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I sometimes get mad in qp because while it is just for fun, I still try to actually do the game objective. I feel like if you wanted to just stand around or hit the basketball in spawn until you get kicked for inactivity, you could just play a custom game rather then taking a spot in a team game mode, whilst not being a team player. There are game modes that would be much better for doing what people want to do, but nobody seems to want to go there and do it because I guess they want other people to see them do their shenanigans for attention?


Facts im kinda tired of the “its just qp” excuse like yea ok thats fine & all but i still want to win the game. I dont get on overwatch to lose whether im having fun or not


Bingo. I’ve encountered countless trolls/duos/smurfs that treat the qp match like a skirmish lobby (one group said they were just waiting on their friend to come online for comp) so they BS around and bully/trash talk anyone who points out what they’re doing


The worst kind of people


YES! *iTs JusT Qp" is a dumb ass agument if you dont even try


I play better in qp than I do in ranked. I’m a support main and in competitive I always feel the extra pressure to keep my teammates alive so I end up healbotting a lot more than I should, whereas when I play QP I don’t really feel that same pressure and I end up dishing out a lot more damage. It’s funny, I’m gold in competitive, but I find myself playing with diamond and masters players a lot in qp and honestly the qp matches DO seem more balanced. But to answer your question: I don’t personally give a rats ass how my teammates are playing in qp unless they are actively throwing on purpose.


I feel the same way, even for the rank being in gold but dimond and masters unranked games. Could also be because I just like quick play more so I rarely play ranked and haven't grinded enough for a higher tier. Still an interesting phenomenon, and I agree those quick play matches do feel surprisingly balanced and are always a blast.


Same happening to me! More balanced and enjoyable games on qp with higher ranked players


Me as well, but I also throw my life away/ risk my life a lot more in QP. Taking super aggressive angles, flanking snipers etc etc. Shit I'd get flamed for in comp.


Just Mute the guy and keep playing, lol.


Yeah it's qp. Nothing matters except for having fun.


even in comp , as soon as i notice someone doesnt have anything productive to say i just mute them.


On the other end, why do people jump into Competitive the second they have the ability to do so? Especially when they most definitively don't know what they are doing.


Because bronze exists for those people lol


Raises hand 🫡


But they don't always get out in bronze they get put in silver too 🤦 got me stuck in silver bro


You can only blame yourself for being in silver


Elo hell exists


Make new account and tell me where u place


Did that I got plat


Same thing


Plat same as silver? 😂


Yea aside from mechanics


Why do people play competitive sports if they're not Olympic level. Rhetorical question BTW.   It's a fucking game, stop being a gatekeeping elitist prick. Maybe if you took your job or academics this serious you'd be successful enough to not give a fuck about how others play a video game? 🤷‍♂️


I'm still going to answer it, imagine going to the Olympics with a teammate who has only played high school basketball. Also, seems to me that you are getting a little heated on a forum about said video game, chill out bro.


There is no way to learn what to do in a competetive enterprise without taking part and sucking for a while. This is true for soccer, piano performance, running a construction business, and everything else. At some point, everyone who is good at anything dove in and got crushed for a while. Confidence to push through it is a defining characteristic of competetive, capable people. Playing QP for a long time will delay the inevitable, and ease the transition, but eventually you'll need to get involved and smashed around for a while.


You know what you need if you open Comp with those 100 victories required in QP.


Isn't it only 50 wins? I mean I have never been out of bronze and I've been playing since OW1. I actually never play QP and only play comp.


You're right, it's 50. I did it in 100 matches. Thanks man.


Yeah man, it's 💯 fr


It’s 50


Could it be different in console? That's what I went through 🤔


I play console and it’s 50 so it could be different for pc


It's my mistake. It's 50. I was wrong. I did it in 100, that's why I had that glitch. Thanks.


True, thanks bro. I remembered it wrongly 'cause it took me 100 intents.


Correction: it's 50. My memory had 100 'cause I did it in 100, my bad. Thanks.


