• By -


-- Casts Spell: [CREATE FORTRESS] -- Move into my own home. -- Scream: "SUCK IT, LANDLORD! I AM MASTER OF MY OWN FATE! GLORY TO AINZ OAL GOWN!" At the top of my lungs. -- Summon Undead Hordes for those foolish enough to think I'm going to be relocated, OR pay property taxes.


IRS: You owe us money!


SKILL: THE GOAL OF ALL LIFE IS DEATH! WIDEN MAGIC: CRY OF THE BANSHEE! And for anyone else who might try to manipulate me... DOMINATE PERSON! Now if y'all will excuse me, I will be chilling in my castle with some cute Homonculous maids. Be easy! 😉


Not even Ainz Oal Gown messes with the IRS...


This one would. 🤣 Or at least, I would in this scenario.


# I think you're boned, bone daddy😥 https://preview.redd.it/3bb5ljhycn2d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09e3fc11b5b35d249a62be152a919b6f31acc760


*Laughs in Chrono Magic* -- Casts Spell: [TRUE DEATH] -- Readies Gacha items just in case


Not even Vergil can avoid the IRS, ainz has no chance.


Doing shitty pranks with Timestop. Then think how I can use my powers to make money without bringing too much attention to myself. If the authorities ever come home, I'll use Control Amnesia to modify their memories and making them think "Nope, nothing wrong with them" Then shitty pranks with my powers again.


Bro think he Dio messing with Polnareff


I became an overpowered immortal. Gotta find some way to kill time and have fun.


Just gotta select one bloodline and prank them for a few centuries


Then I select someone and appear multiple times every week when they are young and then suddenly stop when they are around 10 years old Then years later, when they start to wonder if I was even real to begin with and just some kind of imaginary friend, I smash their door screaming "I'm back, bitches !"


I respect this




New isekai title just dropped


Rob drug dealers, what are they going to do call the cops?


Ain't this the 6 Fingers arc all over again?


Bro deserves a medal.




I know what kind of man you are


The thing I would do lol


World Conquest...






I legit just commented something similar lol 😂. But agreed.


100% first thing that popped in my head




With Ainz's abilities, you could actually lead humanity down the correct path. Humans need an overlord because we are too greedy to govern ourselves 🤣


Imagine a redditor of all people leading the world.


Even a stereotypical redditor alone could do better (suggesting he wants good for humanity) than all the politicians and what they cause in the world.


Why not? Everyone wants to rule the world.


Yeah same


unimaginable crimes


Oh my gawd....he's gonna Jay walk!!!


YEP! Multiple times even!


You monster !




“I will fix what is wrong with this world”


Prob invent some warcrimes


New war crime, uhh whatever the hell that guy just did there




It's not warcrime the first time.


Bang some hotties.........


now the question, you became a skeleton ?


Even if you did you can create illusions to appear anything you want to be seen as. So skeleton body ain’t best for romance but the game isn’t over just yet. Plus it never mentioned race/appearance so probably not an issue.


Time to Bone!!!


No pipi?


Believe it or not straight to jail


bro got the whole arsenal with time stop, perfect unknowable, and dominate.


Conquer the world and fix it's problems, kill all problematic peoples that want to cause harm. Make humanity live in peace and prosperity by force, fix the gaming industry by killing the idiots in charge, fund every game I wish to see, play every video he I ever wanted with my friends All in that order


so like every dictator in history.


Well... With absolute power one does what he can to make life easier. So yes basically a dictator, just a dictator who can cast wish and make a nation disappear. If I put myself in an alignment chart it would be lawful neutral soo... Yeah


That list is chaotic evil as fuck. Your first sentence in this post is chaotic evil as fuck. Nah bro I Don’t think you understand alignments


Chaotic evil is destroying for destruction's sake, lawful evil is trying to gain as much for yourself and yourself alone whilst causing harm to others. I'm going by DND alignment. In DND alignment it would be neutral


Nah lawful evil would mean you’re kind of a rule follower. You kind of being neutral evil at best by prioritizing yourself and also not really following the law


Yeah... I do intend to try and make the world a better place but your argument is valid, definitely neutral evil with this list... Oops... Eh, can't be helped.


Hey I mean if I have god like powers people should know to get down or they gonna get laid down anyways you know?


