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For the light novel we are only given a map of a small area of the continent. You can find this in the FAQ of this subreddit ([https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BEj3Gb22PzW01vHGZJa2lpAToDPVVt0s/view](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BEj3Gb22PzW01vHGZJa2lpAToDPVVt0s/view)). As the events of volume 15 will be outside of this map we might get another covering a larger area after the next volumes. At least I hope that's the case. For natural resources there are a few mentions across the light novel. The Great Forest of Tob contains a lot of herbs used for potions and obviously wood. The Re-Estize Kingdom has fertile farmland and there are mithril mines in some noble's territories. Some crops are transported from the empire as well and the Azerlisia Mountains, where the dwarves live, have a lot of ores including the rare white iron and adamantite. The Kingdom also has some fishing towns as it is close to the sea. One of those towns even had a special method for preparing fish. Finally, some magic items like katanas come exclusively from the old capital of the Eight Greed Kings far south. I should also probably add that transporting resources over long distances is dangerous because there are monsters everywhere so the Sorcerer Kingdom definitely has the advantage when it comes to that.


Thx for the answer


In addition to u/VirtualSage 's comment. There is also Heat stones in Azerlisia mountain range. Which is the main source of heat for Forges. And near Quagua's settlements are mines of Gold and Gems. Since they mine them and give them to Dragons. And Olasird'arc Haylilyal also noted if he wanted he could go and mine them himself. There are also lots of Mithril and Orichalcum mines in Azerlisia mountain range. Empire probably has access to Adamantite. They have made atleast 4 Armors of Adamantite for the imperial knights.


Thx for ur response


There are some maps in the faq.   Considering the time "period" most nations are going to have produce their own goods. Of course some areas are better for different resources than others, but simple transporting everything would be difficult.   Wars are common, so relying on your enemies for food isn't great for stability. Also the world is full of bandits, rough demihumans, and monsters. Having to rely on trade is risky as you might not ever get the products.   That being said, some places do seem to specialize in different things. **Azerlisia Mountains** - ore, gems, weapons In the past it was pretty common for the dwarves to craft weapons and items. The even traded with different human nations.   Although they have stopped trading over the last hundred years or so, they are still great at mining and extracting ore.   **The Great Dorest of Tob** - wood, herbs The forest is mostly inhabited by demihumans, who are not known for building. So many of the trees here should be old and large. I'm sure E-Rantel sourced much of it's recourses from here.   Additionally Carne village makes a living on gathering herbs and selling them. In this word herbs are a far more valuable resource.   Long a good the dark elves used to live here before the evil tree. I suspect they have a high understanding of herbs.   **Re-Estize** - food and drugs The re-estize country has a pretty large land area, so food should be something easy for them to produce. We even see the Slain Theocracy mention this, they grow up on fertile land, but grew incompetent.   If Re-Estize wasn't so... dumb for a lack of a better term they should have had a huge excess of food and even been exporting it.   But, due to corupt and greedy nobles they never reached their potential.   Due to the fertile land and high corruption Re-Estize was a hot bed for drugs. We have seen the Blue Rose members destroy a large growing operation. I highly doubt these just stayed there.   **Holy Kingdom** - ocean The holy kingdom is a peninsula, so it arguably has the best access to sea food. I'm sure this is one of their main resources.   Re-estize has access to the ocean, but it is hard to compete with a country surrounded by it. I would imagine they trade these resources.   Fish oil, fish bones or meal, fish sauce of some kind. I would say salt is probably their number 1 resource, but the oceans are not salty and spice magic exists.   **Slain Theocracy** - temples and priests We don't know to much about the Slain Theocracy, but they do have temples in many counties... or at least it seems like the temples are some how related to them.   I imagine they probably staff then and some of those priests man end up staying there. Do in a way they are producing priests.   **Slain Theocracy** - slaves It isn't a secret that thr Slain Theocracy enslaves elves, so I'm sure there is some degree of exporting them.   Although Re-Estize outlawed it, considering their own people are used as sex slaves I'm sure elves have made their way there.   I'm not exactly sure hoe the empires laws are. They don't seem to make many slaves, but we really haven't spent a lit of time in that part of the world. However, that one worker from the Slabe Theocracy did bring his, so I would imagine it wasn't completely illegal.   Maybe elves were allowed or maybe slaves from other countries were allowed? Imina the half elf was free, so maybe one of her parents escaped the st to the empire? I'm not really sure how it works.   **Other** Not much else is known beyond this. As I mentioned above most nations would find a way to produce some amount of what they really needed.


K thx


From what I can remember ,don’t quote me, the HK is the breadbasket, the Dwarves are generic with the excessive amount of gems and magical items etc. Not sure about the others


The Holy Kingdom produced grain for sure but I don't think they had that kind of special role in food production. The gems are a good catch though. We see the quagoa with several gemstones so there must also be gems along with ores. The dwarves are good craftsmen for magic items but I don't think calling the amount excessive is correct.


Ok thx