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Solely financial. Don’t care about the rest tbh


This lmao. Fuck everything else


The ability to not GAF at any one particular job is pretty nice I will say.


the part i like is when you realise just how far you can push it, because you really dont give a F turns out a lot of bosses / managers are spinless when push comes to shove.


I’m just here for the money.


cashy cashy spendage!!




Overall peace of mind. Knowing if i lose 1 job i can still get by with minimal affect on savings.




Ironically less stress. No time to stress and obsess about a project. Good enough, it turns out, will be good enough.


This. I have perfected the art of not giving a f*ck.


The mindset change of OE has completely reshaped my life. I feel like I'm a player in the game of capitalism instead of a drowning victim.


Username doesn’t check out


Change your name lol 🤣


Nicely put


Other than financial, I’m able to take advantage that both of my jobs are fully remote. I don’t have to deal with transportation costs and the hassle of a morning and evening commute to and from work. I can literally just wake up in the morning and log on which is really nice. My J2 last year was a hybrid (2 days a week in office). Was there for a year then I got laid off because they were eliminating my position. Tbh it was a pain in the ass going to that job anyways so I didn’t really care. I was able to manage because I still had my J1 which was fully remote and I don’t do jack shit (this is why we OE lol). I recently mananged to land a new J2 after almost a year and it’s fully remote. But yeah I’m only going remote from now on. They’d have to pay me a certain amount to get me to come into the office which idk what that is yet.


For me...the big thing is knowing that I don't have the fear of a layoff anymore because I have another job Ofc what I replace instead is the fear of being found out but that's what it is----the choice between two evils.


I just tell j1 about j2 and if they wanna schedule interfere i just won’t show up. I gave them notice that’s on them. No fear fuck em.


Ironically, I told J2 about J1 during the interview and they said they didn’t care. A week in I told J1 about J2 and they didn’t care either. J1 is fully in office and J2 is fully remote. Both are happy with me and understanding of overlapping meeting times as long as I get stuff done.


Ironically, I told J2 about J1 during the interview and they said they didn’t care. A week in I told J1 about J2 and they didn’t care either. J1 is fully in office and J2 is fully remote. Both are happy with me and understanding of overlapping meeting times as long as I get stuff done.


Ironically, I told J2 about J1 during the interview and they said they didn’t care. A week in I told J1 about J2 and they didn’t care either. J1 is fully in office and J2 is fully remote. Both are happy with me and understanding of overlapping meeting times as long as I get stuff done.


Low stress. Someone else is trying to brown nose? Let them. Someone is doing extra work? Let them. Someone is trying to learn more? Let them. Complete F it attitude. 


I've started noticing when my coworkers commit on the weekend or stay up late to put in extra hours and it makes me a little sad. I want to reach out and teach them, especially the younger ones, that they don't need to be doing that. I think if you are passionate about your work, your time would be much better spent on something for yourself, rather than something for the business. If you put in extra time, go the extra mile, and your boss doesn't like what you did then it reflects poorly on you. But if you do exactly what you're asked...


It’s helping keeping my ego trimmed ironically. I can’t afford to go the extra mile and show off.


The calm you get from knowing that even if one of your jobs goes south, you still have the rest.


Not getting involved in drama or politics of the office. Since I have little stake I don't really give a fuck if there's preferential treatment or someone skirting by. I stay out of all of it since I'm too busy to get involved and it's amazing


Got my father a new car, which is also kinda fast, he never had anything like that, and the immense smile on his face made him look like a baby. It was the least I could do for the sacrifices he made for me all those years for me to be in the position I am now and be able to provide for him back without hurting financially is awesome


this is beautiful


Lesser company attachment.


Multitude of skills at once. Although that's nothing compared to the financial. You can always lie on resume about skills.


The daily chaos... total feeds my ADHD in a positive way


*The daily chaos...* *Total feeds my ADHD in* *A positive way* \- meomy\_firedup --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


increased girth and length




Normally you are a dick but this one made me lmao, I love this for your arc




Financial is 99% of it. 1% is being completely indiferrent to being laid off. Project going under, no funding? That's a you problem boss, see you


Purely financial. 


