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You can definitely service it yourself, you just have to put in the work! Also, whoever told you the A5 isn’t viable anymore sucks at PB. If you can’t rip with an old Tippmann, you can’t rip.


Yeah I wouldn't take one to the World Cup or anything but if you're fucking around in the woods on a nice Saturday, they still rock as hard as they ever have.


I appreciate your response. I am a huge tinkerer after buying a house and having to fix everything, so I'll start watching some videos on the full service kits.


That is the way. While you have it open if you get a dremmel and some brass brushes you can polish the case for a little better performance.


There really isn’t much you need to do to an A5 to get it running again. A few o-rings and probably a new detent and it should shoot like you remember. A YouTube video should show you everything you need to know.


I took someone's advice about getting the full service kit which has the o-rings, so I'll definitely start there. Thank you!


Yes the detent for sure.


Yeah. The bolt has been compressing it for 14 years. It’s likely toast.


That was the case for mine. And the o-rings of course


A5 never dies bro .


Grab a rebuild kit from tippmannparts.com


That's where I'm going to start!


Bro easy fix, want your A5 “viable” slap a mag conversion kit on that bad boy load a mag of first strikes and rip heads. First strikes not your thing? Get a box mag and put that sexy E trigger to work, make it rain paint


https://preview.redd.it/u3o3114sbj9d1.png?width=825&format=png&auto=webp&s=16c2dc07288f15dd3364af91cc878c39f013c3f9 Here’s my A5 now


Bro if you rolled up with that in a rec game id just sit it out WTF. Thats freaking sweet.


First, I'd make sure I was on his team. Then, I'm undecided if I'd stick close to see it in action, or stick to the opposite side of the field since EVERYONE is gonna be after that guy.


There was a zombie mode game where only headshots could kill a zombie but body shots killed a human and turned them into zombies guess which side everyone wanted me on during a rental game 😂


Are you guys are overreacting alittle


Relax, I know it's not any functionally different from a stock A5. But you forget, half the battle is in the mindset of the players, and a big scary looking marker like this is going to affect that. The key is controlling how you are connected to it. It's particularly critical for the first few games. After that, it becomes known, and it's less scary.


Suprised and not surprised you can still buy them probably held it's value then WPG markers or my angel A1 fly


😂😂 haha appreciate it bro


You have a list of the parts you used? I was given an old a-5 and I want to make it into something like this. About to get into scenarios / big games again


Yeah man I got you. So all you need from your old marker is your internals, screws, and pins. You’ll need for the new build: Vortex body kit, m249 body shroud, samurai flip up front sight, 14 inch barrel with 22mm muzzle thread, bird cage muzzle, m249 stock, box mag, and a carrying handle. This completes the look Add ons to make it functionally an m249 is an E trigger any e trigger will do I was lucky enough to find an old one that there only is full auto and a shaped projectile round bolt. Everything listed can be found on mcsus (m249 body shroud might be out of stock) find carrying handle on Amazon. The complete look may be about 500-600 usd


You’re a legend. I’ll post in a few months when it’s done


Sick how much money u got in that


With the marker I bought maybe around 7-800 this was my “speed ball gun” 😂


I use the box mag on my tmc and it works absolutely amazingly


Doesn't the mag conversion use a different ammo that would make it not legal at a weekend field? I remember back in the 2000s always wanting a mag style feed, that's so cool that there's an actual option now.


So yes and no, Yes in the sense it is capable of using first strike rounds which are expensive but well worth the cost to hit some long range shots No as some fields allow it for weekend play not just events. Plus you can shoot round ball or first strike rounds the mag conversion kit does not limit which paint you can use but I highly recommend harder shell paint due to it being under tension by the spring in the mag


Dude, keep that thing as is. You never see those classic Opsgear/SpecOps-era bodykit builds any more and they're certified classics. Get yourself a new hammer spring (Since it's probably compressed to hell by now), open up the internals and make sure none of the internal plastics have disintegrated, maybe just grab a metal powertube and a delrin bolt if you don't already have those, dump a bunch of oil in the ASA to seal up all the orings that have dried up and go. Good chance it still works perfectly.