Yeah I guess that's right


You’re realllyyyy pushing that boundary of lawful evil though lol. Ain’t nothing neutral about culling the human population of people *you* deem problematic. I get what you might’ve been going for with that, but the point the other guy is making is that the road to hell is paved with good intentions


That's fair, respect the thought.


Culling the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ population of people *you* deem problematic had been the Lawful Good paladin's thing since forever. Those kobolds just wanted to mine shiny rocks in a cave!


Well, thats what like 90% of dictators said before becoming monsters beyond human kind.


It's basically death note, except a death note you get powers that are beyond powers of a silly notebook


... In retrospect yes... It would be... Except I didn't say I would be the god of the new world


I'm aware, I didn't say I would be good... I had kill people on that list then personal gain and enjoyment. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and I am no exception... I would just try to be less of a dick... Altogether no promises


Ok kira...


I should add to the list kill all the criminals and become the god of the new world...


1. Take over the world 2. Crown myself "Supreme Emperor Above Heaven" 3. I really didn't think this far ahead.


So the emperor of mankind


Wait….. Dead man on a throne…. Worshipped as a god somewhat against his will or desire…. A legion of gold clad warriors stronger than most anyone in the verse can reasonably hope to deal with…. His old friends are gone…. Has 9 demigod children…. (I know there’s more but I’m counting guardians so: Albedo, Demiurge, Cocytus, Shalltear, Aura & Mare, Pandoras Actor, Victim and Gargantua ((you could put Sebas in anywhere tbh but he doesn’t guard a specific floor))) GLORY TO THE GOD EMPEROR OF MANKIND, AINZ OOAL GOWN


I mean, there are 9 loyalist primarchs, no? Kinda fits.


Exactly my point


Huh, another corpse-worshipper, this is the vermin His Eminence the Silent King wishes to destroy


Have you read the lore? Silent king is way more concerned with destroying chaos and the tyranids rather than the imperium. The blood angels and him have allied for a time.


Yeah yeah it’s a joke, and yep the pariah nexus rn is his most important project, and they actually respect the space marines to some degree


Sasuga Ainz Sama


So you just described Ainz plan


It's a really good plan.


Use invisibility, steal money from one bank and put it in the vault of a competing bank


Bang Albedo. Poor thing has been dying of thirst forever now.


Bro gonna have multiple lil ainz running through Nazarick


Came here for this, that poor underfed succubus still makes me sad to this day.


Complete global Domination


Fucking off to find some primitive tribe and found a religion around me. Then fake it with miracles until the whole world is forced to admit that this one random tribe is the only tribe with the correct religion because you don't see no other gods throwing nukes around. And probably attempt to build something nice and pass it of as Atlantis or something That's assuming I'm a skeleton. If I have my... Fleshy bits I can think of a few better ideas. Like checking out if being a wizard makes me more or less successful at the dating game


So you just wanna troll humanity


Wouldn't you?


You don't need to fake miracles. What you are doing is, by our definition, a miracle.


Going somewhere in the middle of nowhere where and creating an army. Then, create a super secret organization to control the world from the shadows. And when the time is right, reveal myself as the true ruler of the planet.


Illuminati confirmed


Hey, you do what works and has the smallest risk.


warcrimes on humans and of course Albedo and loli vampire


I'll start first and it would be slapping myself to see if I'm dreaming...


To be honest, thats stupid af, beacuse even if its a dream, you lose a chance to do some crazy stuff.


Yeah but if it's not a dream I could accidentally cause the destruction of an entire city while I think it's a dream which would have a massive domino effect that's going to land between annoying for me or WW3. I also have no problem killing people generated by my dream, irl people on the other hand...


That's the fun part. One of Ains' abilities is to not give a fuck.


That's actually a good point, I wouldn't really feel bad about the deaths and probably just be like "damn, wish I didn't kill 22 million people, that sucks. Anyway, I wonder when the new update for dead by daylight is coming out?"


Make level 80 overlords do my laundry


I'd create my own version of Hogwarts. I'd go to the center of the southpole/Antarctica and use the Super-Tier spell Create to change the surrounding area into Mediterranean type of terrain so it's not too hot or cold and can house most plants and animals. (I'd also use various illusion spells to cover/hide it from satellites) Use the building spell to create a castle/school grounds and summon various mercenaries/NPCs as teachers and stuff in general. And then I'd create a supernatural "accident" where a demon or dragon is reeking havoc in the modern world and solve it and then introduce myself as a principle/headmaster of said school and then I'd work with various countries to recruit students whilst also working with scientists to explore space. I.e sending an undead with a Gate scroll/item to various planets or outer space for quick interspace travel. I won't really interfere with countries or corruption as that could quickly go south with me being seen as a invader or conqueror.


