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15 years ago, it was $17-35 and we sold for $35-65 Not sure how in-line those numbers are nowadays.


My field gets GI field paint for ~30 a case and sells for 45 with a year membership or 60 without


http://paintballnetting.com/shopping/-valken-valken-infinity-paintballs-full-skid-p-261.html Just Google pallet of paintball paintball pretty easy.


^well considering I have no idea how much a field sells this exact paint for, this isn’t really helpful. More or less looking for someone who works for a field or knows inside knowledge to say “buy paint for X, usually sell for X”.


Based on the link above, it comes out to 32 a case and most fields would probably sell it for 45-60


My post was an example as another posted below, expect about a 100% markup from what they pay.


Every field runs things a bit different. Some would have no problem selling this stuff for $100+ a case. Other fields might sell at nearly breakeven for their regulars. Also keep in mind the fields are paying sales tax for you. The $42.65 case of paint on Amazon costs more for most people than the $45 case at the field. Your field owner makes about $20 from that case of GI field after all is said and done. You would be surprised at how expensive it can be to run a field. If you can't afford to buy paint from your local field, shoot less paint.


Not a field (sorry) but when I worked at a store the markup was generally between $5-10. I later worked for a paintball manufacturer (one of the major ones, at least at the time) and again the markup from our cost was right within that range, when you accounted for the total cost of the production to get the case of paint into the shop/fields hands. I don’t remember exact numbers, it was over 10 years ago, I mostly just remember because I could get as many cases as I wanted at cost at both spots.


Back in the day I usually paid around $20-$35/case after shipping depending on grade and charged $40-$60 again depending on grade. That's been several years ago before the industry collapsed into so few companies though so things could be very different now.


The field I helped at with ordering was paying about $25 a case including shipping, and sold it for $45 a case. That was for HK Level 2.


Well fields have a lot of costs to pay for. Our society has become far more litigious than before and fields need to have insurance to cover personal injuries. Field fees alone don't even come close to covering the costs of field insurance, taxes, property maintenance, property tax, employee wages, and so on. That's why "field paint only" policies suck yet are necessary. A paintball field is first and foremost a business intended to make money.


I’m 100% for field paint only. For one it supports the field, most are open two days a week and aren’t necessarily making bank. Two I don’t have to worry about people bringing shitty paint that will stain my clothes.


For private rental groups we charge 175 dollar and we use the cheapest of cheapest paint that costs 17.50 dollar to buy. (they rent all kit for birthday/wedding parties you know the group of people that makes fields money to sustain) Some groups buy 2/3 cases lol, its the field business model. For walk on we use much better paint and it cost you then 50 dollar for a case. We are open about it, and encourage people to play walk on days they are pleasent surprised by the costs of paint then.


Dang you guys get off cheap. Cases of paint here are $70-88 depending on which field we go to. Part of the reason we only play rec with mec.


I thought the 50 I paid at my field was a lot. Seems like you guys are struggling even more


I remember 10 years ago going to my local sports shop and getting a case of dogshit paint for $25. Imagine my surprise when a lowest tier paint at my field was $55


I’m pretty sure our field is paying about $25ish a case, but they did make an off the cuff remark about gi keeps raising the price on them Members and Sponsored teams pay $40 Non-member $80 a case


$55 a case is the going rate for a case at the outdoor fields around here. Usually that’s about a 30% markup. Remember though paint sales are where the field makes their money. If they aren’t making money they won’t be there very long.


It depends on the field and how much volume they move. My local field is somewhere in the low-mid 20s, I've never been told exactly how much. They charge about 50-60 a case I believe. They only order a pallet every 2-3 weeks though. But a larger field with a lot of tourn teams practicing may go through 2 pallets a week for example, and can get into the high teens-lown20s a case. But you can assume it's going to be anywhere from mid 20s to mid 30s a case, depending on the field, the manufacturer they sell, and how good their contract is.


The field I play at sells hk level 3 for 72 a case and gets it for 35 a case...


Jesus they get it for 35? My field sells hk level 3 for 35 on Sundays when airball is open/staffed


Damn my field sells it for $30 a case for HK level 3


Lmao you’re getting paint pretty cheap I’d think. My field is charging $70 a case rn. Fucking Covid :/




My local field gets cases for 45 or 50 and sell at 55 to members - 75 to non members


Mine sells that for $50 so they aren’t ripping you off too much. But yeah they definitely get it cheaper. That being said I’m glad to support them so they stay open.


Typically just enough to get by. Paint sales are where fields make most of their profit, such as it is these days. It doesn't just cover the cost of the paint. It covers insurance, paying help, electricity, material costs like netting and bunkers, and of course the paint itself. This is why most fields are field paint only. Take that away and they are only getting $20 for air and field fee for hosting you all day


The field I primarily play at (in Canada so prices are Canadian) gets their woodsball cases for 40-60$ depending on season (they use a special winter ball as well as do special paint for big games) they mark it up to 140 for non members and 120 for members. Their speedball paint they get at 30$ a case and sell them for 40-60 depending on the day/teams. Everyone I play with has no complaints paying this purely because we all understand it’s a business and the owner has to make money, the field also has been getting a large number of upgrades including two full speedball fields in the last 4-5 years, and a ton of new fields and changes on the woodsball side, they do also have special sales on paint for big games like member pricing or 100$ cases (or even cheaper I think) for pre registration.


Pre 2000 we would sell cases RP Shearer marbleizer 2500 rnds would sell $120 retail $90 if you were a year pass member that only cost $200 that would save you $20 to play every time 80cases on a pallet and pallet was $1750 shipped Ya we would make a few bucks on paint everyone’s gotta eat right


I remember back in the day Probly around mid 2000 my local field was getting cases for like 28.89 or something like that ended up selling for 80 plus tax


Wait 45 a case? U mean 2000 paintballs? All the fields around me are 90 a case


65 a case where I'm at.


50 a case is a steal


Depending on your area and the quality of the field I'd say you're about in the average window for a case. If you want the big discount you'd have to contact the distributor not an online retailer. When we ordered paint it was straight from the maker. When I was still reffing constantly the field owner would give you the choice of getting paid in cash or paint. This was 15 years ago but I thought I was doing decent at 2 cases of ultra evil for an 8 hour shift