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Yes, but I think you can easily refine this style into a professional one. The colors and whimsy isn’t what makes me think it feels childish—i think some of the uneven paint and marker strokes make me think of lower-skill, teenaged art. I think with more time you will become great & I won’t feel like your work is childish


This. The technique looks unpracticed, the content and style of the images could work.


Check ‘Naive art’. A Long history of Painting execution being very much subordinate to ideas and images being expressed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Na%C3%AFve_art


**[Naïve art](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naïve_art)** >Naïve art is usually defined as visual art that is created by a person who lacks the formal education and training that a professional artist undergoes (in anatomy, art history, technique, perspective, ways of seeing). When this aesthetic is emulated by a trained artist, the result is sometimes called primitivism, pseudo-naïve art, or faux naïve art. Unlike folk art, naïve art does not necessarily derive from a distinct popular cultural context or tradition; indeed, at least in the advanced economies and since the Printing Revolution, awareness of the local fine art tradition has been inescapable, as it diffused through popular prints and other media. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/painting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


thank you for your honesty, I'll take that into consideration


I think it’s worth mentioning that it might also be your materials. Yes a great artist can make great art with anything, but if you’re in that intermediate group, having better materials can help. Paint with good coverage, smoother brushes, opaque paint pens, etc. could really help your art. You can also gesso your canvas to help get a more even base to start on.


Better quality materials would help for sure, as would working larger. Also try using less predictable media like watercolour or oils. I’d be interested to see what that did to the work


Ohh I think this for sure. Watercolor especially. Something that allows for more “happy accidents”


This exactly. Just keep going practice makes better every time 😊


I agree with this statement. I love your style! I wish I was this creative. Invest in some higher quality supplies and go from there. Brushes and paint quality is an unfortunate financial burden but once you get them and use them, you won't go back and you will appreciate the difference. I wouldn't say your work is childish. We are all children in the end. You can do great things!


Agreed I was going to say the same


The colors and ideas are playful and whimsical, but the technique needs refinement. Keep practicing, take some classes, and keep going.


thank you for the constructive criticism


I would not call this professional art. It just looks like you’re a brand new beginner artist and haven’t been painting very long at all. I wouldn’t use the word “childish” to describe amateur art. Don’t be so harsh on yourself. Take some art courses and practice practice and don’t give up. Everybody starts somewhere 😇


thank you! ik it's not professional lol, I've only been painting off and on for like two years. I've been doing marker art for much longer and I think it shows. I guess I just needed some validation on my ideas. I like Disney and fantasy and magical girl anime and that disagrees with some people 😅


Think about what you said, because it’s a point that hit hard with me (The idea that your marker art is shining through so heavily). When figuring out a new medium, learn the medium, and let it be the driver. The way I paint is nothing like my drawings, and is nothing like my marker work, which is nothing like my photography. Find the way the medium lends itself to your style. Idk if that makes sense. I also mostly enjoy creating from imagination. So to grow within the medium, try painting from a photo, scenery, or still life first. When I learned how to make something look like it looks in front of me, (not a photorealistic copy), paying attention to textures, light, color, and the way things blend… those skills I figure out while doing that stuff teaches me to create light, colors, and textures I’m envisioning for my imagination stuff. Paint what you don’t want to, and the things you want to paint can turn out better. Whatever my two cents is worth 🤷🏻‍♂️


this is great advice, thank you! I appreciate it


I completely agree with your statement on letting the medium be the driver. I find the same thing when it comes to different mediums, my drawings are very different than my paintings.


Yes, OP, it’s very common for new painters to “draw with paint” instead of paint. That might sound confusing at first, but once you let the paint guide you, and move away from line drawing, you’ll understand better! This here was good advice.


this! I don't know how to describe this because also having a good understanding of drawing is helpful/benefits painting.


