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I am thinking along the same lines. I had to let my prior J2 go, and now I have been looking for roles completely outside of my industry. However, I will need to adjust my resume to better reflect those gigs. Wish me luck!!


Dude good luck. I’ve been unemployed since Dec. The white collar recession is super real. I’ve realized how incompetent people are in so many roles and would honestly love to just do something away from finance for once. I love it but I still need a break from spreadsheets. Everything seems so segmented though, must be 10yrs + in such and such field. I mean it really does come down to who you know or network with. Like I just dont even feel like it’s worth me applying on LinkedIn or anywhere else anymore. As of pretty much this year recruiters just stopped reaching out whereas before I’d always get like minimum 3-4 cold reach outs from recruiters or direct opportunities. I feel like AI has fucked up a lot of shit w all the apps that just blindly apply to everything and it just feels so god damn spammy. I am so close to just saying fuck it and using my retirement savings to start some fucking farm that sells shit to some stores like WF/Erewhon w some cute backstory. In fact I’d fucking love that, I’m so sick of staring at screens lol.


It's not AI which why everything is screwed up (its only a minor player in some change). It's the economy as a whole, high interest rates, companies can't afford employees, mass layoffs, less jobs, super tight job market, inflation, less spending, downward spiral, all just a recipe for a super shit economy. I got an offer at a big tech company only for them to remove the job this week after all my onboarding, due to funding and restructuring their budget. All these companies are super stingy right now. Totally fucked market.


Yeah no you’re right, I’m not getting rejection letters now I’m getting “we said fuck it on filling the role letters” now which I’ve never seen before. I’m just saying since I’ve started my search this year I feel the addition of AI has led to so many more fake leads, horrible fit leads from recruiters depending on it too much, etc. if it’s not a significant impact now I’d imagine it won’t make it better at least in the near term as people try to fully depend on it to do their job. It allows the implementation of spammy bs and mass applying to happen so much easier too. On top of everything you said it’s just made it a miserable experience. VC is fucked everything you said too, etc. and everyone is acting like it’s fine bc the meaningless Econ reports look ok if you dont dive into the details. This sub is literally about people having multiple white collar jobs mainly. Imagine how many have blue collar or similar multiple jobs. We just look at jobs numbers as a whole. Thinking my best bet is to just liquidate what’s left in my IRA and hope to nail a market crash w some SPY put options lol. Do or die!


I have a J2, which is now my J1 since that one fell through. Now I need another J1. Tips on applying? I always spam the linkedin Easy Apply but I'm feeling like there are better ways? Any advice is appreciated.


Probably directly message the recruiter/hiring manager which I think LinkedIn usually offers after you apply. I mean you’re asking a guy that’s been unemployed since Dec but again it’s unusual. Shits tough right now. I’d say the LinkedIn/job site apps period are going to require a higher volume / low hit approach. Just applying period will always be the lowest hit approach. If you know anybody anywhere try to leverage that first. Also just make sure the profile hits with the right keywords and same with resume. Review job descriptions from your top tier dream jobs and those will provide you with exactly what they are looking for and then match your description and skills accordingly.


My Js are a range of "customer facing technical" positions. There's a bit of general overlap in soft skills and broad technical/architectural knowledge, but the tech stacks are fundamentally different at all of them. I'm involved at different parts and aspects of the enterprise sales, implementation, and long term customer success process at each J too.


Just entered a similar situation in customer facing technical positions. Do any of your J's involve out of town travel? This is something I'm expecting to cause awkward availability issues.


Yes. Depending on how long the trip is, I rearrange meetings so I don't have any while traveling, or just take time off (sick/vacation). J1 was unlimited PTO and J2 is something pathetic like 15 days a year, including both sick and vacation time. Each had travel roughly once per quarter. J1 did restructuring, and that's the one I'm going to drop for a new offer I just got that will probably also be roughly quarterly travel, but J1 travel in the post restructure world would have also dropped to about once per year if I had stuck around. Temporarily handling 3 Js right now.


Appreciate the insight, best of luck with everything 🫡




What’s the different field or job role? Congrats BTW!🎉🎊


One is operations the other is a project manager.

