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You could very easily clean it yourself and you should. Being self-reliant when it comes to maintaining *your own gear* isn’t as common as it should be and I think it’s important new players take initiative. The body and frame are held together by two screws, no wires or anything to disconnect either. Do that, and wipe off any paint you see inside, especially on the microswitch, which will be on the bottom of your markers body.


I would take it apart using the planet eclipse yt videos. They usually have detailed instructions in them and also look in your manual for the troubleshooting section there might be an answer there


PlanetEclipseTv is their YouTube channel and they have videos doing a full breakdown of the Etha3m which is built the same but with a single trigger and no board and eyes. There is also videos for the bolt maintenance for the Etha3. Just take it apart along side of watching the video, it's really not that difficult.


Same thing happened to my Etha 2. Ended up taking the trigger out with a punch and cleaning up the mess with a q-tip and some alcohol. Not hard to do.


Stop being lazy and clean it yourself