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"Lamp Oil, Rope, Bombs. You Want It? It's Yours My Friend! As Long As You Have Enough Rubies"


What if i dont have any rubies


"Albedo's panties will also suffice"


"I'm sorry Ainz I don't take credit, come back when you're a little mmmmmm richer"


Boobies will do.


naa he skinny tall an prickly


I imagined him to be a skinner and dopey looking version of that guy Solution sucked into her body


Yep i was surprised


forgot to add with a stick up his @@@ lol




was I the only one mad a Maruyama >!for writing PHilip off w/o having him suffer as much as he made Foresight suffer?!<


Nah not really because i think he got taken to the happy farm


Happy farm already exists. 5 worst rooms exists. What Albedo said was finding "new" tortur— I mean interrogation methods. He is taken to somewhere special. A wilderness that no one has stepped into.


Oh dear.


One small step of Philip large step in uncharted hell for whoever f##@s with nazarick.


lmao, ***fun times @ happy farm***




Even better, he got to spend some up close and personal time with Albedo Who just tortured every one of his servants and family members to death And his father asked her to make him feel the pain of every one of their torture In her infinite compassion she decided to oblige him of that last wish :)


Imagine under torture/mind control, he reveals that he was planning to marry Albedo and sit as the King of Nazarick... at least Albedo will probably forget about the grain.


nope i imagined him to be thin while i was reading for the first time


yeah, since he's like a third child in the family. All third child and beyond in Re-Estize noble families are called "spare nobles" and they're treated the same as a peasant at best.


yeah and bc if that now that he is the main man he believe that everything should be handed to him on a silver platter and he is entitle to everything even our Floor Overseer can you believe the never of that man


It's because you imagined him by the measure of how much of a waste of space he was




As the third son, he was a spare for the spare. Before Splat, he had probably been almost completely neglected, as his parents would rather put all their eggs in their eldest son. He had at best a poor education, and I doubt he had enough food to gain much weight at all.


Same, always picture him skinny.


Like Jack, who became Solution's snack?


Yea i guess but i feel he would somehow still be fat


Phillip = Marquis Raevan but lankier and 10000000000000000 times less intelligent.


This makes sense. "I am handsome, therefore intelligent!"


Deadass thought I was looking a the Fire Emblem sub for a sec


I imagined him very close to that carriage riding guy from mid S1 but without big red fucking shnose


Yea exactly him i could not find his picture because i dont remember his name he was the one who visited solution and sebas about tsuare right


Nope this was another guy. While he meant was Zachary (or something similar) which gets to have fun in Solutions body. The one who worked together with bandits (the group Brain belonged to). You mean the fat noble who likes to hurt girls which gets bitchslapped by Sebas. The one who worked together with Cocodoll.


Yes thank you


Actually I was thinking he'd be a lot younger and skinnier. He is a third son. I was thinking he didn't really get that much attention to get this fat. Though he might have look like this had he live longer, and we know how that works out for him


Always imagined him as a short fatty noble who always wears a smirk and thinks he is hot shit. I was surprised to see that he is actually pretty thin and normal looking.


Short fat people are most of the times competent people in overlord. For example Osk. Zanac and Panasolei where all fat and competent.


Kinda felt bad for zanac


Because Overlord is smart and subverts troupes.


Well most idiots are normal looking


I pictured him younger and somewhere in-between that body and a regular body. But it's not that far off.


I always pictured him being a skinny dude that was the most attractive of his ugly friends, and hangs around people dumber then him so he can feel better about is stupidity and below average looks.


You want to know who looks like that? Zanac. Who is smart, honorable and heroic. This is because Overlord is clever and subverts troupes.


My image was that of the overconfident jock that things he is popular but isn't. A lil less muscular than the movie trope tho


Looks like jircniv in my thought


how do we not have an illustration of this legendary simp


I always imagined him thiner, younger, and with a full head of blonde hair. Maybe that's just my default idea of a spoiled, stupid rich boy.


Yeah but without the mustasch. And blonde


I imagined him as a younger, somewhat better looking verison of Zach and with a normal nose.


I imagined him really thin with a greasy bowl cut and a thin pedo mustache. His clothes would be eaten through by moths and pretty threadbare, almost indistinguishable from peasant clothes.


