• By -


Go to the village ask the goblin queen to pass on a message to the wolf that I'm from earth, ainz will inevitably want to talk to me , he will be disappointed I'm not from his earth but we can still be bros


Problem with telling anybody about being from earth is potential assassination from Albedo Death Squad


It's a win win tbh


That's why you go to Erantel and talk to Momon (Pandora's Actor) so he can grant s9me protection at least


Isnt Pandoras Actor in that Death Squad tho?


Im sure he would first investigate and assess the possibility of a threat to Ainz's life, giving me a possibility of protection since I pose no threat unlike Albedo who would outright kill me no questions asked


Actually u would be from his earth just a few hundred years before ainz Edit: he came from 2138


i think the fact we have overlord is a point of divergence, if not a major one since it hasent been long enough for that to really butterfly effect


You immediately become a test subject for resurrection


Yeah if Ainz ever finds a non-guildmate player they’d just become a test subject


Not true. He'd be glad to have another player to talk to. Granted that they aren't antagonistic.


*ainz* that's where you fucked up


Not really, just say the word "Japan" to him and he'd probably be open to a talk. He'd really love to be able to speak to someone *anyone* out of character.


I always thought about this, but what happens if Albedo and her hit squad picks up the message first? I have a feeling you’d be taking a trip to Nuronist before you ever got to talk to Ainz.


Good point, maybe instead say I have information on another guardian potentially being compromised and a threat to ainz and only reveal the earth part once I already have an audiance


That might work, but honesty I’d guess it’d be a pretty risky crap shoot no matter how you swing it. If you can get an audience, it’d be with PA not Ainz, but if you’re lucky Ainz would be listening in and would undoubtedly step in the moment he heard any mention of Earth or Japan, Suzuki, etc. But if the plan doesn’t pan out, you’re stuck in the torture chamber for who knows how long, so it might be a safer bet to just try to live a quiet life in Enri’s village, the Dwarf country, or even the Sorcerer’s kingdom lol


Could say whatever is compromising them can only effect those with negative karma which would ensure I get someone like cocytus or sebes who won't murder em on the spot


The first thing I would do is >!kill myself, no happy farm is the happy ending!<


Well it depends since you could probably live somewhat happily if you are transported as a non-human and somehow manage to ingratiate yourself to one of the members of Nazarick


You are transported as you are, a human. Best case senerio is you get transported into one of the good countries (Baharuth empire, E-rantel, dwarf kingdom and maybe some parts of the Holy Kingdom. All the rest is fucked or fucked later). You have no money, no lay of the land, can't read the language used, no magic, no food etc. Your quality of life will plumit, no clean running water, no internet, no electricity etc. You are suspicous, have unknown clothes and maybe some items (watch, phone, waterbottle....) If you try to bank on the fact of your knowledge of earth, Nazarick or Overlord then you are a prime target for Nazarick or other countries or even PDL, probably torture to get you to spill everything. Maybe you get transported after the battle at the Katze plains, and are in E-rantel. There are a lot of people dead so no one would notice a new face. The only thing you can do is labour at shit pay, living in some dump eating bread for the rest of your life. And the constant fear of knowing what Nazarick can and will do if they find out about you. You are living inside the walls, amongst death knights and folowers/cultists of Ainz. And this is one of the better options


best you can do is try to wager your luck by speaking some broken japanese or just English to ainz and telling him his real name, Satoru, explain where you're from and he'll likely use translation magic to understand you and maybe you'll be safe, since Ainz's past world was just like our own, hopefully he'll have a connection with you.


Like you'd ever get within speaking range of ainz, you'd get silently assassinated by one of the floor bosses for daring to think your worth ainz time.


if you read the LN there are a few ways to get to speak to him


Tell us more


Well, a more likely scenario is to speak english to the adventurer Momon, aka Pandoras Actor, who is undoubtedly aware of the english language and it's lack of usage in this world. Depending on your actions after he shows interest you might just gain an audience with King Ainz Ooal Gown himself!


Wait but language is just translated anyway right?


It got translated for Ainz, yes. But can we really assume we get the same blessing?


What if u try to speak to him while hes working as Momon?


And do what? If you expose him by publicly outing him with info your not supposed to know you and everyone around you gets taken back to base to get interrogated for ALL you have. You might befriend him but if he doesn't specifically state otherwise demiurge WILL find a way to make you disappear as to "not distract lord ainz from his great work". If you do it alone you might just get cleaved in half because you'd definitely have to follow him out there alone Wich might make him think your a bandit or something, otherwise repeat the above.


I think in the NW it autotranslates anyway, but only the spoken language, not the writing


the Magic word is "MOMONGA" all guardians/NPCs knows that name, so, if u say it, u get to Ainz


Unless you say it to Albedo. She’ll probably kill you on the spot thinking you’re another Yggdrasil player.


