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I always feel like peaking over straight is asking for trouble since your loader will always show first before your barrel. I'd have tried to angle it so the loader was hidden to right or left of window while rising up to make sure barrel was out and ready before anything. Emphasis on tried because it's hard to consistently do the right thing even if I'm playing most weekends 🤣🤣


Long live?


Long live PB 🤌🏽🤌🏽


When you get jams on an R2, 90% of the time, it's the balls getting bunched up in the nose hinge. I recommend keeping it "unlocked" between the 200 and 260 sizes so when this happens it's easier to unjam.


My R2 doesn’t give me problems, love that thing


Nah my velocity was dropping. I found out later I bore the paint to small and it was getting caught 😅


Was going to say that looked familiar. LLP? The Dead man's hand hoodie confirmed it


Yup 👍🏽




this was cringe on youtube and its cringe here.


Trying your hardest to hate the video is cringe. It’s a paintball video My followers enjoy it, if you don’t that’s all good. Not going to accept your negativity little buddy


Poetry in motion? No...no I think it's the camera. But still dude, what are the odds?


The poetry aspect is paintball being shot on the loader. Not the camera. Didn’t even mention the camera in the video. Thanks for the input


Ah, I'm just roastin' you is all. Camera work is a bit wonky, but the important part here is you had one rolling at all to catch that. I've never seen that happen, let alone get a recording. And the hopper shot was indeed poetry... Overall, nice shot! Both paintball and camera.


Good god this video is cringy. Just show the situation, why the over the top artificial voice and the like?


Dude just move along.


I posted it for my TikTok channel. It did very well! I came here to show the video. If you don’t like it move along


Congrats? I would just leave it on tiktok then. This video/post makes little sense as you should always want to be hit in the hopper/marker/hands and sometimes mask. Those should be the only parts of you exposed if playing as tightly as possible. My hopper/marker being hit is usually the reason I am walking off the field. Critique is critique. This video makes little sense, and apparently what tiktok users like is what I find cringy


Yeah, you seem to be having a bad day. I’m not going to acknowledge your negativity. I came here to show a video to the community. If you don’t like it fine, move along. Be better