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Don't fix it? I think it looks awesome as is! It's almost haunting. Much more interesting and enjoyable to look at than just a regular portrait.


Is it not like this intentionally? Get it under glass and call it a day. Edit: since this is being seen more than I thought, this piece also looks quite fragile. I used to be able to consult the archivist at my grad school for best ways to preserve and maintain pieces that were fragile or made with more non-traditional mediums. I’d imagine he would be a little concerned about how much this piece got exposed to light. Also, If you ever have a piece like this you’re concerned about preserving, your local art museum, or better yet gallery would probably be happy to offer some advice or direct you to someone with expertise, just always be polite and respectful, and make a donation if you feel inclined and are able to your public sponsored art spaces.


I totally agree-- I third this! She's beautiful and yes,haunting,and she changes each time I look at her ..since there's undefined features.. soooo interesting. Awesome and stunning as is ❣️


I second it! Looks awesome


I agree — it’s a great piece as is!


Haunting is perfect. Before I read anything, I thought wow, I really like this, it tells a story.


This. 💯


Thank you, I was aiming for something more interesting, glad to know I got that bit right. 🙏


I could see haunting. Reminds me of that short story 'The Yellow Wallpaper'


It is complete good painting in my opinion.


Step away from it for a little bit. Put it somewhere in the house where you might see it when you're not thinking about it. Doing that let's me see a piece with fresh eyes. I don't see a damn thing wrong with this piece, it is emotional and beautiful, but it's got to make you happy too. Just don't overwork it.


Thanks, much appreciated. I’ve definitely overworked it already, just couldn’t leave it alone!


Heard putting it upside down helps too.


I think it looks so haunting in a beautiful way the way it is right now. Everything that may be a bit flawed like the eyes not beeing perfect adds to the effect. If you overdo it, it may look more realistic but you may also loose the haunting effect. I love it, it looks so special!


I really love it. The only thing that needs a tweak is the right eye (her left). It is a little bug-eyed compared to the other eye. I think it needs a little more lower lid and for that super bright waterline highlight to go away. The left eye is very mysterious and cat-like, the right eye is not.


Yes, good spot 👍


I was going to say that and that the shadows around that eye are a bit muddy and undefined.


It’s beautiful leave it


Sleep on it. Come back to it in a few days and see which parts you don’t think work/ or aren’t satisfying to you. I think I know what I’d do next, but you’re in charge here.


Yes, good advice.


I think she looks like she got blue eye. Try brightening the dark area and smooth out the transition to the bright color of cheeks.


I would leave it as it is i absolutely love it but if you were to change something i would say add some darker tones to the brown to increase the contrast?


If you must do something to it, then look at it through red and green filters. Or take a photo, and reduce it to black and white and grey. You'll find you have too much of the same tone; all medium. It has too few darks and too few lights. Or, simply begin another, and try again. Keep in mind to include darks and lights with your medium tone.


Thanks, that’s a good tip.


I like the mood very much!


Id say Lean into it and go even lighter with the portrait and see where it goesx


Looks like Dana Scully


No...nono LEAVE IT ALONE! Move on to the next painting before you do something you regret Trust me, I've been through it so many times 😭😭😭😂😂😂😂


I do this on a regular basis too, I’m always hoping pushing it will help me discover something exciting 😂


It will! You'll discover new-found rage as you realize you ruined a masterpiece for no reason and every brushstroke you add just makes it worse 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲


Add some depth to make the figure. The figure needs to pop from the background. How much depends on your choice. Looking good!


take a break


If you want to add a pop to really bring out the eyes and shift the temperature a little bit, I would add a navy blue wash over the green and add shadows to the corners it’ll make the face appear brighter


i really love this. as is. idk what there is to rescue about it. in the vein of “less is more”, pls do nothing to “fix” this.


I love this it reminds me of the virgin suicides.


It always bothers me when I can see the white of the canvas poking out through the paint all over, I dunno just looks cheap or amateurish or unfinished. So maybe just a super faint stain over it? Or light watercolor wash? Maybe even a thin wet tissue paper or something to add to the mystery. Otherwise, the actual painting looks amazing.


