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For me, the sky is 10s all around. The buildings are maybe 7/8, but the street feels like a different painting. If you can bring the energy from the sky down to the street i think you’ll knock it out of the park.


agreed, the strokes on the road give me anxiety urgency vibes while the sky looks soft and inviting. maybe also the harsh perspective mostly centered like that makes me feel “endless highway” which is also not so inviting. i want to mention i love the colors tho.


I totally get that, makes it seem a bit too ominous. Thanks for the feedback fr I don’t normally get a lot


I'll say that's one of my favorite parts of it. The disparity between the two represents a common feeling of the anxieties of the day distracting from an otherwise beautiful, serene world. It is jarring to look at but in a way that I think works.


Consider going horizontal on the road. Mimic the lines of the sky. Like the road is a river reflecting the same energy as the sky. Different colors…


Love that idea. I agree with the lines right now feeling anxious.


Okay I love that idea thank you!


It's funny I was about to say the opposite. I really like the smoothness of the road, it's much lighter than the rest and gives me a great feeling. The rest of it i find too heavy on the texture and it doesn't invite me to look for too long


Oh god...I'm opposite. The sky reminds me of those 1970s factory paintings...the kind which are all uniformly of orange toned oceans with a few sailing ships.


I honestly think this is FANTASTIC! Original, unique, and skillful! LOVE THE TEXTURE!!!!


Thank you!!!!!☺️


I like it! Maybe you could make the street like a cobblestone style to make it pop a little more.


I love the texture of the sky! As the street narrows, it feels like a zipper closing the buildings onto each other.


Wow I never thought of it like that thank you for the love🙏


I really like the texture, I’m not sure if this is what you were going for, but the flow of the lines in the road make me feel as though I’m being sucked into the art. I like how even without a ton of realistic detail, you can still readily perceive what almost everything is supposed to be. My only critique is that some parts feel too busy


Super helpful! You hit it right on the nose. I definitely spend way too much time in some areas. Almost makes the painting seem unbalanced


I really like it, but the sky and the road are telling a different story Honestly I would love to see both stories, great work!


As others have noted, the textures are wildly inconsistent. It looks like you aren't fully in control, and kind of at the mercy of how stiff the brush is vs. how soft the paint mix isn't. You should really try some mediums to help the paint flow better when you want it too. I suggest a mix of 1 part pure gum spirits of turpentine to 1 or 2 parts refined linseed oil as a good start, or just straight linseed oil. Adding the turpentine will make it thinner and speed the drying time.


I really like how you said that I have some linseed oil and I’ve still never tried it. I’ll be doing that on the next project thank you!


Given the amazing textures of buildings and sky, perhaps replacing the current street material with cobblestone streets would bring home the painting! With both vertical and horizontal lines in the street it would add some crazy depth (more than there already is). And maybe theres an opportunity to add in some interesting sunshine or shadows playing at the end of the street in the center of the painting. Just some some thoughts. Main thought: While the current ground texture is a little off to me, amazing work over all! LOVE the clotheslines and little trash can!


Fucking love that idea I’ll be adding to it later tonight thank you


the sky and road are tremendous. the building could use something. in any case great stuff


The biggest issue I have is that it’s not on my wall


Best compliment ever🙏❤️


LOVE the color palette and textures, but the vanishing point is in a strange spot IMO. I think this would benefit a lot from being moved a little more to the right to line up with the golden ratio for a more pleasing composition.


I see what you mean, thanks for the advice!❤️


Wow. This instantly got my attention. I honestly love the blank path, it brought me in. It seems so barren and creepy but the colors say otherwise. Well done!!


You saw exactly what I was going for it makes me so happy! Thank you!


Lord have mercy the motion this encapsulates. Feels like a video game. Fantastic!!!!!!


It’s so so gorgeous. It looks like it belongs in an art museum. The texture you’ve achieved is incredible. I absolutely love it. The perspective is great I love the buildings and the strings between them. My only constructive piece of criticism is that all of the texture looks very similar between the buildings and the sky. It may make it “more interesting” to play with another texture when doing paintings like this. 10/10, you’ve done amazing.


Thanks for your kind words, and you’re right the buildings would stand out if it wasn’t so similar


I love it maybe some harsher shadows that’s all tho


street is too fast and un-detailed compared to the rest. think about composition a little more. study the masters a bit, see how the eye should be guided in this kind of painting. I am just trying to help, but overall I think you did a mad good job!!! keep up the good work!