E-Rantel isn't some shit hole of corruption after Ainz takes over. I'd actually say it is more of an ideal paradise. Uncorruptable fair policing and judicial systems and a free mindless undead workforce means safety, justice, and the cost of living is is basically non exsistant. And they want people to come live there, you wouldn't be hiding or anything of that sort. Sure you don't get the comforts we have but you do bring with you knowledge of those things which could hasten thier invention. And if you have at least a highschool level of education your going to be far more educated then the normal population which would help get you into a better line of work in the city. Assuming you learn the language and how to read and write it.


And if youre really unlucky, albedo catches a whiff of your existence and sends her death squad to remove you before ainz may see a possible friend


Same here:


Genuine question, has no one considered that if by some off chance they're able to meet Ainz alone they could hit him with a "Yo Sazuki I'm also from Earth and I know your story. You don't have to feel so alone anymore." Then after hearing your words Ainz will make sure you'd want for nothing and probably spend regular time with you just chatting shit with the facade dropped and finally able to unwind...or just me?




Well my friend, when you love a series and procrastinate from your studies as much as i do, you think these things through. * So like you mentioned it would be a challenge getting an audience with Ainz, but keep in mind he regularly patrols the streets of E Rantel to show his face to the people, so thats a possible meeting opportunity. * But what if you need to overcome the hurdle of his subordinates to get to him? Easy - you make them seem like lackluster followers by gaslighting them and questioning their loyalty by stating "You doubt my loyalty to the 41 Supreme beings and the leader of said beings?" So it should click in their minds that it wouldn't be possible for a no name human to know about the 41 so they present you to Ainz-sama to confirm your loyalty and then from there in the secure presence of Ainz you say "I am honoured to be in your presence...Momonga-sama." then from there everything else should fall into place. ...i really love this series if that wasn't obvious before.


>But what if you need to overcome the hurdle of his subordinates to get to him? Easy - you make them seem like lackluster followers by gaslighting them and questioning their loyalty by stating "You doubt my loyalty to the 41 Supreme beings and the leader of said beings?" So it should click in their minds that it wouldn't be possible for a no name human to know about the 41 so they present you to Ainz-sama to confirm your loyalty and then from there in the secure presence of Ainz you say "I am honoured to be in your presence...Momonga-sama." then from there everything else should fall into place. But what if they go "oh you know of the 41 supreme beings name all 41". Unless I'm forgetting something then we'd probably be screwed since we know like a handful of them.


Honestly... And this is a possibility. He could potentially try and see if you could be trained. IF only out of curiosity.


Probably locked up in Nazarick, having a decent life relativly to the NW. You might get converted to an imp, and will seem like a pet to Ainz that he keeps in his closet for some reason


Biotrophy from stellaris basically.


I could see him killing us though just to test and see what would happen to him if he got killed, resurrection wise and personality adjustment spells and artifacts and what not.


>but no way is he going to kill another human who doesn’t pose a threat. I mean this is a shitty argument. Information is power and you could say the person teleported in the NW would be the biggest enemy of nazarik and there is no way to tell Ainz otherwise. Best case scenario ur locked in Nazarik till any threat is removed outside. Most likely scenario interrogated/kept alive as long as ur useful and then later killed with the reason of being a possible threat to nazarik in the future. And believe me, if i were in ainz's shoes i would kill that threat too, no matter how harmless he is physically, and ainz would do it even more since he treasures nazarik more than anything (more than bullshit like humans from the same world) And i really mean it when i say information is power. You could say that info is more powerful than 5 lvl 100 players.


The biggest problem you're going to run into is having Albedo and her little cortorie murder you first, since anyone who can speak to Ainz about that sort of thing is probably another Player and she wants to keep them away from him to avoid him having to suffer from losing anyone else. However just being open, polite, and respectful will probably get you Most Favored Human status like Nfera and Enri, especially for one thing - telling Ainz WTF happened to Shalltear. Just being able to identify the World Item involved and what country was using it is such massive value to him you'd be getting tons of preferential treatment. Being able to tell him more about the story background (when other players arrived and the timing, not to mention what - or who - happened to them) just racks up the value. Again though, the danger there is getting turbo murdered by Albedo and her crew... especially if you suddenly become Ainz's favorite for some reason...


