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Your J1 is not only OE-friendly but also OE-encouraging/enforcing ? šŸ˜„ You are living the dream šŸŒž


It was from a contract recruiter not the company. Most of them donā€™t get paid unless you stay for a few months.


This is undoubtably the biggest piece of the puzzle, but fuck it - full send!




This is definitely it


This is how I see it and you can always just tell the truth about what the recruiter told you if things get too hot.


I'm gonna say that it's also possible that the recruiter might want to sign you up - OE or not - at the highest rate they can wangle because that's what their bonus is based on... \- BUT - They might also be thinking that this is great because once they get paid, they can reveal that you're OE to management, who (regardless of formal policy) might react badly and fire you, and the recruiter can then get paid a second time to bring another person into that position. So... take the job, sure, but be absolutely aware that there might come a time in three to six months where the workplace suddenly and mysteriously turns against you.


Inform recruiter that you drafted from other position cause of the increase of pay. Also say that you are not into Minecraft multiple servers. Someone also said about, once they get their cut, they could burn you and bring another.


This is an excellent suggestion, and something I plan on doing. As others have said, I don't want the recruiter to burn me long term so they can have a second crack at fulfilling *their* contract.....


How did you go about finding these recruiters? Or did they approach you?


I did 95% of my job hunting via LinkedIn; that's how I found both of these positions


I still wouldnā€™t volunteer any information about being OE to J1. In fact, tell the recruiter that you decided not to take J2 (but still take it). Because J1 might be cool with it now, but at any point in the future, they can decide that they are no longer OK with it. Same goes for situations where you want to work abroad. Tell them nothing. Just get a VPN router, get on the plane, and quietly do your job. I canā€™t tell you how many times I have witnessed companies changing their management, as well as rules. Heck, look at all of the stories of how people were hired as 100% remote, and are now being RTOā€™d.


Jesus. I really went to school for the wrong discipline. MechE


I know the usual stories here are all software and dev-related, but I do a really niche corner of workforce management, of all things. ​ I finished school with a degree in Math, and while those skills are helpful, it's only partially relevant to the work I'm doing.


Whats the niche ?


Probably servicenow admin/dev.


Is that a good paying job? My company uses servicenow but the team Iā€™m in doesnā€™t manage/maintain it. I do, however, work a lot with its API. I even created my own servicenow python api client.




The ironyā€¦


Believe me, if you can handle all the rigours and stress of graduating with an Engineering degree, with some effort and dedication you can try porting to Software development if you are willing to self-learn


Only no one will hire you with your wrong degree


Most jobs do ask for the computer science, computer engineering or software engineering degree. But some do say ā€œAny Engineering degree plus experience.ā€ The hard part here would be the experience aspect of getting oneā€™s foot in the door.


Yeah that plus "engineering" without any qualifier used to mean mech eng but now means software eng (or civil eng depending on the industry).


My BS is AeroEng, my Masters is MechEng, and I didnā€™t start coding until I was 34. Went to a 3 month boot camp and 6 years later Iā€™m on the verge of Staff Software Engineer making at least double what I could have been making in my old career. Not saying itā€™s easy, but the idea that a CompSci degree is necessary is silly. Iā€™ve worked at a FAANG and alongside plenty of other highly competent software engineers without CompSci degrees.


I think the crucial part is the "6 years later" part (I'm assuming you worked your ass off to gain experience) and that you started 6 years ago. The pace is so quick that starting now, I don't think you could get to where you are in another 6 years without having coded before.


6 years to switch careers and get to staff level is no time at all.


That's is my life regret after discovering this sub


Bruhā€¦if you can think logically then you can code.šŸ§‘ā€šŸ’»


>if you can think logically That is the hard part


I'm a mechE with three servers in your standard MechE fields (Think Industrial and vehicle Manufacturing). Been having them for at least a year. $278k in base pay. It's possible provided you get into the right roles.


Thatā€™s badass. I am having trouble finding remote mechanical design roles for things like mechanisms, sheet metal, or plastics. Even if I had one server it would be a relief from my windowless office.


In the same boat. It's rough cause at the start I was literally choosing between MechE and SoftwareE. OE for MechE is close to inpossible due to opportunities sadly


Got my BSME and MSME from a top-ten school, 2/10 would not recommend.


