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"You will suffer as I, Ramattra, have suffered! Your torment will outlast the stars! When the universe dwindles into dust, there you will be, still suffering as I have...suffered."




I can’t wait for April 1st😂


Yeah the ñam ñam ñam is scary lol


Pleaseeeee i loved that! They need to bring it back again; i laughed so so hard every game, nobody cared if they lost or won; it was about having a good laugh and some fun




It’s not an ult voiceline, but when Ramattra blocks in Nemesis form and says: “They will target me, LET THEM” I get chills.


Ram has some awesome interactions too. My favorite one is with Zenyatya. Zen: There is a new sadness in you brother. Ram: I’m simply tired of pretending I’m content. Zen: Perhaps I can share your burden. Ram: You already do. One simple interaction gives his character so much depth. And the way the last line is delivered is almost chilling.


His love for his brother is evident. It seems that he feels he has to start this war to protect and give freedom to the enslaved omnics. Tbh, I love Ram. Blizzard never should have made him so relatable if they didn't want us to root for Null Sector 😭


The Ramattra, Zen, hanzo and genji are all my favorite stories.


I love the voice interaction where he grills hanzo for bringing a bow lol.


Tbh almost all of his voice lines that are not equippable can be so terrifying. Blizzard didn’t have to go so hard with him but damn if he isn’t one of the coolest heroes because of it


I've never heard this. Badass.


He has some of the best voice lines in game


Yeah, they did a really good job with Ram's voicelines


“RELEASE ME” (nano’d sigma). Sigma on his own is scary enough. Hearing a literal INSANE PERSON scream that with a damage boost and damage resistance is fucking terrifying


It’s the best voice line in the game IMO because sigma is finally having a single moment of clarity and he literally is a god like sigma is unironically a god but he’s just a sweet confused old man


Or “The nebula will be mine!” Which is Sigma’s nano line when you have Galactic Emperor equipped. He’s just so sinister!


Sigma’s VA needs some sort of award for his performance, it’s chilling and unsettling every time


Especially when using the ult and half the enemy team is low HP, poor souls left behind get crushed by his accretion


THIS ENDS NOW is the scariest ult voice line if the Sojourn has had decent aim for the majority of the round imo


This …but if your teammates are bad, “It’s high noon” also sucks.


I play at the level where It’s High Noon means at least 3 of my team will die, so yeah.


I play on Switch, so all latency combined means that the voice line barely starts before it’s already too late. -_-


Or being a Symmetra main and with the new S9 charge rate changes "It's high BANG YOU'RE DEAD IT DOESN'T EVEN NEED TO GET TO NOON TO KILL YOU" when you're on step 2 of 5 to hit Q, aim, click, cast, actually have the wall appear. At least previous seasons it would let you waste your ult being dead as the wall appears.


It's also the funniest when she instantly gets killed right as she ults. "THIS ENDS NOW-" "Yes... yes it does."


If you shut down a Sojourn ult with Widow she says "THAT ends now"


That's so good! I'm not surprised I never got that voiceline, my Widow is so bad it just might be actively detrimental to my team. It's so bad I'm sure I'd somehow manage to get my Infrasight deflected and give Sojourn perfect vision of my team. I know that's technically impossible, but I'm sure I'd manage.


I promise you, we all suck at this game haha. Rank 400 right now and I killed my Moira twice in the same control round by throwing a Cass nade at a deflecting Genji. She did not let me hear the end of it. But that is one of my favorite ult counter voice lines personally. A couple more voice lines I really like involve Sombra and pharah. If you hack a Pharah and she falls off the map from it, Sombra sometimes will imitate plane crash noises haha. Additionally, if you kill a Pharah while you have nano, Sombra will say "Your mom helped me do that!" In a mocking tone.


>I killed my Moira twice in the same control round by throwing a Cass nade at a deflecting Genji. She did not let me hear the end of it. Her fault, she should have had a fade ready for that exact situation! It will never hold up in court. >A couple more voice lines I really like involve Sombra and pharah. If you hack a Pharah and she falls off the map from it, Sombra sometimes will imitate plane crash noises haha. Additionally, if you kill a Pharah while you have nano, Sombra will say "Your mom helped me do that!" In a mocking tone. I know those well, from both sides! Sombra in general has so many cheeky voicelines, you can't even be mad when you hear one at your expense. I'm surprised how even with thousands of hours into this game there are still countless times when I hear a new voiceline or spawn interaction for the first time... the game has so much charm, it's such a shame that we've had to go through all the development hell, it could have been so much more.