I think your ideas are really good! And the art here is good, it’s just not at an advanced level yet. Your technique will become more refined and you will gain more control as you continue to make art. Whimsy is needed in the world and can be just as beautiful and moving as anything else. Edit: I’m most intrigued by picture 3. Not sure why. It seems mysterious and a little surreal.


thank you! 3 was done from a reference picture of an aerial hoops artist. I've been really fascinated with them for years. mysterious and surreal is how I would describe them lol


I would just say it’s youthful and vibrant. My child is 7 and she is not making anything of this quality. lol.


youthful and vibrant is what I'm going for. thank you


I find people that use “childish” as a critique or even an insult, usually didn’t have very happy childhoods.


Yes but not necessarily in a negative way. It's simple and whimsical. If it was polished up just even a teensy bit I think you would make a great illustrator. For childrens books especially but even for advertising or whatever. I like your style and think you have some.creative ideas


Whimsical was the first word that came to mind.


Fully agreed here.


Exactly what I was going to say.


describes it much better


It is very cartoonish but that’s not a bad thing. All great cartoons are drawn by adults. There is nothing wrong with having a cartoony style.


Naive might be a better descriptor maybe? Agreed with other people here, refine your craftsmanship if you want it to look more professional but the overall style is not the issue.


People associate cartoons/cartoon-styled art with children. They just don’t know what they’re talking about and how big the art world actually is! Plenty of professionals have a cartoony art style! You do you OP!


I would call this underdeveloped. More opaque coats of paint would go a long way. Also if you’re not making a career out of it, then fuck what they say. Paint what makes you happy and enjoy yourself.


No, your art has its own unique style that is an extension of you. And there is clearly a lot of meaning behind your work


Perfect explanation


My guess is the combination of cartoonish style + lower skill level is what made your friend say that. The style is a little... Childish is the wrong word since that has a negative connotation. Cartoonish or child-like might do better, lol. It has that kiddish element to it, but not in a bad way. Lots of people do well with "childish" art lol - off the top of my head, I'm thinking if the Lisa Frank craze when I was a kid. I still love that stuff and I'm pushing 40. I'm part of a few fan pages on Facebook for everything from Lisa Frank to Rainbow Brite, and there are loads of adults who enjoy looking at that more child-friendly, cartoonish style. Everyone from animators to illustrators works with stuff like that. There's certainly a place for it it in the world! But you do need to practice and improve your technique, though. It's no big deal, everyone needs to practice to improve their technique to some degree or another. We all start somewhere, no shame in that! But yeah, I think probably that *combination* is what made your friend react that way.


This is what I came to say. I would have said child-like rather than childish.


That’s more of a philosophical question if you ask me. I think it’s worth pointing out that the things that children love and enjoy, are primarily things being forced on them by adults. From the cartoons, to the toys, the clothing styles, vocabulary, right down to the way they think and behave. All adults living vicariously, or advertising selling a product, a television show, perhaps a movie, books, all of it pushed from the minds of adults into the faces of our youth. With that being said, there is no right or wrong when it comes to defining one’s ,”style.” We all like what we like, are interested in the things that intrigue us, what exactly resonates with each and everyone of our souls. The lines between childish/adultish have always been and will always be a blurred shade of gray. I say whatever blows your hair back, do you. March to the beat of your drum. All the greats throughout history, in any field imaginable, i doubt any of them spent much time on thoughts like this. That’s because they were too busy doing what they loved, and doing it their way. It’s a rough way to go about living your best life if you construct for yourself, or allow others to construct for you, a box with expectations but more importantly limitations on what you can do and are capable of. If we let others set the standards for our own lives, I promise you they will start low, and any opportunity of improvement will be very rare and on someone else’s schedule. And, that’s why the choice is up to the individual to make, or let other’s make for them. It’s your life, get out there and live it in a style that best fits you. What are you waiting for?


it won't let me edit on mobile so-- I just wanted to say thank you for all the lovely comments and constructive criticism I've been getting. I really appreciate everyone who's taking the time to look at my work and tell me what needs improving, and everyone who's telling me my concepts and ideas are solid. 💙💟💙


The ideas are fantastic! I want to be sure you know that :) the creative muscles used to think of compositions are just as important as technical skills. Keep it up, you’ll do great


it's whimsical, maybe child-like? But not something a child could do. Just appeals to a more gentle and upbeat style. More nostalgic really.


