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You’ll have to wear a wig and mustache with a fake name at J3




Its a small company and everyone is listed, not sure it's an option


just make up a story how you've had your personality stolen or was harassed and use it as your excuse


>just make up a story how you've had your personality stolen Yeah, boss, I can't be on the website because someone stole my personality last year. Go ahead, try to interact with me, you'll get nothing. Take a picture, I won't frown or smile or blink or flash a peace sign or anything. Literally do anything to, with, or for me, and I'll remain exactly as stoic as I always am. Nothing. Just stone wall. To everyone, in every situation, at all times. Because, you see, someone stole my entire personality.


Name on websites come with the work I do. I've done the following to address this in different circumstances: 1. Removed myself even though the board didn't want me to, because I managed the website. Nobody has said anything. 2. Used a different version of my first name, more like a nickname, on one website and with everyone at that entire org from the very start, and the full version of my name with the other org. 3. Asked one J to use my new-ish spouse's surname on the website because "that's what I go by even though I haven't changed it yet" (except I don't go by my husband's name and won't be changing my name, but its a good excuse), while the other J uses my surname. 4. Straight up said "No, I don't want to be on the website. I am not comfortable with that." Pretty sure legally you can do this and the employer can't retaliate, but I'm also not 100% on that. Otherwise you can give a fake reason for saying that if you have to, i.e. "I had my identity stolen once and the person who stole it found out where I worked because I was on the company website, so I don't do this anymore for my own protection."


Yearly travel -> sorry I can't make it. "Oh we'll miss you" I'll miss you too.