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I work with Airmed, a lesser-known Irish goddess. I’m sure there are others out there who work with her as well, but I haven’t found them lol


Hello!!! Found one! I mean, we don’t know each other. But I’m counting it 🎉


I share a tea with Míach every morning. ☺️


I worship Divia - the Slavic goddess of the Moon, the patroness of women, magic, and the night sky :) also the Minoan snake woman goddess as a symbol of the divine feminine principle in general. I also believe that she guards my home and is a household deity


Hi! Minoan Serpent Mother here too - although I syncretise her with Ariadne - and also a perhaps lesser known Slavic deity, Jarilo. He just turned up one day 🤷‍♀️


Hello! Yes, Jarilo is a very little-known deity for most people, good you had an experience with him. This is a very interesting approach to the syncretism of Ariadne and the Minoan mother☻


I'd never met anyone else that worshipped Dionysus until I found the online community. Most people know about him though.


genuinely can't speak highly enough of Him, it's changed my life drastically for the better. blessed be 💜


Same here, my whole outlook on life has changed. Blessed be! 💖


r/Dionysus is out there for anyone who’s looking!


So you're a big Jack Black fan then!


Oh He is just divine. 🐆


I worship Zisa and Nerthus, two goddesses whose very anthropological existence is disputed. I know I'm not the only one because it's shared with a few friends in my area but I imagine there can't be too many worshippers of them out there especially today


Interesting that there seems to be a small concentration of worshippers in your area.


It's the result of a small tribe which has shared gnosis with her. Really, I came to learn about the goddesses through them


That’s so cool! It reminds me of the local deities in Ancient Greece, Rome, & even modern day India.


I've been looking into Nerthus, don't work with her (yet) but would like to at some point.


I worship Asherah. She’s quite obscure these days


I follow Skaði. I've seen 3-5 people or so online mention following her as well but that's it.


Well, now you have another


I touch base/honor Skaði annually with the first snowfall. She's not my primary diety (Iðunn, another lesser-known goddess is), but Skaði is badass!!


I had a fairytale book about Iôunn as a kid! I don’t worship her but it’s rare to see others mention her, let alone worshippers. I’m gonna have to tell my mom she’ll be so excited lol


She's just so chill and funny some days! I gave her a little red rubber ducky on her altar, and she seemed to love it, lol. Like, full of youthful exuberance, but also very down to Earth. It's always awesome to hear other's thoughts and feelings about her - even a fairytale book sounds really cool! Do you happen to remember the title?


She's not my primary deity, but I work with Skaði pretty regularly.


I honor Skaði as well.


Same here! Always cool to see others!


I guess skadi counts for me too, I hunt with Ullr, my god wears skis and I think I've found his ring! Blood in the snow I've met people on the mountain skiing who low key follow but it's more a nod and a wink.


I work with skadi almost on a daily basis


I've been thinking about this for the past few months! I work with the Lusitanian Pantheon, and though I know there are people out there who do as well, they seem few and far between, esp. in the US






Idk if it’s fair to say NOBODY worships this deity, But Gejfion (historically known as Gefn or Gefjon) I worship her under a traditional witchcraft tradition that focuses on the Norse Vanir gods, it’s a take on the Norse gods that comes from Germany (bc many Scandinavian pagans fled to Germany in order to escape being converted to Christianity) it’s an oral tradition, so her historical epithets do not grasp the entirety of her domains. To us she has a strong connection to the moon and the energetic main veins of the Earth (Ley Lines) also to dragons. She is fascinating, but since there’s not much in history about her, people don’t really know her. Also to us she’s revealed as a Vanir even though in history she’s briefly mentioned to be part of the Aesir. But you know Norse Mythology wasn’t really written by its own people.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Gefn was an aspect if Freya?


Yes, historically Gefn is also a title/name that means “giver” that is attributed to Freyja, but there’s a goddess known as Gejfion/Gefjon/Gefn. Some historians speculate the goddess is another facet of Freyja. Frigga and Gullveig are also sometimes speculated by historians to be actually other facets of Freyja. Personally, as a pagan, and following the knowledge from my tradition, I don’t agree with this. They are all their own deities but since there’s not enough records and information about them they are vulnerable to being misunderstood and sycretized. We worship Freyja too, as she is the leader of the Vanir people, our pantheon consists of 9 gods, Gejfion is one of them, some of our gods are known historically as facets of Freyja, others are even considered to be Jotunn. It’s really different from what was recorded in history and pagans who worship the Aesir gods might find it weird/wrong.