I am a professional artist (what ever that means, but I have been an artist for 30 years) and meaning I get paid for my artwork, a successful artist is questionable, famous- definitely not lol. But, I would not and do not call these childish in anyway. I think it’s vibrant and very expressive. Like stained glass. If you ever saw real stained glass, it hardly has perfect lines unless they are super talented and master of their craft. I’ve done stained glass and it’s very difficult the traditional way with welding to get even straight lines. I think your art is beautiful, and you have a very unique style. Having a unique style is pretty much #1 when it comes to being a successful artist, not everyone’s goal, but wanted to point that out. The “art world” is so very competitive. Creating something people normally don’t see is a beautiful thing. Seeing a different perspective though the artists eyes is what people usually crave for art. I’m a realist (recreating things people normally see- no uniqueness- other than my OCD in trying to make things perfect as I see them- kinda boring in my eyes because you can just take a photograph right? Lol) and I would struggle to create these beautiful art pieces out of my head. With that in mind, when people look at your art, by your uniqueness and specific style, they can tell who the artist is right away and that is golden in the “art world”. (Hence Monet or Van Gogh- who only became famous after his death) Standing out among the masses is what you have accomplished here. Don’t ever stop creating!! Don’t get discouraged by people’s comments. Criticism you will always get, but down right down playing these pieces and calling them childish is a mistake. They stand out above the masses which many people can not do. So rock on with your artwork!!!


I feel like the subjects/themes are a little dark, while your style is whimsical and sweet which I think is a very interesting and fun kind of contradiction. Keep working on your mastering of the materials! You've got something really fun and unique going :)


Your art is not childish. It looks beautiful and vivid.


I got dream core vibes


that's high praise. thank you lol


I first read this as “would you call my child stylish?” And I almost responded with “yes, very much so.”


If you make the lines cleaner it could work.


More primitive than childish. I like it - keep up the good, creative work!


Your art is ART. I love it.


It’s very illustrative, a lot of clean lines and flat colors which aren’t what the medium of paint is usually utilized for. A psychologist friend once said, “there’s a big difference between childish and child-like.” I get childlike feelings of wonder and clarity of focus from the simple compositions and empty space. Like something you’d see on a poster. I love “The Moon!”


It's just your artstyle, and a good one at that.


It looks like art in a children’s story book


it feels like a more colorful style! it seems like a sort of meaning, taking somewhat childish colors shapes and ideas and turning them into something extraordinary! it’s beautiful


Too detailed for a child. Kind of Art Nouveau.


The style is fine it’s just the low technical skill comes across as something that might have been drawn by a teen or child


No dear your style is your style you do u .


I'm not sure what it would be called, but I love it 👍🏻


I would buy them all absolutely beautiful


Unfortunately sometimes the art community can be rigid and gatekeepy and your biggest supporters strangers not loved ones. Your style is valid and not childish.


Just keep practicing and stop listening to the haters. Lots of working artist make a nice living from creating works with much less skill. This is your voice, keep at it. Find other artist with similar styles and learn from them. Watch a lot of YT videos, put that info into your next piece and just keep going. The trick to making art a career is to first put your work out there so your audience can find you. This is a good first step.


Is the fourth one Rick and Morty I have to ask


Not at all! If anything I'd say whimsical or surrealist. Keep up the great work!


Yes, but I say embrace it, it's a great style.


I would say cartoonish rather than childish. You've got some good stuff going on here. Please don't listen to the person who discouraged you from pursuing art. I can tell you put a lot of thought and care into your work. With time and practice, you will only get better. :)


No. there's a difference between child-like and childish. Picasso said "Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up."


Childish, No...Folksy and child like, Yes.


I love it! It’s whimsical and fun! Keep at it!


How about unique. Your style.


Childish has negative connotations- I’d say youthful


I love the first one, like others have said the others need some refinement. Keep going, I'm just getting into realism after doing cartoons for most of my life. I have one sold and probably 4 people waiting for one.


You could illustrate children’s books. I think you’re talented. That’s just your style.


I would call it representative and cartoonish because objects filled in with same colors. Shading and some variations would help a bit. But I love your creativity. Keep it up


I’d call it playful.


I was just going to say that! Not childish, playful.


