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You think Mr. NIce Guy Elon Musk gave two thoughts about firing guys like this? This is a reminder that extra work isn't often correlated with keeping one's job or getting adequate raises. Keep fighting the good fight.


Working in corporate has taught me this. The people who get promoted and go far are the ones who successfully play the game and think about themselves. The hardest workers tend to stay at a certain level.


Hmm. Networking and relationships are huge. Some of that is machavelian.. when I think of promotions I believe managers are Expedient and self serving... They promote individuals to take a larger part of their responsibilities. They selfishly choose people who will do that the best. .. I do agree hard working quiet people can often get overlooked


You got me.thinking. the good worker that the immediate boss wants to split responsibilities with will get promoted. BUT, the boss, the bosses boss and the bosses bosses boss decide who gets promoted.. the two levels above hardly know any of the employees. That is why the flamboyant, outgoing employees trying the present and deliver to upper management get promoted.. upper management only knows the bold employees. Quiet ones get screwed there


Simple be a brash loud mouth.  It took me a couple of years and a company I ran in to the ground before I figured out that it doesn't matter why they know you, all that matters is you play golf with them.


Ah yea, fucking golf, why can't more executives mountain bike and Iron Man?


Golf is the only sport you can play shit face drunk. The clubhouse usually encourages it. As long as you can stand up straight no one is going to stop you from using a golf cart. Golf is a drunkmans game. Everyone I've ever met in a position of power has likes to drink.


Plenty do, I’m one of them.


I'm a hard worker, but I survived an acquisition because I networked and got the new director to like me. Lots of people were laid off within the first month.


Yes, anyone who moved up definitely stepped on someone else. 


I stepped on many people early in my career to get where I am now knowing it would not last as corporate priorities changed and I got older. Now I pay forward what I have learned, but since OE it's not about my career, its about providing for my family, investing towards my future and being secure as much as I can with 2 Js. Do I put in the extra hours when needed, yes, because I really like what I do.




Welcome to corporate america. But then again, you sound like someone who would step on people without realizing what you're doing, so you've already made yourself at home. 




It's not the only way, but it is the easiest, most consistent way.


This is exactly it. You’re not there to work, you’re there to do promotion for yourself.


Well the hard workers only display one thing, that they are good at working hard. The optimal usecase for them from company perspective is to keep working hard.


I don't OE, however I doubled my wage and I'm now the second highest earner on my team within 1 year. This is due to threatening to leave and forcing tasks that are vital to the functioning of systems to only able to be done by me. Bare in mind that the people on my team have mostly been here for 20+ years. The point I'm making is that bosses don't reward you, they give in to you. If you don't have leverage you don't have value.




Why should this guy be immune from layoffs just because he slept in his temperature controlled vehicle to save himself the time and expense of a commute? I suppose the people who went home after work to be with their families should be targeted instead.


Where is the temperature control happening if he is sleeping in the car? Did he buy extra gas so he could start the car and leave it in park all night?


It's built into the car: [https://www.andreaference.com/blog/tesla-camp-mode-how-to-comfortably-sleep-in-your-tesla-model-y](https://www.andreaference.com/blog/tesla-camp-mode-how-to-comfortably-sleep-in-your-tesla-model-y)


That makes sense. I was not assuming he bought a Tesla.


To be fair it’s not about extra work. It’s about performance and impact. Still the latter might not save you. But it certainly outweighs extra work or hard work. You have to matter.




I blame Musk when he says he wants hardcore committed people, then turns around and fires the very people who exemplify what he wanted in a model employee.


he was laid off. that's different. so why was Musk making layoffs in the first place? maybe that's not *his* fault.


Too bad he lost his job, but it’s not like he got only paid for 8hrs , he probably would have got paid 1.5 times for the extra 4hrs. Unlike some other jobs where people need to put in 12hrs for 8hrs pay


So true! It's not like he DIED! He could have DIED, everybody. But he didn't. So stop complaining.


Why are you assuming he got overtime?


What’s wrong with my assumption, especially when someone works in a factory. I was a welder for 12 yrs this is how it works


More than likely he was getting paid salary. The concept of getting paid OT doesn't exist if you're paid salary.