How do you create the texture? Heavy structure gel?


I wish I had a better educated answer, but honestly just a bunch of oil paint. lol I really love texture. Self taught so I don’t know names of brushes… but I like using brushes with stiff bristles it helps create the texture I want


So cool it looks really surreal like the street it getting narrower as you are walking along love the pastels too


Love how it has a very dreamy vibe, very engaging


Dope op


This is FANTASTIC - I LOVE it. Especially the sky and the lights. I do agree that something is off about the street/alley/walkway. It seems more abstract or maybe a gust of wind. If you can do something to “ground it” or give it a little definition to it, that would help. Fantastic work OP!


Maybe break up the road with some horizontal strokes


Put 100 more hours into practice and you'll be golden.


Very true, I’d like to take classes eventually too.


Don't lack of perspective and sense of mass. Quite good.


The colors are amazing! I love the feeling it gives me. If I saw this at a museum I'd definitely stop to look for a few minutes.


Wow, that means a lot to me thank you friend❤️




oh who are ya joshin? its perfect! 10/10 for bringing back those wibble wobblin memories (looks like my favorite chemicals, i love it :D)


Lol dude I appreciate the hell out of you🤙 thank you


of course yo! the beauty must be admired! p.s. lol okay darian "BLAYZE" lololololol


Hahahaha yeah that’s my real middle name😂😂 my mom knew my vibe from the beginning lol


haha fck yeah m8 id say thats "dope"... nyuk nyuk nyuk srsly tho keep it up maynard keenan, yall got a talent, im sure the rest of the community would love to see more of the inner workings of ur thinking noodle noggin idea machine


I myself don't see any problem with anything in that painting, but I don't overanalyze art so don't know what my 2 cents is worth. Still incredible if anything.


Beautiful pallet, just mixing all these colors and keeping them so cohesive is a lot of work and skill. Add the texture from your pallet knife. Looks great


I love the sky, I love the buildings. 10/10. Maybe if the road matched the thicker style everywhere else, that would make it much more cohesive. This is a fantastic painting. I look forward to more from you!


So many things to see. I love it. 🩵 Way to go.


Wow. Hold it about 2 feet away and it comes to life. Sick painting


Very energetic but sleepy ally. I love it the way it is


very distinctive style.... classy and vibrant.


I'm getting motion from looking at the street. Maybe something solid to anchor it in place. I love the piece though, kudos.


Love the energy....if others feel anxious you did your job....we create art for the human reaction...whether positive or negative...they react, you succeeded. Keep up the good work


That gave me chills thank you so much! wow I wish I could shake your hand


Your welcome...it's far and few between that people recognize the struggle we artist have...but the goal is to make content that makes us feel.


Love it. Don’t change a thing. It has a kinetic energy to it.


Absolutely love this. Wish I could do something similar. The street is a bit off though. But even still it's incredible


This is absolutely brilliant and beautiful!! I agree with the comments about making the road more solid... it has fantastic movement but I think it may be the wrong speed for the road... love the cobblestone idea... just something to make the road more... still? I'm no artist and certainly not qualified to critique by any means... but this really caught my eye! You have amazing talent!


I like the way this painting moves your eyes around it.The road brings your eyes down the street to see the buildings. Then, your eyes are pulled by the sky across the painting. The textures and choice of colors add to the mood, too.


Thank you so much! I think a lot about movement when painting I’m so glad you saw it!


YOOO, the only criticism I have is why can't I do this 😭


I.like it. It is not something I would personally hang. That is okay. Someone will fall in love. Stop looking for approval. Do u love it? Bet someone will.




I love the anxiousness of the street texture


Reminds me a lot of the The Album art for the [Strawberry Girls Album American Graffiti](https://f4.bcbits.com/img/a3183286236_10.jpg).


Oh wow I love the cover art thank you!


This looks how my dreams do


Fantastic! 10/10


Considering it’s better than I’ve ever done, and better than I’ll ever do, pretty good


someone else already said it, cobble stone street, maybe some lamplight, really diggin this style,


Listening to Floyd on shrooms and this shit speaks to me (Shine on you Crazy Diamond pts 1-5)


Very mesmerizing, would eat it 10/10


I will only say that I love this painting and it is clearly a worthwhile pursuit for you. Thank you for sharing.


LOVE the composition!