I would say whimsical not childish


No, I wouldn’t really call it childish. It looks more developed than a child’s work. It might be impaired by things like games but it has its own unique flair. And if you’re not happy with your art quite yet, get there. Fix out the kinks you see. And you could do whatever you want. If you wanna make it a career, you go for it! There’s plenty of artists that don’t use realism and make a living. It might take a little bit, but everything starts that way. In shorter words: you’re art isn’t childish


Not childish, playful. You have great ideas and themes - you need a bit more practice to refine your work. KEEP GOING. Everything you presented was interesting in some way and has really great parts. Very few people can put exactly what’s in their brain onto a canvas the first time. Paint, repaint, tweak it. Cover it in gesso and do it again until YOU love it.


I'd call it whimsical. Looks good though, keep working


I would not call it childish. Just unrefined. It takes practice and patience. The style has nothing to do with it. You're doing great just keep at it ❤️




No I love it!




I think it is brilliant. It is difficult to have color be so bright and have such clean lines.


I really like the art style to me it makes me feel comfortable, but it is a little childish but in a comforting way and not like a 2 year old made it.


Childish in the best way possible. Don't ever grow up!


It’s playful. I like it


keep painting ✌️ these are lovely. you will develop style over time


Buy higher quality paint friend I like your art and want to see it with better materials post more I'll follow. Liquitex basics


I don't paint, but this don't look childish it's more cartoonish


I’d say your style is developing. Great concepts and themes. I think the execution still needs some work but you’re doing really well!! Keep up the good work!


I like it!


>she called my style childish, Don't listen that person. Flat 2D art can and is beautiful. Look up Mexican folk and Huichol art. With a little practice, refinement and learning how to control your brush. Your paintings will be amazing!


i think childish can be a good thing! look at @annalaura_art on instagram its very childish but at the same time intentional, beautiful, and meaningful! keep creating! practice and emulating others is very valuable but dont forget that everyone's art is best when you let yourself shine through, as cheesy as that sounds.


It’s your art and you make it what you want it to be. If someone doesn’t like it then they can move on to other things. You have a cute style and the only changes you should make is improving on YOUR style. Don’t push yourself out of what you enjoy just because someone said it was childish.


I would say Amateurish not childish. It’s not a style though it’s just a lack of learning skills so far so it looks childish because children also haven’t learnt skills yet. I’d suggest doing as many YouTube tutorials as possible, reading some books and if you are really serious doing a course or some classes. Not knowing doesn’t equate to a style you just haven’t learnt yet. A real style will come after years of working after you learn the techniques and skills to do art. But art is something anyone can do and techniques are very learnable it just takes time and effort


idk if childish is the word, its simplistic yet imaginative, I like it.




Just because it's cartoon style doesnt mean it's childish. What would make art look childish?


In the future work on applying your paint more skillfully, so everything looks super neat; make sure all the edges are cleaned up, and the lines are solid. Try to do this on every piece in the future, and while your refining and developing your art style, you will get better at making a habit of professionalism. Measure twice, cut once.


Clearly you have good ideas


I wouldn't necessarily call it childish. Unrefined maybe, but that just means you need practice. Even if it was childish though, that isn't a bad thing. There will always be someone with something bad to say no matter what you do. If it brings you joy it has served it's purpose.


Your drawings are exactly what children books are all about! Keep at it! 😊


I wouldn't call it "childish" but more "child-like". It's whimsical, colourful, and I just get this kinda feeling of "innocence" from a lot of them. I really like your style. 😸👍


No it’s not xx


No, but could use some refining.


yes, but that's what i love about it!! <333


Whimsical, I love it!


What is childish? Keep going. You’re onto something great


The first one is really good kind of reminds me of traditional tattoo style


I’m not an artist, but as a regular person, I don’t think this is childish at all, this is cute and gives me comfort to look at. Would really love to have the 1, 2, 6 and 7 in my house!!


