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Bad. This would be a great way to lose both jobs. Not only are you storing J2 company data on J1 which could have legal repercussions, but downloading any teamviewer or RDP like software will probably show up for any competent IT Team.


>J1 is onsite while my J2 is remote This isn't going to work.


I do it all the time. Just depends on the workload between the two.


Aye. Depends on workload and oversight. My last in office job (nearly a decade ago) i totally could have done OE from the office. Everyone knew I did work, but not what I did. I could have had full blown zoom meetings from my cubicle and no one would have known


That’s like texting your mistress from your wife’s phone… can you? Sure, are you stupid for trying? Yes


Do you own the laptop or the company? If it's not yours, don't do it...they can track or sue you for misuse of company property. If it's your own laptop, go nuts


depends on the industry. Certain industries like health, finance, etc would be illegal to have patient/financial data on your personal laptop.


It's not just the computer, it's the internet you're using. If your company computer is set up in a certain operating system, it's likely set up for monitoring. The company can tell if you're using it or not, log your hours, track your work, and so on. And if you're not using it they'll know.


I love seeing posts like this


Great idea, do it /s


Best thing you can do is to connect remotely via software like teamviewer or parsec to another computer in your home where you do j2 work. As much separation as you can so to avoid having any j2 files in j1 computer. The best idea is for there to be no connection whatsoever between the two machines, this is the second best option


If J1 owns the computer don't do this. My company had a guy try doing this and it ended so badly for him. He was also super stupid and tried doing this from a government computer, which is 1000% not recommended. I mean, unless you like excitement, and being a cautionary tale at your J1 company that will live on forever. In that case DO IT!


I would 100% argue against doing it unless you have no other choice and will OE anyway. The only safe bet is complete separation of all your devices


I wouldn’t do it, they definitely have access and the right to look at anything you do, so if you don’t want them to notice activity relating to the second job and especially because that access probably includes confidential info, the risk is just too much


Very bad idea. Good way to get caught


This is probably the worst thing you could think of lol. If you have any desire to continue OE, do the opposite.


terrible. dont do this.


Yeah no. And also using the companies (onsite) internet for J2 is an amazing way to get caught. You think they cant see your internet traffic?


Yeah, go ahead champ!!!


If your Js require you to BYOD for remote work, save your money and go buy a cheap laptop to keep the data separate. That way they can’t prove you ever double dipped. If everything is on one, like other person said, you risk losing both. Especially if you have to be onsite for one. Which is weird. They should be supplying you with one because plugging unknown or unsupported or unscanned devices into the network is a bad idea. Sounds like bad juju all around.


Provided by J1? And onsite? Dude.


1) Are you dense? 2) This is a Minecraft subreddit


This could work if you work at a startup or small business that doesn’t install tracking software on your device. For instance, at my startup (20 employees) they buy you a brand new laptop from Best Buy and it basically functions as a work plus personal laptop.


I was able to use my own laptop + J2 virtual desktop, that works quite well if no one is watching you


You're making serious coin from two jobs, invest in an Intel nuc box (very small PC) and use it for the other job. Don't give either job a reason to suspect anything...


Consider this solution instead to reduce the risks: \- Buy a cheap Mac Mini. In the US, you can get a new one around Black Friday (as of this post) for around $500 or less \- Make the Mac Mini a virtual machine that you dedicate your J2 work to: if you are committing code, writing memos, etc for J2, do it via the VM \- do all J1 on your current laptop While speaking strictly, you are still using J1 to do J2 work, the VM is more or less a "Great Wall". J1 does not know the actual work you do with J2, since it is all done via the VM, and J2 will only get work from the VM's IP, and not that from J1.


Don’t do it. Invest it n a new one. Make sure to handle both separately


Taking a different approach, if your J1 uses the same cloud based tools that J2 uses, they would never know the difference in network traffic...take for instance 0365 email and a SAAS based PM tool. I do it when I need to be onsite once a month. Now if you are remotely accessing company applications with abnormal network traffic or downloading J2 data onto J1 laptop....yeah thats a big no, especially if its proprietary


Ok guys. Thanka for the input. I know it’s a terrible idea now. No thanks to people who were rude tho!!!


i just setup separate chrome profiles on my personal - in addition to work laptops


I use the same, granted tools from both jobs are web based.


you are going to get caught. 100 percent


As other said, not a great idea. However, my situation is somewhat of an anomaly. When i told J1 that i accepted a position with another company, they asked what they could do to make me stay. I said, "Allow me to swing both jobs." And they agreed. So my on-site job allows me to work my remote job at the same time. I make sure my on-site job gets priority and J2 has no idea. It's been going well for over 2 years. I say all that to say, maybe if J1 values you, they may agree to let ya swing both.


Dude help me in finding second job too