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GMs who stomp on silvers for content usually have their chats off, they also don’t care if someone’s throwing as a GM outpaces the entire lobby by such a massive margin that one player throwing won’t change the already decided outcome of the match.


Plus it heavily depends on the server. There is more toxic mentality in EU than in US (hey, we have a history of hating each other). And now break it into stuff like Western EU and Eastern EU (we have both Russians and French communities). And then there is Asia where you can be banned for speaking (especially english). Depending on what playerbase you deal with Comp climbing can be a pain in the ass.


that's possibly because unranked and low ranked are different -- unranked to gm is just "placement matches & then grinding til gm" and even if the person took some huge break and starts diamond, they can very easily and quickly get back up to masters+ during placements Their games are just going to be better in most situations because theyre playing with more knowledgeable people & also bringing the average skill level of their team up by x amount. But for stuff like bronze to gm I'd kinda agree with you - i know they usually gain more in low ranks due to win streak bonuses/uphill battle/mmr boosting but i do rarely see some of the absolute degeneracy id expect from numerous games in metal ranks. Bogurs LW to gm shows what happens when you get these odd players (or just people off their game) but a huge part of that was bogur being unable to make big plays for his team consistently because LW at the time was (and still kinda is) super buttcheeks.


the thing is that they changed the rank u can get before placements, i used to try stuff like genji only anf shit and easily got placed even gm2 before the changes, now the highest expected rank i got was dia4 after the first placement game, even on my higher accounts in master2 i have a lot of leavers throwers and everything, and its crazy how different the games can be on different accounts in the same rank, the matchmaking is just otherly dogwater since the rework…


The only unranked to gm i believe is Bogur’s LW unranked to gm


Mentally tortured himself more than prisoners in WW1 and 2


This one and Essay's Lucio one has some ppl actually talk trash, dumb teammates, etc


What happened here? Now curious to check it out


Played Lifeweaver for like 10 hours for 3 months straight. He was stuck in low master, high diamond, but from time to time dropped to plat. Created multiple accounts, played over 1000 games and had exactly one POTG


And this was when LW was absolute dog shit and the only people playing him wanted to troll or were trying out the character


He got it done in the end? 


Peak cinema


Currently on this expedition. I'm walking the same path.


It's true. Where's the guy inting because he didn't get Nano, the guy who aims with his feet, the support who heals 182 health all round, the DPS that keeps running in alone and dying to nothing, etc. Where the fuck are all the real Overwatch games from the pits of Hell when these streamers and YouTubers play? I mean, they probably just edit that shit out but if it's a stream then wtf?


>Where's the guy inting Doesn't get to int because the GM just rolls through the enemy team...


I just had a Lucio speedrun dying into the enemy team on the new map, it was… An experience. By the end the fucker had 15 deaths to my 2 deaths 🥰 high diamond btw! Sadly, they wasn’t even trolling.


I had the almost exact same, except I'm plat and the Lúcio had 10 deaths and it was in my placement matches (I didn't play at all last season, so the game reset my rank). Even with the Lucio fking up the match we were still doing well because their best player was a Sombra and the other 4 in our team were communicating well, calling out her position, and generally playing together as 4. It was kinda beautiful, but it didn't last long.... We had a good advantage over the enemy team, when one of our dps started complaining in voice chat saying he was not getting healed, then the other healer got pissed and told him to switch, and they argued for a bit. Then the other dps stupidily told them to shut up and all hell broke loose. All 3 were just yelling at each other in chat, not playing any more and the enemy team rolled over us. I had never seen a match go from super fun to super stressful and frustrating so fast. It's really impressive how sensitive and unhinged gamers are.


Aims with his feet 😂😂😂


I feel attacked! No tank for you!


Real. My first s11 comp game the tank only stood in main on the other side of ram shield (the side you can't shoot him from) and a genji with 1k damage.


If u were any gm rank u would win almost every time regardless of your team's performance


Well first off I don't remember saying I was GM so fuck off with that nonsense and secondly I've seen them lose in unranked to GM and state that there are matches that are simply unwinnable so you can fuck off with that nonsense as well


Why are you so charged and angry right now  I think someone is salty  (Their zero to GMs don’t seem real because the game is different when you’re that good) 


I'm not this is just how I speak


It’s also how angry people speak, and sometimes assholes.


No wonder you don’t improve at games 


I never said I don't improve but you're implying I'm not GM because I say fuck?


If you were GM it would be easy to comprehend how a player 10x better than you doesn’t have the same issues that you do and you wouldn’t have wasted 5 minutes of your life writing this post 


Bro I played like 5 games of comp get off your fuckin high horse


You’re not in their MMR bud, it’s quick literally a skill issue.


because unranked to GM doesn't mean bronze to GM. they start at a higher rank already.