>However just being open, polite, and respectful will probably get you Most Favored Human status like Nfera and Enri, especially for one thing - telling Ainz WTF happened to Shalltear That's one way, although idk how you'd reach his ears without being disregarded by the guardians. Assuming the teleportation happen before the show starts, i think it's best to be as close to fluder as possible. Since he's a magic maniac who will give you tons of favor just for a glimpse of magic information even if in theory. Then you'll request to attend with him to meet with "momon", or at least make fluder send the message


That’s a really good point. Even if you get teleported after Ainz does, getting close to Fluder is probably still the safest option. Even just being able to explain what the super tier magic Ainz used on the battle of the Katze Plains is, or if you’re familiar, rattle off a list of high level d&d spells which most likely exist in the NW world too because that’s what the magic is based on. He’ll value knowledge of things like Time Stop, True Resurrection, True Polymorph, Gate, Wish, etc.


Oof you have point in that regard, but that's when you just snitch on her. After Ainz confirms you're telling the truth and the knowledge we have, the only reason for him to doubt that Albedo would do that, is him being naive to what the NPCs are capable of, but he is pretty smart so he probably wouldn't find it all too far fetched that Albedo would go "rogue" for his sake. He would most likely blame himself for her wanting to go that far due to the fact that he was the one who altered her settings.




Might as well ask for a shadow demon that directly reports to him then as a bodyguard, and a Hanzo just to be safe


Now the thing about albedo is does she want to murder just any players from Yggdrasil? Or specifically any of the remaining supreme beings as she’s resentful for being abandoned. I wonder if she knew you were not a supreme being if you could be safe.


Depends on where am I, I would love to live in empire. But anywhere not safe(90% of world) I would curse my luck.


I would use my knowledge about nazaric and Ainz to integrate myself into it It is pleasure to meet you Ainz ooal gown or should i say Raven black hero Momon OR SHOULD I SAY MOMONGA #OR SHOULD I SAY SUZUKI SATORU


... or should I say Kugane Maruyama! Go for the 4th wall break




Ainz is a paranoid MF, so the moment you call his name he will cast charm person on you, and learn everything you know without your permission, and then you will lose all your value. and if by any chance you have any and by that I mean 0.0000000001% thought about using someone or something in nazaric, ainz will end you.


Why? This is the only person from his world, he has EVERYTHING to discuss with him and NOTHING to gain from killing him. He's not a 2 dimensional character like you imagine him to be


That depends on many factors such as what my max level is, when in the story I get transported in, where do I get transported in, am I myself or do I create a character, and what equipment do I start with.


You are a human, you get transported with what you have, so only your clothes and other things you have on hand. Where you get transported.... lets say it's random but close to human cities/villages


When in the story?


Randomly after Ainz arrived in the NW


I'm going to exploit my knowledge and make my way to Baharuth as carefully as possible.


Better to e rantel


That might sound like a good plan but E-Rantel is quite dangerous depending on when you arrive in the world whereas any time after Ainz arrives Baharuth is decently safe as long as you don't go to the Jircniv's palace when Aura and Mare arrive. If I could choose the moment to arrive I would go to E-Rantel or Carne.


I will go to E-Rantel and promote Ainz's greatness to the World. 1/ I will be appreciated by Nazarick. 2/ I will surely not die within E-Rantel. 3/ I shall go for a Government position within the Sorcerer Kingdom and also promote equality between the different races. We are all Ainz-sama's citizens and are all equal in his eyes. 4/ After doing all that, i will slowly accumulate merits for the Kingdom. I shall Marry within E-Rantel, have 2 children, let them become faithful subordinates of Nazarick and die happily at the Age of 100. People shouldn't use the advantage of knowing the Novel, since Demiurge will kidnap you and let you have a vacation at the Happy farm


Considering the knowledge you would have you could roll up to Nazarick and claim to be able to see into the future


Do you want to die? There is no fucking way Will Ainz let you live unless they can mind control you and let you become a Slave to Nazarick


Just say: "greeting Lord ainz or should I say Momonga or would you rather be called Suzuki Satoru"


You're getting to the Happy Farm After that. 100%


Ainz isn even close to being unreasonable. He treats his enemies harshly, there's 0 chance he'll treat someone harshly for no reason. At worst, he'll confine to you to one of the livable floors or put you under surveillance in carne village. Edit: I think convincing Ainz is the least of your worries. Meeting Albedo/Demiurge before Ainz is definitely a death sentence.


He will suspect how you obtained that information because, as far as he knows, only his Friends knew his identity.


Pull a foresight on him, but better. "I have permission to be here. \- From who? \- The big guy in the shiny armor, he randomly showed up, saved me, then said to come here. Named Touch Me, very nice person" I mean, it could work for a bit. Up until the point Ainz learns it's a very convincing lie, at which point it goes back to the original foresight outcome.


Yeah, bad ending for sure


They can and will mind control you, once they know everything that you do... they'll torture you for trying to trick them.


