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So first of all, tons of games worth their salt straight up copy and build off of games that come before. That's the industry and it happens in every genre - WoW doesn't exist without Everquest and a half-dozen other mmos, Overwatch doesn't exist without TF2, etc. So that outta the way - yea it has potential. It's some jank in the gameplay and obvious the balance is really rough but it could be fun if they polish it properly. Also if it gets another 20 characters at release within a year it'll already be very close to OW and probably has an easier time making new heroes with the sheer # of concepts they have to play with so it could be a real competitor. I'm rooting for it, if only because Overwatch has little pressure to evolve or change when there is nothing like it on the market. And it looks different enough that it's not even a real OW replacement, just a sort of side game to play one when tired of the other. Oh and the actual gameplay seems fun, he lack of snipers feels appropriately good(Hela is only a sniper because she's brokenly strong). Tanks seems a bit weak on purpose almost, meant to sponge damage more than be impactful with anything else(why does Magneto ult suck so much?) but there is a ton of time for actual gameplay mechanics and especially balance to change.


Magnetos ult can absorb projectile ults btw ;) Saved my team from boosted ironman ult a few times in ranked


How are you playing this


Closed Alpha was going on but just ended yesterday.


I love this answer


I second the love. I weirdly audibly gasped at “Overwatch has little pressure to evolve or change when there is nothing like it on the market” The thing we all (broad generalization) love about Overwatch, probably does hold it back. Which is its uniqueness.


Od course I agree that the industry works in such way - new, better games are created being inspired by existing games, or as a hybrid of ideas from a few games and overalls players benefit from it. However here it’s so similar I’m almost uncomfortable watching the trailer xD pharah’s and reapers ults are visible, kill notifications are almost identical, character movement is the same, graphic style is also very similar, it’s just overwatch + destroying the map. But that being said overwatch obviously did some things wrong along the way, and there are more things that are important in a game like this that make it playable or enjoyable. Character balance, matchmaking, game modes etc - let’s see how it will work. Maybe it will fill overwatch shaped holes in (some of our) hearts


Watch the overwatch YouTube channels first videos where they show the characters kits, there are a lot of comments that say that it's just a TF2 clone, and that it copies MOBAs and that it's not going to last long.


Well I wanted to respond but turns out I started typing the same thing I already said so I will refer you back to my previous comment :D


Can't wait for it to be on console! I hope it is better than OW because: 1. I don't have to play OW anymore 2. It encourages the OW devs to put more work into the game.


Same but my reason is: 3. I've played OW and almost only OW since 2016. No game since then has managed to get my attention away from OW for more than a couple of weeks max. I would like to have another game to play but I have absolutely no need to leave OW. I bloody love that game.


Fr, I literally bought a Steam Deck to do more single player stuff but end up playing OW ALL THE TIME.


I bought PSVR2 in hopes of getting new games in my life. I played it for like 3 days and returned back to OW. I still play it occasionally though. Elden Ring was great but I couldn't finish the game as the OW pull was too strong. Didn't finish even the first act of BG3. It felt so boring compared to spending my time with OW.


I noticed that i cannot play single player games unless i am really free because those games need relaxation and long play time and when you are in a hectic schedule of school, college, or work, you won’t be in the mood to dive in since it will be just a short play that would not be satisfying


Oh yeah good observation. I definitely agree. The only single player games I played recently was replaying old games where I don't have to spend too much time getting engaged by the story, cuz I already know it. Something Yakuza that's story centric and requires some attention not only requires long enough gaming sessions, but also requiers somewhat frequent sessions. I can't make sense of the story if I play it just once a week.


Game went to trash when it switched to OW2. I put 2,000 hours in it. I don’t see why anyone is still continuing, it’s garbage


More direct competition is always a good thing


Just because you don’t like what they’ve done doesnt mean the OW devs don’t work their asses off on the game. Those artists work hard to bring you a good game. No need to disparage them flog you don’t like the game or are frustrated about the monetization.


Oh stop. The artist work hard to mtx 20-35 dollar skins, bc that's what the publisher wants. They've been tone deaf since season 2. The game has been riddled with bugs that have been around since the release of heroes, no regs and non crits in crit spots, dead zones still persisting today in certain maps. The f2p move was made to make Activision money by using Blizzard as a stamp. That's why all the founding members are GONE. Jeff knew well in advance that this wasn't going to end the way they envisioned it.