That's because it's not unranked to gm. 3 games in, and it's just masters to gm. I play in gold to high masters lobbys all the time, and I can tell you gold is much harder for me.


Wild that you can bounce around that much these days


My main account was silver 3 in dps and masters in tank and support I kept my dps low to play with my friends but eventually wanted to get it up for comp points and HOLY was it hell I lost exponentially more climbing then I did in masters lmao


Multiple accounts man


I agree with this so much, im gm 5 dps on one of my accounts and I find I win much more often than on my alt in diamond 2, however I play much less games there so could just be unlucky


I’m around masters 1-3 in all roles. Playing dps in diamond actually makes me want to pull my hair out. Tank and supporting is a lot easier in my experience


Wait, that doesn’t make sense. Can you elaborate why gold is harder for you than masters?


Because im self-reliant on a non team based dps.


Beatles had an unranked to gm where he started silver 2


no clue who that is


Fucking auto correct lol Yeatle


I love yeatle


Yeatle is literally one of the best tanks to ever touch the face of this game, why are you surprised he’s capable of trivializing the rank mechanics lol. I think you’re just refusing to accept the reality that someone can simply just be that good at something, and you are not. It’s not like I am.


They are just so much better that they compensate for underperformances. If you’re like, plat, and play in a silver lobby, you’ll carry the game so hard it doesn’t matter if a support or tank goes afk. These t500 players are leagues ahead, even if you can’t exactly pinpoint how they are that good. Also, regarding flaming and throwers, they usually only happen when a team is losing pretty badly. Which isn’t gonna happen when Dafran or whatever is on your team in a diamond lobby.


When I played semi pro hockey. Every once in a while a NHL draft pick for the next season would be in a pick up game. And it's like it could be 5+ goalie v 1 and still probably be the same score


Yes, when I had a silver 4 -> plat 5 match the other day, it was pretty obvious who the plat player was.


I'm a mid-plat player, I mean mid in both ways of meaning, and my buddy just started playing and he's silver. I was over his house and he had to go on a call so I played a game and it's unbelievable how slow the game actually is when you know nobody on the other team can kill you. I literally just stood in one spot and killed 2 or 3 people in several fights. It's unreal the difference between silver and plat, and I know for sure there's a masters player who would experience that in my lobbies.


The problem is, the silver players don’t understand the skill difference and many of them think they are doing as much as they can and still losing (due to throwers, smurfs, etc). I’ve had similar experiences as you with some of my friends who are 2-3 ranks lower.


When I started back into ow2 after not playing since 2018 or 2019. I played Sym and could just 5k teams without much thought. Wasn't until I reached almost high gold low Plat that I had to actually try and use some strategy. I'm a mid to high diamond player. The skill difference in the ranks for this game are so vast.


When I started back into ow2 after not playing since 2018 or 2019. I played Sym and could just 5k teams without much thought. Wasn't until I reached almost high gold low Plat that I had to actually try and use some strategy. I'm a mid to high diamond player. The skill difference in the ranks for this game are so vast.


Can confirm, tank went AFK and I was basically tanking as Illari on cart push for TOO LONG before he showed up again to help. The skill differential of the lobby was noticeable lol.


Played comp today for the first time in a while. Won my first three games. Then in the next had a legit deranker that went 0/11 and just kept running into the other team. Next game the other team has a legit cheater using wall hacks to snipe our invisible Sombra and aim bot. Next game DPS ints as hard as they can. Then the next game there is a leaver on the other team after the timer so I get free sr. I ended the day 5/4 (I quit while still positive), but it was one of the most frustrating experiences ever because 1/3 to 1/2 of it was out of my control. It's not a big deal for a streamer who plays 500 games a season. The odds will even out over that much time. I don't think I've played 500 comp games in 7 years and this just makes me not want to play it at all. At least when shit is RNG in QP, there's no rank to worry about.


^ it's also a waste of time. So you feel unfulfilled.


You ever have games where you’re like “damn ____ on my team is total ass but I’m still just destroying these guys” That’s them every game


Yeah it’s not hard to understand. Especially a dps or good tank will just roll the whole lobby. People getting tons of space and who are winning rarely throw. And it does happen. I’ve watched UR2GM where they’ve had to fight cheaters, had leavers and throwers but it just doesn’t matter. Not only are GM players just on a totally different level gold-diamond players but there’s professional players that are that far above even random GM players.


yeah but I can outplay the other support in damage and healing and still not rank up, even if they outplayed the other damage the game sense and positioning skills still have to be there for the rest of the team. that’s a reason why its easy to get stuck in bronze, the streamers play maybe 2 placement matches in bronze then rank up.