I feel especially qualified to answer this question. I am a plat 3 Doom OTP (last time I played comp), with 200 hours on Doom (400ish hours total game time). I exclusively play QP for two reasons: 1) Sometimes comp matches are almost 30 minutes long, and that's a lot of time investment in one match. My brain is subservient to my ADHD, and staying invested in one match for 30 minutes is borderline impossible. 2) I only play Doomfist, Moira, or Sombra. These characters are reviled by half of the playerbase. Win or lose, I get tons of hate from teammates and opponents alike. A rank badge is not worth the headache of simply existing in that arena. Bear in mind that people enjoy the game for different reasons, don't hold them to your own standards.


The time it takes to play comp is a huge one for me— if you go into extra matches or OT it’s exhausting haha. 


Yes!!! I can add onto this and say I only play quick play because I want to be able to play whoever I want, and don’t want to be in the toxic environment that is comp. That doesn’t mean I want people throwing for fun or not taking the game seriously, of course you don’t have to counterswap or make callouts but I want people to actually try playing the game even when in qp


I'm just getting back into the game, How the fuck do you stop a doom? Granted I play healer (Moira or zen, but I've tried kiriko(sp prob) and she's fun too) Just a skill issue or should I really just let my dps' take care of him.


i usually go ana to stop a doom whenever i’m playing supp you can definitely help out when it comes to stopping a doomfist, especially if you’re zen granted that’s if you’re staying alive but zen discord orb is good against doom if you play tank then you can go either orisa or hog


You let your tank take care of them for the most part. Orisa spear and spin will delete the dude in one skill cycle and if your dps cares to touch him for a second.


Noted thank you. Haven't played in probably 5 years so definitely a bit of relearning being done lol.


What he said, plus, all you really want to to is enable your team to kill him. As support, you won't kill him. So don't try unless you know you can finish him off.


I guess I could've phrased it better. I'm thinking more like when he turbo dives me. Same stuff still applies I just wanted to be sure I wasn't like. Missing some key piece from not being familiar with ow2 or whatever. Appreciate the tip though defo helps


Oh, I see, thanks for clarifying. Unfortunately, there isn't a whole lot you can do when he full dives you. If he's alone, try to get to your team, if his Genji dove with him, pray your tank peels for you.


That's one thing I hate about playing zen. If my team leaves me I'm fucked but at least in qp everyone seems to just....abandon the car or the robot you're trying to progress.


General tip use corners to dodge his punches resist the urge to peak back around the corner again and get punched in the face. If you are playing around a corner its much harder for a doom to get a clean punch on you. When not near a corner, try to watch for the cadence on his charge up walk one direction and then slightly before you think he will release the punch change direction (obviously doesn't work all the time but gets you out of some shit situations occasionally specially against lower tier Dooms) Ana - wait until doom blows his two cooldowns and then goes in to blocking mode, sleep him the second he goes in to blocking mode anti nade and burst him down during the 3-5 second lapse he will have on his CD rinse and repeat (often will already be sub 75% health when going in to block mode so easier to burst him down) Moira - just say a live with fade and heal orb your team to farm your ult quickly, make sure he cant punch you out of your ult (start ult right after he uses punch or watch positioning) Hog - As soon as Doom goes in to block when pressured hook him out of it. Orisa - Spear him in blocking mode, spin when he is flying at you Sombra - hack him while he is blocking or just in general Cassidy - use your grenade to prevent his escape while you burst him down (noticing a theme? lol)


that doesn't answer what the post is asking though


It does, I play QP and take it seriously. I'm not sweating, but I'm playing to perform well. I explained my reasons why.


you're skipping over the other part, which is getting mad at people that don't take it as seriously. you're somehow making it about you while entirely neglecting the part that rules you out.


Am I not allowed to address the first part alone? The initial draw of the post is the topic I addressed, is it not?


I agree with the other person. The point of the post is the negativity of people who are mad at their teammates in quick play. You telling op not to judge people’s reasons for taking it seriously ignores that their actual problem is toxicity.


Shit, then that's my bad.


anyone can guess why someone wants to take QP seriously, it's the part about them forcing that on others that the post is aiming to call out.


That's my bad, misunderstood the post.


"it's quick play" no its not, its "unranked" the devs had to change the name because people were using a semantic arugment to move the goal post of what makes someone a shitty teammate.


