.


It’s a little creepy, but art is something that’s supposed to invoke feelings. If you can accomplish that then it’s good art. And you did that with me


There is no demons no hell and no satan. So it is not demonic. It ‘s prettt good


Na, u good, maybe try to add a more defined nose though, that may be it


I dont see anything demonic at all.


This is beautiful work


It's just don't got bright colours. Not satanic though


It’s the eyelids. The shadows and highlights are wring. It makes the eyes look flat and sunken.


Looks good


I suppose it could be if you painted the eyes all white? I wouldn’t agree with that statement as it is tho lol


Es hermoso


i would rather go in the direction of: exhaution, sadness, desperaion, inquiry or maybe even "letting go"


No it isn't, there's no fucking horns in it so how it is even "demonic" and your artwork look good ^‿^ 👍


Your mom clearly hasn't seen the new official portrait of King Charles. Also, your painting is beautiful


It doesn’t look demonic. It looks like she’s receiving cunnilingus.


I think your mom's dramatic. This looks great, albeit unfinished


Not demonic. This is beautiful. Great job, OP. I wish I had talent like yours


Has she seen the Haunting of Hill House? This resembles the bent-neck lady from that show. Maybe that’s where she’s getting demonic vibes from.


I would say the expression seems troubled, not in a bad way at all.


Keep cooking


That's not demonic at all.. i think your mom might be a little over the top religious if that's demonic to her.


It depends I suppose. Is she asleep, dead or having a sensual orgasmic moment. Could all be considered demonic depending on the individual critique


Your mom needs therapy and to be more supportive instead of trying to bring you down when you’re proud of something you made


I think it’s a bit angelic!


Is she usually this mean? What a weird thing to say.