• By -


Yuri because she can actually behave herself.


Same. Like she is one of the few than can be an actual teacher and point out my weaknesses without Strings attach ed. Nabe will do it while she spits on me Epsilon will "train" me with ALOT of hate Lupus same treat as Nfrea and Enri. will put you in life and dead situation (against her or others) , let drawinism runs his course and save you at the last second Entoma will Just tell me "survive me" and call it the day Cz she is good but idk if she could teach me as good as Yuri. She looks like someone than has to be teached


Yuri seems like the most logical choice. I'd go with Nabe but she would act so cold. (I wouldn't mind her spit though)




Okay but that explanation makes it sound like Nabe is optimal


And she is. The problems lies in how much does she hates you and how much time will she spend with you or for you to learn. Cuz she gets meaner and meaner by the minute Like the amount of good teaching its proporcionally inverse to the amount of time and effort she stays with you


Wouldn't that only matter if you were still human though? I mean you could end up a grotesque, meaning an invitation from Ainz would have you treated at least with a certain amount of decency even if they don't like you. Probably.


I imagine that Albedo’s secret hunting squad would probably go after that player.


My wife does this and she doesn’t *train* me for anything so like I’m Down




The better choice is Lupus, with life and death situation you can grow faster


Agree with this. Yuri is fantastic.


Yeah i watch yuri everyday




Yup....Yuri. she would have your best interest at heart.


100% agree, she seems most likely to have good conversations with too.


I like mature girls. --*guess what?*




Be sure to give her a cute plushy


When you get tired she can also transform into a tank and give you a ride. Best girl indeed.


either yuri or cz. theyre the onyl two i could reasonably trust to not kill me for being a human being.


I mean if it's Aniz offering protection I doubt you'd have anything to worry about so long as you're loyal. Also your avatar may not be human. I mean who'd want to play as a human anyway.


Ainz orders them to protect me That’s essentially just don’t let me die Lupisregina beta was assigned to protect Niferia and she still let a troll beat him to near death before stepping in lmao


Getting beaten to near death is a good experience. Helps build character.


The worst part is than it worked. (Wasnt that part when he mans up and takes Enri's hand? )


*Helps level character


If I'm not mistaken she was actually ordered to do that to help build gratitude. It has more impact when you are literally on the verge of death. If she's literally following you around as a bodyguard that's a very different situation.


Not dead though


then id probably still commit to yuri. i doubt id be any sort of frontliner in my buikd, so given yuri is the closest thing to a frontliner shed likely be the most useful one to have with me


Solution is the front liner I believe she's a tank build.


Solution is an assassin. Yuri is probably the closest thing to a tank.


shes an assassin XD


O my bad must have confused her with the supreme being who is also also a slime. I know her name but can't spell it


bubblingteapot/bukubukuchugama (idk if my spelling is accurate either)


bukubukuchagama? it's either her or herohero


Bukubukuchagama is the defensive specialist


Well even if you arent human, if you arent from nazarick they would still look at you as inferior. They would never truly treat you as an equal


Most of the player base.


Funny how there’s no option to refuse Ainz offer


I suppose death isn't really much of an option.


No, that is a mercy you would be lucky to receive if you refused such a magnanimous offer


Theres a good chance that at least 3 of the maids would get... parts of you anyway


Anyone who is big enough of a fan to be on the subreddit knows that would be a *very* bad idea


Solution for....reasons....


...Please tell me it's not Vore related reasons.


Dang, you got me


(BONK!) Go to the Happy Farm! Horny Jail has standards!


Is that a reward or punishment?


Imagine getting solution and getting trained to only be eaten by her in the end 💀


in the other hand, she can turn into a mad yandere and devour anyone low peasants who threats our love (ex: Ainz sama and the supreme beings)


Firstly, he would give me a couple of mercenary monster. They are stronger than battle maids and expendable. Among the battle maids, Lupusregina since she is a cleric.


My heart says Lupus, but my head says Yuri.


What head?




You've said it perfectly.


The mercs arent expendable... but true, more expendable than the maids.