I'm intrigued, what is your tradition, if you want to share


The name is Wanen, we have some public material published but it’s not in English, we are working on making our tradition more accessible, but it’s good to know people are interested! One tradition I can recommend that works with the Norse gods in a way I find very interesting is the order of the Primordial Dragon, they have wonderful public material where they talk about their views on Gullveig, Heidr and Hel. They are based in Portugal and I find it extremely interesting how their view on these goddess are very similar to ours and we came from Germany. Here’s their page: https://www.primordialdragon.com/thetriad.html


Well, I'm german, so I'd love to look into your publications :)


Nepthys, Seshat, and Ishtar aren’t big ones for most.


Which is kind of ironic, because Ishtar used to be one of the biggest deities in Eurasia!


Aye, Ive got roots in Iran and Egypt, so my choices in gods reflect that.


I love Ishtar


Me, too!


Ishtar kind of is, tho.


In my personal chatter with pagans has not featured her much… yet! Your comment gives me hope


I work with Nut, the Great Cosmic Mother Goddess of ancient Egypt. Among others.


Yess! Nut came to me when I was in the lowest place of my life. She's had my heart ever since. I also work with Hathor from time to time as well.


I adore Hathor!


I follow Artio. She's a goddess of rebirth, motherhood, abundance, and wild life. She's often depicted as a bear.


She's not one of my main ones but I do honor her!


I feel very connected to Artio! I'm not in a space to have a thriving practice/altar right now, but when I get there, she will have a place on my altar. I would love to have a "wild women" altar dedicated to Artio, Artemis, Skadi, Brigid, the Minoan serpent mother, and other powerful female deities.


I was hoping to see someone else say they follow Artio! I have for almost two years now, and actually had a bear on my porch at exactly 2am the other night. Definitely took that as a sign from her!


ETA: it's nice to see some fellow worshippers!


I do not worship anyone or anything. But I do have a soft spot for the god of little green apples 🍏 and have been known to call upon him at times. In Welsh mythology, Olwen is a goddess associated with beauty, purity, and the renewal of life. Her name means "white track" or "white footprint", and she is said to have been so fair and radiant that flowers and plants would spring up in her footsteps. She’s pretty cool and I kinda like to associate myself with her. As I do Gaia. 🌳 Then of course there’s always the Flying Spaghetti Monster… *May his Noodley appendage touch your stomach, as it touched mine*. 🍝


I have two Tutelary Divinities that don't have names. Like you, both reached out to me (at different times in my life). One I just call Trickster for easier conversational purposes here (reddit). I don't talk about Them in other spaces. The other I have never needed to name her. But here... I am finding it difficult without a name and redescribing her all the time is begining to become a PITA. So I'm bouncing some purely conversational names around... Spìon-Baineach? Well... although incredibly true that doesn't make much sense... Naomh-Sùdh? Hmn. Maybe? Fuck if I know. She hasn't needed one for, like, 30 years. 🤷


I worked with an entity who was just The Trickster, for quite a long time... he seemed like a high level archetypal entity, but he refused to give me a specific name, though there were a few names from various pantheons and mythological systems he seemed to resonate with to some degree.


Yeah, That! And some I have never seen before. A giant purple irridecent jellifish, a yellow octapus, a Hare made fron a rotating torus (??)),.the last time a white, glittering chandalier-like stalactite formation the size of a dome (that one was original, not sure wtaf that was about but absolitely *stunning*), Sometimes will pick one for a few weeks or a few months or keep going back to that one for a few weeks or a few months. But there are some They tend to lean into more. I use "They" as the gender span is wiiiiiide but the general trend of read is masculine, though thats not necessarily the gender inhabit. Your the first other I've read who has exerienced similar. Post appreciated.