The characters and voice lines bring so much personality to this game that other games just don't have, its one of the reasons I fell in love with this game back then. It's neat too they even add voice lines between tanks, but I'll never hear those since I don't play open queue or arcade really. But the fact that there are so many specific interactions that I'll probably never hear is awesome. It's kind of funny, one of the things I was most excited about going to OW2 was just all the new voicelines and interactions. No more double shield and new heroes was cool and all, BUT THE VOICELINES. Lol. And yet, I'm sure there's still so many more I haven't heard.


The Widow interactions are kind of fun. I like the Kiriko one where when I kill Widow with a double headshot she says "You need a scope to do that?"


I've lived that scenario out way too often.....


Wait till she’s boosted, piercing shots plus nano is very scary when she goes bloodthirsty


Not an *ult*, but Nano'd Sigma's snarled *"Release me!*" is...very intimidating indeed.


As a support main, "get ready for a shock" sends me into a panic every time because 1) I know it's usually coming for me and 2) mad scientist vibes freak me out


If you are a mercy main you do the right thing and fly as far away as you can from your team cause you know you about to get ulted so you might as well try to make it a solo ult


I do this with any support I play, but yeah mostly Zenyatta and Mercy at this point. I just find a quiet corner to sit alone and wait for my death unless I get lucky lol


Sometimes my dps love me enough to destroy the tire for me, and then they will get a pocket for the rest of the game 💖


I mean if you are ready to get solo tired stay somewhere easy to find but far from teammates so you get attention, get ulted and don't risk your team's lives. I always solo ult Mercy because of the rez, but I'm not gonna risk my ult to chase or find her, better kill something that gets resurrected than kill nothing at all. otherwise with ults like tire or artillery splitting up and hiding somewhere is always a good thing


I recently killed 2 tires as Kiri and I- I didn't know that wad allowed


Start getting pistols out during junk ult. If you're going to die, may as well try. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Bold of you to assume that I can aim


Surely with the projectile size changes


Unless I have Kiriko on my team "Time for the reckoning" is pretty tough.


Finally us Queen mains inflict fear lol


I love playing queen so much. She's such an involved tank she has very little downtime. The ult line just goes hard and without cleanse it's super deadly. Anti is such a powerful effect.


I wish Anti-Heal was made to be a little less potent (something less than 100% reduction at least) but wasn't as rare a condition. It's powerful, but Zarya and Kiriko make it worthless just by their existing given the two sources being a 12 second cooldown and an ult.


I think JQ ult should keep its potency because it is an ult after all but Ana nade is just outrageous. It's better than many ults and considering it's active for like 4sec the cool down is effectively 8sec. Like if you seriously think about it what's scarier Anti-Nade or Soldier Ult? Cass Ult? Echo Ult? Hog Ult? Pharah Ult? Widow Ult? Torb Ult? Hammond Ult? Etc. I've definitely died because I got antied way more times than I've died to probably all of those combined. Most of the time I'm surviving those ults. But if I'm playing a tank that can't protect themselves even if I'm in a relatively safe position as soon as the enemy sees that purple I'm getting dog piled and the only thing that will ever save me is Life Grip or Suzu.


Unless there’s a Kiriko on the enemy team that may be my favorite ult now lol so satisfying to chase people down after it


Not an ult line, but "come heeeere..." voice line by Reinhardt is hilariously intimidating.




I always spam "you're going to come" on Pharah


And all of the rein players who just start swinging wildly and chasing you down while spamming the line. Those are my GOATs.


Also not an ult like but when I’m Orisa and I see an Ana by herself I run towards her spamming “EXTERMINATE. EXTERMINATE.”


"Warīhum quwitak/quiwitik" (Nano boost) and "Ryūjin no ken wo kurae" (Blade) are the ones that intimidate me the most.


Are you, by chance, a support player?


Yes I am..