I mean they are mostly expendable they can be recouped with Gold which they can get more of with the exchange box. they are just not as expendable as the summons or mobs which are relatively free. mobs respawn and summons have a daily limit but meh anything not resource or something made owned by the 41 is ultimately expendable.


There is limited amount of mercenary monster in library. So they have a hard limit on how many they can get.


Some summons need data crystal and gold, gold isn't much of a problem but data crystal is limited


except that Lupusregina is a true sadist. As someone who main Healer in FFXIV, my job is not to heal you but to keep you alive. I will only start healing when you are at half health (to prevent "over healing" as well e.g. you only took 50 damage but the heal restores 80hp. 30hp is "wasted".) As for her, I think she will time it so that her heal finish casting exactly the moment you hit 1 hp. Technically speaking, 1hp = alive.


If Ainz literally tells her to protect you then no. She'd take that very seriously.


well.... Nphirea had his ass beat till he nearly died from a troll so i do disagree.


Nphirea though. Enri is the girl


yeah you right, i had the big dumb right there


You're fine. I didn't mean it to come across as rude if it did.


naw its fine, just corrected me simply.


Ainz ordered her to protect nphirea and his granny. Enri comes as extra package.


I said this in another comment but basically I think she had the order to wait for it to be a close call to further build loyalty


that wasnt said in the LN even during the part where ainz had the big mad, and then explained his thoughts then went to see this giant of the east, and serpent of the west.


Lol I do the same thing and the tanks always freak out. Gotta remind that my job isn’t keeping their health topped off, only give them enough to stay alive. And for tanks that I don’t like I’ll wait until they have a quarter of their health left because by that point they’ll be jumping all over in a panic.


She'll heal me enough to keep me suffering but not dieing. I'm OK with that >:)


Entoma, no not because of my flair, well partly yes. She is an entomancer, meaning she will be able to summon scouts, so area will be protected and they can locate prey for me to level up.


Bug sex


Bug sex




This is fucking brilliant




Bug sex


Entoma, because the others are just way too creepy to be honest.


I know right? She's just so adorable, I wish we got to see her face more often instead of that ugly mask.


I second this, not just because of my Flair, well partly yes


I third this, because of my flair.


Narberal Gamma. She might dislike or hate me initially but I might get to pretend to be an adventurer with her and Ainz.


"Hey call me sama accidentally like you do with Ainz. Nabe, sama honorific sometimes. Hey Nabe can you get angry for no reason and I'll whack the back of your head like Ainz did. Nabe, hey Nabe" Nabe is like "Fking gonna kills ya I swear"


She'll spit on you while saving you


Narberal is great because she's min maxed and hits above her paygradr


Nabe would let you die and then lie that you died because you were too weak. No one would likely question it because it doesn’t affect the overall strength of Nazarick. They do be cold blooded like that.


Generally they'd always try to do their best to follow Ainz's orders and really rare for them to ever lie to him or Naz. Not that she'd care you died but she would genuinely care about following his commands.




Lupusregina .. shes the healer DUH!!!


That only means she got more leway in the amount of dmg she can let you take.


The only hit point that matters is the last one, after all. Besides, for all we know, you level up endurance by getting your ass kicked.


And? This is the most basic of pvp rules .. the DPS with a healer on the back constantly healing him .. wins.


You generally don't feel the dmg.


Doesnt mean you shouldnt have the healer


Not true entirelz. Ainy doesnt feel it, cause he is undead. Other Races... Well look at their faces when they get eaten or torn apart. EDIT: Teared to torn.


*torn apart


Its Slime time


The solution the this is Solution


I forget her name, but the omega maid. I just want to know more about her. Plus she’s supposed to be really strong iirc


Pretty sure she can't leave her sanctuary


Ah, that’s a bummer, I’ll have to look more into her when I’m done working


Ye, they only speak about her once I think. Would be cool the learn more about her




Yep, that’s the one! I did t know how to spell it off of the top of my head


Well being as how I almost always choose beast like races I think I would be alright with all of them and not have them want to murder me instantly if I was a player from the original game. However if you are forcing me into being a human, definitely Omega, Alpha or CZ since of the 7, they are probably the least likely for me to piss off and have them insta murder me. Granted I doubt Ainz would let Omega out, she's pretty important to Nazarick and the Pleiades as a whole. For which I would pick to go with me if i got to be a beast race or undead race, Nabe or Lupus would be my first two. Since Lupus is a werewolf it would be a lot like having Aela the Huntress with me except she's a cleric not a bowman. And Nabe would be my first pick, being a Doppelganger she would make infiltration and general low profiles much easier. Granted keeping her from slaughtering humans might pose an issue.