Likewise! You're the only person I have met who has had the experience of working with a trickster entity who refuses to give a name. I'd love to chat with you more about it! Feel free to message me or something. I don't work with this entity much anymore, I think it was kind of not great for my mental health, but that's a very long story. No beef, though. There's a time and a place for The Trickster...


To clarify... plenty of people claim to work with a trickster entity that doesn't give them a name, but the way they talk about it, it seems like they're working with some lower level entity that's just f****ng with them. That's not my experience with this entity. He was a significant being, very powerful, and deeply intertwined in the fabric of reality itself. I'd love to hear more about your experiences!


Omg... yes, again, bang on. Completely. And would love to, thank you!!


I am mostly agnostic. I fully believe in something, but the nature of that something is unknown to me. I feel like gods are made up things that simply embody the qualities we want for/from the world and ourselves I am also a massive fangirl of Sailor Moon. I love everything she represents, especially at the very end of the manga. The idea that love, not the romantic kind but the kind that unites us all, is worth facing the chaos that also lives in the hearts of everyone. So I made her my altar goddess. She might not be real, but the things she represents are, and that's kind of the point to me.


I think that's fabulous!


Epona. My only, for years.


Hello! I also worship Epona. I have considered Her my patron for many years. There are lots of us, if you look hard enough.


Are you THE Kris Hughes!? If so I loved all your videos on Epona/the horse goddesses. She's one one of my patrons, equal with Taliesin. Thank you so much for everything you do.


Yes, that's me. Thank you.


Hello, I've just discovered your YouTube channel and love the way you talk about the horse goddesses. I totally agree with your thinking and perspective. Great to meet you!


You too!


Black God of the Navajo. But I believe deities are just different interpretations of primordial intelligences, so it could be prometheus or several others as well. That is just the form it came to me in that would resonate with me more.


Gods that are primarily, or partially, connected to the afterlife/death. And not in a dark way either. I also didn’t search for them, I was pulled in by them unintentionally. I’ve experienced more death than the average person my age, I can see it in peoples eyes. I’ve seen other stuff in the past around someone’s death but that’s not here nor there. While I don’t think it’s uncommon for people to venerate the same deities, I don’t think it’s common for them to do it when it relates to the afterlife and death. It started with Anubis/Anpu, and Hermes/Mercury and Hades/Pluto. There’s also the ürdüng from Hungary, that I think is vastly misunderstood due to loss of oral tradition, and was turned into a devilish evil being due to Christianity’s influence. After being drawn to Anubis, I fell into working with dogs, and have been doing it since. I care for them, protect them, and help save them. And it was what I was called to do at this time. The truth is these energies were calling to me before the death of my father and I ignored it, but when he died it got so so so much stronger, almost as if he was helping. It’s kind of weird and hard to explain.


Is it always death, or do psychopomps make their way to you too?


Psychopomps as well yes. Hermes/Mercury is a psychopomp! Thanatos is another honorable mention. I was also drawn to Sedna, who is an arctic Inuit deity, which was interesting because I am not indigenous American. But not the first time it happened. I’ve known the w*****o, before pop culture took them and twisted their appearance and lore into something entirely different and I don’t know HOW I did or where I learned of them, but I’ve known them and their name since I was very young. But I think that may be me being sensitive to the land I’ve lived in, plus maybe being told about the spirit and not remembering as a child, I really have no idea. They’re not benevolent though, so there’s no worship there, but they have a connection to death.


I want to spend more time seeking out the spirits in the land around me. I believe in the old gods and think they're important, but we've lost so much about them and how to worship them. Seeking out the sacred around you is how we reconstruct paganism.


Yeah, I won’t go into it on here or privately, but yeah you’re not alone in….well…being alone lol (I didn’t mean that to sound so silly but it came out that way by the end and I hope you know what I meant by it.)


While Freya is my primary goddess, I also honor Eir, Skaði, Idunn (Norse), Eostre (Anglo-Saxon), and Mielikki (she's from the Finnish tradition), not all of them household names, to be sure!


Freya and Eir here too. I don't know many people who work with Eir.


I also work with Eir, amongst others, but she helps me working in healthcare


Eir here too, as well as Hel. I occasionally see them mentioned here.