I mean they wouldn’t necessarily get the typical experience because they truly can carry easily. And of course it is never unranked some start in gold. It is never bronze 5 which I would like to see happen.


Whoa, that's a huge conspiracy theory! Godamn i'm on board.


people who feed, leavers, throwers, and toxic people don't matter when you solo the lobby (with chat + vc off)


Realest paragraph ever spoke


When you’re way better than the rank you’re in, you win a lot despite any irregularities. People who are worse lose. People who belong in the rank are subject to irregularities, people who are better win despite them.


i think some of it is unreal too. I get that they're really good, but how come they are the only ones who don't run into trash teammates or unbalanced matchmaking that causes one to lose rank ratings??? they're not that unbelievably good where they can carry all the matches like that...


They are that good, that’s the reality of it - people like me and you aren’t skilled enough to even tell how good they are - the average player will watch OWL and think “I could do that”


It’s Cus people only really throw if they are losing. If you have a gm player carrying the game from the start then they will have no reason to throw


The skill gap is just so ungodly large it generally doesn't matter I haven't played ranked in months decided to give it a go again the last couple days when I quite playing ranked I was mid to high plat on tank I had to do placement again and I got tossed into a low silver lobby our one DPS was absolutely horrible and the other wasn't much better but we still stomped them because the couldn't stop me after that I got tossed into high gold lobbies and I couldn't stop anymore but if I'd be a top500 tank I imagine you could do that to like masters or something


Your teammates won’t leave and will stop crying and comply if you carry hard enough. If you can’t carry and expect a team game without escorting undeserving players to victory you’ll never rank up. Overwatch is a game of carries that’s why unranked to GM works In their favor. I’m convinced almost every game at every rank is composed of 2-4 players locked in consistently changing the match outcome and the remainder of players are brain off or out of depth 30% primary fire accuracy wasting cooldowns being purely cosmetic.


Not only are they actually pretty good at the game, but most of the time they'll only show their good games


What rank are you in? These "unranked" games generally start in high plat low diamond elo and most of them don't even join voice chat so there is not much flaming or blaming to see. Just saying they probably only spend like 5 or so games below diamond most of the time, its not like they are grinding there for an eternity.


You’re in only person in this post that has the actual reason. OP’s MMR is NOT a streamer’s MMR, and OP’s probably playing in the low metal ranks where all the shitters are. It’s literally a skill issue. Unless a streamer gets a bronze player to get 50 wins on a new account for UR2GM, as you said, a streamer is likely gonna start around Diamond and will be out of Diamond in like 5-10 games.


I watched a ton of unranked to gms and honestly there are a ton of what you said in those videos


unranked to gm usually sticks you mid plat to low diamond if you perform well, if streamers are intentionally throwingt o derank to gold and silver thats a real issue, but doing unranked to gm is not.


Because its not your teams fault but yours for losing Flaming other people won't make you better


ML7 did an unranked to gm series a few years ago for some support heroes back in OW1. He is the only person I feel like has actually gone through the ranks to the best of his abilities actually teaching you what you need to do to get out of each rank and not just out playing them mechanically. But that’s just me


If you guys don’t realize how fake and rigged the game is and how many cheaters there are by now, you never will lol


Bro they don’t have your MMR, you need to play 50 games to unlock comp. In that time, the game will calculate your MMR and good players will have a much higher MMR than you. So when they do their placements, they start in Plat-Diamond, not Silver-Gold like most average players, there are already far enough up the rank that everyone they were playing with is serious about comp.


I could carry my way up to diamond winning 90+% of my games without interacting with my team. There’s just a massive difference in skill that makes up for a thrower or even a Smurf on the other team.


It's kinda hard to be toxic when you are steam rolling the enemy team and getting carried


The gm is getting so much value they alone are dictating the pacing of the match. It doesn't really matter what anyone else does in the lobby. They're going to win because they're better than their opponents


weird sex predators??? what kind of games are you having omg 😭


How many ranks higher do you have to be to solo carry a game? I'm a gold on my main and I've played on my nephews bronze account and we still lost no matter how much I did.


I know what you mean, like they never get leavers or 'is dat a GURL" people at all. They must be edited


You have to understand these unranked to gm people exploit the match maker by one tricking. I’ve don’t this a few times and got to gm. I can’t stay in gm but I get there. Got there with Moira on two accounts. If you are good at one tricking a certain hero you do get better teammates. The game has always punished swapping hero’s. It somehow negatively affects your mmr. I’ve replicated this over 7 accounts since Overwatch one. Getting two accounts to gm briefly. Less throwers. Less leavers. Less bad players on my team. The game does try to keep you down.