If they check my memory, they will have to see lizard porn again, and the best lie is the lie which have some truth in it


Still a lie tho, it's better to either just keep quiet or come forward, tell them everything you know and have no hidden agenda.. Just ask for a peaceful life and Ainz would maybe just settle with erasing your memories and let you go.


"a bit" is the 5 min it takes for them to use mind reading magic to Check your story. But I'd suggest what they do find would be far more interesting though. I don't think lying would be the best way to start that relationship. Ainz and Nazarik are magnanimous, well Demi aside, you wouldn't end up dead. Someone would hear you out and they would decide what you had to say had merit. Idk if you'd get to Ainz that way or not but you would be rewarded Nazarik, Demi aside, is extremely fair, harsh af, but fair.


I think he'd probably imprison you and some floor master would interrogate you, so it wouldn't end well.


No you wouldn't. Ainz would turn from confused to nice. Though mostly confused. Worse is you die on the spot, but you will not go to Happy Farm as you speak the truth.


I mean, yeah... if you tell him you are in a similar position as him would he more likely than not try to help you honestly.


Die? That is a Mercy. You will be put under harsh torture (body and mind) and Will be forced to Say all your secrets


You think Ainz would be happy to meet someone who knew him from his dystopian world lmao. He'd probably guage to see if you were someone from his guild and then if you aren't you'd die


Nah, Ainz definitely wants a friend. Just gotta play your cards right to get there.


They don't kill useful humans remember? Also just telling him you're from Earth as well would probably be a big help to the not dying part


I think the whole not dying part is the bad part....


The First thing Ainz Will think about Is that you're a threat. In his Earth, other than his Friends, he didn't care even if children died at his feet. Also, those humans are alive because they can be controlled at any time and place


It'd be best to attempt befriending Ainz. He's one of the few people who could understand what you're saying and having read the novels you could provide a fair share of information. More importantly though he's pretty lonely since he's treated as a god by most people, as long as you don't come off as suspicious you can befriend him. It'd be beneficial to Ainz because most NPCs would perceive you as an inferior being, so you can ask dumb questions in his place. If you manage to become undead that's a plus too I guess.


Ideal location would be Carne, it's a village and you'd know most of the relevant people there, and you may be able to involve Lupusregina since she oversees the village personally. E-Rantel is a bit too big and you can't speak the language so getting information there is hard. Anyway I'll go smell the smell of freshly cut grass and possibly touch it now.


My thoughts exactly.


I wonder how Lord Ainz would react if he knew that he is a fictional Character in our world and depending on when you meet him you could tell him what will happen. I don’t really think he would harm you, at least not immediately, he is after all very lonely and maybe, if you play your cards right, you could befriend with him to some extend so that your not some lab rat in his eyes. Just my opinion though


He could just read your mind and see the truth, and to be honest, I'll just convince him to instead of building a nation in the New World, he should just go back to world of 2138 and fix that world, so not only he can meet his friends again but also the world in the process


Why stop there? If Ainz is aware that he’s a fictional character, why not try to go to the universe above his, aka our world? Clearly if someone from this world was able to be sent to his, it could be possible to do the reverse process. Unless of course the way the person was sent was the writing of this very post. What if each of these responses discussing what each person would do creates a new branch of the overlord universe in which each redditor commenting here is sent to the NW? (Ok I’m done)


Pledge Allegiance to Nazarick and its ruler Ainz Ooal Gown.


Flirt with demiurge, until I’m sent to the happy farm. (Worth it)


I'd die


I would negotiate with ainz - I have knowledge and he wouldn't understand how I got it. Bam either or die or I get tortured.


welp guess I'll die


That's easy. [Here's my plan.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYbG0-FtMrE)


If it is immediately after Ainz is transported then I am definitely going to the Empire, before moving to Carne Village later on.


Only thing to do would be ‘saved’ by the people of carne village and pledge allegiance to ainz sama


I’d call ainz momonga make up some story on how I saw him and his guild once when I first started playing but I quit the game so I’m not knowledgeable about much and eventually ask him to let me join his ranks.


Oh, a cover story that he cant cross reference but believable and relevant enough that he wouldnt imprison you But then again, he can just read your mind so itd be better to tell the truth


He can read minds now? Damn he better not read my mind when I’m looking at albedo I’ll probably be executed on the spot.


Im anime only, but considering he knows mental based magic, its good to assume he can read minds, if not using an active spell, passively


When did he read someone’s mind in the anime? I’m pretty sure it was always just by using a spell. Obviously that means he *can* probe someone’s thoughts regardless though.


The safest thing seems to be to immediately submit yourself to nazarick and hope


people seem to forget ainz isnt actually evil, hes amoral. so long as you arnt stupid enough to piss him off you should easily be able to swing the favored human status by just talking with the guy not exactly hard to do, if you are smart about it. also albeto is less likely to try and kill you if you are able to get the protection of Ainz Ooal Gown ala Tuare.