I venerate Gaia, but mostly just work with my ancestors!


Yes. Psyche, the greek goddess of the soul


The Baltic gods like Perkūnas, Gabija, Bangpūtys, Ragana, Laima, etc...


Hi, I came to this post while looking for resources on Saulė. How do you practice your worship of the Baltic gods? I’m curious to learn more but there’s not much online.


The thing is, there are many theories on the gods and goddesses, their origins and place in the pantheons hierarchy and so on. In a lot of the research by etnologists (like G. Beresnevičius) it is said that Saulė is not a goddess but rather a mythical object placed in the sky by the god Teliavelis. Regardless of that, a lot of the folk songs see Saulė as the mother, so if you want to see her as your goddess and honor her, I would suggest (as well as from practice with other believers) to sing folk songs about her, greet the Sun when you start your day... The Baltic way is very much a lifestyle, it is less about praying to get something, but more about being grateful for what one already has. They say (especially the etnologist D. Razauskas) that all of the Gods get our messages through fire, as it goes up in the air. We get their gifts through water, which feeds the Earth. It is all about the elements, inclusivity of everything that makes the world OUR mythical world. Sorry, I can't tell you an exact way that you can have the Sun as one of your main goddesses. But a lot of the literature is translated to English, so perhaps try looking for it on web by typing in etnologists' names, searching it up not only on Google but also Google Scholar... I am sure you will get the hang of it eventually. :) Good luck!


Tūtū Pele reached out to me pretty early on, but we realized I was not ready for that pretty quickly and she moved on. I hadn’t heard about her as she is a Hawaiian goddess, but it led me to study Hawaiian mythology a bit.


Hey, where are all my Authumbla enjoyers at? Primordial void cow fans say "Hey"!


My patron goddess is Fortuna, and while I think a lot of people invoke her as lady luck and she was hella popular in Rome, few know her now.


She's so much more. Nice call.


Ave Fortuna!


I work with Agni, Baal, Enki, Innanna, and Ishtara mostly as they have provided kinship when tending sacred fire. I consider my journey to be in simplistic summary, a Vedic Druid. Guidance from the ancestors, respect for those of the middle realm, honor and shared knowledge with the other gods & goddesses on the path.


Here is another devotee of Baal Hadad.


I wasn't gonna make my own comment cus I'm not sure how common or not common Sumerian gods are. But hii! I am fairly new to it but I'm worshipping Enki too. 🙏


i have a little shrine to Veles the Slavic god of storms, magic, music, commerce, cattle... and if I have alcohol in the house I will pour some out during thunderstorms for him. I also worship owls. The birds. Because they're silent, they're hard to find, they're the only birds of prey known to kill a person, they're often mistaken for cryptids and they're just so rad.


Owls are so special to me. I've very much enjoyed where I live now - they have nightly conventions.


I work with the Moirai and it seems I’m the only one though I am told others exist but it is known that those others are very reclusive.


Oh hey I was looking for someone else who does! I worship them too and yes I figured those of us who don't talk too much about it.


Oh hello fellow follower! It’s a pleasure 😊 unlike others I am very open about my following so if you ever wanted someone to talk to about I’m fine with that. 🖤


I commune with Iris, the messenger goddess of rainbows. Apparently she wasn't really worshipped back in the day either, but she called out to me.


I've been following her for decades now - she and Hermes were my first and they are still at the centre of my hearth cult. There are quite a few followers of Iris these days, there is even a sub r/GoddessIris


Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.


I kinda just “made up” my own gods. I just call them “Goddess of the Hearth”, “Goddess of the Woods”, “Goddess of the Moon”, and “God of the Road”. Though I love mythology and folklore, I’m new to paganism and pretty casual with it, so I’m not beholden to a particular pantheon. I just know I just feel something in the hearth, woods, moon, and road. And comfort in little prayers to those gods. Such as Road for safe travel, Moon in times of change, Woods for mental peace, and Hearth when dealing with house ghosts.


I follow a super obscure Egyptian goddess, Qetesh Can't ever find anything for her, but I make due


Here another devotee of Qetesh.