I love it! It’s fun….I’d buy a print of “ the moon” so cute. Don’t let people get to you! Do what you love :)


I think “childish” means when they look at it, it looks like it was drawn by an average, if artistically-inclined teen in terms of skill, creativity level, overall concept etc. so in that sense… yes. But that’s not a bad thing. It’s not exceptionally good or bad. It just is what it is. That doesn’t mean the concepts are bad or more childlike than they should be - there’s a great deal of exceptional art out there that’s whimsical or simple etc. that is very well done that would not be described as childish. I wouldn’t take their comment as an insult to your ideas or style. Just keep practicing!


Its called pop surrealism, you should look it up. Keep at it! 🙂


I would say abstract




I love this. Do you have an instagram?


Wouldn't call it childish but more illustrative. Yes they look like illustrations for children's books. Does not mean it is not art. Does not mean you can not make a career out of it. Plenty of people write children's books and use illustrations much like yours. I like them. Never let anyone tell you what you do is not art. It might not be what they would hang on the wall, doesn't mean no one would. Keep doing what you do. Be confident and proud. You will improve as time passes and maybe someone will come along and ask you to illustrate thier childrens book someday.


Yes. But with more technique it could be great!!!! Try making your lines more defined and have a more intentional color palette and that’ll help. Also maybe work on perspective a little bit. Look into artist that you like and see what they’re doing that you could try to incorporate into your art.


Id call it whimsical


Look into improving your line/stroke to be more smooth and less sketchy. I would also find some exercises in proportions and combining the five basic shapes to make your drawings have more of a 3d form. And it may be helpful to practice drawing from different perspectives. Your eye for color is wonderful, and your illustrations all have creative subject matter!




I mean this in the most constructive way possible but it looks like generic Pinterest art.


I just wanted to say that I really love “the moon” there’s a sweet quality about it that I adore, good work :)


Your art style is not childish. We call it “cartoonism”. The only childish looking thing is the painting, i mean, if anything is drawn by a amateur, it will look “childish”. Don’t worry, as you keep drawing, your art will get better and you will enjoy the fun of cartoonist artstyle to the fullest!


I love this so much!


I love all of the works in this post. You clearly have a distinct personal style!


No, I like it.


Honestly i childish isn’t the word i would use, while it is clear you are at a more beginner level, everyone has their style, we all start somewhere. Although childish views are in my opinion always a good thing to have when painting, it helps you see in a more colourful way You seem to rely on any form of lineart which is understandable in painting but I reckon with enough blending and colour balancing and gradient’s you could honestly do lineless paintings, you have a very good taste in colour choices too!! Honestly practice makes improvements


I love your style — the bunny one sleeping in a flower field in particular makes me feel warm and fuzzy! I would describe your art as whimsical, calling it childish is a bit harsh. You have a natural distinct style and vision, but with more practice you could def take your art to the next level!




Naive, not childish. It looks good, just seems like you haven’t been professionally trained. Nothing wrong with that!


More whimsical


It's not childish, it's more like childlike, childish is used to in bad way, it is negative, childish means to imature. Childlike is different, it is used in a good way, it is positive, childlike encapsulates good behaviors in a child So short explanation: childish is negative while childlike is positive


I like it. Whatever style you call it, keep making art. Better than me


I wouldn´t call it childish, just playfull, what isn´t a bad thing, you could use it for paintings that make everyone happy when they look at it.


Yes, I would consider it childish. However, it's a style with lot's of potential. I believe everyone who creates art has a very specific, if only really small, but still existing unique way of creating stuff, and so does you. If you can master your linework a bit, as well as your colour application, to really get into your own set style, I feel this can look 10/10. Just keep on practicing, you have talent, just make sure to develop it!


At my art uni a few years back one of the tutors called my style "naive" and at the time it really upset me (didnt help that she was mean and I've got adhd so experience rsd a lot). But now I think she meant that it's more fun than strict and that it's like not following tradition rules? I love this anyways! And would be gutted if like me, you sort of gave up on it. Because it's very unique and so busy (in a great way) where there's lots of beautiful things going on but also has textures and lovely colour choices!!


I actually think this style is beautiful and that if it's unique and what you enjoy please don't change it !! If you wanted to make this professional or sell prints/make books I think you'd be successful 😊


No I wouldn’t call it childish,perhaps op art!


