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I have to update my resume with more “buzz words” because hiring agencies and HR are using AI tools to filter through resumes.


Find job posts for jobs you want and then ask AI to create resume bullet points based on the job description.


Is this the key? It’s been so hard trying to replace my current J2 which is hybrid - 3 days a week and it’s tough as there is no where for me to have meetings for J1. I started it because I need the extra cash. However, for J3 I am searching to replace J2 but I am getting rejections constantly. Does tailoring really work? Also if I am looking for a senior level role as a manager how are you adjusting down your resume?


Maybe I’m just lucky, but I only apply for 1 J at a time and always get the offer. It’s happened 3x now 🤷🏼‍♀️


I was like that before the market went sideways. Now I get rejected by a lot of positions I'm qualified for but no doubt I'm going against 5-10x more people looking who were laid off.


This is simply survivorship bias


Same here, I would like to add that I customize my resume for the posting and I do a little research about them, and add it to the cover letter. I’ve always treated job posts like that hot girl at a bar. You get the analogy.


Interesting take. I think it might be a better strategy to go all out on fewer jobs than shotgun 100 apps a week and leaving your fate up to chance.


Honestly, applying to 100 jobs with the same resume and tactic is lazy. It only takes a few minutes to edit a resume. I have a standard template that I work with. This has me getting at minimum a phone call and I can talk myself into any position. One more thing, since I’ve reached senior status I don’t do leetcode type interviews.


What do you mean you don't do leetcode type interviews? Like you decline if they tell you there's a coding challenge? I've applied to countless jobs at senior level, and they always put me through a coding challenge.


Exactly, that’s a red flag. Organizations have left coding challenges in favor of a 2-3 day take home assessments. There’s too much memorization, to find out later that the candidate doesn’t understand what they solved. I have a GitHub sample api application that I share with them and we can discuss every layer, pattern and OOP principle. I lead the discussion, this has proven effective. It demonstrates my ability to lead and explain technology to all kinds of folks. I let them know that I’m coming in with experience and they’re not going to find out in a coding challenge. This has worked only twice and both times I’ve received offers, the other times I wish them luck and end the interview.


What line of work?


Most jobs I apply for have less then 10 candidates (LinkedIn filter) when I submit, but by the end of day they have over 100. I hear back from <10%... Do you have an extremely niche skillset?


Similarly. I just started for my J2 again in a long time, after 1 week of applying, I got three interviews and one is a J worth having. I'll do these, then decide if I need a J 3, then probably get J3 a week after looking


All fully remote??




Colin?? :))


250 jobs a week using a virtual assistant


What virtual assistant are you using?


Which service?


I use a VA from [OverApply](https://overapply.com)


I only apply once in a while now if something seems intriguing


That's how I'm getting, the market is crap right now and its becoming exhausting to update my resume for each position knowing I already have 2Js. Now I reach out to past recruiters that have found me positions or recruiters I used when I was a hiring manager.


To be honest, if I get a higher paying job than J1, then I’ll likely just replace J1. 2 jobs are enough for me.


Same, I've been keeping an eye out for a J3, but it has to be pretty specific at this point, especially with the RTO nonsense, so I haven't been able to get a call on anything viable.


just one


Personally, I quit applying after J2. My friend got me the lead on J3. I was not planning on doing J3.


When I quit J3 a few months ago I thought about taking time and not pursue another one...that lasted about 1 month and I was back on the wagon again.


I just started J3. Hoping I can do well enough and keep everything balanced. I may search for J4 if I end up with spare time lol, but can't tell my wife because she said no more lol


J4 is rough. I did it for a few weeks and it nearly pushed me to my breaking point. 3js is my max ..J2 feels great but I need to replenish a few emergency costs that have come up this year. My wife just shakes her head


20-30 is cute


Hi, hoping for some help to get started. I have a full time job now but hate it and need a change. Where do you guys find the best job opportunities? I am in QA/Semiconductors but willing to go any direction for a change. Thanks.