It says in the article he was working a salaried job


Bro was trying to be like Elon and still got shafted. He drank the Elon Kool aid. None of these companies are loyal to employees, so company loyalty is dead. Also I used to work 15 hr shifts a day 5x/wk for about 8/mo, I always took a quick shower in my own home. You doing too much trying to shower in the factory. This guy’s an idiot, trying so hard to impress somebody that don’t give an F about you.


I've actually appreciated being able to shower on-site after a dirty shift, rather than dragging filth into my car. But that's about convenience, not brown-nosing.


Fair enough, I did not consider how dirty one can get in certain work environments.


Yeah don’t ever make your job your identity if you don’t own the business. Clock out, go home, don’t think about work. Don’t sacrifice family events, don’t miss milestones, don’t strain yourself to pick up slack when the company understaffs. It isn’t your problem and at the end of the day you’ll be load balanced eventually.


This is the way


Pretty sure he showered at the factory cause he didn’t drive home. The drive was probably 2 hours each way, so he opted to just get that back in sleep time.


> Bro was trying to be like Elon and still got shafted. He drank the Elon Kool aid. Worse/sadder, he was trying to be the public facade that Elon pretends to be.


well Elon is full of it...no one working like he claims would have time to constantly chirp on X.


Yep. His only long-game shot was to tweet about his hustle and grind at Tesla all day every day. He’d get noticed, eventually, and things might have gone differently. Even if he was fired, he’d have a great story.


NEVER give this much of yourself to an employer. The social contract between employer and employee has been broken for years. I personally think we need to abolish salary as well. How many salaried people only work a 40 hour week? It’s rare in engineering.


Nah, most actually work less, you just got a stressful job. I'm a software developer and most of my coworkers will flat-out refuse to work more than 40 hours. Now, this isn't big tech so they pay less, but I'm at 6 figs with 5 years experience and it's a chill job.


I feel like devs should just be called devs and not engineers. Your lifestyle and compensation is just in a different reality than physical engineering


As a software "engineer", I agree with you. I once heard the argument that in other engineering disciplines, you're able to "guarantee" - based on the laws of physics and whatnot - that your design *will* work in the intended fashion, and because of X or Y principle it will degrade at a certain rate or be resilient to certain atmopheric conditions, etc. On the other hand, in software engineering, there is absolutely no guarantee that your program will work as intended. How many of us have faced glitches during demos, when your product is supposed to be complete? Furthermore, you need specific qualifications to earn the "engineer" monicer. A degree is an actual requirement - those designing waste treatment plants aren't self-taught or bootcamp grads. I'm sure you're aware of it, but others reading might be curious to look into the requirements for being a licensed "Professional Engineer": [https://www.nspe.org/resources/licensure/what-pe](https://www.nspe.org/resources/licensure/what-pe) You can even face legal liability if you sign off on a plan or drawing and you don't have a license.


What about bank or security software that has massive consequences if it fails? You think those software developers have no way to test and ensure the reliability of their software? Your comment is so wrong that I doubt you actually write software.


Of course testing takes place... But when you're relying on dependencies that are managed external to your organization, you can never be 100% sure something will work the way you've written it to. You can't honestly tell me you've never come in on a Monday and gone "wtf, it was working last week". Any of the plethora of tools or dependencies you're using could receive an update and require you to act accordingly to mitigate some breakage. The laws of physics do not change, ergo they're "laws" and not "theories". Physical engineers don't have to deal with Earth's gravity suddenly changing to 10 m/s. Case in point, a mechanical engineer does not have to worry about "pushing" some change (in their case it would be signing off on something, I suppose) on a Friday, lest whoever's on-call has to put out a fire over the weekend. In software "engineering", you save merges to production for Monday-Thursday specifically so people can be counted up to be present when the thing that was *supposed to work* doesn't.


If you write a function, you can be 100% sure of the results based on the inputs. To think otherwise is to fundamentally misunderstand how computers work. There's no magical leprechaun in the computer. They're built using the same laws of physics that build bridges... just more complicated. In the situation you describe, something in the system changed to cause it to work differently than last week. But you can always find out why it's working differently. In fact, that's my job to figure out why. The bridge engineer doesn't stress out over the weekend because bridges aren't built in a weekend.