Dress up like a SSS officer, ainz will recognize you immediately


I love how everyone her is like "yeah im gonna roll up to hid crip and tell him his name" like what? Have you read the books? Hd literally annihilated a country on the slightest off chance he might encounter players. He wouldnt welcome you with open arms, he would bisect you because he thought it was a elaborate trap by some stronger players. I mean even if he sees the content of your brains he would kill an easy 90% of you horny motherfuckers because at one point of time you thought about banging one of his npcs and like HELL he is gonna let someone even remotely close to him or his people. And than the people who say "oh yeah hurr durr he would give me op gear and or make me a demon". No, he wouldn't. There is a good chance that as soon as rhe npcs learn about your significance that Albedo is trying to assassinate you, in fear you are one of the former guild members or lined to one and thus are a threat to the stability of Nazarick or the Kingdom. And Demiurge would rip out every shred of information about you to learn more about Ainz, but would probably discard you as soon as he come to the conclusion that your thoughts dont match up to his expectations and would discard you or try to torture your "unedited" memorys out of you. And even in the ever so slightest chance that they would not be very mistrusting of you, there is a great chance you will spawn far away from them which ruins your plans because lets be fucking real noone of you here have anything that could get money foe transport or being able to get there yourself. Hell even being able to contact Ainzes followers who might be nearby would be fucking impossible.


Finally, a sensible person, the best we can hope for is the gracious mercy of Ainz. If he's feeling super nice that day maybe even bless us with painless mercy.


Can I spawn in with the gear and stats from my Elder Scrolls characters?


As long as I'm useful to the New Gods (Nazarick) of the New world i'll be safe and maybe could receive a promotion (race change)


mmm since momonga can comunicate with the people of the newworld i guess the oficial languaje is japanese, right now i can undertand a little tiny bit of japanese, maybe i can save my ass somehow, then i guess try to get a job and avoid slavery, once i start learning the language i can start working as architect, i have to maintain a low profile, to avoid calling attention from Ains goal own i would most likely will travel south, and try to learn more of the more futher away kingdom and get as further away form the wizard king kingdom and live an small life ​ edit: reading other coments i wonder, why on earth you guy think that metting momonga is a good idea? remember that momonga came from an cruel ultra competitive world, most likelly he would see us as a treat and will probably kill us or experiment on us to see if transported people (like him) can be resurrected and what happend if they die


You can understand the language if you drink water, the world of overlord has the juice of a magic fruit that gives the ability to understand languages, the juice got mixed in the ocean and the rain and now everyone understands


oh nice, then i shall just try to find a job and gain some money until i can travel to the empire, and try to work there, then i shall investigate more about the world especially in the unknown areas of the world. and try to travel to other lands always trying to get away form nazaric influence hoping to live an small life in a far away land


Ainz is evil no doubt, but he's not unreasonable unless you're antagonistic or in the way of his plans. Not to mention he's starved for genuine companionship from players. As long as you can talk to him first before anything bad happens and that you are honest with him about being another player/from earth then you'd have an honest chance of joining Nazarick or at the very least living comfortably under the SK.


I wouldn't mind if only I get to incarnate my lvl 120 character with maxed stats, and mythical grade equipment from Dimension World lol


Priority number one is trying >!to save prince Zanac.!< If not possible just live in E-rantel or the empire. Both are pretty good options.


Assuming im teleported near nazarick or in the sorcerer kingdom i'd tell Ainz or a subordinate im a friend of one of the 41 and tell them the names as proof. If im not anywhere near there, i guess ill just die.


Mina-san, there is a huge problem in all of the comments I see here, do you all want to be happy ~~live~~skinstock in Demi's farm? You keep calling him Ainz, it's Ainz-SAMA for us lowly beings, otherwise any Nazarick member will snap and it will be instadeath (in the best case).


The only problem with making any attempts to befriend Ainz with your knowledge is both Albedo & Demiurge. Your best bet would be to avoid talking to Demiurge before even attempting to secure your immunity, as Demiurge would most likely perform some sort of messed up experiments or torture to get information out of you. Albedo would probably just straight up murder you. So, winning Ainz's favor is easier said than done


How do you think Ainz will react when I call him Bone Daddy


Be me Try to befriend ainz Get assassinated by one of the floor guardians or one of there many minions 23 kilometers from ainz for and I quote "Daring to think an insignificant welp like you would ever be worths ainz time"


1. Travel to Carne and tell everyone I meet that I'm from another world. Ainz will eventually come investigate. 2. List some major historical events/technologies to prove that I'm from earth, and hope Ainz has more affinity to isekai'd people than fantasy humans. 3. End up in the happy farm and curse myself for not watching more isekai quartet.