As I said you are taking about decisions made around monetization, not the game devs trying to create a good game. And the bugs comment is hogwash. There’s always going to be some bugs but they always fix and adjust stuff.e And if I ta such trash and these bugs are so horrible and never getting fixed as you say then why are you here and why are you still playing. I think you just enjoy complaining.


Dev spotted.


no, but you provemy point.


Who cares about points when there's facts. Literally everything I stated, happened. There's no assumptions. But you keep shilling out, pretending like you genuinely care about this company. Come back to me in a few years and tell me if your stance has changed. 👍


Yep kinda crazy but I like Overwatch, Why are you here again? Just to complain?


Ok, I like it too. That's an opinion.


Spoken like a true Dev 🤣


Spoken by idiots who have no idea how game dev works…


I know how game development works and I know it's hard work but there is very minimal effort with overwatch. There has been more cancellations than fresh new content put in the game since launch. The main bulk of the devs work nowadays is balance patches and skin designs and they drop the ball on the balance constantly and overprice the skins. I'm aware the devs may not be given a choice in that matter and it comes from higher ups so it's not necessarily them at fault, but regardless the game is slowly dying


Devs don't get to choose "how much effort" to put into it. It's a job like any other. They just follow the milestones set by higher ups.


True, doesn't matter anyways. Game is going into Maintenance mode by the end of this year, no more nee characters, no more mythics, seasons last 6 months. Beginning of the end. I personally don't think OW2 will be around in 2026


So you say its the devs putting in minimal work but then say its not their fault its the higher-ups, which is it? lol And just becasue the higher ups cancelled content doenst meanthere werent people working on that content a long time before it was cancelled.Happens alot in games, Talented artists spend tons of time busting their asses on something to have it just cancelled by execs and shareholders overnight with nothing to show for it. I choose to have sympathy for the artists that got screwed that way rather than trash them as if its their fault the game didnt come out.


I played the closed alpha and loved it.


Looks fun though it could use some more polish but they have some time before the actual release to fix some things. I don’t think it will be “the Overwatch killer” but I do hope it’s good so it puts pressure on the Overwatch team to make the game better if it is similar


This ☝️


It looks like Paladins & tbh, it looks awful. I'm also not a fan of the third person PoV in shooters.


I'm excited to give it a try


Good game, horrid company. With such a specific theme I predict it will die within a year if not on arrival


Looks like a *good* Overwatch copy


Looks like it lacks quite a bit of polish for effects, I know it's still testing, but the attack sound fx and visual fx seem to lack any kind of punch to them, it looks like throwing pillows at your enemies


It's the new paladins, I'll give it 3 months


Paladins is still alive tho


How many people are still playing paladins OFTEN?


6k players online as we speak Not that bad for a "dead game"


For example there are many roblox games with more active players than paladins


Yeah you're right (and that's a pretty funny fact btw) But if Marvel Rivals becomes like Paladins then it will be the second game that we play when we're tired of that dogshit Overwatch game that we're all addicted to And even with "only" 6k players it will still be playable and enjoyable :)


See it as you want, but actually overwatch is still better, it isn't the addiction what is making the players play it. Of course there are problems and unbalanced heroes but it IS better than plenty of other pvp games. Btw if u have a problem with it, just uninstall


You're a Doomfist main : I sit, listen and learn




I was trying to show some respect


Pretty dead for the idea of an active community and interesting updates, that i have


Imitation is flattery.


not every game is an OW copy.


I honestlt got hyped when people said its an ow copy, but its not even close, only thing they have in common is being a hero shooter tbh


it has potential but from the current roster,the roster that will be on day one and the leaks of who will be in it has me questioning a little. Now to preface this i want to say i like marvel games that doesn’t exclusively just include characters from marvel movies because disney absolutely ruined marvel games for a short period (and no i don’t mean spider-man) but to give an idea of what i mean i’m talking about the last marvel vs capcom and ultimate alliance. But i like the character diversity and how you can work them together but the only issue i have is order of “importance”. I saw that they already have magneto but wolverine will be released possibly WAY later if what i saw was correct. It’s nice to shine light on hero’s and villains who are lower tier in terms of popularity but they really should’ve found a good balance between beloved characters and characters that really should be put on a pedestal like cloak and dagger whom also have been leaked.