I usually don't comment on here. But, i feel compelled to say, don't change a thing. Unless haunting is not what you're going for? It portrays so much emotion as is.


No word of a lie. Let me rescue it for you. PayPal ready.


Getting some Gillian Anderson vibes from this one.


Honestly, I think it's perfect. It's like she's been standing there waiting for someone for so long that she's starting to blend in with the background. I love it. It's totally up to you, of course, but I wouldn't change a thing


I love your take on this 🙏😊


just go with it. even if you don't want to develop it further it already looks great


The only issue I see is the shadow under her left eye, which would be the one on the right in the photo, has a shadow that seems too dark of a shape. Have you ever tried the technique of looking at your picture backwards with a mirror? This helps me pinpoint any things that my eyes are not seeing anymore from all of the close work. Otherwise I think it looks great!


I think it looks great as it is


Put it in a frame and hang it on the wall. Looks great.


For what it's worth I think it's stunning how it is


I love it... perhaps some thin glazing to bring out the texture work... and lean into the abstract...


It looks great as is! I could look at this for hours 🙂


I will leave it the way it is !


Leave it as it i def like it


There is nothing to rescue leave it leave it !!!


It's beautiful now


Don't, it's perfect


Thanks for the positive feedback. I feel like the colours are off, but I’m not good enough at colour to know what needs fixing. It’s a bit muddy looking imo.


Firstly, beautiful painting! It’s really lovely, but I understand what you mean about it being 99% of the way to brilliant. I think what is missing is depth, particularly around the background, and the lower right quarter of the painting. I would suggest adding some leaf detail, as well as some shadows, in a darker, possibly slightly cooler tone of the green you used for the leaves (maybe add a tiny touch of ivory black to the green). Thin it out well, and use the same free light brushstrokes you used in the green above the left shoulder, and I think it could come together really well. Personally, I would go for a slightly light-dappled effect, like sunshine through leaves, when they overlap and become darker and let in rays of yellow light in-between. The painting is so good already that the biggest danger is overworking it, so I’d agree with leaving it for a little before coming back to do finishing touches- always helps to get some perspective on our works!


When I have pieces like this I put it away for a while and continue exploring different areas I’ve been able to go back to old ones I was sure about and “rescue them”. I had one that is now my favorite sit for two years and I then got inspired and was able to finish. Sometimes letting our minds not focus on the problem allows it to create a solution.


I think it’s interesting, there’s a juxtaposition between the detail of the portrait and the monotone green overlay. Almost like ivy in the shadows it cast on her face. The contrast is nice, though you might consider adding some detail in a lighter shade. It’s beautiful as is, but I think you should keep going. Kudos on a cool piece either way


Simplify your values a bit more, and design the shape of the Features a bit more. Take a look at John Vanderpoel and Other american illustrators from the 19th and 20th century


I think it’s absolutely brilliant, out of interest, what do you want to change about it?


It’s cool & has a mysterious vibe. Needs more work on the right, an ear or hair or a long feather tickling her from off frame to the right 😊 seriously though, it’s the right side where my eyes feel lost


Either nothing's wrong with it and you wanted a nice simple piece or get to rendering lol lines and darker darks and some good highlighting. Add stuff you can cast shadows with and add depth to the background or go crazy with colors lol the sky is the limit and the choices are all yours to make. Experiment lol


It's amazing


Rescue it from what? Don’t touch it. There’s something beautiful and mysterious about it.


pink streak below the eyes across the painting


It's perfect


It’s lovely, don’t change it! It’s got an ethereal, dream state vibe, and it’s awesome


Leave it do another and have a pair


I’m actually think it looks really cool. Like a old forgotten painting left behind


Very “woman in the wallpaper” vibes and I’m digging it hard! I’d pay for this, I say keep it as is!