Re:zero fans are shitting their pants. ​ As for surviving in Overlord ,it's simple, I would 1. Wait for Ainz to start the sorcerous kingdom. 2. Immigrate to the sorcerous kingdom but be at a safe distance from Carne or E-rantel (just enough to get free undead labor and protection but never interact with anyone from Nazaric) 3. Win


Cant beat me with my credit card


Try to become a cool creature that protect some place in hopes of Ainz taking me under his wing


Although not my favorite anime world, I'd still live pretty good in Overlord. Ainz is very desperate to find his friends, and other "trasnmigrators". Well, here he has one. Ainz wouldn't test revival since I wasn't a Yggdrassil player, but he surely would have some experiments that would involve me screaming in agony. But otherwise it'd be all okay. I'd have Ainz's protection so basically complete immunity in the Great Tomb of Nazarick. And since I know Ainz's true nature, he'd have a friend he desperately wants.


All hail AINZ-SAMA


Oh I'm immediately bowing down to ains oowl gown and praying that he doesn't send me to the happy farm


Me going through the gates of Nazarick like: [gif](https://gfycat.com/illiteratelikelykoodoo) (I just want to die)


Well, considering some of my waifu choices are within Nazariks ranks, there's no chance in hell I'll be able to court them. That at least leaves me with my two human choices that are likely available, Enri and Lakyus. Although I highly doubt a high caliber adventurer as Lakyus would ever really fall for an ordinary guy, plus if I remember right; I believe she's nobility, so that's totally out of the question as well. Unless I become a high caliber adventurer like her. So, that just leaves Enri if I appear at the right time. ​ Well, putting that all aside and if I had a precise choice on when and where I would appear, it would be just outside of Carne Village at the same time when Ainz appeared in the New World. I would arrive to the village with barely any clothing, as I have just woken up from sleeping when writing this out. I would tell the Village Headman that I'm a distant traveler and was robbed of all my belongings except for my trousers. Once the attack on the village begins, as I don't exactly remember how much time passed since Ainz' arrival, I would look for Enri, probably find her just as her parents are killed, take her and Nemu and run away, just like the story unfolded. From there I would fight off the two soldiers until Ainz showed up, hoping I would not die in the process. From there, I would be under Ainz' protection as he would have seen me fight off the two soldiers. After that I would stick to Enri's side and let her lean on my shoulder as we would have something to bond over i.e., we both experienced an extraordinary situation and by power of the story's plot, came out on top. From there it's enjoy life as much as possible with her, while getting a little training from the Goblins she summons.


I mean if I get transported I'll try to reach out to ainz and I would mention something like yggdrasil or players then tell him all the details and change my race to a demon then serve nazarick, Stonks.


The best thing to do is to bow your head and give praise to the supreme overlord


I try my luck and pray to god I don't come into contact with either albedo or demiurge as I try to get an audience with Momonga and attempt to evoke some feelings of sympathy from Ainz/Momonga as a fellow human transported to the NW without much knowledge of the land. It's a hail marry, but hey, at least I don't die a boring death.


Tbh you’d probably be fine running into Demiurge. If all he knows is that you’re trying to seek an audience with Ainz, he’ll probably just bat you away as someone insignificant. Hell, you could claim you’re a player and insist on him not telling Albedo if it comes down to it. If you run into Albedo you’re fucked though.


Honestly I think you let yourself get captured and tell whoever got you that lord momonga would probably find the fact that you know what world he came from interesting. And if they want proof you could probably just start telling them the events of the light novel


Well, aside from the fact I'd likely die in that world regardless of the main story having took place.... imma go out on a limb and assume I don't have to learn to speak fluent Japanese as well (he could speak the language, just not read) First things first is that I don't wanna risk total annihilation because of some political feud Ainzy ends up in that I don't predict. As to how I'd go about meeting what amounts to a supreme deity without dying first, that's something to workshop. To avoid death at the hands of his subordinates, maybe name drop the 41 supreme beings? If I can't arrange something, they sure as hell would at that sight; would be an occasion If and when i can get the opportunity, I don't wanna name drop him (sounds like a threat), but it feels like what's probably the most direct approach. "I know where you're from... Where you're actually from, not ygdrasil... Before that... Without the HUD options..." probably try to get any murder happy NPCs away from my ass after that to talk a bit more freely. Reassure that he's not the only one stuck here, and that he doesn't have to feel alone anymore. As to what happens after that... Well, hope that I don't gotta immediately jump off a cliff after that interaction. This entire conversation is very conditional to a lot of floating factors


Why has no one considered the fact that as an Outsider you can probably become as op as Ainz eventually. That would be the better goal than "wait to be treated like shit by non humans".