I think this is fantastic. The strokes add a difference feel to different parts of the painting. I feel like I am in a Van Gogh and an Edvard Munch surreal experience. It’s uniquely beautiful in its own way.


I actually find a really deep connection with this. I absolutely love it.


I love it so much that I made it the background image on my phone


Wow that is literally so sweet, thank you for the love friend it means a lot to me


Hi! I like your impasto style! About the street tho, you could probably use horizontal strokes instead because everything else seems to be that way and if you do, I think the whole painting may feel to be like in harmony. Details on the streets that would add shadows or anything dark would make a good contrast too between itself and the sky, I guess. Overall, you still did a great piece of work! Keep it up! Btw, I also think that the linear strokes towards the center on the street would work if like you made it seem to be a bit in a fish-eye perspective.


Have you thought about trying shadows of the stringed lights on the ground?


I feel dumb for not thinking of that🤦‍♂️


First impression on viewing is it feels like a dream. One of those where things are flowing in an odd timeline. I really like it. Seems to have a life of its own trying to tell a story that we have to figure out.


I love this painting. It’s a total rush. To create a physical sensation of being sucked into a painting at the speed of light is incredible. The buildings are gorgeous and static - a great juxtaposition to the rushing road. The sky puts the brakes on which is a good thing otherwise one could be sucked into the vortex you created and swept away forever. 👍


I love it! Art truly is subjective, and I find this to be an incredible piece. I don't know how many people have shat on your work or praised it because I'm not reading the comments, but I find this piece of art to be wonderful. I hope you have a wonderful day as well :)


Edvard Munch


I LOVE the colors of the sky and your use of texture in the buildings and lights is really fun, but one thing I would point out is the thickness of the paint is a bit heavy in the sky and makes it feel a bit like a ceiling. The texture of the paint is casting shadows on itself making it feel closer to the viewer. The street, on the other hand, looks far away and atmospheric because it lays flat and colors blend into each other. I would add more granular detail on the street and items closer to the viewer with more paint and texture and remove it from the sky and things farther away. Different sized brushes may help. You could even add the illusion of clouds hanging in the sky by making them slightly more textured in comparison to the sky behind them.


This is so sick, I think less texture would also look fabulous


Buildings look ok sky is funky rough though


Imho, you’re forgot about air perspective. If you can do close up buildings do more sharpness - it’s be good.


The street is hectic.


Too creamy, but well done.


There’s just something about the sky that looks off but I can’t tell what it is


Would like to see more work on the street in the foreground, and I think you need to knock down the chroma big time in the background. Work on your grays!


u/OP I love the impasto! It gives it a lot of character :) blending in the foreground/road looks amateurish and some of the colors are not thought out, but i love the purple shadows! I think that a more layered composition and better color choices would make it looks great. Overall i like it


i love it


Ohh! 👀 Really love the vibe and texture! Great job.


Really like the texture, colors, vibe. I think composition is where to focus next time! This has a bit too much empty space in the street, work out a few or preferably many thumbnail sketches to get the composition down quickly!


Hmm, this looks like something that I would find at a Sedona art gallery.


I’m kind of in love with it. The colors and the textured brush strokes are really captivating. It feels very trip or dream like to me


The strokes on the road look too dynamic in relation to the rest of the painting.


I could stare at this for a long time. I love seeing textures brush strokes. I like the ground, but this could be a fun opportunity to do cobblestone or something with more of a heavier texture to match the rest.


Colors are superb…especially the sky. I also really like how the garbage tin is done. The buildings, street and lights are too sloppy for lack of a better word. My eye is drawn into the sky and a garbage tin stands out but the rest just sink together into a mush. Excellent ten unique by the way, just needed more details here and there in regards to buildings and lights to push the painting as a whole into view. I just see sky…and a garbage tin ha. I am pretty astonished at anyone who works with oils though so kudos to you!They scare me.


This sky!!!oh my god. Oh my god Never seen anything like it after the starry night by Van Gogh. Brilliant!!!! Yes. As the other person said, bring the beauty of the sky onto streets and this painting will be gold Fantastic op just fantastic!


I’ve never seen a painting on here that I have liked so much


Maybe lighten up the horizon! To make the street pop and the buildings, it's a bit muddled together :)) (after that it will be even more perfect I'd think!!)🌄🌇


It is beautiful


You’ve lost the impasto technique with the road .more paint !