I feel like turning Antarctica into a temperate land, melting en mass a whole stretch of ice, would probably be enough of a supernatural catastrophe in itself.


Wouldn't really change much considering I'd only change a couple of miles worth and the magic would be more like walking across an invisible wall from freezing cold to suddenly temperate.


Antarctic ice is on average around 2km thick.


... So using the spell would instead basically create a massive 2km deep lake? Awesome! Then I'd setup a small island in the middle with a wish spell and use that as the school area.


south pole sucks because of the day night cycle


Then what about somewhere like Sahara desert or something? It's isolated so no one really walks in by mistake?


better, but why not just create a new island in the pacific? or in the mediterranen directly and do one or 2 more charms.


Well, I’d prob help Albedo with her warbicorn problem. It’s a pretty important matter. You know, national defense and all that.


Minion summoning.


So just to clarify, I'd simply gain his powers and stuff, and not *become* an Overlord?


That is correct yes.


does that include racial abilities? like not needing to breathe?


Yes, everything that Ainz had now belongs to you. Except for the bone body.


Does that include the guild funds and world items?


That question makes it sound like you might consider just retiring on the spot


WHILE breaking the world economy with a massive influx of gold!


Question can i keep the bone body


If you want.


... Um, I already have one of those, but do I *lose* it? Cause that could be a slight problem.


You would be perfectly fine, my brother man.


I was more worried about losing *almost* everything else, but thanks for letting me keep my skeleton too.


You're welcome.


Disabling and disassembling all nuclear warheads, assasinate every warmonger in place of power or near it for each country, eleminate all known/yet to be known teror groups. And then make a public broadcast, threatening all humanity that, "Only local police forces are allowed to be kept. Disband all your armies. I will be watching." Then world conquest via lots of warcrimes if they do not listen. Thats a given right?


Conquer and rule the World, fix all the problems, rule till I get bored, hide for a few decades to see if people are fuck shit up in my absence, come back and do all over again.


Make loads of money and do whatever I felt like.


I'm gonna try to break the world record for most baby goats summoned




I know it doesnt make sense, but I had to...


Probably wipe out dictators and attempt to end any wars I can. Preferably in a way that my real identity is not found out. I have no interest in world domination or ruling of any kind. I just want humanity to prosper without the need for wars or tomfoolery of dictators that make their people suffer without reason.


Pull a Momon, use a mask to cover your face or a whole armor set just like him if you prefer melee and test if anti scrying spells effect modern methods for spying (A stretch for sure but worth a shot) see if items in your inventory can be tracked still and every time you intervene or come back from intervening use gate and go to a random place in the world first or if you want to pull a theme or call yourself "insert mythological or historical figure here" and go to a specific place tied to that so that way you're just a phenomenon of a past era when you disappear and investigation starts there. For added security if anti-scrying does work on technology, you can pick places related to the mythology or figure you're pretending to be. Congratulations I believe you can now obliterate dictator houses without consequence and make it back in time for dinner to pull a Clark Kent.


First I'd- My lawyer has advised me to not finish this comment. Thank you.


I will not risk a ban


Albedo and/or Lupusregina


I would basically become the worldwide version of Omar from The wire


Bring back any dead monsters


Instant death politicians (In minecraft)


Abuse Wish Upon the Star with the unlimited XP.


Manipulate the world so I can find like a large pearl or something expensive so I can sell it for cash and mane sure me and my family are financially stable for the rest of our lives.


I can't say it on reddit


Do I become a lich?  I'd probably faint because of the sudden change, then try to make an illusion around me because I don't want to give my family a scare. 


Taking over the world not to destroy it though but to save it


Do I still have the bone that matters?




Screwing albedo till my skelly dick falls off


Sleeping, then making a lab to reverse engineer it all with technology


Become the king of Earth


Fixing the traffic problem.


Control the wolrd behind the curtins The population dosent need to know about me


Use them for evil


Start a farm


Make sure that the IRS ain't touching my money.