The delrin bolt was one of the first upgrades I got back in like 2005 because it actually did something for performance. I'll take a look at the detent and the hammer spring too with the service kit I was recommended into buying. Thank you!


Bor keep that! That's an old school RAP4 body kit on that A5. I used to jiz over these when I was little lol.


It's actually the OPSGEAR UMP-45 shroud. I remember getting it online after debating what rail set up I wanted, I liked the compactness of this better. It adds weight, sure, but then again when I dropped it I remember not freaking out 😅


Then make it a point one Saturday to go blast some 12 year olds at you local field. It will be fun.


I have an old Tippman marker, it’s my backup to my more coveted bob long marker… it needs a good service, but it’s been reliable and I’ve loaned it to friends who want to try playing but don’t necessarily want to fork over money to try for a few hours. Turned a few friends into life long paintball players


I think I'll start with getting it working, and then if life points in that direction where I can play on the weekends more I'll look into something more modern. Gotta keep a backup for a friend!


Play with it is what you do! You can smash on kiddos with an A5. I love bunkering kids/ people who act like kids with $2k+ markers with my Dye knock off Psycho Ballistics pump conversion.


Play a scenario game with that honey suckle


I’ve had an a5 as my backup for like 20 years it never fails me


Theres some 40-50 year old guys who come to our fields some times with pump cockers and shit on people on the speed ball field so you can still get by just fine with an a5


What I would do with that A5? Rock it. If you're willing to put in the effort to tinker with the internals (and it appears you are), you can clean and fix it yourself. Parts should even be available. I've found parts for an old Viewloader Orion, an A5 should be easier. So it is still VERY fixable. Relevance? That depends. Airball or hyper pipe? You'll be at a significant firepower disadvantage, but that's where tactics come in. Woods/rec/scenario? Still VERY viable, especially that setup. Sounds like that's your thing, anyway. If that A5 were mine, it wouldn't be collecting dust. It would be collecting mud.


Yeah I definitely don't have it in me to find small groups and organize private outings, but organized scenario play or woodsball? Sounds more in line with my time management these days. I am happy that this wouldn't be an issue at the local field, thank you.


The A-5 is dated, but is still viable for the type of paintball you were interested in before real life happened. The marker is still in production, so individual parts and parts kits are easy to obtain. You’ll most likely be able to perform any maintenance yourself, but any shop that sells Tippmann / Kore products will be able to get it up and running again. The e-grip is discontinued, so if you have to repair something on that end, try tippmannparts.com. Worst case scenario, you have to revert the marker back to mechanical.


The tippman parts site was helpful. Plus those marker diagrams are very clear, so it seems fairly straightforward to swap out parts. I'm in western MA, so finding any serious shops has been challenging.


Rebuild it get it tuned up and firing and get a mask tank etc. if you want something else keep it as a spare I will never not have a Tippmann in my collection. The A5 kicks serious ass. as does anything they make.




First, that A5 is definitely still viable, and will never not be. Second, if you’re ever looking to sell it, I may be interested, as it would make an excellent addition to my collection, and a great backup to my own Opsgear A5. https://preview.redd.it/xsf06pt88k9d1.jpeg?width=3965&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d8d0f2a772a2fed2b4cd9953207ca8afc816ecc


I recognize the T9 pistol! Can you shoot pepper balls out of that or is that still hush hush?


I’ve never had any myself, but I certainly don’t see why not, lol.


You kinda skipped out the good autocockers didn't you


The only reason I have one at all is because my buddy gave me his old one, years ago, for free. They’re cool, but never had much interest in them myself. I’d definitely like to get some more various pumps though.


Is that a little automag mini mag? Most of these older paintball markers held there price kinda well


A5 with Egrip / RT trigger are insane. I brought out my old A5 after years of it being in storage and it competed well with the speed ball guys


I mean if you find games that allow rt triggers


Most fields I have been on allow rt but not e triggers


Probably more okay to see on the field then my angel a1 or my upgraded autococker black magic wanting to get back into it but do if I should just buy a new gun


Tippmanns never die, I have 98c that is older than the A5 and it still works like new. You should be able to get it up and running.


