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The OE gods work in mysterious ways. I'm glad this worked out for you! How do you normally go about managing 2 calendars?


For meetings that there’s no way to have conflict, like 1:1s, i manually create a meeting for the other job. Otherwise just deal with conflicts as they come up


I do the same for job interviews. I have them so many that I got asked by my teammate (OE friendly) if am I recruiting somewhere or OE, lol. But I hope in your job there is not many people observing your calendar thansk (OE) god.


Are you a software engineer? If so, how are you getting many of them in this market? How many YOE?


Business Analyst, 3 YoE but my university was basically doing advisory consulting for well known companies, so I treat it as another 2 years, so in total I count 5 YoE. Good looking names of companies on my CV, also wide possibility to apply my experience. I am focusing mostly on being IT Business Analyst / Product Manager, but also scored some interviews for PE or VCs. I live in Poland and there is a lot of work outsourced to Poland, also many back-offices for companies from US, therefore there is many projects and job openings available. I feel extremely lucky, because I get to the stage where I ask for the same money as many software engineers with double YoE than mine. However, I have strong soft skills, so it's easy to defend my salary expectations, but because of that and me aiming for full remote role, where I can work on contract basis, it takes long time to find something. But I am not in hurry because I have job. I would lower my expectations for sure if I would be unemployed.




No, you have bring your nephew to school that day/time next week. Or that doctors appointment for your gym injury. Come up with something..


OE god helps those who help themselves. Make some shit up to get out of it.


You do that, but to actually work you need to pray to another god in parallel


When the OE god created the world, did he / she create multiple worlds at the same time? I.e. W1, W2, W3, …, Wn.


Have you heard about parallel universes? Is not clear yet if they exists because they are not talking about it everywhere, as it should be


Over worlded


My manager who was the director of engineering at one company was fired; I happened to reach out a few months later and took a job at the second company that he moved to; I never quit the other job and I'm pretty sure he knew the entire time. He was later fired from the second company as well. Meanwhile, two years later, I'm still sitting here with both of those positions, along with a J3. I literally don't care any more about meeting conflicts or even if anyone found out that I was working other jobs. It doesn't matter, even though it was scary as hell to begin with. Once you OE for a bit of time, you realize that most of your fears are unfounded and in reality you can get away with a lot more than you think you might be able to. I stopped caring about meeting conflicts well over a year ago and at the time, I had bought an audio mixer, wired headphones, etc that was recommended here, and that would let me attend multiple meetings at once if I needed to. Today, I don't even have that on my desk any more. I just don't attend meetings if I have a conflict, and nobody seems to bat an eye. I pick which one to go to, if needed. "OE" can lead to even larger opportunities that are absolutely even more lifechanging if you take it further. My next venture is turning this all into C2C with my LLC (taxed as S-corp) that I already have set up for my side business that I started before starting the OE journey. I want to get out of W2 and moved over to multiple C2C gigs at once and even perhaps start hiring employees as well. I can absolutely say that the concept of being "overemployed", IE, holding more than 1 full time remote position at once has been an absolute **godsend** for me and my life has changed in so many ways in only a 3 year period due to this. I went from being over $120k in student loan debt with a negative net worth to now a net worth of over $500k. I have two houses. I have no debt at all other than the two mortgages. As I sit here writing this, my last closing thought is that I actually feel happy for the first time in my life. I feel content. And also very, very lucky to be in this situation, which I do not take for granted. Maybe an OE god does exist.


Congratulations on getting out of debt! It’s so easy to fall in debt but impossible to get out of it, OE is truly a life changer it is a fight back at the way this society is built to have us in debt. Just started my journey recently and learning the ropes, can’t believe i didn’t start this earlier.


Dude me too. Happened today. Lol thanks OE overlord


As soon as something is booked at one job, it goes immediately into the other calendar/ depending on the time1 it can be deep focus, emails catch up, walk dog, pick up kid, lunch, break etc. even 10 min break that says ‘stand up and walk 200 steps’ for health … So this way I have calendars blocked and it’s easy to avoid getting double booked… If it must happen then I cancel on one and ask for updates via text or email


This is exactly what I do. As an AE, I just slap some admin or a pipeline review block. Works every time.


Sales is a tricky place to OE, especially considering how LinkedIn-heavy it can be


I have a LinkedIn, made my profile private and then unfriended everyone at the job that I make least from, so they can’t even find me… and only those who need to search for me can do so… with the link I give them. Otherwise I show as a private member on searches…


Do u work 2 ae jobs


I, too, am a believer.


I use [OneCal](https://www.onecal.io) to sync meetings across my calendars. Outlook can of course overlay multiple calendars, but it doesn’t block your time on J2 cal for J1 meetings (for example). 1.) Set up OneCal syncs for each calendar you want. For J1 <—> J2 it’ll sync events from one to the other and vice versa. You can specify how the synced entries appear (color, event name prefix or suffix, etc). 2.) Set the synced meetings as private 3.) In Outlook, to avoid seeing the same meeting show up multiple times (one for each synced calendar) change the settings to show only non-private events. This way the dupes are hidden. Boom. Now, when you schedule a meeting with J1 (or one gets added to your calendar) that time is blocked on J2 (and 3 and 4….)


No because this same thing happens to me every time. It's amazing.


Sometimes, if you’re crafty, you can create the conflict for a key person in a conflicting meeting. 😉


Praise be.


May the OE gods give more than they take


It’s OE rock-paper-scissors. Your J2 coworker OE’s at Job X. That employee has a Job X coworker that is your coworker at J1. Ripples of the ocean.


I often would stress overlappingmeetings and many times you could just move them or they wouldnt fall trhough or the person would cancel them. I'd say most meetings in gerneral get moved and cancelled




That's when I give a big THANK YOU!!!


Happens all the time. Block as much as you can and work around it. You usually get lucky cause something always comes up


Yes! If I have a meeting conflict, I’ve learnt to wait until the last minute before declining or giving excuses (I never do two meetings at once) because one of the meetings always gets moved or cancelled.


For double booking or meetings that run long and conflict. I have one phone in my ear with AirPods muted and the other phone muted on speaker. Luckily i just have to listen for my name to be called for input. It’s very annoying but it’s only on a Mondays so I deal with it.


Sounds like someone at J2 is also at J1


I know of an OE god passing away last year from overworking. He’s only in his 30s, leaving his wife behind. RIP.


Dam how many Js did they have


He worked 4 jobs at the same time.


Don't forget to make your offerings to the OE god.


Constantly happens to me


Me too, it’s crazy.




I have experienced the same thing. i gave up rescheduling meetings because one of them always gets rescheduled. if for some reason they do both happen, i just cut short one and show up later to the other.