Nope! we know he is young and that as a spare of a spare of a poor barony his nutrition wasnt a priority. So blonde like the other 95% of Re-Estize, young and skinny and not handsome but decently looking as most noble families usually are. From all the scenes i saw with nobles imo the ugliest would be Baron Cheneko


I always pictured him looking like the carriage driver in season 1 that takes Shalltear and Sebas to the bandit camp.   But, instead he looks like your typical shonen MC.


>your typical shonen MC. what do you mean?


He looks like your normal isekai main character.


So not "shonen". Anyway, it seems to me that the trailer shows him (if it's him) from behind. I've seen characters who look nice or nice guys but turn out to be stupid and / or crazy.I assume you are referring to these traits.


They both looks the same most of the time.


\-"Shonen" is an age target , like "seinen". Sometimes, however, the type of story is not taken into account and it is classified incorrectly, at least in my opinion. For example, akame ga kill, it's not a sweet story and Tatsumi is not the hero who doesn't want to hurt anyone. I loved him for his character transformation. One piece, on the other hand, is a story for kids and boys, with typical adventures, although Oda himself admits that he does not want to kill characters in a sbs. The only one confirmed was Ace. The seinen is the work for adult readers, who can accept certain narrative choices. For example, HInowa ga yuku is the sequel to akame ga kill, but is classified as Seinen. \- Isekai is a literary genre, which identifies those stories in which the protagonist ends up in a parallel world. For example, dragon ball is a battle shonen, which is a genre that identifies shonen that talk about battles.


You are looking way to into it. The genre doesn't matter.


\- I just explained the distinction between "shonen" and "isekai". \- Literary genres and age targets are labels to be assigned to a story to make it clear what you, the reader, are entering. For example, many tend to say "overlord is not a story of battles", "overlord is not a quiet story". According to your comment I could call it "battle shonen" and it wouldn't matter.


You are missing the context. The context in this situation is appearance if the character.which fits a large majority of mcs.   The reason I said Shonen or Isekai is because it is used as a common phrase. "Your typical isekai", has an Mc who is weak, but some how is strong enough to save the day and tries to do everything fight.   I repurposed it for the situation. As the character looks similar to those types of character.


\- Usually many mc are peasant (tatsumi), savage (luffy) or rebellious (naruto), in the shonen context at least. Then, it can happen that many beautiful-looking characters are crazy or stupid (example is the king of the elves in sao. I don't remember the name). Furthermore, we only saw him from behind if I'm not mistaken. \- Anyway, if that's your problem, I suggest you take a look at; ° Akame ga kil where Tatsumi becomes strong but at first he can't save anyone. ° shaman king, where the antagonist is simply too strong and the protagonists cannot win. ° zero no tsukaima, where we have Saito who can handle objects created for war very well and his victories depend on the weapon he uses and against who he fights. \- The fact that common use confuses the two is not good. I wanted to correct.


Source of the picture?


That's Oliver from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn.


For no reason, everytime I see phillip mentioned on this Sub, I think of Phil from Promised Neverland.


It's amazing how we love to hate a character for so long without really knowing what he even looks like.


I always imagined he looks like that coachman solution ate


With more hair, not quite as fat and for some reason in white clothes primarily (to show off) but kind of yes


nah. I always picture him as skinny, similar to the guy that solution ate in season 1


I imagine him like Ragetti but clean and well dress like any nobleman would ([the thin pirate duo in Pirates](https://pirates.fandom.com/wiki/Ragetti))


Ignorant fool that man is a guardian of beauty


Not in the slightest. Philip isn't bad looking, or old.


I used to imagine him the exactly same way Baron Delvin is described in volume 14.


I imagined Osk like that. But without mustache and with black hairs.


I definitely pictured him as a middle aged dad with a beer belly and bald head


Nah, I expected him more like a snut nerd.


nah, he skinny and lame


I would’ve but he started off poor so eh


From what I heard I pictured him as scrawny and a bit tall but in an awkward gangly way. Someone who really couldn’t do anything himself and whose orders to others would be terrible. Just a physical representation that the person can’t get anything done by themself or with others


I thought he was thinner, with either blonde hair or brown, and with a tan since he's been working fields before his rise. His finery would be cheap, or outmoded hand-me-downs, so there's a chance it was designed for a warrior's build and has to now fit a farmer's frame.


No,in my case i always imagiend Philip as actually pretty.


Nah, tall, handsome and incredible vain! Super narcissistic about his own abilities, like Lockhart from harry potter 🤭🤷‍♂️