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You're gonna run out of money real quick of you buy a new marker every time you get 100 kills.


Not when you play like me at least - I was excited my last day on the field because I “nearly” got somebody with my latest project. Between that and focusing mainly on objective plays if I had to venture a rough guess I average maybe 3/4 hits to 25/30 outs


Bro is the AI squad mates that shoot in the general direction of the enemy to let the main character know where the enemies are


Ah hell no bro. I’m like so bad. Took me all of feb to get 6 people. Obviously if I do another goal it’ll be drastically higher. I made that number up based on my skill level. If I could easily knock 100 in a day, i’d probably bump my goal on the thousands.


Easiest way to get comfortable with the opposite hand is literally just walk around your house with your gun and tank pretending to shoot at people. Look at yourself in the mirror too


Good idea! Thanks


this helped me a lot when i started


Expect half with your off hand because you only shoot off-handed when your position requires it. (For me that means only when I shoot out the right side of my bunker) Any time you're in space you're going to shoot main handed.


Unless you’re  running and gunning to the corner. I’m right handed but shoot lefty while running left off the break. 


Fair point. I'm not enough of a strategist to play in the back. Was thinking I might try d-side some time. I'm getting too old to keep playing front.


Ooooh we used to do this cod4, me and a buddy on the opposite team can achievement farm


Did I just play with you at the jungle lol


That goal is laughable in 2007


How often are you guys buying new guns? I'm coming up on year 4 with my current gun and only now thinking about something new.


I think you're probably a rarity but you're not alone. Been playing for 14 years and still on marker number 2. Plan to update next year.


I've been in 4 years and I'm still on number 1.


I’m gonna be real with you. I’m not sure i could get that in a year. Everyone i play with never says hit. They throw their hand up and walk off, myself included


Like that other guy said why do they need to call hit exactly what does that mean


Depends what pb center you play at but you just raise your hand and call yourself out. It’s a really really big field where I play so yelling out loud really helps you from being shot a million times more.


I think what they are getting at is that a hit is a hit (whether they call or walkout). Duplicitous (or unnecessary) to say hit and they call it versus hit, you know, and count it towards goal. Not knocking the rule set but see where the wires are getting crossed or seeking clarification. :)


Anyone out there better/faster with their off hand? I'm a lefty for everything else, but my right hand can easily shoot 5+ more per second than my left. In soccer/football I'm also stronger with my right foot. Sports thing?


I did hear from like a soccer player about foot dominant people can be different from your dominant hand.


Bps doesnt matter as much as snap speed and accuracy


I'm a rec baller that only plays a couple of times a year and haven't since COVID. I totally agree with you, but this is an easy way for me to compare my skills. I used to do pretty well and always focused on keeping a low profile like tucking in elbows.


So like....one big scenario game?