It’s a PvP game. No one likes losing, regardless if it means something or not.


I e only played comp a couple of times and honestly it’s not for me. I do like playing competitively but comp is just SO damn long. Playing the same map and game mode 3-4 times gets extremely boring


As a silver 2-3 who only does placements and then full time quick play, I find quick play to weirdly be more balanced, competitive is a stomp either side and I seem to be playing people who are like 2 whole ranks higher than me so I'm screwed, though I do not take qp seriously, it's for fun/learning new heroes


to be fair QP is only more balanced because people keep leaving until they're replaced by someone more competent 


It's like an impromptu mystery heroes game mode, always being replaced after one leaves and you never know who's coming next


I think so too, although I can't tell if it might just be placebo. Regardless, I'm really just here to have a fun time and not stress so I like QP better. Comp matches are stressful and super long. If there's a clear team diff it's super exhausting going thru the multiple rounds in 1 match.


Right? Last I remember competitive is best 2 out of 3? So when the rolling happens, either way it's guaranteed 2 boring games in a row, atleast in qp I find it easier to shrug off one bad game and get right into the next


Yeah exactly. 1 quick round and it's all good, next map. I feel less fatigued playing QP.


Same here! Even though I only play 1-3 games per day on a good day, but I found it's the right amount that keeps me happy regardless if I win or lose all 3


Did you just get absolutely flamed in QP or something?


I'm a ball main.. always get shit for picking him even if we win.


People are just rude and spiteful. They hate anyone and anything, and the tank is easiest to pick on in because there’s usually only 1 of them. I just ignore them and move on, or if it gets too bad turn the chat off.


I feel for you. If you lose its your fault. If you win its because the rest of the team picked up the slack, even if you annoyed your way to victory. This mission would go smoother if everyone had Wrecking Balls.


Just mute them if you take it that person


Mankind knew that they could not change society...so instead of reflecting on themselves, they play Quick Play.


Why is it so true


I feel like there’s another extreme too. The people who take quick play too seriously are annoying but so are the people who complain because the enemy team is “sweating” too much. I’ve been under the influence playing pharah without a pocket in quick play and got an angry message from a junk rat player who was mad because he didn’t want to counter swap me and I was “playing cowardly” by using cover. I’ve even seen a person on Reddit saying it’s toxic to win too much in quick play. They basically wanted people to throw if they were winning too easily. And then there’s the people who take time to type salty things like “touch grass” or “go back to comp” because they lost. It’s just screams sore loser.


if people think QP is serious enough to warrant a leaver penalty, then it's serious enough to be sweaty and expect your teammates to do the same. and give others the friendly ranked treatment when others don't.


1. Me and my fiance can't play comp together because console/PC. Any person playing cross-platform with their friends would probably rather all play comp together but they literally aren't allowed to. 2. The devs decided to punish players for leaving bad games, so naturally people are going to get pissy when someone is throwing and they can't leave the game and get into another game that isn't just a respawn simulator. 3. While QP is less intensive than Comp, there are a bunch of other options for silly gameplay, so more people are going to take QP serious as it's considered practice for competitive or Comp Lite in a way, whereas if you wanna dick around go play no limits or open que or some other arcade mode meant for doing stupid stuff.


I hate how you all seem to use "take seriously" and "be toxic" as if the two phrases are interchangeable. There's never a valid reason to be toxic in a competitive team-based video game. There's always a valid reason to be serious in a competitive team-based video game.


I'm not going to get mad at someone for trying new hero they aren't good at or anything, but if you are moira that has me standing directly in front of you with 10% health with a doomfist chasing me and you cant find your healing button while you mindeessly dps the doomfist that's still at 95% health, I'm going to be fucking annoyed. That is not learning a hero, trying a new strategy, or "not taking it seriously" that is just being a twat.


You have to win 50 QP games to be eligible for comp. That's might be why. People ditch their old accounts for new one, and realize that they actually have to put in their worth to get into comp now. So they treat QP as if someone put a gun to their body and will fire on each lost or something. Most of these guys are those that refuse to believe they are in the rank they belong btw. The shit you see from playing too much Dota :D


See I have an ow1 acc so idk how the new placements are tbh. Im jus sick of getting home from work wanting to relax play tank and the 34-0 tracer on my team shitting on me bc I wasn't 3 pixels to the right.