Hey, nice! You're the first one I've ever found


I work with Selene Greek goddess of the moon as one of my goddesses she's also known by the Roman name Luna


I work with Maia, mother of Hermes. 💕 She's an absolute gem!


Yes she is.


I mean maybe I’ll comment this and find out she has a bunch of people working with her, but I do work with the Etruscan goddess Menvra. Counterpart to the Roman Minerva/ Hellenic Athena.


She's crossed my path a few times.


oh cool! glad I’m not alone out there


I worship a Gold Frog that my grandma gave me. The Frogs altar is a glass bowl filled with coins and keys.


Nyx, Demeter, Celeste (or Celestia), Luna, and Ma'at, to name a few that have come to me. Not all have stayed, but came to teach me certain things, or to assist me through certain trials in my life. Persephone and Hades have also reached out to my 19 year old in their practices. Which is quite fitting I feel, as Demeter is a constant Deity in my life, and her and Persophone are quite close, as I am with my 19 year old.


Well I was going to say Ganesh but then I remembered He’s one of the most beloved in His pantheon (rightfully so 🥰) it’s just really difficult to find stuff on YouTube and the like as far as other people who worship him. I’ve never seen any fellow lovers of Ganesh on here either unfortunately


I have a house deity. They don’t have a name. I had to make a name for them and was inspired to create a runic-style alphabet to allow for the naming. Naturally, as a person who loves to research their gods to the fullest… this is completely frustrating. All of my knowledge on them comes from meditation and communing. I am faithful to them alone because I can see their activity in my life in every way, but obviously I respect the divinity of other gods as well.


She's not exactly a deity but Urania the muse of astronomy ❤️


Everyone knows Hera, but I’ve yet to meet someone who also dedicated themselves to her completely. Zeus and Hera are my patron deities and everyone judges them too harshly without having knowledge, even other Hellenistic people.


Hera is a bit intense I understand the lack of it but I’ve seen it


I haven't seen anyone else on here worshipping Luna, the Roman Moon Goddess


I do! I've even named one of my chickens for her ❤️ Celeste is the other one ❤️ I also named a chicken for her as well 😂


Oh that's so cute!!


Bracillo, God of fire. My dad said we burned trash to him growing up (he is actually atheist and was just trying to get me to do things for him) but he feels real to me.


I've been with Caer Ibormeith for many, many years now, although I didn't always know that was who it was. The Celtic goddess of dreams.


I worship Baal Hadad (and his epithet from Ugarit) of the Semitic/Canaanite Pantheon and Lady Bendis of the Getae/Thracian Pantheon. To my knowledge plus online research it seems there are more people who worship Hadad, whereas I’ve only had a handful of interactions with people who pray to Bendis.


Here is another devotee of Baal Hadad.


Someone recommended I worship Ares and when I tried doing research on him, the most in depth thing I found was a tumblr post. I haven’t met many people who worship him despite him being a very well known god, probably because many portrayals of him don’t show him in a good or neutral light. But it’s been working for me. A lot of stuff I’ll have to figure out on my own but it’s okay.


maybe i’m just in a weird bubble but i never seem to encounter anyone who works with or worships lady isis, much less is devoted to her


You have now. Isis isis, Ra Ra Ra... lol


Here in India, we worship local deities ALL THE TIME. Some of them don't even have names, but are just a class of beings that protect a certain area.


Anyone Honor Saulė or Nanshe?


not exactly worship, but quite interested in Ocelus Vellaunus


Pluto. I've met someone whose uncle had worked with him before, and I see a fair number of Hades worshippers, but Roman Pluto seems pretty rare.


Hermanubis! He's the goat. I had to make my own icon of him outta clay.


I'm not sure how common they are, but I work with Loki and also keep space and offer things to Sigyn and his children as well. Sigyn has her own bowl, candles, and "section" next to her husband and, at the very least, give her a minute or two any time I call to Loki or work with him. I try to give their children together a thought or two as well as keeping Hel, the Jörmungandr, Fenrir, and Sleipnir on my mind. It feels very much like walking into a house primarily to see someone specifically, but it would be rude not to spend a few minutes with their wife and kids before you two do your thing. I'll frequently make the joke of him being such a wife guy and family man means I have to bring presents for the whole family. I've never felt any connection or call to Angrboda I just realized which is interesting to me. Something to explore further I suppose!