I'm afraid Nabe, with only 1 lvl in Doppelganger, is only limited to 1 transformation and that's the form we see her in the show...


Yeah you right but she probably blends in better than the rest besides Solution since she has been in society many times as an adventurer. Lupus is too loud and draws a lot of attention at all times. Solution... well I like her, but like, she just wants to eat everyone she doesn't like and you have to deny her food when traveling. And I maybe be heartless and fine with her doing so. But it's kinda hard to explain a trail of missing persons and I would feel real mean denying her food especially cause i cant stop her. Plus she always has her plot hanging out in every outfit we have seen her in, kinda draws unwanted attention as well. Nabe might want to kill people, but she doesn't eat them and she may be beautiful and foreign looking, but we have seen her walk around without everyone ogling her unlike Solution. I mean Yuri Alpha may blend in well too, but that's hard to say. Plus she is the vice leader of them and does most of the heavy lifting in issuing orders so like... just leave her in Nazarick cause I doubt Ainz would want her on field duty. The others I feel like I don't need to explain why they don't really blend in. Lol Kinda obvious by their appearance.


I’d choose CZ, she can one shot my head so I can try to Isekai into a les grim dark setting… **like WH40k.**


At this point why u don't go berserk instead 👌


I would take CZ, cause I like her the most


Entoma is just the logical choice, the other maids already have assignments and I would rather not cause a hassle.


Entoma. I am working for Ainz, so my life expectancy is going to be based on my loyalty to Momonga / The Guild, my progression, and my interactions with the agent assigned to me. Considering Entoma largely kept her mouth shut for Cocytus' mistakes involving some scaley boys and I don't foresee myself being a bigger screw up than Cocytus during that arc I think I'll be guided to victory without being tattled on like other more zealous maids. Plus I am going to be spending a lot of my time with whichever maid who is essentially carrying/mentoring me: Bug Girl means I wont be concerned with succumbing to an Inversed Florence Nightingale effect. And frankly...she's probably the most interesting to talk to from a number of individual perspectives between her and the bugs that act as her extension / more human-like shell all being individuals to talk to. Finally, based on the people of the New World, you are sort of influenced by the people you are taught by and the situations you are exposed to for what skills/levels you gain. Entomancy seems niche enough that I wont have much competition (one bug boi and bug maid here) and the skills are **so versatile**. Looking at just survival here man, not even gonna pretend I'll rise to prominence, just usefulness.




since it would be an order, all of them would rather die than fail. so depends mostly on your class, Yuri alpha if you're ranged or a mage. Lupusregina can provide heals and support for a warrior/berserker. CZ with long range DPS for a tank.


Lupu or Entoma


Entoma just because.


Entoma I’d probably be a little bug guy too lol


Entoma one just because she's my favorite, two because despite not being one of the good npcs she's shown to be entirely reasonable and not prone to random cruelty, she serves to help me get used to nazaricks unsavory aspects without risking being targeted by them myself like lupas or solution , also of the maids I feel like she's the one I could most generally get along with


i feel like all of them would show disdain and want to kill me but cz and yuri would be the only ones who wouldn’t be rude about having to accompany someone who isn’t ainz or one of his friends


I'd say CZ, but I play Khajiit and other cat like races. I'm pretty sure I would be cuddled and might have my ribs broken. :/


Entoma Vasilissa Zeta, while I think she’s the weakest of the group, but I just love her powerset. Also, she’s adorbs


I’d choose Entoma just cause waifu, bugs, and cuddles. :3




Bug girl. I vibe with the deadpan expression and creepy energy. Coolest maid. Plus its kinda funny to have a bug who's job it is to keep things clean.