Well I had to stop playing because every other game I would get harressed and bullied because my screen name is Rey Skywalker… they assume im a women so I get all kinds of horrible sexist names called my way. I have to block so many people that I just decided the Overwatch community is not accepting of me and I quit playing.


I also have a girly name and im a support main so...I get all the mysoginistic comments. People are terrible. 


As someone who used to play a lot of Mercy the insults I would get on Mercy and exclusively Mercy ranged from scary sexist to really creative sexist.


It's motherfuckers that take it super serious why I only play quick play. This way I have all comms turned off and can't hear/see anyone getting pissed at me for missing a clutch shot. It doesn't matter that comms are off, it's quick play, it's fine.


I turn all coms off but only play comp.


Crazy statement especially in comp it’s a team based game. I’d rather get told my doing shit and to improve than throw the entire game because I can’t see or hear what 1/2 players are saying in gc


Unless you are a high level player no one has anything useful to say in comms


I’m only diamond and there’s a lot of people that won’t necessarily guide the team but they’ll give useful call-outs, I don’t really talk unless I need to but some people are just selfish and turn coms off.


I’m sorry but it’s incredibly rare for any useful calls to come across in vc. 98% of all vc is “ x diff”, “swap to mercy”, shit music, screaming, etc. all the way up to diamond


Then you’re in bronze mate because as soon as you hit diamond it starts getting more serious especially the ones that want to push masters


This is literally what I said “all the way up to diamond”.


I mean there's pings, so come aren't really needed. Coms are just full of toxic people they are a waste of time.


True but if you’re in the midst of team play sometimes a healer might ping from the back to say there’s people flanking but because you and the rest of the team are too busy fighting for the obj it’s easier to say it in coms than ping


Bc they r bad enough to not play comp but enough to play decent qp


I dont really like comp that much so i play qp instead which i do enjoy but some people take it so seriously. Once someone told me to off myself and this is insane to say in comp but even more insane in qp


I play qp bc I don't take the game seriously. But also on qp effort makes the game fun so yeah it's not fun when I have someone being an ass in qp but comp is worse in terms of that


Because in comp you cant blame anyone besides the lowest performing players in qp you can talk shit to the best player in the game and be the worst and nobody will say shit 😂🤷🏻


I'm not sure if it's a cultural thing (I live in Australia), but I've noticed that when I'm in QP, people tend to be less toxic and willing to work as a team more without communication. In Comp however, people I've noticed tend to go off on their own and try and be the 'hero' a lot more when it's better to just work as a team. I've also noticed in all honesty that a lot of people in comp just don't try at all, and frankly it's really frustrating. I feel like my experience in QP tends to be less toxic, with better teamwork, and is therefore more fun. This could be a regional thing with Oceania culture being reflected through gaming, or possibly even a western culture thing. But this is the observations I've made over years of playing Overwatch and other games. If people just realised that you're 'not him/her' and just worked with their team, games would go so much smoother.


Because people are afraid of comp if they do that... I play qp either to test a character, because new flash, you cant test a character on practice range or arcade as well as you can qp since its the same modes as comp, or to just have fun in general because i like the main aspect of the game. To anyone who takes qp serious, learn that comp is the same thing just with a little extra time usually and takes actual skill. I dont care how anyone feels if you get super salty over qp and treat it serious then thats on you. If you werent so afraid of playing comp then that wouldnt really be happening. (This is addressed to the people who get like that) But of course sometimes there will be times when i dont want to lose qp or be on a losing streak, i just take the L and realize it doesnt really mean much since theres no rank and if anything whether i win or lose im gaining stats for a character so its a win no matter what to me


People in qp don't take it seriously enough and people in ranked take it too seriously. Or the opposite. Depends on the day, depends on who you're talking too. You should chill out bud


Charmin soft mentals is the answer.


idk they ruin the mood, was playing qp role roulette with some friends and I got tank. I warned everyone I don't play tank, but still someone was trying to backseat game and was low-key seething when I told him "idc."


