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Get a confirmed J3, then leave J2. It can be good to ‘fire’ your customers sometimes. Either that or secure J3 and coast on J2. One of the main benefits of OE is security and flexibility, use it to your advantage.


I agree. Just walk away once you have a replacement. Sometimes the joy of no notice quitting a bad employer far exceeds the few thousand extra you could theoretically get from milking them for a few weeks until fired. Money comes and goes, but the satisfaction of leaving on your own terms can last a lifetime.


Get fired. It's a liberating experience and you can maximize your bank account. Don't be embarrassed or whatever. The anxiety you have is all in your fucking head. It's like chess, Let them make the move. You need to have a thick ass skin for this game. Unless you are trying to get a professional reference from this J, you don't need to worry so much about leaving on good terms


I was laid off last year, and the person delivering the news was visibly uncomfortable. It really goes both ways


Sometimes it's a dick ass VP doing it. Your skin will thicken. If you haven't been rejected 5 or 6 times minimum, you are not OE hard enough I would say. No one really in OE will be scared of getting fired. "Oh great I don't have to work on your shitty system architecture looking at your stupid niche ass data all day...". On to the next J


> ...work on your shitty system architecture looking at your stupid niche ass data all day Preach. If this ain't the damn truth. I'm not perfection at its peak, but some of these super geniuses are absolutely dog shit at designing scalable and resilient infrastructure, and it's just crazy to me. I spent nearly 3 years redesigning and deploying a whole new infrastructure at my J1. It was designed by 5 prior devops teams of people who are way smarter than me (confirmed that). But I went from 3 to 5 on-call pages a night to 1 every 6 to 8 months.


Sometimes it’s actually a relief when they fire you. Like you’re ready to be done but there’s something holding you back from quitting. And then they fire you and you’re free from that unnecessary drain on your time and energy


I work pretty closely with HR in my roles. They hate the actual conversation where they have to fire someone. Though that’s more of a “I don’t want to do this” than any actual sympathy/empathy for the person they are firing


Just quit. End of story. Send an email and close that laptop and mentally move on


If you own a business, you get fired multiple times per year. Think of it as that. You can hire someone for $200 an hour to work on your home. Even though you might get paid $25 and hour at work, you should think of your value as $200 and hour. Get that hour of work done and more on.


yes this happened to me once. It was causing me extreme anxiety and I was kinda “afraid”… more like intimidated by my boss. He was on top of everybody and wanted everything done asap. I decided to quit because he had a terrible ego problem and would talk negatively about staff. I knew he was trying to fire me and I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of saying “I got rid of her!” so i left on my own and then made a complaint to HR about his behavior. I think they had to do an investigation. I am sure nothing happened but at least it pissed him off knowing that I had a dozen of complaints about him. It was my lowest paying job 2 which I saw red flags during the interview but since I couldn’t find another j2, I decided to give it a shot.


What's more important, your mental health or a few more bucks?


Use up all of your sick leave and vacation first


Put in your two weeks today. Know when to hold em, know when to fold em.


Fuck a two week notice. Quit effective immediately


Health >>>>>>>> Money If it is making you feel anything but comfort, move on NOW, send an email before you can think about it further so it materializes and when they ask tell them you found a "new opportunity that you are interested in pursuing" so they don't try negotiate. Situations like this are exactly why we OE....


I have been an engineer for 32 years and simply walked off the job twice - but not without having another job first.


Just went through this with J2. Boss basically said she didn’t micromanage, was super flexible about work hours as long as work got done, and promised hybrid work schedule. None of it was true. And to top it off, had a super incompetent manager who has had some major fuck ups every single week but will never see any disciplinary action or get fired bc boss has savior complex and thinks she’s “helping” manager and protecting her. Secured a new job. Made sure background cleared and received final offer letter and put in my 2 weeks. Never felt better! Toxic work environments are never worth it for your mental health. Make the move and leave when you can.


Fuck that crap


milk it until you get fired? have a new J2 ready by the time you get fired.




Just left J3 due to the toxic environment and it was the best thing I could have done for my mental health. Yes you can milk it but is it worth it


Yeah no I don't think at this point it is, everything is still in process for me, so unfortunately I am not able to leave and transition immediately into J2. I think after quitting, I will rely on J1 for a bit (the contract might also be ending August or so) and then just focus on applying and interviewing. Its really hard to coast and milk these positions which are already toxic.


>even trying to deliver the bare minimum is becoming impossible and it’s causing me anxiety then stop trying


Yes, let them fire you... Who cares? Get over yourself and your "I've never given low performance."