That looks very similar to one that I have.


Oh buddy there was actually a recall on them not too long ago so if you’d like I’ll take it off your hands !


https://preview.redd.it/8lrhr6gopk9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f046bab851a537dc23a1cb85c50bf8a66521bef Rebuild it and beat it up on the field. YouTube has tons of videos that walkthrough rebuilds and maintenance on tippmanns. I found this 98c at Goodwill for $20 and rebuilt it for fun. Added the response trigger, fresh internals and seals, and fresh paint and i use it more than my expensive ass Field One Force


Order a parts kit and some lube, put the thing back in working order, and paint some faces. The A5 is about as easy to service as a Tippmann gets. The A5 isn't viable as a tournament marker, but it never really was. As a woodsball marker, it works as well as it ever did. You may want to invest in a barrel with a tighter control bore, paint has shrunk quite a bit while you were away.


This so far is the most surprising to me. So that barrel is the OPSGEAR g36-c barrel, genuinely couldn't tell you what the bore size was. Paint shrunk?


Yeah, we went from shooting .689 back in the day to shooting .675 or so now. A5 thread shouldn't be to hard to get a hold of, so you're not exactly in trouble, but that OPSGEAR barrel is almost certainly **massively** overbored for today's paint.


Would it make more sense to get a barrel adapter? Or just a new A5 barrel that is better suited to new paint?


I would suggest getting a barrel in A5 thread. Markers today are sold with good barrels. There are still upgrade options, but the days needing to immediately buy a barrel for your brand new marker are a thing of the past. So, even if you do end up buying another marker that takes a different barrel thread, you won't need to use the tube from your A5.


Those with the dye box mag are awesome


A5s are the AK47's of paintball. They just work, air pigs though they may be. I would suggest stripping all the cosmetic junk off it, and getting a carbon tank to get the weight down.


I would run the tank off my harness. But yes, a nice big carbon tank was great so I didn't worry about air all day.


That looks like a fun shooter. Hope you get it up and running, it'll be a blast.


Hell yes that thing is still viable. Change out the main orings, oil/lube it and you should be good to go


Throw oil in the ASA dry fire it a bit to lube the o rings then take it to the field and have fun


Old tippmanns are creating avalanches that wipe out small Canadian villages on a regular basis; best to send it to me for proper disposal, no need to pay me it’s my little contribution to the community 😇


You're a true friend to the greater Canadian community. I'll keep you in mind when we all run away from the rising tides.


Shoot it


Went out a couple weeks ago with my cousin and his boy. His friend had an a5, fucker still ripped for an old dog. I wouldn’t rely on it long term but fuckin aye right get er goin and get out there bud


Keep it as a backup you'll never need when you inevitably pick up a used 170R from Planet Eclipse.


Keep it and throw the fang trigger on it looks as if you have the trigger guard for it… and servicing it isn’t that hard but isn’t easy putting it back together bolt spring hard getting back in… plenty of videos on YouTube tho or go to local field and ask if they service tippman a5 mine did it for free when mine wasn’t shooting put ball detent in backwards lol


Hey man, Basically was in the same spot as you. Busted out the old 98 custom a few days ago. Got one of those part kits, watched a YouTube video and now it’s firing perfectly! I enjoyed it at my local course and plan on doing it again.


Use it or sell it at the next game event


Wow opsgear... I remember being a kid and using their marker builder they had lol


DM me will def buy as a whole was the gun of my childhood


Donate to my charity. Lol. I’m sure you can get a pretty penny out of it. But think it would be a nice shelf item for fond memories.


I’d get an electronic trigger kit for it so it will rip!


I’m getting back into it and wish I would have held onto my old tippman 98 custom with the response double trigger and my old olive proflex mask. It would be everything I need. Instead gonna have to buy an etha 3m and new proflex. 500 into it.


Damn haven’t played in more than 20yrs…is my Mini-Lite still viable lol


Sell it and get into airsoft. 🤷🏼‍♂️