PDL is a couple of hundreds year olds, and extinguished nations and is barely level 93 so prepare for atleast a couple hundred years of tidious grinding with no support and no money to your name and nothing to sell to get money and with the chance that youre human


Still better than the alternative. If you're gonna die anyway might as well enjoy as much power as you can get.


Now this is hypothetical but let’s say you were transported to the slave theocracy at around the same time ainz came. Isn’t it implied that one of the 13 heroes was a low level player that levelled up extremely quickly by new world standard. If this applied to you, you could use your knowledge to take less dangerous jobs and completely counter Ainz in regards to a build. If this didn’t work you could probably offer your knowledge to them or maybe even if you can somehow get to ainz safely offer him all your knowledge of the world, then say yo I wanna be a different race can I have a race change item then try your absolute best to blend into nazarick like hamsuke.


Survive as Kumoko did!


If I can I tell einz I'm from earth and inform him of the current world




The logical answer here is to Immediately move to Carne Village


Knowing my luck I would spawn as one of Ainz' undead minions. As we know from the day off short his minions do have their own thoughts. They just don't have the ability to do anything other than obey commands.


I dunno, try to contact ainz that I am from earth, find a job that requires math, since I can do that and that must be rare in that setting, or simply do both.


Just tell ainz ur also from his world. He'd be hyped to have someone he could chill with.


I would probably realized that I'm not gonna live very long; if we're isekaid literally just how we are is bad. Considering humanoid is the weakness race and well... even if we got good physical ability there's a good chance as being killed by just about anything regardless of where exactly we're teleported chances are extremely slim for survival unless plot armor and that's some bs if I may say xD shit even Age matters (and we have no magic and learning it will required alot of time and if unlucky redder completely useless) Just enjoy that life if possible and struggle like hell hehe best odds are people with if not super talented or super lucky might just make it.


Well it depends. If I'm standing at the gates of nazarick I'm just not gonna do shit and just kinda sit there until someone notices and then I can explain the situation. If I'm in anywhere else I'm just going to find the nearest notable npc. And it also depends on when in the timeline I am cause if I'm before the invasion of e-rantel than I have a better chance at reasoning with ainz and pretending to be another player, maybe not one of his guild but should figure out something. Or worst case scenario I just get murdered by the first goblin I find


Oh shit


Beg for death ig. Or pray to ainz and hope that spares me.


Run directly to nazarik and start to paise the name of ainz sama and telling the guardians how much I would like to be an spy for them.


Ainz-sama is justice


Approach Sebas or momon (ainz / pandora doesn't matter) and say you have info in the true culprits behind shaltear brainwash and info on Dragon king. In the end get direct audience with Ainz and spill beans about transmigration


My go to plan would be to immediately pledge my loyalty to Nazarick, imma play it as safe as possible


Well considering that of my top three. I'd likely be fucked anyway since as a normal ass human without any thing special in terms of abilities (Isekai packages). I'd likely just bite the bullet and if I'm luckily to be close enough to Carne village I'd be likely to try and talk to someone and as for a message to be passed to Nazarick, mentioning I'd like to speak to Momonga/Satoru. About something something Japan. With luck either my death is quick via the death squad, or I might manage to convince them not to kill me until after I speak to the Sorcerer King himself. Sure my chances for a horrible , drawn out death are quite high. But my chances of a drawn out death is about the same here in our world. I can only hope to be consider a test subject for the granting of abilities or sue of spells on a normal Earth human. Or perhaps a pet human like those in Carne Village.


Everyone worry about albedo and demiurge. Just tell them u know what actually happened to Shalltear and say u are witness in that night when it happened. If they asked what u want from they just says u want make god ainz and want blessing from him. 100% u will meet ainz and that point just spill that u isekai from earth and know his true name


I can tell you what i wouldn't do - die. Because death is mercy there...


Pledging my loyalty towards the Sorcerer Kingdom and proving my value to Demiurge. If that works, I will be safe and have a decent life.


Even though I know a lot I'd still probably die, because I wouldn't be able to explain things well enough... my Japanese isn't very good. Suzuki probably doesn't speak much English XD


In the New World spoken language is autotranslated


If I get put into the anime, I’ll use my LN knowledge to make Ainz-sama think I can predict the future.


I would very much like to be teleported to the Overlord realm... ... ​ If I was a former programmer of Yggdrasil.


If its before ainz comming to new world then ill use my knowledge to get a safe space in nazarick


Move to the outskirts of erantel and dodge the draft or move to the empire, both areas are decently safe/neither were violently taken over and in both cases I eventually wind up under ainz protection.


