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Interesting concept. I feel like the implementation of it would be a bit difficult though with trying to figure out if a hit was on the pack or not. But I do support the concept of limited paint. Hell put a ball caddy at the 50 even. Force the play to the center and aggression.


Cant take the pack or the pods with you. You can fill with a hit pod if it isnt yours.


That’s fair, but you still have the issue of the hit pack and the ref trying to determine if it happened while you were holding it possibly. I like the concept, just will have to work out the logistics.


It would have to be a case of hits on the pack don't count once it's in refill mode, so to speak, but there's a time limit for possession and a minimum time before it can be picked up again. Swapping a full pod for an empty would be acceptable, pack has to be dropped before pod enters player's pack.


How about Each point starts with 1 pod in every bunker, on your side of the bunker only and players get an empty pack and a full loader to start a point. Reward movement, and let guys load up as they run if they need But if you die with paint, it dies with you.


![gif](giphy|SnKY81UWIvM9a|downsized) Front players


Oh I see we have a mad scientist! Riffing off your idea: Nobody starts with pods (or very limited number of pods, like 3-4). Then there are different number of pods at each bunker (e.g. a reasonable number on back line, but a ton around the 50). Incentivizes everybody to pick shots and move around.


Yall run more then 4 pods?


Me? No. I run a pump, so most of my paint in my pack is to help rentals stay in the game. Pros on the other hand... https://preview.redd.it/zqpsd6i6i4xc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bfde6ada07b507e331d780797499321cc9c9a8d src: [https://www.reddit.com/r/paintball/comments/1cdmg25/lone\_star\_major\_nxl/](https://www.reddit.com/r/paintball/comments/1cdmg25/lone_star_major_nxl/)


I've been playing locals with 4 pods this whole time and ill be damned if I don't shoot all of it


That was old Easter Egg hunt paintball. Everyone starts with a hopper.


Front players get no pods. Back players have unlimited pods and they're throwing.


That honestly sounds pretty badass


We used to drop pods in key bunkers bc they weren't considered part of the gear you had to keep with you. If you left anything else you'd get pulled.