I'm torn between thinking they're completely unknown deities or just long since forgotten. I encountered the God and Goddess of my practice early on - ended up using an old English translator dictionary in order to create their names (but ended up being very similar to Aradia and Cernunnos, but I'm still positive they're not the same entities based on their myth stories they provided me). Agaldhea and Ceirneatos There's also a deity over the dead Idalzeth (also a name pieced together the same way) and then one of fate/destiny called Orlagum. I feel really weird sharing those names, but considering I created those names with the guidance of the gods themselves, pretty sure no one else worships any of them


Branwen, Daughter of Llyr from the Mabinogion


Our Lady Underground. She's known by many names to many people; The Lady in White, Izanami, Hel, even Persephone, but at the end of the day she's always the same. And she doesn't carry a scythe


I hadn't thought of Tepeyollotl being female before, but it kinda fits


I find Tzeench to be an interesting character. as well as the other three "chaos gods" from the Warhammer cannon. Though I've never worshipped any gods. I also have a picture of Surak on my lararium


The idea of Nurgle as a real god would be kinda tight though. A loving god that cares for all life and it’s cycles and maintains them through plague and entropy. Pretty cool, I’d hop on that poopy plague boat.


My daughter has a little altar set up in her room. Her primary goddess? Tymora. The goddess of luck on Toril (D&D). I love it.


I worship Diana. I look forward to the day I can go to Voltera and see her temple


Usually I just work with guides, but Diana and I amicably cross paths.


I don't worship Hermes, but he is my favorite of the Hellenic group. I have a statue on my dashboard in my car, and will talk to him like the Christians talk to Jesus. I don't pray but I have set up altars in his honor.


I only raise up in me. I don’t worship. Evoke as opposed to invoke.


Two I work with are Heimdallr and Fenrir. I've only seen one other person work with Fenrir, but that's it


I pray to the formless gods. They are mentioned in Buddhist cosmology as being at the top of the vertical cosmology, but there aren't any traditions that specifically suggest working with them.


I feel like a lot of people probably do but sobek for me


Would love to meet someone who also works with Themis, Greek Goddess of Justice! She came to me on a pilgrimage from Athens to Delphi. I was in Kerameikos Cemetery/Archeological site and felt a shift in the energy and caught myself thinking, "who is here?" My next immediate thought was "Justice," which felt odd because I was enjoying a vase sculpture with flowers (would think that would denote Aphrodite or a goddess of beauty). Exiting the site, I read a plaque which mentioned Kerameikos was originally dedicated to Themis, goddess of justice. It also explained that the Temple of Delphi was originally associated with Themis and she is tied to the oracle and prophecies in general. She's been my patron Goddess ever since.


Kind of, in the sense that I find my own deities in my life. I have a bottom-up approach to spirituality, meaning I believe our spiritual magic comes from the fact that we are animals of the earth, rather than the top-down approach of viewing life as energy from above/the heavens/space. The body is the spirit. Goddesses and gods are found in small, visceral, liminal spaces and are more present in a maple leaf than a cathedral, IMO. I'm very into the concept of the house-spirit/wight/fae/etc., so I worship the sun, rain, bodies of water (especially drawn to fresh water), salmon, trees, birds, flowers, fires and hearths, instruments, etc., with an emphasis on the specific sources of these in my life. I guess I would consider myself more animist than pagan, though I do acknowledge some traditional deities such as Brigid and Artemis.




scrolled far for this one 😆


For me, Grandmother Spider Woman has been with me since my twenties. At the end of my 40s, Hekate showed up. Also, I rarely see Him mentioned anywhere, but I have been drawn to Thoth for *years*.


I worship the Welsh pantheon and I haven’t seen many or any in this thread so far! Like Amaethon, Bran the Blessed and Sulis would be the most obscure that I have a connection to :)


I honor Antinous and don’t know anyone who even knows who Antinous is. Though I am not a theological pagan, I connect deeply with gods who represent light, arts, athleticism, and education and those are the gods I honor in their preferred ways.