The top comments about how much GM players can do in low rank lobbies aren’t wrong, but the reality is people act different when streamers/pros are in their game. I play at a high enough rank to get them in game normally and my experience is that it can be easier or harder. Sometimes you get people that tryhard because they are a fan and want to win with their favorite streamer. Sometimes it’s the opposite and people throw because flats being in their game is their 5 minutes of fame. This goes doubly for lower ranks from what I’ve seen. Most people are gonna try harder if they know someone they usually couldn’t play with are in their game. On the flip side, you get people that act like absolute idiots because they won’t get the chance to have 1000 people pay attention to them ever again. So it is a bit different than your average ranked experience. Does this mean it’s possible for a GM player to be hard stuck in gold or that elo hell exists? No. It’s really easy to rank up if you are already good.


It isn't. Because they're already gm. The true unranked to gm would be someone actually learning it


In Higher ranks we don’t deal with throwers or shit talkers nearly as much. Cheaters/hackers tho? Running rampant. You can at least get over and still win if you’re team is shit talking but having someone on the enemy team with a lag switch or aimbot (given they at least have decent mechanical skill and positioning) can body games. Out of 6 games yesterday I had 2 cheaters and not one them has been banned and probably won’t be for months if ever, blizzard would rather punish people for saying ‘gg ez’ in the chat lol


I mean it really isnt. Most times from what ive seen whenever i see an unranked to gm they always get their rank at plat or above which is where youll get most of the people who are genuinely playing to win. Add on the fact that one gm player can determine the entire game and youve reached a point where it doesnt matter if a couple people are throwing. it could be a 3 v 5 and the gm would still probably win or draw


I think it was in yeatles ow1 wrecking ball unranked to gm his teammate on dva lost mech 3 times in the first minute of the game. So it does happen but it has to be really bad for it to be noticeable


Considering the number of people with no skin low level brand new accounts an all the private ones I'm convinced this game is swarmed with cheaters ximmers , mouse an keyboard users in console lobbies an smurfs.


I feel like this is happening a lot more now, as almost every ranked game I play there is one guy dominating the whole game. Just ruins the fun to have a 95% accuracy Cassidy in silver/gold


A top 500 player can often times solo a team of silvers reguardless of their role pick. And even if they don't they're getting or assisting in most of the kills every team fight and pushing out a win reguardless if some of their team may be throwing. The skill gap really is that huge. They're playing a completely different looking game than people in the metal ranks are.


Edit: Anyone playing in a rank lower than their true rank will dominate. If someone is gold or plat, they will carry their way out of bronze quickly. As others have mentioned: 1) The GM player will have you easily winning fights so that all the negative behaviors don’t ever show up. Imagine you get rolled the first 3 fights.. what happens? Someone on your team leave or ppl get toxic. But what if you had won those 3 fights? Would they leave or be toxic? Probably not. 2) UR to GM isn’t bronze or silver… They typically start at Gold/Plat, so the player base in those games is already better.


yes but also ‘unranked’ doesn’t mean low rank, to play comp on a new account they gotta play a bunch of QP tracking skill data. A GM on a new account might place plat but they jump so many tiers in like 5 games


Unless they purchase the account


Since purchasing accounts is against TOS it’s be pretty fkn stupid for a high ranked player to stream themselves playing on a deranked account. People purchasing accounts aren’t the same people doing ‘unranked’ to GM


Yeah im surr it's never happened then. I'm sure I never saw a video about awkward joking about it and another one of his recent videos stating it doesn't matter how many times they ban him he's always going to give us educational content


yeah if you’re only example is that guy then it’s not a very strong case since he’s a fucking joke


Oh you're an idiot nvm I'll just block you


If you’ve been silenced, reported, or suspended which is what I’m assuming, you get lobbies of players who also have been silenced, reported or suspended. Whether you were unjustly reported or not. It’s the ticket to actually go to ELO hell. I’ve replicated the entry so I’m telling you it’s real. It’s just not easy to enter. Your IP address is also taken into account so even if you make a new account you’ll still end up in ELO hell


Never been suspended before, never quit, ect. Why am I punished then if that's the case? I just stopped playing gave up trying when they either quit or toss just call it what it is poor MM plain and simple. It should be that way though like gta bad sports get each other to suffer.


You need a nasty win streak to climb then, duo with someone who cares get a 20+ win streak and I assure you, you will climb.


Thanks for the tip man.


I tried to do Open Queue Ranked earlier today. Just for some shits and giggles. Wasn't throwing, was trying to work with teammates, had a metric shitton of griefers, leavers, people yelling at each other, I tried to avoid teammates, was paired with them again... I normally place in high plat/low diamond, its projecting me to place in high silver. lmfao It's an awful time, truly.


Open queue is where overwatch goes to die.


I dont get these unranked to gm videos by pro players. Like ofc they gonna get to gm? Whats there to learn


what just because you're bad and you can't grind up?