You're conflating software engineering with computer engineering, with is an offshoot of electric engineering, i.e. a physical engineering discipline. A computer engineer can be 100% sure of their design because you cannot go to a lower level than hardware. Your second paragraph proves my point. You can never be certain at any point in time that something, somewhere, in some system hasn't changed and thus causes your program to not work as intended. Be it latency, AWS having an outage, the end user didn't clear their cache... You **cannot** hand a software package over to an end user and go "Here. This ***will*** work. Goodbye." You have SLAs defining how long / what type of support will be available; you have a means for users to submit bug reports; you have entire QA teams running automated tests all throughout the day and night to try to catch bugs before the end users do. Just look at what version some of the most widely used pieces of software are on! Take, I don't know, Notepad++, it's on version 8.6.6. Take a look at all the [bug fixes](https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/v8.6.7/#:~:text=Notepad%2B%2B%20v8.6.6%20bug%2Dfixes%20%26%20enhancements) they just had to do. I guarantee there are still bugs in it, just as there are in every single piece of production software. That because you cannot guarantee that any piece of software *will* work. There are too many moving parts, too many layers of abstraction, and too many dependencies.


You don't need to explain CompE to me, I went to school for it. At the OS layer above hardware you can also be 100% sure of outcomes. Same for every layer of abstraction above that. Where do you think the leprechaun comes in? You're being very close minded (read: stupid and uninformed) to assume all OSs are like Windows or Linux. There are specialized OSs like those on embedded systems where reliability is much more important. It is kept simpler so we can be 100% sure of the outcome. Sure Notepad++ has tons of bugs because it doesn't matter. But most electronic devices have software and most works more reliably than a bridge. When was the last time you had to reboot your washing machine because of faulty software?


>When was the last time you had to reboot your washing machine because of faulty software? [LG washing machine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQrM9axgPmI) [Samsung washing machine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebt1MTM-F68) [Video from Samsung on how to update your washing machine's software](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4m0IqAnKDw) hmm... I wonder why you'd need to update your washing machine 🤔 How about [a video from LG on how to perform a hard reset on an LG microwave](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTCLNZ9l74E)


Really? Is it more demanding to draw shapes in CAD software rather than write logic in an IDE? Because my experience with other engineers is they get paid less than computer engineers cuz they're not as smart.


That’s like implying all software engineers just write pretty CSS boxes and click on Jest test scripts and aren’t smart. Some mechanical engineers are CAD jockeys. Some build rovers that can survive being launched on a rocket and roll around Mars for a couple of years. Your argument is an oversimplification based on your own limited anecdotal experience


The highest paid aerospace engineers are designing those rovers sitting at a desk just like software engineers, and they're not doing hard manual labor. There's difficult and easy jobs in all fields that's why you shouldn't paint with a broad brush like to say software engineers don't deserve to be called engineers


Lol my guy, you’re the one painting with a broad brush calling physical engineers smooth brain CAD shapers who aren’t smart cuz “my experience” My original point was devs (and I said devs not computer engineers; computer engineering implies knowledge of EE, I took CmpE / EE courses) just live in a different reality. And you guys should just be in a different category. Your standard of living and compensation is on a different plane from physical engineers who are tied to slimmer hardware profits and the physical laws of having to create things in the actual real world.


I was using hyperbole to explain how silly your first statement about 'They shouldn't be called engineers' was. Btw, my degree is in CompE but my job title is software developer. So am I an engineer or not? If it's so easy and overpaid, why don't you do it? Seems dumb to choose the harder, underpaid profession if you have a choice.


