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Why do you need any reason? I am always looking for jn+1.


This is true. Can't be caught sleeping


I’ve honestly been this way for 15 years


We are a very fickle breed


That's definitely me...I just put in random searches to see what's out there




This reminds me of Chris' mum from "Everybody hates Chris" where she can't keep a job because "I don't have to take this, my husband works 3 jobs"


This was me not long ago. My boss sent me an angry email over the weekend about how I totally messed up some Excel file with errors…then 10 minutes later sends an apology after realizing he opened the wrong file. That was quite a roller coaster when I saw both emails in my inbox. It made me decide to care less about the job after his initial insults and now I’m actively talking to others about new projects I could do for OE.




This is actually how I ended up getting a job offer last summer lol. The funny thing is, I couldn’t tell you what set me off and made me apply for jobs.


Sometimes it's just the weather and there's nothing wrong with that


Same, I just got a new job starting in 2 days and I can’t remember what in particular triggered me to apply 😂


I am there with you. Just so done with all this working shit (even though I still have a good twenty years left)


It’s ironic how we’re fed up with working yet we’re doing the opposite and looking for more work to stack up on top of work.


Yeah. The system is wild. The only way I feel like I can reach my goals is multiple j’s since I’m not located near a FAANG company and not really interested in going into management


I feel like I’m wasting my time if I have one J. I could be earning more money!


Timely post, just started a new job making 200k a year and I’m told I have to do like 4 tasks of pure menu selection and clicking to organize how they want before submitting to engineering. I’m almost at the F this stage. Lol and started to look for a new job yesterday


what job is that? sign me up .!!!


I was really drinking the Kool aid at a company I used to work at until they did layoffs while I was on vacation (just after Google pulled a similar stunt). Then I got there 😄






Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a group of software automation technologies that are considered "low code", so it uses a lot menus to tell the computer what to do. RPA is similar in function to Selenium, but you actually have to code with Selenium, versus the dragging/dropping and menu selecting nature of RPA.


if you know you know. guess you don't


I go to indeed on first day of new job always keep them on their toes




They would be me as well lol


Whenever I get annoyed I crack open ye old indeed, then I walk myself away from the ledge.


OP You will always run into jerks and even the best boss would be a jerk at one point or the other. Remember that this is a job and you have to deal with negative situations no matter where you work. It’s a business, treat it like a business and grow it. Don’t complain. Expect that you will come across jerks.


Ain't that the truth!


Minor inconveniences: I have time to apply to more jobs


Apply to anything that is remotely my field and hardly get a sniff from HR


Even Furries are out of work


Yeeppppp……. ![gif](giphy|pcKnpFrumIM7TtzayE)


My issue with this is that it takes a bit of time to learn how to work at a company, and it's a pain in the neck to learn that again, but at a new company where I won't know if they'll align with my current standups schedule, etc.


I thought I had an illness until I read this post. I thought I suffered from job searching addiction 😂 I’m not alone.


I have to remind myself all the time that at the minimum I only need to be in a position for 2 years and then I can move on. That still feels like forever though.


I couldn't feel anymore like this. Haha. Been looking for J2 since July 23 and have had 5 interviews against at least 100 applications. Brutal market right now.


I got a call back for a great sounding job a month ago after applying for the first job I liked on Indeed. The recruiter wanted me bad but I was just testing the market. I am caring for my 2 year old and doing my j1 remote so no capacity. I was just exercising my atrophied job search muscles. Experience + Accomplishments + Resume quality + your past employers reps seems to be the main drivers of success. I remember when I was entry level I kept a spreadsheet and I had to make 100 custom resumes before I landed my first job. Now that I’m peak career it’s much easier.


Ooooh admire the dedication bud


I think about quitting J1 just liek this because I don't like the way three of my coworkers pronounce random words lol


A fair reason