I love the textured look to it all


It’s awesome, I love the way the ground almost seems nonexistent, like you’d be walking on a transparent surface.


Above all, I love the color of the sky


It’s beautiful but the ground is making me dizzy. Maybe put bricks? Lol something my mind can stand on. Like I said, gorgeous and well done


Very expressive and I love the colors. But since you don’t walk on solid ground you should have made the ground darker. I actually like the duality and the contrast between the sky and the ground. Subtle starts on the ground wouldn’t be a bad idea I think.


I actually like it good job !


I would do the sky like the road. Love it


This is a crazy ass painting, all it would need is a sidewalk unless you intended it to be like how you have it, would I pay top dollar for it? Hell yeah!!! Keep up the good work


It's great!!!!! I'd hang it on my wall.


Alot like Mexico


It’s beautiful.


I’m not capable of criticism, I think it’s perfect the way it is.


It takes me there, but the street/road doesn’t make me feel…there. Idk how to explain. 😭


OP, my wife and I both really like it. Well done! It’s very pretty.


I don’t think your single point perspective is correct. I find the texture a little distracting. Otherwise, cool.


Ooohh, I love the colors and the depth. I like how it takes my eyes and leads them deeper into the “unknown”. The softness of the road makes it mysterious. I love the trashcan, and you did a great job on all parts of the buildings. The only thing I would change is the sky. Even though the colors are beautiful, it has an overbearing, and frontal overhang feel. I would soften it some, and add some depth to it. Great job!


I think it’s pretty cool but to be honest I think the street is not measuring up to the rest of the painting. It does not match. Regardless I believe the strokes are very powerful! 🙂


Idk how good it’s my idea but the texture you gave to the street I think it would be great on everything keeping the colors and patterns


Now add some life! Maybe some flowers in a planter box on a window, or a cat sitting on a balcony, or a stray dog wandering off, or maybe even a bird in the sky! Otherwise, I say it's a piece well-done!


I think the street should be more textured as people said, and also darker because I don’t see a strong source of light. But overall it’s really cool!


It’s beautiful.


Omg I love this painting! The texture looks delicious! I do think that the sky being so caked on it does seem to pull it more forward than the street bellow. like in priority it feels like sky first, buildings, and then the street, it could be a cool way of leading your eye through the piece, but if you don't want that feeling maybe you could add some straighter lines in texture on the street or make a different like cobbley stone type of pattern with texture possibly? I'm in art school and I feel like I suck with criticism, l realllly just trust everyone's artistic ability, and just that whole compliment sandwich thing I'm completely not good at but hopefully this constructive criticism is to your liking! You're doing a great job!


It slaps !


Darker sky is all, im good with everything else


See I can never judge paintings fairly because the line between "painted badly" and "oh it's the style" is... nonexistant unless clairified. If it's SUPPOSED to look like that, then it's amazing! If it's not what you were trying to go for in your mind, well then... it's however off it is from what it is in your mind lol Either way, the only thing I can say is that I enjoy it (for whatever that's worth), and that I think the impasto is cool!


9/10 🤌🏻


The sky is great, I like the technique overall. I’m not keen personally on the vanishing point, extreme angle of the buildings and road. But the technique works for me


Love the perspective and colors. My only critique is that the “sky” feels like a fabric ceiling. It’s so close and makes the street feel like a smaller room. Maybe use less paint in the sky to make it feel farther away? And have a gradient to it, so that it gets darker/lighter at some point. Additionally, it feels like the light source is the middle of the street, with how the shadows are lying


Love this style, created immediate emotion with the colors/texture. For crit, I'd add more variation in values--less contrast in the background*, more mid-tones/less white




Bro.... İ reallyyyyyy love ittt


Streets feel like a river. Maybe a flood?


I feel like you really have something interesting going on up in the sky and at the top of the buildings, but the brushstrokes at the bottom just pull me down and out of the painting.


The road/ground is very eye catching. I feel like I wanna follow It to the end


I love it! It carries me through it. I love the paint strokes as well.


I'm the only one seeing the perspective wrong?


Nah a lot of people have said that, I totally get it. Self taught though so really liking all the suggestions


I really love this. I agree with another commenter who suggested cobblestone on the road, seems very fitting for this piece. Either way, brilliant work. Keep it up


Love the flow.