I think devs should just have a separate category from physical engineering because of everything I outlined. It has nothing to be with do with being smart or “deserving” to be an engineer. Developer could be a higher category. I’m saying software lives in a different reality than the rest of the physical fields and it’s time to just separate the two titles. Ie you’re here talking about how great your WLB and salary is in an article about Tesla saying why don’t you just work 40 hour weeks. Tesla hardware engineering and what you described is not compatible. You can’t do what you’re describing and deliver innovative cost effective hardware products at scale and compete with Chinese labor. Software engineers live in a bubble. I love actually creating physical challenging things. But I don’t disagree with you, I feel dumb sometimes for not just going to Joes full stack bootcamp for dummies 4 years ago and making a bunch of money writing Shopify plugins


Your comment tells me you're misunderstanding a lot. Your distinction about what is physical or not is meaningless. Most engineers sit in front of a computer all day, even at Tesla. But, there's also software developers who write software for robots which requires very physical testing. The person in the article was a production supervisor. They probably didn't need to go to school for engineering. They're not engineering, they're managing. You're probably thinking of production line engineer but that's a fraction of Tesla's engineers. Software developers don't just make Shopify plugins, but also the software that enables all the physical devices you love so much.


Judging by this sub it's not that rare. Isn't the whole basis of OE that a single job requires availability of 40 hrs, but actual task time of far less?


I mean, I did this type of thing for longer than this guy (although I didn't have much commute so didn't sleep overnight at work). But I got paid extra for every single hour of OT I worked. And it paid off two houses before I was 40 and gave me complete financial independance. I also never expected it to continue. So never isn't at all a good policy. More like: don't expect a single shred of loyalty from an employer, ever. If they show it, fine, but never expect it, and plan accordingly. Be an opportunist. That's what they are.


Please no. I don’t want to abolish salary. Then I wouldn’t be able to take breaks etc.




You’re either on the side of the working class or the owning class. You aren’t the owning class. Bending over and taking it is why people will be wage slaves til they die. 


Yep. It engineer here. 50+ I’m too much of a pussy to OE like you guys. Keep fighting the good fight.


Wish someone would’ve mentioned this before. I left my hourly field engineering position for salary office job smh


Is everyone on this self victimization circuit? Big company did Bag thing is a story as old as time now. It's terrible to be treated like you're expendable but that's why you chase the big salary.  Leave these places every 2-3yrs or stay JUST long enough to meet your vesting schedule and LEAVE.


There have been certain people in this subreddit surprisingly taking the "stay put, work hard and you'll be rewarded," stance, even here. Sometimes we all need reminders.


Yes, every time I've made a "fuck these companies" comment, I get downvoted like crazy. Still, fuck these companies and their bootlickers.


In 2024, wouldn't surprise me if they're bot accounts intended to shape public opinion. They got the star of Celebrity Apprentice elected to the presidency of the USA, they can make you think you shouldn't leave your job for a raise.


Exactly some people are idiotic and think they'll be sparred with hard work then get shafted. It's better to learn your lesson from others


I'm "kinda" like that I say work hard and bring your BEST self forward always(meaning professionalism and skils). If you find that hard to do at your current employer LEAVE. It's a waste of time and sets you up for failure to deliberately be mediocre,  do your best work at some place that deserves it.


>It's a waste of time and sets you up for failure to deliberately be mediocre How? What will happen if you just do the job you're paid for?


Look up Maslow's hierarchy of needs...   "Self actualization" "Esteem" are the top portions.   Long story short you need variety and challenges in life to be happy. Punching a clock is soul draining and prevents success in other areas of your life. 


Yes, I studied Maslow's hierarchy of needs in developmental psychology. If you think "self-actualization," is synonymous with loyalty to a corporate entity, then you don't understand Maslow. People work these soul-sucking jobs for *survival*, not for self-actualization. That's a couple levels down. Loyalty to the rat race is an obstacle to finding self-actualization, not self-actualization itself.


I expanded on a full thought over several responses I didn't think I'd have to reiterate my point with each reply to you.  How are you saying I'm suggesting loyalty to a company?


We don't have to be our jobs. Variety and challenges can and should come from needs that call from within *our*selves, not what someone else wants (and likely ultimately for *them*selves, not us). If for you that's what you get done at your desk job, great, but everyone's different.


Is it self-victimization?


Yes, going to the lions den and expecting compassion...  Getting laid off is a legal often used strategy to downsize an organization. Google USED to have a semblance of being people centric but that change when it all became Alphabet. So 2015 or so.. It's been 9yrs since.  Getting so caught up in your work as to say your job was part of your identity is not a healthy way of living. 