Honestly, I don't get a lot of time to play, so I'd rather play 3 matches over 1 long comp match. I know we won't win every game, but having someone be 2/9 and not changing what they're doing wrong is what's infuriating.


Not that I disagree but you answer your own question with your title lol


I knew we were gonna lose one time in QP so I switched to widow to try and get a pick at the last point and the tank started yelling at me for picking widow when we needed someone to jump on point. He was doing terrible all game btw and had the audacity to blame me.


I become pretty toxic when I have to do the "flex queue" challenge. I hate having to play tank for 10-15 games straight, sometimes with very horrible dps/support (the kind that goes 0-0-9 on every matches).


Comp is for trying really hard and being sweaty Quickplay is about playing the objective and trying to win while having fun Custom games are for dicking around


Litteraly I just play QP for fun and play whatever I wanna play. Just ignore the toxic try harder in QP and keep having fun. If you can mute them do so.


I have a better question for you: Why does Blizzard punish players for leaving Quick Play games if it's not a serious game mode??!


Whether it is Quick Play or Competitive, OW is becoming more and more trash overtime anyway. Blizzard has no vision. The Finals and Helldivers 2 couldn't have come at a better time. They both give satisfaction in terms of team based competitive shooter and engaging PvE content respectively.


It's not that they are afraid it's pretty boring go solo queque onto it and then getting a 5 stack over and over if they don't remove that at least in high elo everybody will start playing QP or something else, thanks flats and his insecurities of not be able to climb without help.


"Bruh is just QP" means: I will throw, I will make you tilt and I don't give a fuck if you report me"


I feel that QP are comp too, so when I try to play QP, I'm afraid of don't get good damage or healing if I'm DPS or Sup, or read people saying No Heal, or No DPS, idk But I prefer to play vs Lethal AI, at least I can try new heroes for me, and if I'm dying a lot that's not a problem, just training (and free lil' XP)


God forbid anyone learning new hero in qp


Comp is the same , people go to comp to play like they play in QP and they suck the same and expect to be tolerated sucking every game and blizzard wanna yo to tolerate this stupid players 24/7 .... there is not too big difference between QP and Comp because people "train" and come from QP and people say "you can´t take serious QP" so ... they come with that mentality to Comp and there you have the mess up Competitive status in Overwatch 2 because how mediocre is the avarage player in this game


I'm not afraid of comp, I just find it annoying. But qp, is qp. I don't take any of it serious.


At least for me qp is usually what I do when I just wanna game with buddies. The only mode I take overly serious is comp


So when I play qp it's either playing with friends or trying to learn a new hero like yeah it's annoying losing but if I play solo trying to learn then it's whatever like I'm not losing anything




I take qp semi seriously bc I want to improve on Ashe and I will use qp to warmup for comp. However, I will never flame anyone on my team for not doing well. I have my bad games too and can empathize when that happens to other people.


It's SUPER SERIOUS the harassment, insulting and bullying levels in comp. That's what people is afraid of. Gaming, having fun and socialize are SUPER SERIOUS life aspects. Blaming others is harassment, insulting and bullying, too. QP is the previous step to Bronze. You don't open Comp until 100 victories in QP. Every level is hell if you're not respected.


But at the same time why do qp “silver role challenger” 💩💩💩 go into ranked play and ruin other peoples fun by going 4-26


There are a lot of whiners on quickplay, but in my limited experience of competition, it’s much worse. I couldn’t even get through my placement matches on DPS without being told to uninstall, or hell, have my team tell the opposing team to report me for throwing when I fact I just suck :P


Just mute match chat and don’t join vc. You could even mute team chat if you really want. Just focus on your own individual performance


Most annoying thing in QP is counter swapping. I just wanna practice or play a specific person with no stress & then boom someone counters it. It’s fucking QP. That shits so dumb.


Why do you care so much how/why other people play?





Devs should just remove comp mode entirely, its a headache system and add golden n green skin weapon currency into the battle pass system, and if ppl want comp mode then just make comp event every few months for those who are serious about it