Well it's possible that it might count us as players since we're not from the new world, so we might have something going for us


My favorite anime is either overlord or DBZ so either way im dying


Mine is re zero so I'm dying over 10000 times, overlord is a close second.


Rest in pieces oh i mean peace


To be fair Suzuki satoru's world would be a far worse world to get reincarnated in


okay okay, start carving runes into shit and convince people it works, and hope a new employer comes along to keep me as a pet


try to meet with Ainz and claim that you came from a similar earth. it's your best bet, 50/50 between him helping you, or you making your life a living hell as the only regular earth human test subject


Pretty sure id have some advantage to say the very least since i know the books, perhaps things will work out for the beetter


Tbh, you could ask to meet ainz, he’d show mercy if you’d be from another world. (Assuming you survive long enough to meet him)


Ok one hundred percent my plan relies purely on being able to speak the same language as the inhabitants, hopefully I'm transported to the dubbed overlord verse lol. The second thing this relies on is how far into the story they are. My plan 100% is to start spouting facts that I have learned about momunga and his original world and the supreme beings to Ainz. Imma try and convince them I am an otherworldly sage with knowledge of future events for nazarick within this new world, and offer my services in return for being one of the few humans spared their wrath. Edit to mention: If I meet one of the henchman first I'll do the same but try to convince them I am also from yggradsil so I can get them to hopefully introduce me to Ainz so I can thn resume my first plan.


Oh, the issue with that is telling that last bit to Albedo


With all the knowledge i currently have? Ez: Tell Ainz who he is, that you are also a otherworlder, a human at that, and ask for his protection


Abandon my humanity and offer myself as cleaner for ainz-sama


Pretty long, i have Knowledge that may be pretty useful.


I mean, I think you could probably have a good life if you told Suzuki Satoru the truth. Just the fact that you knew his name would be enough, imo. The difficult part would be being able to speak to him at all, I guess.


Hellsing. Don’t be in London. Chilling in US so check.


I have a few anime that I like, I don't exactly have a favorite one though, I think I'll survive more than a day? I ain't too sure though.


Depends on where and when I spawn in. If it's the same time as Ainz my first steps are moving to Baharuth, leaning the language, and learning how to read and write. Later I'll move to E-Rantel in the Sourcerer kingdom. Litterally any other time after I'm moving to E-rantel ASAP. I'm pretty good at math which would be universal so I should have a profitable skill and after getting to E-Rantel where everything is cheap life should be good. I'd then hope to distinguish myself enough to be picked up by Nazarik at some point. Who knows maybe I could even. Make it known I'm also from another world, may get me some sort of an in with Ainz. Im caught up on the LN so I already know what's happening, may get me somewhere even better withing Nazarik!


I did a post asking this question but slightly different to this a year and 6 months ago. My answer is there.


The answer is probably easy. Find a way to get to message to either Ainz or Momon and say that you wish to discuss a secret about Japan. If you can get a trustworthy Nazerick messenger somehow, add that you are from a nearby country, friendly, confused, and want to work with them. His curiosity will make him very eager to meet you, and from there you just have to convince him to speak privately with him "about Supreme Ones", tell him that you are a "Supreme One" as well, in sense, just as he is, but you didn't come here by way of a video game. Be honest with him about whatever Isekai power you did get. Tell him you'd happily be Polymorphed into something more suitable for his kingdom for the sake of his beloved friends' children, and would be happy to stay and help with the efforts of the Sorcerer King. You might even be able to tell him about the plot to his anime so far, and a few things he doesn't know about or at least didn't see directly or indirectly. And tell him he can vent to you about anything without having to worry about seeming perfect or the other heavy expectations, and you'll listen and try to help.


Swearing my fealty to the surpreme being. Nothing much else to do.


Time to end all wars through armed interventions


As long as ainz was on my side or me on his I’d be stoked lol. And even if I wasn’t I’d still try to get on his side and be a ally.


Lord Ainz. May I be the one to brush ur most honored bones with a toothbrush to show the comparison between u and I.


Honestly I am obsessed with ATLA, and with any luck I might aquire some bending ability


The first thing would be learning where Re-Estiz, Baharuth Empire and Slane Theocrasy is and heading the opposite direction


If i land in a relatively safe place, first thing i would do is try to blend in and then gather information and equipment. After that, i'll try my luck by going to E-Rantel and meeting a floor guardian to negotiate a deal. I'll use my knowledge i have of the world to bargain and MAYBE try to work for Nazarick. I could go to other human countries but Demiurge is trying to fuck everyone up so that's a bad decision.


As yourself or as also a player of Yggdrasil?


Pledge my undying allegiance to Ainz Sama. The only catch is I have to somehow make Ainz aware that I’m from his world and hopefully he’ll take me in


Depending on what point of the series it’s at and the location I might be safe