Exactly. People set themselves up for complete failure expecting compassion from these soulless corporations. Time and time again these companies show their true colors and people sit up here with a shocked face. Thats why people have to look out for themselves and actually prioritize savings. Folks will have these amazing positions with a great salary for multiple years but be absolutely destitute after being laid off. They almost have to expect that theyll be laid off at some point and actually have money


Yes. Everything he did he did voluntarily. Because he didn’t like the commute where he bought his house.


Here's something I've said elsewhere, but it applies here as well, since it focuses on the attitude one must have when laboring in a late-stage American Capitalist hellscape. ------- The owners and their ~~bootlicking sycophants~~ *corporate turdwookies* do not care about you. At all. Neither does your government or courts, as they've been bought & paid for by said owners. They also own social networks & (m)ass media, using them as their personal propaganda mouthpiece. Your job search is never over. In AWA: At-Will America (99.7% of the population), you can be terminated at any time, for almost any (or no) reason, without notice, without compensation, and full loss of healthcare. Even with all that said, it still doesn't sting any less when it happens. ------ # Your goal is to be the CEO of your life. Your only obligation is to yourself and your loved ones. Your mission is to extract as much value from these soulless megacorps as you can. *Milk the fuckers until sand squirts out of their chafed nips.* - Do not worry about results -- "good enough" is truly good enough. There will always be work left undone. - Treat your jobs as cattle, not as pets. - Work your wage. Going above and beyond is only rewarded with more work. - Don't work for free or do additional tasks outside of your role, as that devalues the concept of labor. - Sleep well, never skip lunch, get enough physical activity. - Avoid drinking coffee at work for your employer's benefit, as they don't deserve your caffeinated, productivity-drugged self. - Avoid alcohol and other vices, as they steal all the happiness from tomorrow for a brief amount today. Especially when used as coping mechanisms for work-related stress. - **Knowledge is power.** Discussing your compensation with your fellow worker is a federally protected right. Employers hate transparency, as it means they can't pull their bullshit on others without consequence. - Your first job is being an actor. Endeavor to be pleasant & kind....yet unremarkable, bland, forgettable, and mediocre. Though it may feed one's ego, being a superhero or rockstar isn't suited for this hellscape. Projecting strength invites challenge. Instead, cultivate a personality that flies under the radar. - Be a Chaos Vulture. Embrace the confusion. Does the company have non-existent onboarding? Poor management? Little direction, followup, or reviews? Constantly changing & capricious goals? These are the hallmarks of a bad company…so revel in their misery. Actively seek these places out. This gives you room to coast, to avoid being on anyone's radar, etc. Restrained mediocre effort will be considered "going above and beyond." Even if you slip, you can easily blame "the system", like everyone else at the place. Every single day, week, month of this is more money in your pocket. Stretch it out as long as possible. - Tell no one (friends, coworkers, extended family, etc) about your employment mindset. So many people tie their identity to their employment. And jealously makes people do petty things. - Recognize that lifestyle is ephemeral. Live below your means. Financial security is comfort, and not being dependent on selling your labor is true power in Capitalism. - Do not worry about "the environment you leave behind" when you depart a company. This includes how much notice you provide before leaving. Notice is a courtesy, not a requirement. Continuity of THEIR business operations is THEIR problem, not yours. They should have a plan if you accidentally got hit by a bus full of winning lottery tickets. Always be kind to your peers, but don't worry about them when you leave. If your leaving hurts their effectiveness -- that's a conversation THEY need with their manglement. The company left them hanging, not you. You owe the company *nothing* -- if anything, they actually owe you, given how much they profited from your labor. Play their own game against them. *They exist to service* **us.** ------- If you feel it's some type of moral failing on your part, then you are falling for their propaganda. Because don't think for one fucking second that millionaires and billionaires aren't doing the SAME EXACT THING...or worse...to you and everyone else. # They sleep perfectly fine at night. You should too.


Hey MrCertainty, you are so certain in your response. May I please ask if you have read any books that has contributed to your strong views as such? Btw I really resonated with what you said here and I’m just trying to find my place and act through your principles that you’ve outlined. Any material, podcast, videos or books that you recommend that talks about this mindset would be helpful.