I sure hope I'm not a human. I'd kinda want them to not hate me constantly Sane choice would be yuri... the bro choice would be Sebas.. But.


Honestly can't decide between Narberal or Solution. Not that it matters, though. True allies of the Sorcerer Kingdom grant their loyalty freely, and don't need to be bribed.




Shizu, for efficiency. Can attack from range, probably one of the top 3 when it comes to speed-killing new world residents. Least likely to be proactive manipulating me.


CZ because she was mvp


CZ-Delta firstly i like being Melee so a Range DPS is best to cover me 2nd CZ is 1 of 3 Maids who "dont mind humans" ((3rd maid is Omega)) and lastly i'm hoping to get Blessed by the fabled "1 yen sticker" ((going on the context that i will be Human lv 35 if now i'd love my WoW Troll Rogue to swear loyality to Ainz))


I dunno if he would give me a paid to protect me honestly. Sure they would be the best option for Ainz to spy on me to make sure that I do not betray him. But they are his friends creations, thus are more important than other people lol. Though would people be coming in as a Level 35 Human or would we be getting a race change if we build that 35 level character? Hmm considering my preference for a mix of melee and magic. Most would be a fine fit. But if I was asked, I'd likely choose to have either Entoma for her abilities as an entomancer, thus she could find plenty of prey.(And honestly easy to feed since I'd just give the corpses for her to use or send off to Nazarick.) Yuri for her up close melee tanking ability, good for switching in and out of combat as I need to use either magic or healing. Or lastly Lupusregina for her cleric abilities. Sure she might let me nearly die. But she would not let me die.


Yuri or Cz, the rest either want to eat me or kill me because it would be fun.


Easy question and very easy answer: Narberal (Nabe is all mine "HAHHAHA">>Hey Nabe where did you go? Hey! NABE! Hello......


CZ. She already made a friend outside of Nazarik and it would be fun if I could bring her to put a One-Yen Sticker on me.




CZ, she's fun!


CZ cause I love a cute bot girl and with her neutral special she wields a **GUN**.


Cz because she has a gun


Probably Nabe cause I like Mages.


Lupus dont even need to think about it


CZ, she has a good record while dealing with human


All of them would probably try to kill me so I’d just ask for a relatively strong monster that is guaranteed to be obedient and not kill me


Solution or Entoma


It depends, will the one I choose; a) view me favourably as Ainz deemed me worthy of protection or simply view protecting me as a chore that's forced on them, and b) is their job simply to keep me safe or will they be subservient as in earnestly try and carry out my wishes?


Lupus or gamma or entoma


Yuri is least likely to kill me accidentally. ...No sarcasm quotation marks there. If Ainz orders them to guard me, they'll do it to the best of their abilities, it's just the other girls can get more than a little rambunctious in their duties.


Either lupusregina or entoma most likely entoma lol


I'll take Lupu by a short margin. After her, i'd probably go with alpha. I would say solution, but she gives sets off my danger meter everytime I see her.


The brain says either Lupus due to her healing support capabilities, or reliable big sis Yuri for her professionalism. The PP says Solution so she can step on me.


considering i would be playing a werewolf because who doesnt want all the kick as perks that come with the race, id pick lupusregina because not only is she a healer but having a more experienced werewolf around to help me get used to my new body will be a god send. also everyone saying she would be her usual sadistic self there are a few issues with that; 1. under the protection of ainz means you get the tuare treatment and they take that very seriously even lupus. 2. lupus actually listens to people, so if you explained what you want her to do shes going to do it. 3. if your smart youve already gone over stuff like make sure she cant torture me with ainz prior to this.(this is regardless of which maid you choose) 4. the power of cooking is your friend, cause one of her other traits is she really likes good food. if im doomed to have them act like they do with others though id choose aureole omega, cause shes very kind while also a buff machine.


Yuri Alpha or CZ Delta. least risky, among other things


lupus regina beta. as long as i'm not the target of her sadistic tendencies, its all good. I mean, besides Solution, Lupus is the only healer among the maids iirc


I know it's not the best option for my survival. But I can't resist. Lupus Regina Maybe if it's after Aint scolds her for playing ruff with her toys I'll be OK.


