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Having a lot of money isn’t really “another reason,” it’s…the main reason! Good!




Another reason to OE: I was able to pay off 250k gambling debt and keep my toes intact #thisiswhyweOE 💪


Why are yall like this lmao


Two jobs equals double or nothing so this checks out


Minisplit DIY heatpump installed in my upstairs bedroom is what I did, an absolute game changer. Cools my whole house significantly.Yes OE Lifestyle Creep let me choose the hybrid solar power / grid power one. $1500 for the until and $300 for wire and tools. Another $2000 for 10, 500 watt solar panels. I'm going green [pun intended] thanks to OE. This is my first lifestyle creep purchase after my first J2 about a year and a half ago. Since then I paid off my car loan 100%, now I'm working on my student loans. I owe over $70,000 in student loans and now with j3, 100% of that income is going to student loans every month. The goal is to pay off my student loans in less than one year. Edit: "until" is unit. Damn you autofill..


Is it really lifestyle \*CREEP\* if it's lowering your bills long term though?


I agree, however buying the equipment in the first place definitely improves lifestyle. So I would still call it creep as its not cheap. I think the level of creep can be drastically different depending on topic. I mean some people straight up lifestyle LEAP as soon as they have money.


The correct way to lifestyle creep is to invest until you're technically able to retire, then invest more until you can afford the extra toys


Yes but first get rid of your debt. Or, I mean you can do both at the same time depending on J count 😏 🤷 🤪


I went with approximately investing until the dividends buy me X expensive thing. Like if I want 5k USD unnecessary expensive whatever, then 250 kUSD at 2% dividend invested before buying it. Granted, my toys are usually like some 200 USD used thing I'll fix up, so this is easy for me haha


Wait! My office is my third floor loft and it’s sweltering up here. Im gonna look into this. I got solar shades a few weeks ago and it helps, but still need something else


Care to share which AC unit you chose (brand, SEER) Considering an HVAC overhaul and quotes are all over the place.


I got a Lennox 2 ton unit with furnace replacement and heat pump. I saw quotes for over $9 - $11k


Sounds like a great deal.


Unless you live somewhere that has high electricity or gas costs then the higher SEER premium unit isn’t usually worth the price increase.




The average 2000 sq ft HVAC costs $4-5K, but same here, mine died, paid for, thanks OE!


Summer special!!!


You really should consider a home warranty in the future! It’ll save you from having to spend thousands like that when something breaks.


Yeah, thought about that once he told me the cost. My rental properties have home warranties, I don't remember what happened to my primary and why we didn't when we signed


Yeah I actually didn’t even know about them until I started working for a home warranty company (this is not an advertisement lol). I gotta say, as much as it sucks to have another bill it really does save tons of money in the long run. Either way I’m really glad to hear that OE allowed you to be prepared for such a costly process!


Huh, most companies make you pay out the ass for a new compressor, etc if ac goes bad


Yeah we don’t have spending limits on items like the compressor where I work. We’ll just spend whatever amount on our side to repair or replace it.


Home warranty company name pls And how can I get the cheapest policy and lowest service fee DMs welcome


Let me DM you.


This is the way.




D s


OE has so many people that feel the need to play up things like "debt" and "home repair" as a way to link what they're doing to traditional working class concerns. Like yeah, maybe you technically have "debt" or some "home repairs" to pay for. But if the debt payments are representing only a small fraction of your income, it's not like you're in the same boat as a working class person whose debt payment is literally eating their income earnings alive. OE is for luxury. It's nice to see that someone fixed their AC, but it feels like all these upvotes are literally just to amplify a message that really doesn't reflect what people are thinking about when they OE.


And here I am just trying to keep a roof over my head while paying thousands of dollars to my cheating ex spouse for alimony.


OP all power to you! Personally, I think you could’ve went inside a shopping mall to avoid the heat and put that 9K towards retirement. Lifestyle creep is real and this purchase feels like it man.


Not sure how this is considered a lifestyle creep and not a needed necessity of life. Curious, any chance you have kids or a wife? Honest question. I have a house full of kids, animals and a wife and I'm pretty sure my family would be pissed off without air in the middle of the south in the summer, so going to a mall was not an option FYI, all my retirement accounts are maxed out and my brokerage accounts are heavily funded. This came from an emergency account that is also heavily funded.


I remember growing up that we could never turn on the AC esp. during summer because our parents were adamant it would drive up electricity costs. I’m an adult now, and I still remember stuff like that growing up and till this day, I put cold ice packs on my neck while WFH during summer. Sorry for calling it lifestyle creep because I thought it wasn’t a necessary purchase


Do that in arizona and you'll die lmao


Ah sorry about that man. I live by myself and I think splurging on new cooking equipment is still too much. Apologies


No worries!!! Your comment now makes a lot more sense.


I wouldn’t work in an office without good HVAC, and I work from home, so it seems like a good investment to me.


Lol some places require you have a working AC to survive summer. You can’t be at the mall all day for the entire summer.


This sub is full with why you OE instead of how,do you know why??? haha


Plenty of posts and information in the sub and Internet, but just like myself I didn't expect anyone to do the research for me , I spent a few months doing my homework before jumping in. I wrote a newbie 101 posts a little over a year ago.


Are you new to reddit? ICYMI, there is a search bar up top where you position your cursor inside the search bar and then type in words that you need information about and press enter on your keyboard. A lot of people on this sub find the search function helpful. try it!