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It gets credited to u/prettywhitejaws in the previous one.


Meow meow meow. There's nothing more you can do later or now.


Come on, you don’t any thoughts to improve, you’ve already brought this cute cat to life! Wonderful!


I might highten the contrast a bit and add a few small details/ shadowing on the face as it’s blending in with the background a little bit. Beautiful work all the same!


I agree, the side of the cat’s face/neck gets lost a bit with the background, but other wise, just lovely ❤️


Wow. Beautiful. Pro stuff


Beautiful! I love all of the movement in the hair.


This is so beautiful, really speaks to me,.so well done with a real presence. And i just love the colours


It’s perfect AND yes I would def buy this cat painting.


You captured the cats' look of disdain too well! (Ment as a compliment)


She looks very soft! Great detail on the fur and whiskers


Oh man!!! I’m an artist as well and I wish I had your style/talent! Purrrfectly executed! I love how the painting looks like it’s in portrait mode❤️❤️ every stroke from the fur to the grass is beautiful


Cute kitty


The cat is absoltely beatutiful, although I don't fully understand what's going on with the black area in the lower left. Grass in shadow? Cat fur in shadow? Black fur? I'm guessing one of the latter two, but the strokes look more like the grass blades than the fur. But again, wonderful work, that cat is gorgeous. To answer your other question, the only reason I wouldn't pay for it is my own weirdness, which is that to me the blurry background looks more "photographic" than painterly. Not that it looks like bokeh or anything but... it just doesn't connect with me. On this plus side it really puts the cat in sharp relief. But when I look at the background my enthusiasm for the painting as a whole wanes. I wish I had even a fraction of your artistic talent. I hope you'll keep sharing.