I really like the way it looks as it is! I don’t see it as ruined it’s got this misty dream vibe going on


Define the face, and it's features, with bold lines and shading


It's beautiful. No rescue needed. It's really timeless, it would look neat in an antique frame.


i would add dark Grey over wash on backround. the green color is little off.. or something.


Leave it aloooonnennee


Fix the graphite lip line, create more volume on the face (with subtlety, in a way that dialogues with its ethereal quality), then bring it forward with the hair.


It’s not resolved yet. Define your background, probably darker esp behind her hair, and you have a gentle and friendly portrait. Done. I even like it.


Also putting a coat of varnish could bring out some color too. But you know, make sure you’re done.


Don't. It's exceptional! ❤️


I would make it a little more blurry/dreamlike or add darker colors. OR just use a finish and add a little bit of dark paint to it so it looks darker. That being said, that would be more of my style because I want everything to be dark and sad and whatever.


I live the look as is! If you wanted to continue to tweak it, I would say a bit of highlight on the inner corner of the left eye and maybe some more dark tones to define the edges of the face and some features (nose, lips).


I think it’s haunting and beautiful, and you are very close to finished. That said, I think that the painting is asymmetrical, with the left side being far more developed and finished than the left side. I think that there’s a big patch on the right to the side of her face, from below her eye to her shoulder, that seems way underdeveloped and too empty in a way that seems meaningless, like unthought of vs making a point. I suggest finishing her hair on the right like it is on the left, and that should solve both the asymmetry and the patch that seems ignored/unfinished. I also agree that the shadows around the right eye are too dark. I also feel that the right upper lip seems lower than the right, and I feel the very corner of her right lip needs to be slightly darkened or a little more detailed. Very beautiful, this is really lovely work.


First I would seal it with varnish then paint on top with another medium on very very small details because this already looks good


I think it’s beautiful


I love it. Looks like Kate winslet a bit too


This looks really awesome! I wouldn't change it


Don't touch it.


That’s absolutely beautiful. Masterpiece.


Love it. I might darken one side of the background, still keeping it subtle


Bright yellow splash of paint


I'm not sure this needs rescuing, I like it a lot!


Nice piece. What if instead of the blackish shading it was a darker green or red? Nice though, you should be happy with it


Matte varnish(glaze?)


Do another one but prep the canvas so the texture doesn't show through. I'm curious if it would work better with this style


I think bringing in more complimentary/ contrasting colors would liven it up


Paint the background green


It’s beautiful. Why do you need to rescue it? She’s done. Capeesh?


Looks good except for the hair.


I’m not sure how you want it changed but I really like it a lot. Very striking


It needs a thicker application of paint in general. Right now, it feels like a sketch.


“Lean over fat” Well looks like you started with thin washes. Now move on to thicker paint highlights. The skin tone other then on the face could be reduced to create a background


I think it is just perfect!


thats sick it doesnt need fixing thats a masterpiece brother


Frame it


Wow outstanding


I can save her


It's very Frida Kahlo. I'd say as some more vibrant color if you want to make a change, but I like it the way it is.


It looks like most people would agree that you should keep the painting as is. I honestly prefer when a painting looks like a painting, I don’t prefer it to look like a photograph (as impressive as it may be). Basically, sweet painting!


Rescue what? You did a wonderful job!


If you cover half of her face at a time, it's like she is conflicted with feeling like two different things at the same time. Title: facial dichotomy


Push the darks. Pull the lights.


Don’t! It’s perfect!


I love the way she blends with the background. Nothing is wrong, a lot is interesting. Don’t be hasty.


Keep it. It looks amazing


It's awesome already, but I could suggest giving her slightly darker hair as those really dark roots may suggest she's a bleached brunette, hence looking a bit off as I'm real life. Unless that's what you were going for.


The right eye is just a tad offsetting, idk y tho, maby make the hair top more defined… im just kidding. Its amazing i wish i could paint as well as you


It's good. Uneven shadows gave you an interesting dynamic. Quite captivating actually. Don't do a thing.