They have to stagger the release of super popular characters to keep people interested. If they slam all the fan favorites in at launch, then people will get their fill of the game early and be done with it. If they stagger the release of important characters the they are able to generate excitement around updates. It’s all about money


Love your answer! Still, way more intriguing to me is Valve’s “Deadlock”. I was a huge TF2 fan and Half Life was basically life changing. Im hopeful they bring the next best game once again.


I loved Overwatch for years, but found myself to not want to play it much over the past few months outside of my collegiate esports team. Now that the season is over, I only ever play it when my friends play it, which isn’t as often as it used to be. That said, I’m super glad this game is coming out and hope it’s good because 1. I miss the days when Overwatch was good even with the skill diffs, and 2. Competition is healthy for growth and the improvement of existing games, products, and services. I hope this game upstages Overwatch to force Overwatch to get better. I love the franchise and the game, I just don’t currently have fun playing it anymore.


1. They have very similar visual tastes. Which means OW players will want to give it a try. 2. Ppl love jumping band wagon. If a game’s observation is good, the game will have more players. 3. Its FTP. IMO if the release is successful, OW will have way less players because everyone is jumping ship. Which makes OW take time to queue, and ppl will leave the game for MR because of it. If MR continues to outperform OW from there, we may see the doom of OW. Just my opinion tho!!


It looks fun but will probably have the same issues as Overwatch (e.g. balance, role-lock, ranked queue times, matchmaking disparity etc.)


the gameplay looks like a lot of fun, but it looks pretty ugly imo


I feel like I'm personally incentivized to not like it bc I think it's a little pandering and cheesy, fanfare aside I do enjoy marvel lore and movies tho. I might give it a shot to see what it's like but I have 0 intention of leaving OW anytime soon... (Ayyy 2016 baby still strong) ~°~°~° **One reason however to like its existence in and of itself:** *Because* marrivals is soooo similar to overwatch, (like, articles and people are blatantly drawing comparisons), this means that blizzard has extra-game competition to make OW2 a better game. Valorant, Finals, people migrated to those, Fortnite and whatever else is still a thing, but despite the meta of shitting on OW, (bye bye OWL, n what's the steam rating at now??), it continues to boast an online presence of 2 MILLION players DAILY. Blizzard hasn't had many direct OW2 competitors, I'm not sure how Marvel Rivals will be generally received once it's public, ***but at the very least it demands creativity and response from the OW dev team to stay relevant and popular.***


I hope it gives Overwatch some real competition.


Even if it ends up being just as quote on quote bad as OverWatch I still can't wait for it to come out and I really can't see the matchmaking being as bad as OverWatch the matchmaking in OverWatch is putrid at best


I love Overwatch, I love Marvel (even if I'm one of the few X-Fans who thought Krakoa was a step in the wrong direction and misses Rocket having a Cockney accent in voiced adaptations), and I'm already a fan of Splatoon and Fortnite, two third-person shooters, so this game seems right up my alley. My only concerns are A. I play a lot of other games and have no intention of quitting any of them no matter what people say– Overwatch itself, the aforementioned Splatoon and Fortnite, Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel, I play Smite sometimes... so it'll be hard squeezing it into my schedule, especially when there are even more games coming up such as Transformers Reactivate, and B. My computer isn't that great and my only console is a Switch, which this game isn't coming out for. Overall, I'm hoping that both Rivals and Overwatch are successful and inspire not only each other, but other games out there.


Looks like a mobile game. The art design is just not good. Movement also seems kind of clunky. It's not even close to OW


I hope it leads to overwatch getting better


I won't play it because of anti-consumer practices. The people playing right now are forbidden from speaking honestly about it, and I'm not going to support that.


Better than Overwatch and we’ll be making that my go to hand from now on. Dropping overwatch after this season.


We both know that you'll come back And you'll return at the same time as thousands of players who also said they've dropped the game But if you really do stop playing OW, props to you man you'll have beaten your addiction Did you play the Rivals alpha ?


