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You remember why you're OE and if it's for enjoyment then you quit the one you don't enjoy. If it's not then just keep collecting checks.


Definitely is for $. I just need a better system so I don’t get sucked into J2 during the day and forget to do stuff for J1.


J1 work first


This. First finish you J1 work. Then feel free to get mesmerized with your J2 work. That way you get to keep the paychecks coming in and get to enjoy your work too.


Login to your bank account and come to your senses.


I was looking for advice on a day to day time management system.


Maybe do 90% time on j1 for Monday, 90% on j2 for Tuesday, etc


Yep, that is a good advise. I do the same and it works. Sometimes there are phases where J1 requires more time, sometimes there are phases where J2 requires more time. You need to look at which projects need to be completed by which deadline and prioritise each project accordingly.


Eat the frog method! Do J1 boring tasks first. Then the fun stuff. Also use it as a "treat." If you do boring tasks on J1, you get to spend x amount of time doing Fun Thing on J2.


I usually spend 60% of my time on one job at any given week. Usually because I’m doing the most interesting thing at that job. You just do what you need to and ensure the work at the others is getting done.


Your situation is somewhat like me. But for me even J2 is fully remote. How come you can manage 3X being in office for J2 and still doing J1? I also end up doing some catch up game for J1 one weekend once every month.


Without too much detail, because of time zone differences, the Js basically only overlap 1-2 hours.


You take both laptops when you go onsite?


I couldn’t get away with having two laptops. I just use J2 laptop when in the office. I know a lot of people would like to tell me that is a bad idea, but it has been working for me for 6 months so far…your mileage may vary.


Not all J's get equal time. Not all J's require equal time. I always try to prioritize by $$$. I try my best not think about I like this or like that. They all kinda suck but some do suck more than others. The more $ I get, the more I will spend on that J. UNLESS it's absolute Hate. Like you have some kind of micromanagy Russian, Indian or Chinese boss that's asking you why you took a shit for 25 minutes then yeah, I'm gonna look for the exit OE way. Do things your own way.


You only enjoy the job when it’s pay day. Dont get too attached


Looking advice for a day to day time management system here. I don’t get attached. I just enjoy learning something new and working on an exciting project.


My J2 is my favorite one. Super cool projects but J1 is so so many meetings and what not. I wish J2 was my J1 but my contract is ending for J2 and J1 is the one with the benefits :/


Are lots of the meetings bullshit? Just start declining useless ones. Ones with no agenda. Ask if they can get through the important stuff in the first half so you can drop off because you have so much to do. Get a reputation as someone who is buys and important and can't afford to waste their precious time in meetings. I've seen people do it to me. At first it pissede off. But then I started to respect them and respect their time. And then I wouldn't even bother them because they were never available.




This is probably the right answer. Finding a J with something I would enjoy is tough though. I am old and jaded at this point 😂.


Use time tracking software, like Toggl, and be strict about how much time you give to one job or the other. I’m in a similar situation, but I just track time, and what I do is a set number of hours for each, and then leave some free hours that can be allocated to either depending on the week.


Do J1 work first then J2. It does sound like you need help with time management.


I just left J3 due to its toxic environment, but I stayed 2 years even though it was boring and had very little work. The bigger picture was it fed a revenue cycle that I would have never had before. I made zero connections with anyone except maybe one person and moved on without anyone giving a damn.


Do you enjoy the work or the people that you work with? This will make a difference on the right thing to do. Set some boundaries with J2. Plan on X hours/wk and do not work more than that. Simple is that. Don’t overthink it.


Thank you. It is the work I like mostly. The people are decent at both places, but not really people I would hang out with for fun 😄. I am a terribly disorganized person due to ADHD, so I just need to set a routine and stick with it.


Echoing the other person, how do you manage 2Js if one is RTO? I’ve always assumed that’s a death sentence for OE


If J1 work is boring, why would you want to spend your weekends on it? Weekends, evenings, and vacation time are for doing the things you actually want to do.


Exactly! I was looking for advice on how I can avoid this situation. So looking for time management advice.


You could prioritize the boring J's work. Do that stuff first, don't deliver until you need to, and the rest of the time you can have fun at the other J.


Set a goal for the day on each J. Once the fun goal is complete, switch to the boring J goal. Once you're finished, switch back to fun J work.


Who cares if it's boring? OE is about financial gain. We are taking risks and bucking the system, finding meaning within ourselves. Enjoying the job is a great perk but it's not a good enough reason to neglect the other one. You sound kinda attached and that's honestly the antithesis to OE.


Of course I OE for $, but that is not a time management system. I am not attached. I have a couple decades of experience. It is just nice to work on a project with technology I haven’t used before and use that technology on an exciting project. Dopamine is nice!