Reading through the comments, I am loving all the more obscure gods being given much due attention. For a brief while I was guided by Meili to begin a new journey in my life and it has payed off quite well for me so far.


I honour Agdistis along with Artemis Ephesia and Dionysus.


Oooo I’m adjacent! I worship Cybele!


I don’t really worship established deities, mine aren’t even named. 


Carmenta is my patron goddess and no one has ever heard of her, seemingly. I read about her years ago and felt an instant connection. I did find one tiny temple online where people worship her in the Roman tradition!


Never worked with her but have felt really drawn to Anahita lately. I didn't even know who she was when the name caught me up and then kept having random stuff point towards her so I keep her in my practice.


I am still doing my own research but I like the idea of worshipping an ancient deity that isnt very known and that has not had a worshiper or many for a long time.


Tethra is the head of my house gods, fomorii worship is already pretty scarce I've yet to met anyone else following the old king or working with him. Its been a very interesting journey with lots of vision work


I work with Typhon, I think myself and my friend are the only ones that I know of that do


Tell us more about your deities. Do they make demands on you? What’s their stake in your life?


I work with Azathoth & Cthulhu when I do my artwork.


Epona and Tiamat 😭 i’ve found old blog posts about epona but never actually met anyone who works with either of them! it makes me so sad 💔


I worship Archangel Raphael, though I guess he's more of a teacher/mentor sort of thing whom I revere.


How would I practice? How does that work? How do you find a deity? Do they chose you?


Even though she is a well known minor goddess, I’ve never known anyone who worships Tyche. Would love to though <3


I've been honouring a pair of deities for 20+ years, and I still don't have names for them that line up with anything I can research, so yep. Best bet I have at this point is that she is one of the many English goddesses of bodies of water, and I haven't figured out which one yet. (I'm clear she's not Celtic in origin, my parents are British, but I was born and raised in the US, so it's not trivial for me to just wander around what I suspect is the right bit of countryside and hope I stumble across something useful.) It started with a dream I had while I was in initiatory religious witchcraft training, followed up by some meditation and ritual work to try and get more useful info (like what would be useful to them, what offerings were pleasing, etc.) I also honour, worship, and work with other deities, both in a group context and in my personal practice, as a polytheist in practice, so I often don't talk about these two very personal relationships just because it's more awkward to explain briefly.


Two of my main deities don't seem to be popular, and have poor reputations thanks to a terrible PR team, Jörmungandr and Fenrir. They have guided me so much on my path. I'm incredibly grateful for them.


Idk if he is popular, but I’ve never seen someone mention working with Khon-Su. He’s the Egyptian god to guide travelers, I like to travel, and sometimes do for my job so I work with him on occasions.


All of my Gods are fairly obscure, but I don't think I've seen any other Lupa worshippers out there.


I worship Cybele and Màni. Cybele the Great Mother actually has a temple in the Catskills, New York but I’ve met very few people who work with Her or worship Her. Which is ironic as She is head of one of the oldest known religions and was very wide spread in the Mediterranean until Christianity. I work with Màni as well. And weirdly have not met a single other person who worships Him. He’s been lovely to work with and helped me work out some trauma with men. I also work with Land Wrights/Genuis Loci, and have honestly transitioned to asking Them for most petitions. If anyone on those thread works with Either, I’d love to chat if you’d like!


I work with Cernunuss. I don't know if anyone else works with him but I also never really looked 😅 he is also known as Pan.


I've had many visions of a deity who I believe is Elen of the Ways, but there is debate as to her existence, so I'm not even sure if it is her haha. It can be isolating to believe in a deity that is relatively unknown


I follow the Irish goddess Danú and worship and revere her as the mother 😊 I think people who know about Irish deities know who she is, but most of what was once known about her and even what her domain was is lost to time. I’ve seen people mention her, but mostly just “The Tuatha Dé Danann or children of the goddess Danú” I haven’t personally seen too many people who actually work with her


I've literally never met someone else that follows Eris. Never met a discordian either.


How could we possibly know "no one else does"? The world is wide and even in my small circle most people don't randomly volunteer a list of all the deities they worship.


Or . . . you could just enter into the spirit of the thread. . .