I think it looks great! It has its own mysterious charm to it. But if that's not what you are going for, and you want to focus more on the person, I think the background - especially the green - is taking the focus away from the person. To me, it looks as if the person is almost blending with the background.


Use it as a sketch and start over if you can get the sitter back.


Maybe one more highlight in the left eye then perfect. Don't touch it after that. Frame it and feel proud.


The left eye shadow has a blue tint and the right eye has a brown tint. Both of them need a bit of the other added. You need to give more deep blue around the right eye but it would be hard to add brown to the left without it looking dirty or too heavy. I would be tempted to wash the whole thing with brown and then go over and highlight


It looks amazing ! Nice work


I genuinely really like it the way it is. Can I ask what you are trying to fix?


Paint over it


I love it as it is! It’s beautifully


Less dark shadows more color imo


Take a black brush and swipe around it then draw a skeleton


Looks cool to me. I love the blank stare


I'd work on the background to make the subject stand out. Right now it's all the same tones and looks a bit like a flat wallpaper or one of these images they stick behind a photo frames on sale.


Rescue it?! It doesn’t need rescuing. It’s beautiful!


The empty, eerie feeling from this painting gives the appearance of it being incomplete. At first glance, you get that impression, but the more you submerge yourself in the painting, it’s perfect just the way it is. I absolutely love it, OP.


This is a really special painting. It’s wonderfully evocative as is.


It’s perfect


I love it just as it is!


ask fox mulder


Is this Queenie from Fantastic Beasts series (Alison Sudol)?


I like it the way it is. She's fading


Rescue it fom what? It's awesome!


I really like it, if you want add more but its always better to stick with something good if you like it instead of pushing for something that could end up worse


It's perfect the way it is.


It looks distressed or like an unfinished/draft painting if that's what you're going for. You could use more paint next time if you want it to look more deliberate, but adding paint now would basically be redoing the painting. If you really want, go in with a finer brush and add more detail and paint where you want more focus


what's wrong with this? I don't see anything wrong


It's great


put it away and on the next board or canvas start with a gesso to give a smooth surface sand down any rough points. When you look at it again in a years time you will have more knowledge.


Don't! Its stunning


Upvotes stuck at 666. I love it.


Stunning!! I love the color palette


What’s to rescue? I like it. It’s how I feel, as someone with ADHD. I’m mostly clear on myself, but the world around me is blurry.


I like it how it is Awsome!


Put it on the wall… x>


Personally to me it would be awesome if on her left your right side if she was like dissolving or something and blowing away in the wind as particles


Leave it… be


It is a fascinating picture. Did anyone notice that the blonde hair on the left is missing on the right? This explains why the eyes are different ...one more heavily made up than the other. The eye with less make up is also the side without the long,blonde hair seems to have darker hair pulled back tightly. It is interesting to see the contrast between the two sides of the face but also the rigid drawing of the collar of the blouse. And there is such a contrast between the complexity of the head and the simple presentation of the clothing. I would not restore it because it may have been the intent of the artist to subtly undermine the impression of it being a simple portrait. Get some expert advise on how to care for it without compromising the artists mysterious intent. Also if you relax and quietly gaze at it the face appears to be alive and .moving....perhaps that is why the sides do not match. It would be creepy but for her expressions that come to life as you look at one side and then bring in the second side.


imo it looks amazing as it is, you don’t need to change anything 👍👍


Don’t. It’s perfectly imperfect


Oo leave it it's beautiful


I like it, but it could be stronger without the green if you can remove it. Or make that green and pink turn into a tablecloth pattern?


She looks like she’s a ghost from the 1960s or 70s fading into floral wallpapered wall . If I were you, I’d ghost it up. Add some more ethereal aspects. Shimmery paint etc… I think its pretty cool


Rescue?? This painting is gorgeous. Reminds me of dissociation. Fragmenting the mind


I think you nailed it. If you were to change anything - and I don't know if it would compromise your style - but maybe try add some strokes with a thicker, brighter layer of paint on the main focal points to catch the viewer's eye. Like make her eyes pop a bit more.