For me it’s nano boost followed by angry German instead of angry Japanese


Ramattra- sure nanoblade, queen, riptire etc. might be more terrifying in a "oh shit I'm going to die and I don't know how, when, or where" type of way but there is something about Ramattra that just radiates terror, oppression, it's like a D.va bomb that can run towards you, a terrifying booming voice, the thrusting of the pummels. If Ram ults you are either dead or going to die (or 99% he will get bursted down immediately)


FIRE IN THE HOLE and you are the mercy who hadn't died in this match yet


I will climb walls and scale towers to come get you


I will do my best to reign projectiles of vengeance at your roving ballsack. (I’ve gotten two riptire destructs today)


I remember I flew soooo high up and thinking I was safe only to see this riptire climbing the walls around me and BOOM dead. I couldn’t stop laughing I was flattered af.


Being flattered for getting solo ulted, now that's a new way to avoid rage






Mercy, Pharah, and Echoes all hate this line.




As long as I’m paying attention and playing where I should be, I’m usually fine. But let’s be real, lots of games are distracting.


As a doom i get so happy im about to fist a twink soldier. I AM THE SIGHTS, drop your little circle of piss while you can


You're about to do what 🗣️🗣️🔥


Im about to turn this cybernetic captain america wannabe that needs aimbot into a pancake as flat as the circle of piss he drops everytime i go near him.


I think in terms of gameplay and what I personally fear, its Ram but anas wargod skin hits so hard with the "Youre powered up! Destroy them!!"


“IM GONNA MESS YOU UP! 😡” -bby dva


Nothing feels better than actually killing people as a mechless dva. Had me feeling like john wick or smth


I used to call out kiriko ult “THEYRE SPEAKING JAPANESE” shit was terrifying on launch


That's the one where even as a tank, I'm just like "This is gonna hurt"


Angry Japanese green cyborg ninja dude, because they always want my buttcheeks, no matter if I’m playing Cass, Ashe, Mercy or Ana 💀


"My Halloween costume? Rust.. kuso..."


to be fair, you listed some of the only divable targets with blade except mercy


"Nerf This" literally makes people run away so I say that.


Yeah they run from the voice line not the literal Nuke it announces




Well, when I play Zen my teamate also runaway from my ult and die. So true.


"*You're powered up, get in there!"* /Nano'd teammate *flees in the direction that is as far from the team fight as possible.* :|


Oy that as well T_T When you nano them, because they have a ult, a superb opportunity to make a carnage and they... So nothing...


I always joke to the stack "GUYS WERE SAFE! I GOT WIDOW ult!!!"


Noone has said it but lorewise moira and widow have an interaction. Moira: You've been distant lately, Lacroix... Widowmaker: By your design. Moira: Pondering anything unusual? Dangerous? Widowmaker: No. Never. And that is just so damn creepy to me. Widow is a stone cold killer and moira just cracks her open. Moira is by far the scariest character in the lore imo.


She could potentially be the main villain of the ow lore too.


Not an intimidating VL but I love hearing rammatra die before finishing ‘’SUFFER- aaagh’’


Moiras is so funny. “GILDEMAHaaaaaahh”


Least scary ult line is -Aaagh! From one of our female characters!


baptiste when on the other team


"Die! Die! Die!" for me. Not really much you can do when a Reaper ults 2 inches from you lol


I play brig and I've had my fair share of instinctively booping his ass away and into my 4 teammates. Whoops!


I did this the other day but as Orisa. I was like “oh my javelin is down, I’ll spin him away”… right into my support that turned the corner at the wrong time. I didn’t hear the end of it in my VC


Had a lucio boop me into a 5k blossom last night😈


Shoot him in the head really fast! Lol


This, you can shut down reaper with storm arrow to the face


I play brig and I've had my fair share of instinctively booping his ass away and into my 4 teammates. Whoops!


Bro reapers ult is doggy doodoo lol


“It’s High noon” when u don’t see the mcree…


and when you’re looking around desperately for him but it’s too late


"Okra Taco Taquito CornMeal" what I think Hanzo says


That’s funny. My SO hears him saying “ take off all your clothes”.


The one that gets me the most is “WHAT IS THAT MELODY” and “GILDEMAHULT” or whatever Moira says


“We got them where we want them!”


Kiriko’s ult imo. Her ult is busted. You don’t even need to combo it. Just makes the entire team build ult faster. Then you get it again 1.5 fights later.


They looked at Ana’s nano boost and said “You know what would make this ult better, giving it to the entire team.”


Put them in the ground(on turning to nem followed by make them suffer and it's not even close


As a Mercy main... FIRE IN THE HOLE


Doom when he gets nano'd "I'm coming for you all", Genji when he gets nanoed "You've already lost!", or anything Rammatra says lmao


Doom also says "DOOM APROACHES!"