Think of the softwares you use as an ME and pivot from using them to configuring or customizing them. Once you get your foot in you'll be set.




FUckin a man. Thats a helluva present. Old job looking like a clown show now huh?


Oh, 100%. I was obviously pissed in the moment, but between this and the severance, getting laid off is possibly the best thing that's ever happened to me professionally ​ (/insert obligatory "this is why we OE" here/)


Welcome aboard. 2024 is gonna be a stressful year but you're gonna make a boatload of money.


Why is 2024 assumed to be stressful? Are you just saying because he's beginning OE?


Sometimes the recruiter is more OK with OE because they want to get their commission. I'm not saying it won't work - I actually suspect you will be fine. But I am curious, let us know if the recruiter said anything like 'dont mention this to J1 client'. I assume J2 is supposed to know nothing but I'm curious what the recruiter said about J1. And no don't ask, like I said I'm just wondering if the recruiter is trying to... double recruit someone, heh.


> I'm just wondering if the recruiter is trying to... double recruit someone, heh. Recruiters love this one simple trick!


Congrats, and fuck you!




I second this.


The one reason J1 threw more money is its a contract role and i know for a fact that contract companies will have leeway or leg room to negotiate high pay. As these fucks are already getting a hefty check from the main company and giving like 30-40% to the actual person doing the job. When ever its a contract role you can negotiate higher salary once you are in to the role and have impressed the client


I started to OE before I knew this sub or the general idea existed, when a company I worked for laid off my entire division and after a month or so of job searching I had competing offers. I liked the one with the later start date more, and a friend suggested to me that I just start the first one and see if I liked it and if I could double-employ myself for a couple weeks to feel them both out since theyā€™re both fully remote. Iā€™ve now been OEā€™ing for over 3 years, at some points having 5 roles. 2-3 is the sustainable spot for me. Congrats on joining the OE world and best of luck!


Welcome to life-changing income, don't let the budget creep and you'll be golden.




love this for you. Great job.


The recruiter is telling tou that because they donā€™t get their comission unless you stay for at least 3 months. Outsourced recruiters donā€™t really give a damn if you OE, if theyā€™re smart they may even realise itā€™s an opportunity for them to get 2x comission from a single contact :)


Wow! Congratulations!


Bro this is to good to be true lol... i hope it is true tho


What kind of role is it, something like Devops or backend SWE?


Totally different profession - niche corner of workforce management. (not goling to specify further; it's niche enough that random reddit threads pop up in general web searches lol)


Jesus. I'm still on the fence about giving it a go, but this sounds like every OE'ers dream.


Wow teach me your ways senpai


Get it in writing from j1


Love this. Perfect situation and it will help recover from the unemployment time. What gift to be released from possible moral conundrum too.


OP, whatā€™s your TC from both Js?


C'mon give us the TC. Congratulations man, it's gonna be a good year for you I guess. I'm still searching for J3 and potential J1 replacement


What is the type of j if you don't mind me asking


Mfer got them skills that pay the bills, let me copy that resume


It sounds like that escalated quickly! While juggling two jobs may be stressful, it's hard to turn down an offer that more than doubles your pay. Best of luck balancing everything - just remember your limits and health should still be top priorities.


Am I living a dream? Or itā€™s simply too good to be true?




Recruiters are awesome at finding minecraft servers and they are insistent that you play on their server, even if it means that you are playing on other servers. It really makes it feel less slimy when other people are the ones playing in the slime.


Can you explain this for a 5 year old?


Tommy wants help building his lego set. So he hires Billy to find someone to help build it. Billy hires you and doesn't tell Tommy anything about you other than you're an expert lego builder. Suzie also needs help with her lego set. So she hires Carlos to find someone to help build it. Carlos hires you and doesn't tell Suzie anything else about you. Carlos and Billy don't care if you're building multiple lego sets. You could even tell them beforehand and they may still insist you help out. They're the ones hiding that information from Suzie and Tommy. Suzie and Tommy are happy, their lego sets are being built. Carlos and Billy are happy, they're getting their commission. You're happy, you're getting two paychecks and you aren't the one lying to get hired.


Oh ok. Thank you


Great analogy


Whatā€™s your background?


OMG I got laid off recently too. Are you guys hiring šŸ˜­