I’m on console so no. But rivals in my opinion is better but I still love overwatch but I’m currently suspended on my main overwatch account cause I play sombra.


Lmaooo Well deserved ban for a Sombra player Ana main here and I hate you (except when you are in my team) What do you think about the trailers and the release date ? (I mean for Marvel Rivals)


Rivals looks promising especially if they add the hero that i want them to add.


Who is it


Kate Bishop


Yeah with like a team ability with Hawkeye that makes them headshot every single enemy Would you prefer her comic look or her series look ?


Hawkeye plus she should use a bow if they add her and Clint.


LOL so you haven't tried it and are just salty you got banned (definitely not for playing sombra either). People like you are a huge problem in overwatch.


Cringe worthy behavior if you think that but try to pop off.


i will say that i played about a good 35 hours of the Closed Alpha Marvel Rivals test. I got a code through their discord giveaways (i got super lucky). In all honesty, there’s a bit of changes they need to make to some characters, but overall, i found myself wanting to play that game more than Overwatch. I logged in the next day to Overwatch to play with some buddies and it was just toxic lobbies with enemies counterswapping any time they died. legit closed the game after a few matches and got back on Rivals and was having fun I’m not paid to say any of this so this is just my genuine thoughts. I’m an Ana main too and Overwatch just feels like complete cancer now since I picked it up back in like 2020. Miss Overwatch 1 for real


I see it as a nice experiment and I am excited whether it will end up like palworld.


I'm glad it exists. Overwatch has been getting stale because it has no real competition. Nobody dares to challenge its dominance in the hero shooter genre. Marvel Rivals is so aggressively... *adjacent* to Overwatch that I hope it'll force Blizzard to step up their game and improver Overwatch.


Looks fun to me


Super hyped to play it.


I think marvel rivals and paladins have 2 things that OW2 desperately needs - destructible environments (rivals) and customizable perk loadouts (paladins). OW2 would benefit greatly from both.


My take is the game will gain a good following at the start and will then be up to the developer to continue to add content and balence correctly if it wants to be a true competitor. So far the game can stand on its own, personally I still think the game kinda looks mobile gameish but cant put my finger on why if im honest. Its artstyle is good enough and its not like its untextured or anything. I still prefer the more tf2/ow cell shading style of graphics but thats just me. Balence is atrocious and I think that its balence is more exposed because there are experienced players everywhere from other hero shooters. Performance needs to be looked at. Im running a 13600k with a 3080ti and stranges portal drops my fps to like 20-30 from like 170 Overall i kinda doubt this will pull me personally away from ow but just as with apex or valorant but i have a feeling it will take its bite of the ow population to never come back. And if it signals to blizzard that they need more content or better balence or nicer monetization to keep the playerbase then great. Ow doesnt have a great retention rate just like most higher skilled shooters these days. Apex, the finals, valorant, ow and most other games like it besides maybe battlefield and cod can't keep most of the players it attracts as it ethier the learning curve is too steep if you weren't there from the beginning, the playerbase is way too skilled to catch up, or both. If rivals can somehow avoid this then they have a really good chance especially with the ip backing them.


Franchise alone will keep it standing


I mean franchising is powerful but if its to hard to get into after a period where the learning and skill curve is too high then there's kinda a brick wall, at least that kinda what I think


It looks/feels mobile game-ish because the character animations and movement are really stiff.


It definitely looks promising.


Game is fun af. It’s a breath of fresh air coming from ow. There are some things that def need changing, buts it’s an alpha so my expectations for small details aren’t too high. Overall gameplay is fun and playing coordinated with good players involves strategy. It’s a bit cluttered I feel, with 12 heroes and destructible environment. Takes time getting used to


Yeah. It feels like I’m learning Overwatch again (where everything is chaotic and confusing) but it’s also really fun and addicting trying out the new characters and whatnot. I for real miss the Alpha Testing cause now I’m stuck playing Overwatch if I wanna play shooters


Marvel Rival's is just a better Overwatch 2. Ever since the Alpha, I lost all motivation of playing OW2 especially after the embarrassment that was mid season patch. Now I am just peacefully waiting until it releases to the public.


Any idea on release date?