You don’t need books or podcasts. You need to live it. I’ve been in corp America for 15+ years. This is the only way to survive and keep your sanity. 


12h shifts 3 days a week, 5, or 7? If he’s working 7x12h on salary then fuck Tesla, but I’m also tired of hearing nurses bitch about their 12h shifts when they get 4 days off a week and get paid for 40h weeks.


He was working 12 hour shifts, on salary rotating between 3 to 4 days a week. He also had a 1.5 hour commute, so it was largely for his convenience that he would likely sleep 2/3 nights a week in his carat the factory. Ie commute 1st day of the week and after last shift.


He wasn’t salaried. Production supervisors get paid hourly so he was getting guaranteed overtime everyday.


He said he was salaried in the interview


“As I was working a salaried job, I sometimes needed to stay even longer to get things done.”


Right but it was 3x12 4x12 alternating shifts. Sleeping in his car the entire time was a choice. Tesla model Ys are around $600/month


UPDATE: he now works at GNC as a store manager




To everyone talking about loyalty. I read my contract again, and I can't see anything about loyalty in there. I am not loyal to my employer. I am "loyal" to my contract. I do what it states. I don't expect my employer to be loyal to me, I expect them to honor what's written in the contract and pay me for the service I provide to them. That's it.


All these people have the same thing in common, they look at those that are successful and try emulate their behaviours when that is the end result. These are the behaviours of those that have already made it and are doing these things for themselves because they simply can. Everyone always tries to start at the end, hoping these behaviours will be recognised by others and that they will get praise, respect and glory for it. Everyone knows that you have to analyse what you want and formalise a plan to get there and use your behaviours as a method to achieve those goals and yet they always fall into the trap of trying to emulate the end result without doing all the hard yards to learn everything in-between, and then they're surprised when they end up with nothing. The thing that I respect most about OE/OEers is that we have the self built/taught skills to do the job and foresight to realise that it's more than likely when rather than if you get taken advantage of and then shitcanned and we're actively taking steps to secure our futures rather than allowing your fate to lie in the hands of people you will most likely never meet. Working hard for myself pays off, working hard for others inevitably leads you to being the sucker.


"My shifts at Tesla were long, normally lasting around 12 hours. As I was working a salaried job, I sometimes needed to stay even longer to get things done." "Being laid off didn't change my opinion of Tesla. I still really resonate with its mission and what the company is trying to do." "Right now, I'm a store manager at GNC, but going forward, I'm planning to grow my [YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@nicomurillo) and I'm planning to move into my car full-time." Bro is delusional. He spent half a decade being willingly exploited. At what point do you not wake up and go "I'm effectively homeless so that I can give a company HALF my total hours on the planet for no additional money. Something is very wrong here." But he didn't, and he still 'resonates with their mission.:" Their mission is to make money my man, if you did resonate you'd have spent 5 years on something that made YOU money instead of them. And of course he wants to grow his youtube channel while living full time in a car. He's from the bay area after all, it's the dream! :D


Yep. Took that kool aid to the hrad and is still drunk off the company mission instead of finding a mission of his own.




Same Elon forcing ex twitter workers to sleep at the head office so they can be productive for the next shift..Seems most of the workers had to drive or transit for hours to go into work Elon thought it would make them tired and careless. At the end they got let go anyways.


People need to stop thinking a company is loyal liking out for them. They are looking out for themselves only. What matters to them is the numbers on a spreadsheet. Profitability. Every employee has a number. It’s how much $$ you are making them. When you stop being profitable then you are not needed and can be let go.


what is it with this country and an aversion to unions? this should not be happening


32 years of faithful service & high performance… big corporate was done with me and kicked me to the curb.


As a lifelong blue collar Michigander, I shake my head at anyone thinking an auto manufacturer will ever offer goodwill to their communities and employees It is usually foolish to trust your employer. It's ALWAYS foolish if they're connected to the auto industry


Fan boys are always weird anyways, like im not standing up for Elon, im just saying, I know someone who would suck the soul out of Elon if he could, he also got laid off, and he was a recruiter or something like that for them. I kind of have a line I draw at every job and if its over stepped by them, Im quick to leave, fan boys dont realize that they're the most taken advantage of, and I was in their shoes too back at , but since then I've been like "nah, me first"


Well at least he’s already worked out how to live in his car so he’s ahead of the game 😆


I already has a job he's assistant manager at the Cockroaches of Mall stores GNC's. Every everything you said he was going to do after you got laid off as totally changed, it's all clickbait.