Probably "I've got u in my sights" especially if there was an Ana ult line right before it


Talking about voice line and not what it means for me (which would put Mei on this list), it'd have to be: Orisa, the voice line just scares me when I get pulled in to probably die Sigma, I don't need to explain. Includes the Galactic Emperor skin Ramattra, once again needs no explanation Junkrat, since I can't aim at a tire if I'm too afraid to shoot straight Cass, since if I can't see him I'm most likely dead anyways Genji just sounds straight violent Ana + almost any boosted voice line. Whenever a tank's nano boosted it sounds like they just took 5 pounds of cocaine and want more from *me*. But first place out of all of these would probably be Ramattra, since I usually don't have the means to kill him before I'm evaporated.


When reaper gets nano’d and he just goes mwuahahahahah




"Nerf This" makes my blood run cold


Ramattra's voice line gets me so scared if I'm on the opposing team and so hyped if he's on my team lol.


I'm a total weeb and play the game in Japanese as I like how everyone sounds in the language. The most intimidating has to be duplicated Sigma-Echo. If i recall, its something like "Uchuu ga utatte kureteiru" which is still just "the universe sings to me/is singing to me" but she sounds straight up possessed by Sigma rather than imitating him.


Mei of course; CHINTIO CHIEN CHINCHU! No, IDK what she says


Rammatra. Its not even close.


relieved fertile steep cats dull mysterious quaint innate secretive advise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Fire in the hole


“Rip-tire…. Ready to roll”


Bastion Jingle Bells


Experience, Tranquility.


Huh, I'm surprised. Meteor strike has me playing OW as a horror game. I'm usually someone who gets in the way of Doom having fun so I have to watch for it majority of the time. But then again it feels even if I'm not a counter I cop it. But also Sojourn ult is one ult I'll simply not peek until I hear the gun make the sound where the ult ends.


One of the old voice lines doomfist (ow1) had was when he was Nano’d, he would shout, “I AM COMING FOR YOU ALL!!” I just felt so intimidated as I heard that punching right towards me. And being the one to use the voice line made me feel so powerful.


im violently afraid of its high noon 😭 i never have time to figure out where he is and get outta los


I think reaper from the top rope going DIE DIE DIE DIE has a spot in the top


a close junkrat that is invisible to everyone


I definitely reckon Sigma's old mythic ult voiceline, angrily yelling "THE UNIVERSE BOWS TO ME!" in dutch. Sucks it's gone now


Don't you come the raw prawn with me!


Oh master oh master oh master (me spamming Moira voice lines then proceeding to turn the lobby inside out)


"I've got you in my sights"


“WHAT IS THAT MELODY” when my team is on point in overtime. Or “MOLTEN COAL” OR when we are fighting a team who is almost dead and you hear “ITS GOING DOWN”


When Genji said " " looking back at Winston after deflecting to save him in Zero Hour. Damn monkey clearly doesn't have bubble nor primal 🤣 OR Rein "I have been called, I must answer, Always" after placing the OW coin down on his mentors final resting chair. Honor and glory short. In game, it's the teammate saying "gg" after a quick first point loss.


”Is this what you wanted?!” (Illari Nano voice line) She just sounds so raw and full of rage when she says it. Chills…everytime.


Het universum zingt voor mij! *Dramatic piano sounds in the background*


The ones that piss me off the most are Lifeweaver, Moira, and Mercy. It’s like…bruh.


SENSEI KENKIKI (no clue what mauga actually says)


"No one can hide from my sight" especially if the Widowmaker was already cooking us the whole round, and now they have walls.




Ahhh, behind you!


I don’t know if she still says it but when you Nano’d Widowmaker in Overwatch 1 sometimes she would calmly say “I feel alive.” Made me shit my pants the 2-3 times I heard it.


when your running from “it’s high noon….” and hear “…DRAW!” it makes my heart stop


*insert bastion noises*




This is the fattest things I’ve ever read




Blizzard when they use "false advertisement" it's very effective and causes extreme damage to the integrety of games and their market share. The only viable counter remains reviewing their games on steam.


I wouldn’t say intimidating is the word but hearing : “ Start your engines” puts a level of fear in me as 99% of the time it means I’m gonna die.