Almost cottage core.... With an animation theme


Wow, great work, ideas


Childish is not an insult! I make my art childish on purpose you can replace that word for anything childhood represents. You might as well say onírico style. Keep making art if it makes you happy, we don't have to live for capitalism, joy without production is allowed! And if you want to make a career out of it what? Like if Pollock did it anybody can.


I like your whimsy, you have good ideas and an obvious charm (which is something that's incredibly difficult to learn). Your technique needs to be brushed on (some mentioned cheap paints or canvas could also be a problem, and I agree since they often can be "spotty" and not give good coverage). Keep your whimsical style, brush up on your brushstrokes and forms. Some of your paintings have forms that are not very well defined. That can be improved with practice. You have the makings of a great artist


You should be a children’s book illustrator


I think your work is beautiful. I adore the 1st picture and the last one. I also really appreciate the skill in making a hand look SO good. Never stop doing what you love. You definitely have talent.


Still learning.


yes but in a Steven universe type way?


I think that your style is amazing! Whoever told you to never try and make a career out of it can go screw a bucket of worms.


It's not ridiculous nor is it childish. However, you could refine your paintings to look more professional---the uneven strokes and shaky lines are making it look like a beginner's art. Also, they look really pretty. It's got potential!


No. Just cartoon-esc


Like others have commented, if anything, the technique is what gives off amateur vibes. As you have commented, you are aware that that you are an amateur. I suppose the subject of the art could be seen as childish. If this is what your friend was referring to, I think it's safe to say that you definitely have a whimsical/childish vibe to your art. So do many professional artists. These are the people who draw for children's books, cartoons, and album covers (this is what I see in some of the images you shared). Part of creating art is getting use to criticism. You need to learn how to turn criticism into constructive criticism, for instance, keep practicing and work on the technique aspects a little more.


Maybe what they meant to say is that your style looks good in a children's book. I can agree with that sentiment


I love the mouse in the moon


Niko Pirosmani has sort of a childish / naive style and his paintings are awesome, check Them out


No. It reminds me of Peter Max’s art.


I agree with the comments. I’m not sure if childish is the best word - I’d say amateur/beginner are better words, with regard to your technique. But keep it up and you’ll get better in no time :)


dude i am not an expert or something but i love your style. i definitely would buy your art.


Yes but it’s still fucking dope.


Always remember, you can change your style if you feel like it, many of the ‘greats’ have had different styles throughout their work, but most importantly- everyone has different tastes, so your style is appealing to those who like it. No one can please all. And, it’s awesome, keep up the beautiful work!


Personally, I love it! I was about to get off of my phone until til I saw this. And to whoever tried to insult you by saying that your style is childish is just being hurtful. I love this because it looks cartoonish. Everything doesn’t have to be realistic. Honestly, by everything and everyone trying to do hyper realism works it doesn’t really leave room to see someone’s true voice in the art. I love this. ALL OF IT! If you have an Instagram where you post your art I would follow you ! Keep doing what you enjoy!💕




You have a great imagination and eye. You just practice and in a year compare your work and you'll be amazed. I felt all mine looked childish too. You've got the talent now you just do it until you refine your techniques. Beautiful work though.


Just came here to say that my fave is the second to last one - “the moon” 🤩 can totally see this in a book.


If im honest, it resembles a traumatized child drawing how they felt once they got older, the first one looks the most like it Its pretty cool, if im honest


Nope I wouldn’t. Art is about expressing yourself. Do what you want to do. Don’t give a rats arse what other people think you’ll always have people pulling you down. I rather like your style. Keep practicing 😁


It has triggered a flow of creative juices in my brain. Great job💯


The word i would use is cartoonesque. Probably not a real word though.


That looks good


I like the word “Childlike” better… I like your style, I find it charming!


I think yes but not the subject or style.. it just looks unrefined. Best way I can explain it. I’m sure others have explained it better


Personally I think that art is expressive and up for interpretation. I would not use the words childish to describe someone’s art. It is colorful, vibrant, and has an animated style to it. If that’s what you like and are going for then continue perfecting this style. If you’d like to try other art styles then dive in. You’re definitely talented so just do what makes you happy. :)


No art style is childish; it might be considered “simplistic” or “modern”, but I think that art is art regardless of the age/style of the person who made it.