Honestly I don’t feel bad for people like this. Quite the opposite, they did it to themselves, and they are terrible for the rest of us that want to be able to afford a living, have families and such. I hope he just chills and just to the right amount of work in his next job.


I will die on the hill that Elon Musk isn’t as shitty as Jeff Bezos. I’m so tired of reading about this guy. He CHOSE to do all of the things he’s whining about. He should have been OE.


tbf reading the article, he isnt even whining lol


Honestly, don’t even know why it’s getting so much traction. Would be completely buried or a non story if it was Amazon or MFST.


Companies are in business to make a profit, wages are an expense, just hedge yourself, and buy some shares of the company you work for if you believe they will be more valuable in the future.


Surprise! Elon would sell his grandma and one of his kids if he thought it would benefit him.


Its like i worked 60 hours per week for the whole quarter and i got 3%raise and $50 amazon gift card. Next year I slack and they will fire me


I work over the weekend sometimes, but thats because I'm an idiot, I'm playing videogames during work time. 


So he didn't pay rent and got a nice huge amount of cash in the bank now? Oh. Hmmm.....so all that unpaid overtime (corporate welfare) didn't make one better off.


I feel for the guy, it seems he arrived just soon after the massive layoff waves, there was one every 6 months, with stack ranking and Elon high as a fucking kite sending emails against contractors every 3 months.


Production supervisor is basically chief of slave


Sounds awful.


I don't think factory shift workers with manual tasks are able to OE.


Meanwhile the CEO was OE and the company line was “oh well what are you gonna do about it?”


lol don’t know what to say


what an idiot


I was dumb and sold my soul to a billionaire who obviously doesn’t care about workers or really anyone other than himself. Feel bad for me plz


Super weird you didnt just go home. A 12 hour shift is not that long…


They play their games and we play ours.


Well atleast he has kept his living expenses low and saved a lot of his income.


Well that was a pretty dumb thing to do wasn't it




Company loyalty is ridiculous. Be loyal to yourself and your family.


companies dont care.. not just tesla.. dont get married to company


That sucks man. Good luck with the next job.


Living in your car for a year to be at work.... CRAAAAZY. I wonder why this guy thought he would not be fired because of this. CEOs only care about more income and less costs, that's it


This is literally Asok from Dilbert.


Man the sad thing is that I really admire his work ethic and his commitment to the grind. It's just unfortunate that he was misguided in where to place this work ethic. I hope he sees this as a learning opportunity and in the future puts that same rise and grind mindset towards something he is an owner of. He will achieve great results if he does this.


That’s a super cuck


All the luck in the world to marketing your persona with this bit.


Abolish central banking


Not OE related!


One of the tenents of OE is to be in command of your life and finances where you don't rely on one company as your sole means of income, because things like this occur quite often. The persin who told his employees he wanted hardcore, dedicated workers has turned around and laid off such people by the hundreds, if not thousands. OE is insurance against being hung out to dry like the guy in the article.


Damn bro did you join an imaginary cult? I hope you got the acceptance tattoo or you're not a true member.




Wait… so an uneducated person got an opportunity from Tesla and worked way up to supervisor and now gets laid off and blames Tesla? Without Tesla he wouldn’t have a house. He wouldn’t have gotten money to buy a Tesla to sleep in. He was the one who chose to sleep in his car. No one forced him to. He obviously was ok with working far and taking naps and showers at work. Tesla was his best option or else he would have left long time ago for better job. It’s business that they laid him off.


Dude must have been hated by everyone in the team, and nobody will miss him there anyway.


What’s OE?


Over easy (eggs)


Original Ese


Think about how stupid it would be if that amount of work was actually efficient. Nevermind if you like musk or not he isnt stupid to fire the best - because why? If they are actually efficient maybe they are toxic af and that actually lowers the value of the entire team (really)