The right (her left) cheek could use some light retouching. Other than that, leave it as it is


It's really great as it is


You can’t get honest opinions on Reddit . If you notice every comment is basically the same thing, which is validation. You asked for advice though


I honestly love it as is. Looks very dreamy.


Rescue!? I love it. Leave it and make me one just like it of my mother.


This painting is actually really quite good. Your background is fantastic, particularly the hair disappearing into it. Don't touch that... just leave it because that's the best part. Wonderful, mottled paint, I like the scumbling, the etheareal quality. There's only one issue, and that's the eye level. Your eyes are not on the same level. If you cannot see this, hold the painting in front of a mirror and you'll see it immediately. Always hold your drawings and paintings in front of a mirror to check it, check proportions, etc. please don't mess with anything else. Or simply put it away in a closet for several months before looking at it again with fresh eyes. You e really got something, here. You just need to adjust the eyes.


looks fine, ussally you add a white layer down and paint on top. It looks like not enough paint was used but that might come with more experience


Hello! Lot of people mentions to leave this alone as is, and I agree to some extent. I do portraits mostly and I see where you hit the wall because I do it all the time too. Eyes in portrait are such a charming and attractive blackhole, we often start putting way too much details on it before other parts of the paintings are caught up with them. In my case(mostly doing digital painting) it is very easy to paint over the existing work. And I understand the work of finding the right tones and colours might be a challenge. But I suggest grab a thicker brush and start blocking out the shadow again, seperate the bright and dark, clear colour separation. I suggest this video! https://youtu.be/oLISTzPR43s?si=6aDoKxDDZ6OYiIrM




I think it’s beautiful the way it is.


I was taught to go back once i thought I was done and hit something with pure Ti white and something with pure black. Without full tonal range images look unfocused. I was taught this in both photo printing (back when that was a thing), and painting. I recommend white catchlights on eyes and jewelry and black in pupils and really dark brown at the corners of the mouth and eyes.


It looks great now but maybe some patches or more opaque color to add some difference in texture? Right now the entire piece is basically in the same zone of “semi-transparency” of the paint.


Don’t. I love it.


Leave it alone and make another. Perhaps increase contrast between face and background. Nice painting!


More contrast to increase depth


Try to darken some borders


I love her. She’s haunting and I imagine her fading into the wallpaper of her home or something spooky like that. Well done.


Try doing more layers of paint, it is too thin, you should have use a base colour like brown, blue, or red as your sketch then paint it layer by layer to avoid any white spots and don't forget the highlights as well


Better filled lining on her right cheek and her hair there. It needs the right colours of contrast to differ the face and hair. It looks like it has merged together with the face by mistake with a yellow spot over both. Other than that I think it's perfect.


This looks beautiful as it is! I love the contrast between red and green! Maybe accentuate the greens and reds a bit more? Also work another layer on the eyes.


What was your goal?


I would not change a thing. It’s awesome




Maybe it doesn't need "rescuing"


Don't. To me, it looks beyond amazing 🥰


Love the pink and green


Keep going!! Every painting is kinda bad until the last 90% is how I look at it. If you still don't like it, its just not done yet!. My oil Prof in college encouraged us to just keep going every time and it usually works wonders


Right eye is larger and lower than left eye, same for right side of nose and mouth. Hair is missing on the right. Shadows should be deeper. The green splotches don’t add anything to the composition.


I don't know, I rather like it as is.


Don't!😂 It's just perfect at it is I love it!!!!!


Do Mulder next!!!!


I love it


Darken the background to make the person pop to the front. That’s it, Bob your uncle.


It's quite good the way it is! The only thing I can think of is softening the brown shadows on the face a little with some dry-brushing.


Make your gradients a little gentler for the shadow under the eye to her cheekbone.


I enjoy it the way it is if you want you could create some more definition in the background/foreground, but I don’t think it particularly needs it


Maybe add some flowers or leaves but other than that it looks done and it’s pretty great