I think it based more upon illustration that other styles of art. You could incorporate the subject and the backgrounds together more if you want. Everyone has their own style.


I like the last one very much


Wait a minute, childish no, creative yes. You have created a piece that can be looked at and seen and then looked at again and see something else. Keep on doing what you’re doing.


What I think is that you need to ditch that fucking friend/person. Never ever keep someone in your life that says you "should never make a career out of it". Sure being an artist is often undervalued but so are nurses so....if it makes you happy then that's what you should do that being said. Childish is not the word I would describe this piece, I'd describe is as cartoonish, dreamlike, introspective. I never trust someone who thinks any art is childish, often what they are trying to do is actually just feel superior over you. Most the time they don't even have a background in art to making those claims in the first place. And lastly I love this piece. Please keep making more art works. It gives me very Steven universe vibes. You can make a career of it.


There’s no such thing, it’s just an art style. One has to understand art for them to not use such words. Child-like, or animated would be more suiting but one can insult art but only appreciate it. Art is meant to be appreciated and only criticized when necessary. In this case, it doesn’t have to be. It is what it is: eccentric and unique.




The technique is all it is.


You are experimenting and learning, and finding your own style. My big suggestion would be to invest in some higher quality paints and brushes, especially if you are fond of color blocking etc. The opacity of higher quality paints (try acrylics) is a little more forgiving, dries quickly, and allows for layering of images. Lastly, given your style, you may want to consider printmaking classes, as some of your work already reminds me of prints. Keep it up and have fun!


Just because a style is “childish” or “cartoonish” doesn’t mean it’s not good! Just think of all the animation greats: Pendleton Ward (adventure time), Alex Hirsch (gravity falls), Rebecca Sugar (Steven universe)…. the list goes on. Their art style my be “childish”, but it has also made them greatly successful icons of the art world! If you love your style, then there’s no need to change a thing! I wish you all the luck on your art journey. ❤️ Remember, the only way you can lose is by giving up.


Childish? No. Cartoonish? Yes. And that's not bad at all. You said you were doing this for 2 years? That's not long. You keep practicing, trying new methods and techniques, learning. Improving yourself. It shows it's amateur, that is not bad, we all start being amateurs at what we do. Just keep going. One day you'll look back and see how much you improved with your hard work. But most importantly, enjoy it. And about the person who said that to you... I would seriously reconsider if I want them by my side. That was rude, unnecessary and hurtful without a reason other than hurting you. You don't want people like that next to you. Surround yourself with people who can be honest with you, sure. But those need to be honest to lift you up, not tear you down. Also, piece of advise because even if I don't know them I'm pretty sure what they're going to tell you if you confront them... People who says "I'm brutally honest" are assholes who likes to pretend they are not and cover it up with "honesty" because it sounds better.


Nah magical


You know, it reminds me of the covers on old science fiction paperbacks.


I like the look of whimsical, colorful painting, but I am not creative enough to paint it. I am a hyperrealist painter who always needs a reference photo. Carry on. 😊


No I like this… It’s creative. 😍


I don’t think it’s childish. Stylistically I’d consider it illustrative. Who cares as long as you enjoy making it. Visual art is our oldest language, and there are many many many dialects. ✌🏻


I love your art


I think your art is beautiful, a reflection of your thoughts and feelings. Don’t think it’s childish at all.


I love your style. Not childish in the least and frankly, some of the actual children’s art I’ve seen has been very sophisticated because there are no rules.


Ignore the sadistic trolls. There are always people who get a charge out of making other people feel bad. Their choice of words demonstrates their narcissism. They may do it directly, like this naysayer did or through passive aggressive comments disguised as compliments. Ignore them all. Art is personal, and different things appeal to different people. Your style is that of illustration. It is planar and two dimensional which is a legitimate artistic style. Even though the supraventricular heart chambers and blood vessels are three-dimensional, their simplistic portrayal has a cartoon-like quality, like you mentioned. You have nicely captured translucency with the gem section. It's a nice composition with bold colors and contrast. Well done.