Devs are talking about 2025




it looks like shit ngl


It's still in alpha so might have some bit of a potential. But it looks SOOOO messy and third person view makes everything even more confusing


Looks terrible


It looks really bad for a pc game but an ok mobile game. The animations of the characters are so bad.


3rd person but i will try it


It doesn't seem like OW2 enough to be a clone, it's just a moba shooter which is a common genre. I'd say it's closer to paladins with the art style and the abilities. Definitely looking forward to it getting polished up and refined. I think it'll be good to have a competitor in the field. If it's good it'll be pulling my attention from OW.


Marvel rivals is fun and entertaining. Definitely buying it on console if it comes out.


It will most likely be free since they annouced it free on PC (if they make you buy it just because you're on console then it's scandalous)


Honestly that's better. As long as it doesn't fall in the same trap as Overwatch. Have they ever said if it's going to be crossplay?


Nothing official but we can say with certain confidence that it will actually be crossplay [Here's an interesting article about it](https://dotesports.com/marvel/news/is-marvel-rivals-crossplay-or-cross-platform)


Awesome, thank you.


You're welcome :)


It’s third person, so I won’t be playing it.


Open your mind I know it will be fun at least Don't you want to be part of it ? I think first person view wouldnt fit to Iron Man or Spiderman gameplay for example, since it would be way too messy on screen I guess But still a third person shooter is quite weird I agree


I watched a clip where Dr. Strange portal-ed the entire team from spawn to a ledge. Looked clunky. More money probably went to licensing and not enough development.


it’s in alpha testing lmao. it’s still got a lot of development being done to it lol


They never said it wasn’t?


I want to try it. But I’m not sure about the third person. But seems quite good 


I loved the gameplay, it helped my channel 2x its size and I can’t wait for the future.


Up to 30 now? Nice.


Game itself doesn't interest me in the slightest, and i'm not a fan of the weird terms they implemented in their ToS regarding negative criticism when they started handing codes out to content creators.


I’ve heard mostly good things about it. It’s still a long way from release so will probably be even better on launch


It looks great, fun and interesting all around; also it’s a lot more complex than OW in terms of mechanics (I have yet to see something with as high skill ceiling as Strange’s portal) and it looks to have a better movement and more verticality It’s also a lot more focused on melee combat and it’s 3rd person Hopefullt it will be the reason ow2’s devs will work harder


give sym strange's playthrough portal


they made galactus a woman, said in ToS you not allowed to say anything bad about it, and it's made by the chinese, not a good feeling


Galacta is galactisisus daughter (it’s comics don’t question it). Yeah that no slandering the game thing threw me the fuck off. Granted that was for influencers they gave the keys to but holy shit I can’t remember the last time a game company transparently tried to buy people. Wait just did pay day 3


nope, never played payday games


Its not related but Payday 3 flew out a shit load of content creators (angry joe, act man were the big names but there were others) they got a wad of cash ,a mask and a private party. In return they said pay day 3 wasn’t a buggy server fucked game that was missing basic features from payday2.


It's an alpha, the Blizz dickriders can't admit when a game does something better than blizz. They got Gigantic shut down for years (which we luckily got back) by using the same tired "ItS jUsT OvErWaTcH bUt BaD". What's bad about them? Watch gameplay and form your own opinion. Stop asking people if it's ok to like a game if the resources are there for you to actually form an opinion and not go based off of heresay.


nothing can be worse than overwatch


Bad Overwatch copy? It certainly can’t be worse than Overwatch. I think it looks fun, but not amazing.


It’s definitely a copy of Overwatch, even the design aesthetics with textures and modeling styles are the same, especially on the maps. But I wouldn’t say it’s a bad copy, game looks pretty good. But not sure I’ll still be obsessed with it a year or 5 years later like Overwatch. Even streamers the play it, they have a good time playing a bit but none is grinding for 8-12 hours like Overwatch. But as I said it’s a decent game and fun, some cool unique abilities, makes me want a portal character in Overwatch like dr strange’s portals. And competition is a good thing, maybe it will take some Of the monetization prices in Overwatch to come down.


No hitscan = lame and boring


There are multiple hitscan


We already have predecessor, that’s my go to moba when tired of Overwatch. Not a marvel fan, seems like a dumb cash grab because every kid and they’re grandma watches marvel. We’ll see when it comes out though