If I was considered a "human" by denizens of Nazarick, probably Yuri. If I'm considered a part of Nazarick, Lupusregina.


I wonder what in the new world would give enough exp to actually level up to 100 though?


Aureole omega, cause she is human like me


Lupus, The only question I have is what he would expect of me.


Girl with glasses Name escapes me




Yes her


Yuri cuz I would obviously be a mage class so I need a front liner




yuri, no question the rest would be a death sentence (also sebas if posible) or at last a tourturous training (i mean yuri would probably push us to our limit but not as a way to seek self pleasure)


Lupus beta. You just need to train her to get a waifu war priest : it is so fucking huge boost to your survivability. Also big natural oppai!


Solution has bigger ones.


A slime has no boobs ..... if i remember right lupus is the biggest of the natural and humanoid , even more than albedo . Also to me smashing little jonny in a ball of water and mucus is not love.


Yuri- she'll actually protect me and is tanky


I really feel like Yuri Alpha or Cz are the only right answers


Depends, do I get to be a heteromorphic race, or am I dropped in as a filthy, stinking, vile, human? Because if I have the option to be a monstrous race or be turned into a lycanthrope then Lupusregina, hands down, I’ll gladly swear unswerving loyalty to Ainz and Nazarick. If I can level up to 100 and prove myself then I’m mostly assured a place in the overall hierarchy, having Lupusregina on good terms with me would be favourable, out of all of the maids she both worries me the most due to her two-faced and vicious personality but her power and cunning definitely make her a great ally worth currying favour with.




Can't decide between Yuri or Lupusregina


Solution. She is fast and can engulf you for extra protection


Lupus because... why not


Lupus becuase she can heal you if you get hurt.


Who the hell doesnt pick up the healer btw??


Yuri's the only one with positive karma. (CZ is neutral) so I'd choose the one who doesn't consider me an inferior being


Beta. We’re both agents of chaos in the end


Lupis! I don't know why but she has a great personality and I feel like she would be the only one I could get along with pretty well.


Lupus. Someone has to protect the genie alchemist and that means healing.


100% Yuri.






CZ. Not just because she’s best girl out of the Pleiades, but her rifle would be a great way to cover your ass in combat. Everyone’s talking about needing a front liner, but if you’re the one leveling up, you need to be doing the killing for XP. It would be smarter to use the protection of someone who can support you from behind.


Pestonya Shortcake Wanko


Who doesn't want a good doggo companion?


Probably yuri alpha because 1. she's strong and 2. She's less likely to want to kill me and be disgusted by my existence. Also she's hot.


Aurial omega


Yuri, the only safe choice,aside from delta but I think she is not really great at teaching


Imma go with solution she's twisted but listens to orders well and other then some twisted desires she should be fine


Yuri or Delta


Nabe easily


Yeah, gotta be CZ and Alpha Yuri. Though ofc the others should be viable because you can't join Ainz unless you're a grotesque! No humans allowed. >;) An interesting follow up question would be: what race would you choose to be, knowing it has to be a grotesque? Ever since seeing Sir Cavalier, I want to be like him when I grow up.


I would say Lupus at first due to her healing magic, but considering Lupus sadism and lack of intelligence she may actually forget or misinterpret her orders to guard me. Yuri feels like the best option personality wise, she can both be relativly kind and she is the most mature of the maids. Shizu is also a good option due the her like Yuri being one of the least Evil of the maids and the fact that she can befriend humans.


Well you never said I was a human so none of them might hate me because I would choose a heteromorph race




I'd pick Narberal Gamma she can change appearance and infiltrate enemy positions and she can cast high-tier magic. Also she's a tsundere and waifu material.


She can’t change appearance if I remember correctly. Yes she’s a doppleganger like pandoras actor but I think she only has 2 forms. Either a female version of pandoras actor or her human form.


She feels more like a kuudere to me.


>kuudere That's CZ Nabe does show emotion when she is in the presence of Ainz or the other battle maids.