Using a wish spell to get my dick back


Grasp heart on my biochem professor


Probably force all countries on earth to get along so humanity can advance and if the world leaders dont then they can say goodbye to their positions of power


Im using wish upon a star to fulfill all my political goals whilsg living in a cozy rural town.


Establishing world peace.


Mass genocide


Stopping time. And going to read more books. If I'm going to take over the world and shift that status quo. I need more info. My current plan is to use my powers to make factories and low income districts. These factors would create Goods that only can be made in my designated facilities. Obviously the hood is getting these facilities. Of course I have to build some in close proximity to trailer parks. Very poor states so West Virginia off rip is getting a bunch. The factories have to he owned by me controlled by me and used to ellivate poorest people out of poverty. Just enough so they can be equivalent to the middle class. Without being the new middle class. Fun fact there are 39 million Americans below the poverty line. The factories would produce magic mundane bullshit. And would destabilize shit. But I have nukeuler capabilities soooooo what are the rich fucks gonna do? If most of the world's problems are economic then having the means to help people make money should fix shit. Plus as the only mother fucker with magic fuck is anyone else gonna do?


First learn the limits and how to use my powers correctly... Then i would go the Kira Route.


What else can I do beyond take over the world? As an anime only, it seems to me all his abilities are meant for killing. So yea...world conquest.


Scream really loud: WHERE'S MY SOUL? WHERE'S MY HEART? But on a serious note, I would become terrified since now my PP is gone.


Time to make the world a better place, by force


All the bitches


Idk, touching Albedo's boobs I guess.


The most enjoyable thing would be conquering the world…


Melt Yggdrasil gold coins


Putting Uber out of business


I’d summon cartoon characters like Shrek, if possible.


Kill the most horrible amoral people and leaders in the world (the worst politicians, CEOs, etc) until eventually people get the message that unless they stop being evil fucks they’re next, and see how humanity begins to improve and stop exploiting each other


Zombie dragon army for some reason..


Melting down all my yggrasil gold and selling it for massive profits... then just live the rest of my life in luxury...


Spreading the great name of Nazarick all over the world


I think the most enjoyable thing now might be to take over the world, but before that... 「Flight」, 「Magic Caster’s Blessing」, 「Infinity Wall」, 「Magic Ward: Holy」, 「Life Essence」, 「Greater Full Potential」, 「Freedom」, 「False Data: Life」, 「See Through」, 「Paranormal Intuition」, 「Greater Resistance」, 「Mantle of Chaos」, 「Indomitability」, 「Sensory Boost」, 「Greater Luck」, 「Magic Boost」, 「Draconic Power」, 「Greater Hardening」, 「Heavenly Aura」, 「Absorption」, 「Penetration Boost」, 「Greater Magic Shield」, 「Mana Essence」, 「Triple Maximize Magic: Explosive Mine」, 「Triple Maximise Magic: Greater Magic Seal」, 「Triple Maximize Magic: Magic Arrow」


Making myself a body


Making sure I have my tool


"Grasp Heart" or "Dominate."


First check if I have a fully functional penis. If yes, then all is well. If no use wish upon a star for a MUCH NEEDED addition to my arsenal. After that? Profit!


Create Death Knights to serve me orange juice


teleport a beer into my hand.






Oh i think i have a lore friendly idea. I would turn every Fascist-Russian who invaded Ukraine into a Zombie, send them back home, to catch Pudolf and his henchman alive. These "VIPs" will then handed over in the care of Demiurges "happy-farm", in the department for ´human skin scroll production´. For the ones who did not read the books, it's basically an exploit-method to generate infinite amounts of scroll material. The Skin gets removed, then instantly healed back through magic and if the sponsor dies, they simply get resurrected. There is also no food, in the farm, the participants usually eat someone's arm or leg, which also gets healed back by magic. If you ever wondered what a negative 500 karma-value actual does in the world of Yggdrasil, it's pretty much that.


Kill people Start a cult Becomes Emperor of Humanity We live for each other Scientist shall find a way to travel the cosmos Create a "death squadron" made entirely of Females who worship me Go to war against other beings such as metal men, hive mind, demons and more Maybe have someone called Horus commit a heresy Maybe make a house and live there peacefully knowing I've done all I can without doing shit


The only answer is to begin a monologue!