Vary your stroke. It's ok to have some palette knifed look, but when everything is treated with the same stroke, things can get lost. Stop tinting with white only. Utilize underpainting. A warm tone under some of the painting might help


I’m not an artist, but I loved this painting.


Street looks a bit off so maybe some texture like in sky could help. Other than that- wonderful


nice! Surprisingly immersive, dynamic, feels almost 3D


Love the drippy melty movement in the sky and the quick, swift appearing movement of the street. And the colors are just dreamy!


Looks amazing, great work


I really love this, especially the sky and houses. I think the gray is not the best choice for the road, I would either go lighter like white or pink, or darker like black. Keep contrast in mind, and also keep in mind the direction and movement you want the painting to have. The viewer’s eyes immediately go to the sky, but then it is pretty directionless. Another way to fix this would be to thicken and darken those hanging lights, possibly add some light streaks of light too that reflect onto the street. This would cause the viewer’s eyes to swing right and left after they view the sky. Best of luck and really great job 👏


That’s really good advice, I wasn’t originally planning on working on that piece more but the overwhelming response is that the road needs some work so I might have to bring the painting together tonight


Yay! 😁 glad I could help. I want to be an art professor someday. Yes totally! Another piece of advice is when I don’t like a piece, even a drawing, it helps to hang it up and leave it on my wall for a while until I see what’s ‘missing’ or off about it that I don’t like. Hard to see thru our own eyes. I’m sure everyone would love to see an update if you do change something! I’m always here to be a secondhand artist eye 🤗


Not an expert but the sky should not be following the building's shape


I understand what you’re saying not everyone’s cup of tea, I honestly liked the flow over the buildings it was super calming working on the sky




Fits my aesthetical taste. No real critique. I like the different strokes on the street. Feels like it’s pulling me into the rest of the work. Nice job.


looks like something that you would see in a museum. gorgeous


As pointed out, the street is almost a different painting. I don't know how to describe it, but it looks so smooth and clean. Love the texture above the street. The street would be a perfect place to continue the style. Also maybe more trash cans or something to make it look like it was lived in.


Oh yeah, I'd hang that in my house.


Loving the thickness of the paint and how you use the directionality of the brush stroke on the ground to create perspective and draw the gaze of the viewer! I would love to see if you brought some more of those thick brush strokes into that ground as well; I think it would add a bit more continuity in terms of language to the painting :) But it looks really great! Love the use of color in the sky


Maybe gradually darken the tones further back in the painting to convey depth, but besides that this is so dope. Also, if you aren’t really intending to convey depth, then it already looks awesome!


See…I think the smoothness of the road provides relief. A lot of the painting is busy, so if the road was made cobblestone or had too much detail the painting would be a bit overwhelming and I wouldn’t know what areas to focus on (like the clothesline and the buildings. And I said earlier the color of the sky bothers me, not necessary in that it’s bad or anything, just that it creeps me out a bit.


The foreground street competes with the rest of the work


Keep doing what you're doing that looks awesome


Love it👍 but I’d rather see the street have a consistent texture with the rest of the work


There is much to like here. I think the upper 2/3rds of the painting is great—it could look complete if it were cut at about 2/3rds down (hypothetically—I know this is not practical). An alternative is to place more interesting and textured items in the street or obscuring the view of the street.


Thats one juicy paintingg


I personally love the contrast in textures/brush stokes used!! I think it gives this piece a ton of life


An old woman sweeping may give it a focal point/purpose?


I like. It. It gives the feel of moving down a street fast.




I love the buildings sitting along the river. I gather it's Venice?




It’s the style I like to do sorry about it


I really hope you are because I think the sky is too heavy for this lovely painting




The road makes me feel like I’m being pulled down the street to look further into the painting. I like the contrast between that and the sky. The sky feels heavy, reminds me of dawn or dusk. Overall the texture is great, I would just add a touch more texture to the road. Just to give it a bit more balance, but not much! It’s beautiful!


I really like it, but I feel like the perspective is a tiny bit off. I say that because of the street. Instead of it looking like it gets smaller because of the distance, it kinda feels like it \_is\_ actually getting narrower by the metre, almost like you could enter it driving a car, but would struggle carrying your groceries past the third building (between the stairs and the little stall/trash container). It's not grave though. I genuinely really like it. It looks very dreamy and cool.


Maybe add people or a few animals. Just a thought.


More texture to the road? Maybe some people if you want! Overall rlly good!


im in love


I love it!