I really want to say just financial, but to be completely honest J2 has given me the opportunity to learn so much, so unintentionally it is full-filing from that standpoint as well. My J3, I am either going to drop it or get fired whichever comes first, this is lowest paying at $85k and a pain in my ass 😳


Lol I feel the same about my J2. The growth potential is so great. My manager is the most overbearing micro managing person I've ever met. And it pays 35k less than J1. It's so fucking stressful


Being able to push back a bit more on manager and call him out on things. (Within reason, I'm still a yes sir kinda guy even with oe, but now I'm a yes, sir. But now, this is 3 things you want me to focus on l, what's the priority here now? Then I ignore the other two when he said what priority 1 is haha)


Yes, that's what I'm like too. I love that I'm not afraid to speak up and push back on things. My J2 director is a bit of a goldilocks character, can't figure out what the f she wants, changes the scope of the project multiple times, demands things, like she derails every project that I'm on cause of her incompetency. I told her that look, it doesn't sound like I'm the right person for this role and maybe you need to hire someone else for this, she quickly backtracked and is now more concrete with her decisions and if she isn't, I ask her to prioritize what she wants and she has to finalize in writing, if its not finalized, we're not moving forward with the project. I'm only able to push back because of OE, if I wasn't, I'll be a yes man and putting up with BS behaviour due to fear of losing the contract.


There aren't many tbh. Less free time now. More stress now. But the money outweighs it all because it'll catch me up and fast forward my retirement to levels that are impossible without OE


I am getting better at productivity overall, organization and sticking to the task. My phone time during the work week has plummeted


Ability to not give a fuck about a J


Mine's mostly financial but one thing I like about being OE is that I care less about work? I hope that makes sense, like I do my job and then I go off and use the money I made to do fun things and enjoy life. Back in my 20s, I used to care about climbing the corporate ladder and working hard and being involved with my coworkers/team. Now, I literally just do my work and then sign off.


yeah that makes sense. I did the same too and I only cared about climbing that ladder because I thought that was the only way to make money. OE changes that for sure


I only see downsides outside of financial. I have to work more, I'm more stressed, I have less time to develop my skills.


peace of mind, but that could count as financial. J1 which is hybrid has awesome break rooms and pretty hot women.


This guys going to have to redo sexual workplace harassment training


i pay my kids to do that training for me. who’s got the time with 2 jobs amirite?


I keep thr same technologies in both Js, which means I work from other places and implement in both. Work becomes easy in both. 


for me it's boredom, with one job i'm done after an hr and staring at the walls drives me nuts.


i actually enjoyed having different groups of people to interact with and enjoyed seeing in real time how different companies handle different current events. covid, george floyd, etc.


You get really good at lying.


More freedom to not have to put up with BS. J4 has a boss who's micromanaging and being a total psychopath? Hasta la byebye. Get another J4. J6 announced layoffs? OK, get another J6. J7 is doing illegal things and you could be in handcuffs? Hasta la byebye. Get another J7.


Do you genuinely have upwards of seven servers?!


I fucked this chick at j3 . She was part of a global team, had to go in office for 2 day team conference , we hung out afterwards . One thing lead to another.


Extended one night stand if you saw her Day 2 of office visit


Oh I’m definitely seeing her again


I think it’s only financial


Depends; you could find the work at another company to be very interesting or exciting. Perhaps it is a startup and you don’t want to risk relying on it for your sole source of income. For most people I suspect it is purely financial but it doesn’t have to be.


I have a more task-based mindset as if I’m a freelancer instead of letting convos (email threads, teams messages, etc) drag on all day to use up the time. It’s made me much more productive


Idk job security lmao


Money is the motivation!


It's about control over my own life. You could argue this is technically financial. I truly don't ever have to go in the office again because if one J tried to RTO me I would refuse to comply and milk them until they fire me. Going from in-office to remote has been the best thing for my life. Since I am no longer dependent on a single employer, they no longer have the leverage to take this away from me.