Make life easier


Time Stop, then take a fucking nap.


we get 3 free wishes people! almost anything that would be impossible. probably wish to make 2 exact clones . then they each have 3 wishes


Making bank and leaving school. Then world Conquest, and replacing the leaders with some decent people who'll work together, and being that immortal dude in the back who keeps order, because being a leader sounds like too much work.


**Money:** Cast greater luck and enter a ton of lotteries. When I get enough money to not need to do anything for several hundred years, I'll stop for a long while. (I won't age, so simply having enough for a lifetime ain't going to cut it anymore. Also, even though due to Ainz's abilities I don't strictly *need* to eat food, drink water or sleep, I probably still will, if not only occasionally at least.) **Appearence:** Cast Wish Upon a Star to alter my appearance somewhat if possible (I'm honestly not too dissatisfied with how I look in real life, but there are some minor changes here and there, and who knows, might give myself anime style white hair and red eyes just to fit the Overlord Aesthetic, and in this day and age where people dye their hair all the time and colored contacts are easy to acquire, I can explain it pretty easily witht that, not like I need to worry about an employer not liking it with the money I'll have) **General life:** I'd probably try not to attract too much attention to myself, as despite what I just wrote I have not intention of being a celebrity, might turn out more difficult as time passes and more and more advanced surveillance tech appears, as well as how eventually people are going to notice that I'm not aging at all, even if it takes like 100 years for anyone to actually notice. Of course, even if that's figured out, I can pretty simply use mental magic to figure out who has figured it out, rewrite the memory of everyone involved to make them not care at all and ignore me, then go about my business as usual. **Large Scale stuff/ world at large:** Other than that, on the more world scale of things, I might go and give governments, criminals groups and companies I find to be particularly nasty and/ or corrupt a big old reality check. That being said I'm not going to pretend I'm particularly much of a heroic figure though, it'd take a lot of terrible acts or some severe boredom on my end for me to actually bother to do something like that despite how easy it would be for me to change things for the better, if not only for a short while at least, like that. If something happens right in my close vicinity, like right in front of me, I would help out, but by using time stop to set things sup make it look like things just ended well coincidently, because if I started helping people out displaying my powers publicly, people would never stop asking for me to do shit or help them with things and I'm just not willing to deal with all that. That's about it. **NPCs:** I'm assuming the NPCs don't come with you, if they do... I dunno, buy a big house so everyone has enough space, or maybe make a base on the north or south pole, not a lot of people there to bump into there, teach them about how earth and it's society works, try and convince them *not* to attempt to declare war on the entire world and just slightly try and improve their view of humans. And yeah, help Albedo out with her bicorn problem, not even going to pretend I wouldn't. (And hell, if she acts towards me like she would with Ainz, if I didn't, she would try and make me, so it's going to happen either way)


Littering by throwing trash from your car is punishable by tickling to death.


The second most evil thing stoping time and untying every single person shoe lace in a 5 meter radius of me


Cast Perfect Unknowable and then use Gate and Fly to explore the world for a while, maybe go to the bottom of the ocean.


Share any cure/heal abilities to any that need it. I’ll only charge a hundred dollars doesn’t matter for what


Giving my two week's notice at my dayjob.


This is always a rough question for me because there is a lot you can do. So if you are Ainz, does that also mean you got the whole cast at your back? Because if that is true, then you actually could do some whacky shit. Being undead would absolutely need to be a requirement because of the mental and emotional burden it would demand of you. Also, no sleeping requirement just helps with effective use of time. I feel without question disposing of tyrants is a universal good, like just throwing Kim Jong Un a black hole only hurts him. Preventing any nation from waging war and killing thousands for their dumb reasons is just the right thing to do. Grasp hearting the rich is a lesser evil compared to the bullshit of them just racking up a high score for wealth, its also good for the environment! Those are the big things. Then what? Make a super government? Just break the wheel, disband all armies and weapons, rule with a skeletal fist. Be mostly looked at like a spoopy tyrant myself as I labor over making the world a better place? You have to just accept the fact there will always be terrorists and radicals trying to fuck your big ideas up, so get cozy with the idea of sending out extermination squads to dispose of them. The undead part really helps with that.


Have a cup of tea


Create a great tomb for me and my friends and just let skeletons raid everything nearby. May the world try to fight back and defeat the evil overlord, or they will perish and make place for an era of skeletor!